A Study On Damage of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) Under Uniaxial Compression Based On The Electrical Resistivity Method

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Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173

https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-022-02006-7 (0123456789().,-volV)
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A study on damage of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC)

under uniaxial compression based on the electrical
resistivity method
Tao Luo . Xiaofeng Pan . Qiang Sun . Fang Liu . Cheng Hua .
Yu Yi

Received: 4 December 2021 / Accepted: 10 July 2022 / Published online: 5 August 2022
Ó RILEM 2022

Abstract This research aims at studying the rela- compression indicated that the electrical resistivity is
tionship between the electrical resistivity and the determined by the combined effects of the micro-crack
damage of the SFRC during uniaxial compression. structure and the steel fibers. The change of the
The electrical resistivity of concrete with four differ- electrical resistivity of SFRC can reflect the evolution
ent volume fraction of steel fibers (0.0%, 1.0%, 1.5% of concrete internal structure during loading.
and 2.0%) during uniaxial compression was tested.
The effect of the number of steel fibers on the Keywords Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) 
electrical resistivity of concrete was analyzed. Results Uniaxial compression  Electrical resistivity  Failure
showed that the addition of steel fibers reduces the process
initial electrical resistivity of concrete. When the
volume fraction of steel fibers reached 1.5%, the
conductive capacity of the concrete tended to reach its
maximum, then the electrical resistivity decreased 1 Introduction
slowly and stabilized. During uniaxial compression,
the electrical resistivity changing curves can be With high strength and excellent environmental
simplified as two modes, hook-shaped for plain adaptability, concrete has been widely used in con-
concrete and ‘‘U’’-shaped for SFRC. The relationship struction engineering [1]. However, the disadvantages
of the load and the electrical resistivity during uniaxial of low tensile strength and poor resistance to crack
growth of plain concrete, which cannot meet the needs
of some special and complex engineering environ-
T. Luo (&)  X. Pan  F. Liu  C. Hua  Y. Yi
ments [1, 2]. A number of studies have showed that the
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Safety and Durability of
Concrete Structures, Xijing University, Xi’an 710123, addition of steel fibers increases the tensile strength,
China residual tensile strength after cracking, toughness and
e-mail: luotao19870426@126.com fracture energy of concrete [3]. Therefore, adding steel
fibers into concrete to enhance the ductility of concrete
Q. Sun (&)
College of Geology and Environment, Xi’an University of has become more and more popular [4–9]. The
Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China advantages of structural members made of SFRC are
e-mail: sunqiang04@cumt.edu.cn their durability [10–14], service life limit state [15, 16]
and ultimate load levels [17–20]. Steel fibers enhance
Q. Sun
Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Geological Support the toughness and the tensile and flexural strength of
for Coal Green Exploitation, Xi’an 710054, China concrete as well as prevent crack propagation after the
173 Page 2 of 12 Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173

stress peak [21, 22]. The shear failure modes of steel concrete were simulated and analyzed along with
fiber reinforced concrete beams turn from brittle to electrical resistivity method by Zheng et al. [34].
plastic with the increasing of steel fibers [23], and the Steel fiber is a conductive material, the addition of
tensile stress intensity increases with the increasing of steel fibers reduces the electrical resistivity of con-
the steel fiber volume fraction [24]. Analyzing the crete. Solgaard et al. [35] studied the influence of the
damage degree of concrete in different loading stages volume fraction of steel fibers and the moisture
and finding the precursor information from stability to content of the SFRC on its electrical resistivity, they
failure is very important for structural health moni- found that the relative impact on the electrical
toring in engineering [25]. resistivity due to conductive steel fibers increased
The electrical resistivity method has the advantages when the moisture content of the concrete was
of on-site measurement, simple equipment and strong reduced. Wang et al. [36] found that the electrical
anti-interference ability [26]. In recent years, resistiv- resistivity and the pressure of the concrete exists a
ity testing method has become one of the most good correlation, the concrete resistivity decreases
commonly used methods in the field of concrete with increasing pressure. However, the relationship of
properties. Some scholars believe that there is a certain the electrical resistivity and the pressure of SFRC
correlation between the electrical resistivity of con- could be more complicated due to the addition of steel
crete and the probability of corrosion [27, 28]. Len- fibers. In this paper, steel fibers were added into
cioni et al. [29] studied the relationship between six concrete with 0%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% volume fractions.
parameters (the thickness of the concrete cover, the The initial electrical resistivity of SFRC and the
contact with the concrete mold, the concrete aging, the electrical resistivity in the process of loading were
chloride presence, the type of cure and exposure and measured by LCR (L, C and R refer to the inductance,
the position of the equipment regarding the reinforce- capacitance and resistance respectively) digital bridge
ment direction) of concrete and its electrical resistiv- tester. Finally, the failure mechanism of SFRC from
ity, and pointed out that the variation in the thickness the perspective of electrical resistivity and the rela-
of the reinforcement covers from 1.5 to 3.0 cm affects tionship between the changing curve of electrical
the electrical resistivity measurements, independently resistivity and the volume fractions of steel fibers were
of the w/c ratio. Robles et al. [30] observed that the analyzed.
effect of lamination defects on the values of electrical
resistivity decreases as the saturation level of concrete
increases. Zhou et al. [31] found that open porosity is 2 Materials and methods
well correlated to altered sorptivity and electrical
resistance, and the electrical resistivity of concrete 2.1 Materials and mix proportions of concrete
reduced as the crack density increasing. Zeng et al.[25]
studied the relationship between electrical resistivity The details of Portland cement, coarse aggregates, fine
changing and the damage evolution of concrete with aggregates, steel fibers, water reducer and air-entrain-
different saturation and showed that the electrical ing agents used for preparing the concrete specimens
resistivity method is feasible for evaluating concrete are described below.
damage and destruction. Scholars have also used the The cement was Conch brand P.O42.5 ordinary
electrical resistivity test method to study the hydration Portland cement produced by Liquan Conch Cement
process of concrete in the early age [32–34]. Sang et al. Co. Ltd. Its physical properties and chemical compo-
[32] found that the freezing process of early age sitions are shown in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.
concrete can be divided into three stages: cooling and Natural river sand with a fineness modulus of 2.53 was
ice nucleation stage, rapid ice crystallization stage and used as the fine aggregate, with an apparent density of
crystallization finish stage by using electrical resistiv- 2630 kg/m3 and a bulk density of 1480 kg/m3. Natural
ity test method. Li et al. studied the autogenous crushed stones with continuous grading between 5 and
deformation and coefficient of thermal expansion of 20 mm were used as coarse aggregates. The fly ash
early-age concrete by using electrical resistivity was produced by Shaanxi Weihe Power Plant.
method [33]. The distribution characteristics of the According to Chinese standard GB 1596–91[37], fly
temperature field and hydration degree of early-age ash is Grade I, with an average particle size of
Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173 Page 3 of 12 173

Table 1 Physical properties of the Portland cement

Cement type Stability Setting time /min Compressive strength /MPa Flexural strength /MPa
Initial Final 3d 28 d 3d 28 d

P.O42.5 Qualified 229 282 28.9 45.0 5.1 7.7

Table 2 Chemical compositions of the Portland cement and fly ash

Material SiO2 Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 MgO SO3 Ignition loss

Cement 22.81 5.62 61.43 3.36 1.35 2.17 2.60

Fly ash 49.02% 31.56% 4.88% 6.97% 0.83% 1.2% 4.70%

12.71 lm; the chemical composions of the fly ash are

shown in Table 2. The water reducer was produced by
Shaanxi Qinfen Building Materials Co., Ltd. (Weinan,
China), and its physical properties are shown in
Table 3. The air-entraining was produced by Jiangsu
Subote New Material Co., Ltd.
The steel fibers, with widths of 2.0 * 2.6 mm,
thicknesses of 0.4 * 0.8 mm, and lengths of
38 ± 0.5 mm (Fig. 1), were produced by Hengshui
Junye Road and Bridge Maintenance Engineering Co.,
Ltd. The tensile strength of the steel fiber is 700 MPa.
The mix proportions are listed in Table 4. Four
volume fractions of steel fibers (0%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%
by volume) were considered.

2.2 Preparation of specimens

Fig. 1 The steel fibers

The SFRC specimens were prepared in the following

(2) The dry powder materials (cement, fly ash, and
water reducer) were added into mixer and mixed
(1) Firstly, the HJS-60 double horizontal shaft at low speed (140 rpm rotation/62 rpm plane-
concrete mixer was painted by mortar which tary motion) for 30 s. Then coarse aggregate,
was premixed with a water-to-binder ratio of 0.4 fine aggregate, and steel fibers were blended for
for the purpose of eliminating the water 60 s at high speed (285 rpm rotation/125 rpm
absorption. planetary motion), ensuring adequate steel
fibers dispersion. Finally, added the water

Table 3 The physical properties of the water reducer

Water reduction ratio(%) Air-inducing ratio(%) Air volume fraction(%) Compressive strength ratio(%)
1d 3d 7d 28d

14 29 5.0–7.0 220 183 180 165

173 Page 4 of 12 Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173

Table 4 Mix proportions

Mix groups Composition/kg/m3
Cement Fly ash Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Water Water reducer Air-entraining agent Steel fibers

a 282 18 544 1240 150 2.1 0.03 0

b 282 18 544 1240 150 2.1 0.03 78
c 282 18 544 1240 150 2.1 0.03 117
d 282 18 544 1240 150 2.1 0.03 156

containing air-entraining into the mixer and stage loading process was used, the load was applied
continued to mix for 120 s. by 10 N/s, once the load reached every 10 kN, the load
(3) The fresh concrete was poured into molds with a was hold for 60 s to measure the electrical resistance
size of 100 mm 9 100 mm 9 100 mm, and value.
put the molds on concrete vibrating table (vibra-
tion frequency is 20–80 HZ) vibrated for about
30 s. After casting, all the specimens were left in 3 Results
the moulds to harden for a period of 24 h before
demoulding. Finally, specimens were 3.1 Uniaxial compressive strength
demoulded and cured in a temperature-con-
trolled room (20 ± 2 C) for 28 days. Figure 3 shows the compressive strength of all volume
fractions (0.0%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%) of steel fibers
at the age of 28 days. From Fig. 3, clear trends could
2.3 Experimental methods
be found regarding the effect of steel fibers on concrete
compressive strength. When a higher amount of steel
2.3.1 The uniaxial compression test
fibers were blended into the mixture, the compressive
strength of SFRC increased from 0.0% to 1.5% and
Specimens with a size of 100 9 100 9 100 mm were
then decreased. Compared to the concrete without
used for the compressive strength test. The 1000 kN
steel fibers, the compressive strengths increased 7.5%,
electro-hydraulic servo-controlled universal testing
21% and 16% respectively for SFRC with 1.0%, 1.5%
machine was used.
and 2.0% volume fractions of steel fibers. The SFRC
has the largest compressive strength (39.06 MPa), at
2.3.2 The measurement of electrical resistivity
1.5% volume fraction of steel fibers. Shi et al. [38]
of concrete under uniaxial compression
investigated two types of the SFRC (straight and
hooked fibers) with various fiber volume contents
The electrical resistivity was measured by a Tonghui
influence on compressive strength of concrete, it can
TH2811d digital bridge LCR tester during uniaxial
be seen that the regulation of compressive strength
loading. The two-electrode alternating current method
with steel fiber content of hooked SFRC is similar to
was used. The test voltage and frequency were a 1 V
the results of this study.
and 100 Hz alternating current. The electrodes were
made of copper sheet with 110 mm side length and
3.2 The electrical resistivity of SFRC
2 mm thickness. To measure the electrical resistivity,
one side of the cropper electrode is covered with
The relative electrical resistivity can be calculated as
insulating tape and two copper sheets are placed on
each side of the concrete. The electrical resistivity test qr ¼ q=q0 ð1Þ
system is shown in Fig. 2. Before the test, open and
where q0 represents the initial electrical resistivity (X.
circuit corrections were applied before conducting
experiments and calibrated the LCR tester. A multi-
The electrical resistivity can be calculated as
Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173 Page 5 of 12 173

Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the resistance measurement during loading

literature data [35, 39]. The changing regulation of

relative electrical resistivity with steel fiber content in
the literature is similar. But the literature showed that
when the steel fiber content was larger than 0.5%, the
resistivity decreased slowly. While this study showed
that when the steel fiber content reached 1.5%, the
resistivity became stable.
Figure 5 shows the electrical resistivity changing
curves of SFRC during uniaxial compression. Accord-
ing to the change characteristics of the load–displace-
ment curve, the deformation and destruction process
of SFRC can be divided into four stages: the
compaction stage (I), the elastic stage (II), the
elastoplastic stage (III) and failure stage (IV) respec-
tively. Every stage is accompanied by the evolution of
Fig. 3 Compressive strength of SFRC at age of 28 days and the internal pore and crack structures of concrete. The
compare to literature data electrical changing curves of plain concrete can be
simplified as ‘‘hook-shaped’’, with characteristics of
q ¼ RS=L ð2Þ ‘‘rapidly decline—slowly decline—suddenly increase
at peak load’’. The electrical resistivity changing
where L represents the length of the material, S is the
curves of SFRC can be simplified as ‘‘U’’ shaped,
area, and R is the electrical resistance.
showing the characteristic of ‘‘suddenly drop-gener-
Figure 4. shows the relationship of electrical resis-
ally stable-suddenly increase before peak load’’.
tivity and the volume fraction of steel fibers. Figure 4a
indicates that the electrical resistivity of concrete has
an inevitable relationship with the number of steel
4 Discussion
fibers. With the increase of the volume fraction of steel
fibers, the electrical resistivity of SFRC decreases. The
Steel fibers in concrete can form a network system,
electrical resistivity of SFRC continues to decrease as
and the steel fibers have higher strength and elastic
the testing frequency increases. When the volume
modulus. As the load on the concrete increases, cracks
fraction of steel fibers is less than 1.5%, the electrical
appear in the concrete. Steel fibers can slow down the
resistivity of concrete decreases quickly, when the
expansion of the cracks [40], thereby improving the
volume fraction of steel fibers is more than 1.5%, the
compressive strength of the concrete. With an increase
electrical resistivity turns to decrease slowly. Fig-
of steel fibers volume fraction, the compressive
ure 4b is the comparison between this study and
strength of SFRC firstly increased and then decreased.
173 Page 6 of 12 Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173

Fig.4 The relationship of electrical resistivity and the volume fraction of steel fibers

The reason for this trend can be explained as the fiber cement-based material, at the interface between the
crack resistance effect became more pronounced with pore wall and the pore solution exists the electric
the increased steel fiber content [41]. When the double-layer [49], which is divided into a stern layer
volume fraction of steel fibers is over 1.5%, serious and a diffusion layer [50]. The negative ions in the
mixing and consolidation problems can be found [38], solution adsorbed on the surface of particles under the
which caused a amount of entrapped air and damaged action of electrostatic force to form stern layer Fig. 7b.
the mechanical performance. Figure 6 shows the The remaining ions diffused in the solution to form a
failure modes of concrete with four different volume diffusion layer. The increasing of test frequency will
fractions of steer fibers. The numbers of the macro- lead to the orientation and ionization polarization of
cracks for 0.0%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% SFRC are 2, 1, molecules in the diffusion layer, resulting in the
0 and 2 respectively, the reference concrete has the decrease of resistivity [51, 52]. Steel fiber reinforced
least number of microcracks. Normally, the addition concrete contains a conductive phase of steel fibers,
of steel fiber can introduce loosening effect, wall and the migration of free electrons of steel fibers
effect, wedging effect and the overlapping effect and causes a decrease in resistivity [53]. With the increase
damage accumulation of SFRC structure, resulting in a of steel fibers, the number of free electrons increases,
loss of compactness [42, 43]. On the other hand, steel the number of the conductive path in the concrete
fibers also have a certain filling effect, can fill the gap matrix increases as well Fig. 7a. The volume fraction
between aggregate and improve the compactness of of steel fibers dominates the formation and distribution
SFRC [44, 45]. When the steel fiber content is over of conductive network inside the SFRC [54]. When the
1.5%, the lap effect of steel fiber 3D network increases volume fraction of steel fiber exceeds 1.5%, the pores
significantly, resulting in more significant damage to inside the concrete are filled and the migration space
the grain accumulation structure of SFRC, which also of conductive ions reduces, so the electrical resistivity
induced the decrease of compressive strength. decrease slowly.
Figure 7 shows the conductive model of concrete Figure 8 reflects the evolution of conductive paths
based on the electric double-layer. The conductive in plain concrete. In accordance with Fig. 5, the
properties of plain concrete include ionic and elec- evolution model includes four stages. Stage I: the
tronic conductivity, which are derived from Ca?, OH- original open micro-cracks and pores gradually close
, Na?, SO42-, C-S-H gel and unreacted cement in the force direction, and the volume of the specimen
particles in cement-based composites [48]. Inside the gradually decreases (Fig. 8a). Stage II: due to the
Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173 Page 7 of 12 173

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Fig. 5 The electrical resistivity changing curves of SFRC during uniaxial compression

Fig. 6 The failure modes of concrete with four different volume fractions of steel fibers. a 0.0%. b 1.0%. c 1.5%. d 2.0%

closing effect of the pore cracks, migration of pore microcracks in the concrete interface transition zone
solution occurred in closed pore, the connectivity of begin to expand, and new cracks are constantly
the pore solution increases, and the electrical resistiv- generated (Fig. 8b). Pore water migrates to the new
ity is decreasing. Stage III: with the increase of the cracks, forming a smoother conductive path inside the
stress and the porosity of the concrete decreases, concrete, and the resistivity decreases. As cracks in the
173 Page 8 of 12 Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173

Fig.7 Conductive model of concrete based on the electric double-layer. a Conductive paths of concrete. b Schematic diagram of
electric double layer model. [46, 47]

concrete increase and merge, the resistivity of the cracks leads to destruction and reconstruction of the
concrete decreases to a minimum. (Fig. 8c). Stage IV: conductive network. At the same time, some steel
when the concrete specimens exceed the maximum fibers over crosses each other, which reduces the
load, its internal structure is destroyed, the cracks resistivity [55] (Fig. 9b). Stage III: the disintegration
develop rapidly and cross and merge into a macro- and destruction of the cement paste occurs in the
scopic fracture surface. In this stage, the electrical concrete, and the longitudinally distributed steel fibers
resistivity increases abruptly (Fig. 8d). started to restrain on the cracks. The macro crack
Figure 9 is the schematic diagram of the multi-scale appears, some conductive paths are damaged and the
evolution model of the SFRC conduction path under electrical resistivity turned to increase (Fig. 9c). Stage
uniaxial compression. The evolution of conduction IV: once the specimen is broken, the steel fiber is
path of SFRC is also divided into four stages. Stage I: pulled-out and pulled-apart, the conductive paths are
the compaction caused steel fibers to approach each cut and the electrical resistivity increases abruptly [56]
other, thus improves the conductive network inside the (Fig. 9d).
steel fiber reinforced concrete (Fig. 9a). Stage II: as
the load increases, the cement matrix at the junction of
adjacent fibers is damaged, the generation of fresh
Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173 Page 9 of 12 173

Fig. 8 Schematic
illustration of a multi-scale
evolution model of the
conductive path in concrete
under uniaxial compression.
a is the compaction stage
(stage I), b is the elastic
stage (stage II), c is the
elastoplastic stage (stage
III), d is the failure stage
(stage IV)

5 Conclusions the concrete tended to reach its maximum, then

the electrical resistivity decreased slowly and
In order to explore the relationship between the stabilized.
electrical resistivity and the damage of the SFRC (2) The addition of steel fibers has a reinforcing
during uniaxial compression. The electrical resistivity effect on concrete. When the volume fraction is
of concrete under uniaxial compression with four 1.5%, the compressive strength be the most
different volume fractions of steel fibers (0.0%, 1.0%, effective, and the compressive strength is
1.5% and 2.0%) were measured. The effects of volume increased by 21% compared with the concrete
fractions of steel fibers and micro-cracks on the without steel fibers. When the steel fiber content
electrical resistivity were investigated. The results is over 1.5%, the lap effect of steel fiber 3D
showed that the electrical resistivity signal can reflect network increases significantly, resulting in
the occurrence, development, and penetration of more significant damage to the grain accumu-
micro-cracks in concrete, which is closely related to lation structure of SFRC, which also induced the
the volume fractions of steel fibers. The main conclu- decrease of compressive strength.
sions are summarized as follows: (3) The electrical changing curves of plain concrete
can be simplified as ‘‘hook-shaped’’ with char-
(1) The volume fraction of steel fibers affects the
acteristics of ‘‘rapidly decline—slowly
initial electrical resistivity of concrete. With the
decline—suddenly increase at peak load’’. The
increase of the volume fraction of steel fibers,
electrical resistivity changing curves of SFRC
the electrical resistivity of concrete decreases
can be simplified as ‘‘U’’ shaped, showing the
significantly. When the volume fraction of steel
characteristic of ‘‘suddenly drop-generally
fibers reached 1.5%, the conductive capacity of
stable-suddenly increase before peak load’’.
173 Page 10 of 12 Materials and Structures (2022) 55:173

Fig. 9 Schematic diagram of the multi-scale evolution model of the SFRC conduction path under uniaxial compression

The electrical changing regulation during load- Declarations

ing indicates that electrical measurement has
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no
strong potential to be used for structure health known competing financial interests or personal relationships
monitoring. that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this
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