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Still looking for a title

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows
cold , when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade .
I would never regret the choice of choosing to live in a fictional word instead of the
real one , they think i'm weird , i would appreciate if they get the beauty of my world
, everything is divine , there, exists a realm untouched by the constraints of reality—a
world where the ordinary transcends into the extraordinary, and the mundane
dances with the marvelous. Here, boundless creativity weaves tapestries of wonder,
where dreams take flight upon the wings of imagination.

In this fictional realm, landscapes unfurl like the pages of an ancient tome, each
chapter revealing new wonders waiting to be discovered. Mountains pierce the sky,
their peaks kissing the clouds, while valleys cradle secrets whispered by the wind.
Rivers flow like veins of liquid silver, carrying tales of distant lands and forgotten
lore. Forests stand as guardians of ancient wisdom, their boughs whispering
melodies that echo through time.

People of this world are as diverse as the colors of the rainbow, each bearing a story
woven into the fabric of their existence
Magic pulses through the very essence of it, casting spells of enchantment and
wonder at every turn. Wizards conjure storms with a flick of their wands, while
witches brew potions that shimmer like liquid moonbeams. Dragons soar through
the skies, their scales glistening in the sunlight, while unicorns roam fields of
wildflowers, their gentle presence a beacon of purity and grace.

" don't talk to her , she is weird "

" who will ever want to be her friend "
I used to hear this kind of discussion a lot , our nheibors , at school .
I still remember when my parents took me to some therapy sessions .
They didn't understand , that i was unique like the warm sunlight at winter , i was
quiet , no friend no social life , being in my room all the day , preferring to satay
alone or maybe being scared of the real life .
Even thought , i felt that that's something missing , no matter how i tried to be
surrender by books , there's always a missing part of me .
As i set there in my room , my father – Charlie / last name/ - enetered
" ladies and gentleman , let me introduce you mu daughter , she turned 18th,
Emmaline " he used always to be the funny one in our family
" dad what are you doing ? "
" celebrating your birthday , honey "
" what about my gift ? " i said trying to nervous him , i wasn't expecting anything ,
loneliness was enough for me , maybe
Seconds later , i saw him , with a guitar , i couldn't believe my eyes
" Daaaad , is it really ....."
" yes Emma , it's for you "
" thank you Dad " i haven't experience any hobbies a part reading , i used sometimes
to write , anything that comes to my mind .
Since my childhood i was amazed by guitar players , it seems to me that they also
have their special world , maybe it can be better than mind but i don’t think so . I’ll
start playing guitar , who knows , maybe i’ll discover something new about me

I’ve been wondering if the choice my parents had taken was the best they can do . I
started a new phase of studying , they decide to made me study in another city -
- all alone , they told me it's time for me to take care of myself , i knew what they
meant - you are not young anymore , try to be responsible -however the fact of being
lone in a whole city , not knowing anyone to how to deboril my self was exaggerated
, or maybe they was right , birds can't stay in their nest all their life , they need to
learn how to fly , but what if they fail ?

I think it's time for me to grow up , to leave my comfort zone , to discover the real life
, i hate to admit it , but i think i should start facing this reality .
On the first day of university in my new city, i wakes up with a mix of nervousness
and excitement coursing through her veins. As i gets ready, i can't help but feel a
flutter of anticipation about what the day will bring. Stepping out into the brisk
morning air, i takes in the unfamiliar sights and sounds of my surroundings, each
one adding to her sense of adventure .
The university was huge , the hallways were full of students , from different
nationalities , i wondered if it was the same case to them to sacrifice their comfort
zone and live all of this , or maybe it's a normal thing and I’m the exertion
I was supposed to visit the director of school , i knocked the door with shaking
" hello "
" Ms. emmaline , glad to meet you " i couldn’t respond
" your teachers told me how great you are on wiring " he waited me to say something
, but i couldn’t , i just smiled at him
" well i guess you need time to cohabitate with all of this , it's a part of students life ,
nothing to worry about , it will rings soon , follow me mms "
That moment i was scared of have come , it was time to meet new people , to live a
new life

" my name is Emma line , i am ...." i couldn’t breath , i felt that i will have a
heart attack , my vice , i wasn't able to hear it , all of them were staring at me , waiting
me , i wanted to be saved
" okay guys , i want all of you to be gentle with your be classmate " the teacher said "
please take a seat"
I was powerless , it was a simple speech, and i couldn't , there is a problem with me
After three classes it was time for the break , i went to the cafeteria , i stood frozen
when i saw the huge number of students , i wasn't hungry , or maybe i was, but i was
too anxious to eat .
The only escape i had , is my book , i started reading , there was whispering next me
" is she the new one "
"she is weird" .......
I put my headphone on , and left to the yard , it was far peaceful than inside , the
grass was brilliant , tree were imported by the wind as if they were saying hi to me
I chose a place under one of the big trees and get transported to my world .

" how's your first day at university " my dad said on the phone
Awful , you’re daughter couldn’t talk , she was so anxious , she might lost
" good " i replied
" nice to hear this , you made any new friends "
No , and I’m not planning to
" Dad it was my first day, isn’t too early ? "
"okay feel comfortable on what you do , i don't want you to be isolated and " before
he finished i said
" yes dad don't worry about me , i can handle this "
I lied

The next day i got late to school , i hate myself at that moment , i chose a seat in the
corner next to the window , i wanted to be invisible . The teacher - a young women in
her fourteenth maybe - was talking about astronomy
" What is the significance of stars in the universe?" she asked , one of the students
" Stars are simply luminous spheres of plasma, generating light and heat through
nuclear fusion." he was right , but that’s not the answer the teacher is waiting for .
There was a girl sitting in the first seat , her appearances and attitude shows
confident "Stars are essential for providing energy to planets in their orbit, including
our own Sun, which sustains life on Earth through photosynthesis" she said
She wasn't wrong but that's not the answer either , i didn't how until i heard my voice
" Stars are symbols of hope and inspiration. They remind us of our humble place in
the vastness of the cosmos and evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity about the
mysteries of existence. Just as each star shines uniquely in the night sky, each of us
carries a spark within us, waiting to illuminate the world with our own brilliance and
purpose. " all of them turned around to see the one talking , they got surprised , i
knew they hated me at that moment .
" While all of your answers touch upon various aspects of the significance of stars,
you miss your response delves deeper into the metaphorical and existential
significance of stars , well done "
The professor continues the lessons , meanwhile , i was living in my own world .

This time i decided to pass my lunch break in the library , avoiding any contact with
students .
the library is like my second home. It's not just a place to study; it's a sanctuary of
knowledge and a hub of academic activity. Walking into it feels like stepping into a
world of endless possibilities, with rows upon rows of books stretching out before
me like silent guardians of wisdom.The architecture of our library is both modern
and inviting, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light and cozy nooks
where you can curl up with a book. There's a buzz of energy in the air, with students
scattered throughout the various study areas, each immersed in their own world of
research and learning.
The main collection is vast and diverse, covering every subject imaginable. Whether
I'm studying biology, history, or literature, I know I can always find the resources I
need to support my studies. And if a book I need isn't available on the shelves, the
library's interlibrary loan service ensures that I can still get my hands on it. I found
my second home where I can explore, discover, and grow as a student and as a
person. And for that, I'm incredibly grateful.

I found him sitting there , he wasn't reading , he was using his laptop , a young boy
with an air of intense focus. His face is illuminated by the soft glow of his laptop
screen, casting a faint reflection in his eyes as he dives into the world of knowledge
before him. With his fingers playing across the keyboard with practiced precision,
he navigates through digital archives . Occasionally, he pauses to jot down notes in a
small notebook beside him, the scratch of his pen against paper a quiet
accompaniment to the symphony of academic pursuit surrounding him.

Despite the bustling activity around him, the boy remains undeterred, his mind fully
engrossed in the task at hand. His posture is upright, his gaze unwavering, as he
delves deeper into his research glances up from his screen, his eyes were scanning
the room as if seeking inspiration from the sea of faces around him. Yet, his
attention quickly returns to his work, his fingers resuming their rhythmic dance
across the keyboard as he continues to explore the endless expanse of information
at his fingertips.
it seemed that he is living in his own world too .
I wanted to be unseen , i took my book and started reading .
. .................
It's been one week , every day it's the same , boring sessions , normal questions ,
homework , no social contact , lunch break in the library , i found that boy sitting
there very day immersing himself in the digital realm of learning, he becomes not
just a student, but a seeker of truth on a quest for knowledge that knows no bounds.
not paying attention to anything ,, no one of us had the courage to say something , i
didn't know how but his presence added kind of reassurance on me , at least i knew
I’m not the only isolated one , nothing changed ,,,,,, i didn't try to change it .

It was Monday , i didn't find him in his usual place , i started looking for him , i was
out of my mind , he might not even know about my existence , then why i am
searching for him .there was no sign , i just got late to my literature class .
When i entered the class , i stood frozen, he was sitting there , next to my seat ,
" so we have the same class " i whispered to myself , i took my place before the
professor could notice.

I wasn’t paying attention to the explanation , i was physically present , but mentally i
didn't even know where i was lost .until i heard the professor voice sating " miss
Emmaline answer the question "
Which question , i waited him to repeat what he said .
"What is the nature of reality"
i wasn't prepared to talk in front of all this number of people , i needed time to pull
myself together
" okay sit down , miss Emmaline " he turned to keep explaining , the i said
" One famous philosopher who delved into questions about the nature of reality is
Descartes, a French philosopher he is famously known for his statement I think,
therefore I am), which is often interpreted as a foundational starting point for his
philosophy. In Descartes' philosophy, reality exists, but knowledge of it is mediated
through the thinking self's perceptions and experiences.Descartes' exploration of the
relationship between consciousness and reality continues to influence philosophical
discussions about the nature of existence, perception, and knowledge to this day.‖ I
felt that i would had a heart attack
The professor became amazed by my answer " you are right "
I saw that boy smiling , yes I’m sure , there was a grin on his face , am i weird , or my
way of talking is weird , then why he smiled ?
― obsessed reading ― he whispered

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