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My friend’s birthday

When Leo saw the box in the shop window, he knew he had to buy it. He went into the
shop, and thought “This is the perfect gift for Lili! I know she would love this!”. The
box, was decorated with a lot of vibrant colours and contained a lot of shiny coloured
pens, from a really high-quality brand. Then, the shop assistant told him the price and
his wallet almost cried. “This is one of the best but expensive ideas I ever had, but it
will be worth it.” After that, he also bought a beautiful wrapping paper and a big red
bow. Days ago, Leo started digging up the perfect gift for his friend, Lili, who was
turning 16 in a couple of days. In school, he noticed that she really likes drawing, and
started doing it in classes. So, he first thought it would be a nice idea to gift her some
pencils, but he never could find ones from a reliable brand.
When the day came, Lili absolutely loved her gift. She even kept the red bow!

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