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Instruction Manual

HTP 40
Machine Data

The figure on the cover may not exactly represent the delivery state of the machine.

Machine Data
Type HTP 40
Ident number X-XXXX-XXXXXX-X
Year of manufacture 2021

Electrical Data
Voltage X x XXX V
Frequency XX Hz
Power consumption 4 kVA

Instruction Manual 46703
Printed 16/08/2021
Publisher HERZOG Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Auf dem Gehren 1
D-49086 Osnabrück

Translation of the manufacturer's original Instruction Manual. All other foreign

language versions of this manual are exclusively translations of the original
german Instruction Manual. Reproduction or duplication, even in extracts, only
with the express permission of the publisher.

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HTP 40 Table of content

Table of content

1. Preface ....................................................................................................... 6
1.1. General .......................................................................................... 6
1.2. Explanation of symbols- and references ........................................ 7
2. Basic Safety Instructions ............................................................................ 8
2.1. Work safety instructions................................................................. 8
2.2. Organizational measures ............................................................... 8
2.3. Selection and qualification of personnel; basic obligations ............ 9
2.4. Safety instructions for particular operating stages ....................... 10
2.5. Instructions for operating personnel............................................. 12
2.6. Special safety instructions and safety devices ............................. 12
2.6.1. Press ................................................................................... 13
2.7. Residual-current circuit breaker ................................................... 13
2.8. Pressure relief valve for the complete hydraulic system .............. 13
2.9. Pressure relief valve for return of pressing piston ........................ 13
3. Data sheet ................................................................................................ 14
3.1. Overview ...................................................................................... 14
3.2. Technical data ............................................................................. 15
3.2.1. Overview HTP with tower lamp (red) (Option) ..................... 15
3.3. Press module ............................................................................... 16
3.4. Permissible pressing force ........................................................... 16
3.4.1. Press tools for steel rings .................................................... 17
4. Applications .............................................................................................. 18
4.1. General ........................................................................................ 18
4.2. Sample materials ......................................................................... 18
4.3. Reasonably foreseeable misuse .................................................. 19
4.3.1. Press ................................................................................... 19
5. Additional equipment ................................................................................ 20
5.1. Pressing tools (general) ............................................................... 20
5.2. Pressing tool for steel rings ......................................................... 20
5.2.1. Flow chart for pressing in steel rings ................................... 21
5.2.2. Fitting the pressing tool for pressing in steel rings............... 21
5.2.3. Fitting the pressure piece .................................................... 22
5.2.4. Press tools for steel rings .................................................... 22
5.2.5. Steel rings ........................................................................... 22
5.3. Pressing tool for free pressing ..................................................... 23
5.3.1. Fitting the pressing tool for free pressing ............................ 24
5.3.2. Pressing tool for pressing in aluminium cups ...................... 25
5.3.3. Flow chart for free pressing and for pressing in aluminium
cups..................................................................................... 26
5.4. Pressing tool for pressing two-component pellets........................ 27
5.4.1. Pressing two-component pellets.......................................... 28
5.4.2. Fitting the pressing tool for the production of two-component
pellets .................................................................................. 28
5.4.3. Flow chart: Production of two-component pellets ................ 29
5.5. Tool material combinations .......................................................... 30
5.6. Ring cleaning (option) .................................................................. 30
5.6.1. Manual ring cleaning (option) .............................................. 31
5.6.2. Semi-automatic ring cleaning (option) ................................. 32
6. Process materials ..................................................................................... 34
6.1. Auxiliary materials........................................................................ 34
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HTP 40 Table of content

7. Operating procedure ................................................................................ 35

7.1. Note ............................................................................................. 35
8. Operating and controlling ......................................................................... 36
8.1. Operating devices ........................................................................ 36
8.1.1. Main switch ......................................................................... 37
8.2. Front panel .................................................................................. 38
8.3. Operating devices on the front panel ........................................... 38
8.3.1. „Start programs I..III“ pushbutton......................................... 38
8.3.2. „STOP“ pushbutton ............................................................. 39
8.4. KTP 400 operator panel............................................................... 39
8.5. Keyboards for entering numbers and characters ......................... 40
8.5.1. Operating the operation panel ............................................. 41
8.6. Control panel menus.................................................................... 42
8.7. Start menu ................................................................................... 43
8.8. Program start menu ..................................................................... 44
8.8.1. Screen „Start Program x“ .................................................... 45
8.9. Main menu ................................................................................... 46
8.10. Enter password ............................................................................ 47
8.11. Program Parameters menu ......................................................... 48
8.11.1. Program Parameters - Example menu ................................ 49
8.11.2. Editing mode selection ........................................................ 50
8.12. Adjustable program parameters................................................... 51
8.12.1. Ring pressing ...................................................................... 51
8.12.2. Free pressing ...................................................................... 52
8.12.3. Parameters 1 and 2 ............................................................. 53
8.12.4. Parameters 3 and 4 ............................................................. 54
8.12.5. Parameters 5 and 6 ............................................................. 55
8.12.6. Parameters 7 and 8 ............................................................. 56
8.13. Machine Parameters menu .......................................................... 57
8.13.1. Force setting 1..................................................................... 58
8.13.2. Force setting 2..................................................................... 59
8.13.3. Press method selection ....................................................... 60
8.13.4. Ring cleaning (option) ......................................................... 61
8.13.5. Carrier layer ........................................................................ 62
8.14. Set-up operation .......................................................................... 63
8.15. Manual Functions menu .............................................................. 64
8.16. System Menu ............................................................................... 65
8.17. Screen saver................................................................................ 66
8.18. Counter Menu .............................................................................. 67
8.18.1. Total sample counter ........................................................... 67
8.18.2. Daily sample counter ........................................................... 67
8.19. Status Menu................................................................................. 68
8.20. Messages menu .......................................................................... 69
8.20.1. Actual messages menu ....................................................... 70
8.20.2. Fault messages menu ......................................................... 71
8.20.3. Message archive menu ....................................................... 72
8.20.4. System messages menu ..................................................... 73
8.20.5. Diagnosis messages menu ................................................. 74
8.21. Step-Chain Status Menu .............................................................. 75
8.22. I/O status Menu ........................................................................... 76
8.23. Status Flags Menu ....................................................................... 77
8.24. Basic position menu..................................................................... 78
8.25. Description of the controller ......................................................... 78
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HTP 40 Table of content

8.25.1. Central Processing Unit....................................................... 78

8.25.2. CPU operating elements S7-1200 ....................................... 79
8.25.3. Meaning of status and error displays................................... 80
8.25.4. General reset ...................................................................... 80
8.26. Basic setting of the electronic amplifier........................................ 81
8.26.1. Adjusting the amplifier ......................................................... 83
9. Instructions for first start-up ...................................................................... 85
9.1. Check list ..................................................................................... 85
10. Instructions for operation .......................................................................... 86
10.1. Material characteristics ................................................................ 86
10.2. Operation instructions .................................................................. 86
10.3. Retrofitting to another ring diameter ............................................ 86
10.3.1. Pressing tool ....................................................................... 87
10.3.2. Changing the matrix ............................................................ 88
10.4. Safety fixture ................................................................................ 90
10.5. Cam switch .................................................................................. 91
10.6. Changing the ring holder ............................................................. 92
11. Procedure in case of malfunction ............................................................. 93
11.1. Machine will not start ................................................................... 93
11.2. Fault messages ........................................................................... 94
11.3. Messages .................................................................................... 95
12. Instructions for maintenance and care ..................................................... 96
12.1. General ........................................................................................ 96
12.2. Daily maintenance and care ........................................................ 96
12.3. Cleaning the pressing tool ........................................................... 97
12.4. Hydraulic valves........................................................................... 98
12.5. Maintenance unit (option) ............................................................ 99
12.6. Manual movement of pneumatic valves..................................... 100
12.7. Lubrication instructions .............................................................. 101
12.7.1. Table of lubricant ............................................................... 102
12.7.2. Type of lubrication ............................................................. 103
13. Decommissioning ................................................................................... 104
13.1. Temporary decommissioning ..................................................... 104
14. Disposal.................................................................................................. 105
14.1. Machine- disposal ...................................................................... 105
14.2. Notes for disposal ...................................................................... 105
14.3. Notes on disposal ...................................................................... 107
14.4. Disposal ..................................................................................... 108
14.4.1. Pollution control ................................................................. 108
15. Spare parts, customer service ................................................................ 109
15.1. Spare parts ................................................................................ 109
15.2. Customer Service ...................................................................... 109

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HTP 40 Preface

1. Preface

1.1. General

Compliance with the instructions in the manual is essential if the machine is to

be operated without malfunctions or accidents. The instruction manual should
therefore be kept near the machine. The operating and service personnel must
have rapid access to the instruction manual.
The machine components, the tools, the feed and discharge mechanisms and
the control system must not be modified without the manufacturer’s approval.
This is particularly important for safety reasons.
The machine must not be used for purposes other than those for which it is
Service work must be performed at the intervals indicated in order to maintain
the machine in a condition in which it is ready to be operated both safely and
Should problems nevertheless arise, please contact our customer services or
spare parts department or one of our dealers, who will be pleased to provide
This instruction manual relates only to the machine described below.
We reserve the right to make alterations to descriptions and data contained in
this instruction manual as such changes are required for improvements to the
machine described.

The copyright of this operating manual remains with
Herzog Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Auf dem Gehren 1
49086 Osnabrück
The operating manual is intended for the use by the erection- operating and
supervisory personnel. It contains technical instructions and drawings, which
shall neither be copied, distributed nor communicated in any other form to any
other party for the purpose of gaining competitive advantage.

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HTP 40 Preface
Explanation of symbols- and references

1.2. Explanation of symbols- and references

Work safety symbol (Risk of injury)

This symbol is shown in the instruction manual at all directions dealing with
safety rules which could cause danger of physical harm to persons. Obey all
safety rules and be extremely cautious.
Inform all other users of such safety rules. In addition to these safety rules all
other general safety and accident prevention rules have to be obeyed.

Caution symbol (Risk of damages)

This "Caution" symbol is shown in the instruction manual whenever guidelines,
instructions, references and correct work procedures have to be followed, as
well as damage to or destruction of a machine or a machine part has to be

Important notice
This notice symbol is shown in the instruction manual in cases of important
information. This information is very important for operating the described
machine safely.

General notice
This notice symbol is shown in the instruction manual in cases of general
information. It indicates additional information for operating the described
machine safely.

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HTP 40 Basic Safety Instructions
Work safety instructions

2. Basic Safety Instructions


2.1. Work safety instructions

The described machine is constructed in accordance with the state of the art
and the recognized safety rules of the European Community and is safe to
operate. Nevertheless, use of the machine may entail the dangers of physical
injury for the operator or third parties and damage to the machine and other
Only operate the machine if it is in a technically perfect condition, doing so
properly, in accordance with the instruction manual, fully aware of the safety
requirements and possible dangers. In particular, have any faults that may
impair the machine’s safety repaired by specialist personnel immediately.
The machine is intended exclusively for use in the area of application described.
Any other application or any application going beyond the one agreed,
constitutes improper use. The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting
from such applications; the user alone bears the risk.
Proper use also encompasses the observation of the instruction manual and the
adherence to inspection and maintenance criteria.

2.2. Organizational measures

The instruction manual must be kept permanently at the place of use of the
In addition to the instruction manual, observe general legal and other binding
regulations regarding accident prevention and environmental protection, e.g. the
coolant, oils and grease should be disposed of in accordance with local
Personnel whose duties include working with the machine must have read the
instruction manual, in particular the chapter on safety instructions, before
commencing work. It is too late to do this while using the machine. This is
particularly important for personnel who only work with the machine
occasionally, e.g. in setting up the machine, carrying maintenance work or
assisting with machine operation.
Personnel should not wear their hair long, wear loose clothing or jewellery and
should not wear rings. There is a risk of injury due to getting caught up in or
pulled into the machine.
Checks on the personnel’s awareness of safety and danger and observance of
the instruction manual should be carried out at least occasionally.
Observe all safety instructions and danger warnings on the machine. Ensure
that these are always legible.

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HTP 40 Basic Safety Instructions
Selection and qualification of personnel; basic obligations

Should any alterations in the machine or the machine’s operation likely to

influence its safety be observed, shut down the machine immediately and report
the fault to the place or person responsible.
Do not undertake any conversion or modification of the machine that could
impair its safety without the manufacturer’s approval. This includes installing
and adjusting safety devices or safety valves and welding load-bearing
Spare parts must fulfil the technical requirements stipulated by the
manufacturer. This is always guaranteed for original spare parts.
Do not make any programming changes (software) that will impair safety to
programmable control systems.
Hydraulic hoses must be replaced at appropriate intervals, even if no defects
which might pose a threat to safety are visible.
Adhere to prescribed intervals or intervals given in the instruction manual for
any recurrent checks/inspections.
Appropriate workshop equipment is vital for any repair work.
As with general practice, make known the location of fire extinguishers and how
they are operated and be aware of fire warnings and firefighting facilities.

2.3. Selection and qualification of personnel; basic


Work on and with the machine should only be carried out by reliable personnel.
Observe the legally permissible minimum age requirement.
Only use trained or instructed personnel. Clearly state the areas of
responsibility of the personnel for operating, setting up, servicing and repair
Ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to work on the machine.
Beginners, trainees and apprentices may only operate the machine under the
constant supervision of an experienced person.
Work on electrical systems may be performed only by a qualified electrician or
by trained personnel under the direction and supervision of a qualified
electrician in a manner corresponding to the rules of electrical engineering.
Only personnel with special knowledge and experience of hydraulics may work
on hydraulic equipment.

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HTP 40 Basic Safety Instructions
Safety instructions for particular operating stages

2.4. Safety instructions for particular operating stages

Prohibit any working methods that may impair safety
Before initial operation
Take steps to ensure that the machine is only operated in a safe condition and
in working order.
Only operate the machine if all protective mechanisms and safety governing
devices such as detachable safety devices, Emergency-Stop devices,
soundproofing and extraction equipment are present and in full working order.
Check the machine for any recognizable external signs of damage and missing
components at least once per shift. Any alterations (including operational
behavior) should immediately be reported to the place or person responsible. If
necessary, shut down and secure the machine immediately.
Before switching on and starting the machine, ensure that no one will be put in
danger by the machine when in operation.
During normal operation
Observe the procedures for switching the machine on and off and the indicator
displays in accordance with the instruction manual.
When the machine is in operation do not switch off or remove extraction
In case of operating faults
Shut down and secure the machine immediately. Have the fault eliminated
During maintenance, care and assembly/disassembly
Adhere to the setting, servicing and inspection work and intervals prescribed in
the instruction manual, including details on replacing components or
assemblies. Such work may only be carried out by specialist personnel.
Inform the operating personnel before any special work or maintenance work is
carried out. Nominate supervisors.
For all work affecting the operation, adaptation to production, conversion or
setting of the machine and its safety governing devices, as well as inspection,
servicing and repair work, observe the procedures for switching the machine on
and off in accordance with the instruction manual and instructions for
Cordon off a large space around the maintenance area.
If the machine is completely switched off for servicing and repair work, it must
be safeguarded to prevent it being unexpectedly switched back on:
• lock main command devices
• and/or put a warning sign over the master switch
• and/or pull out the main plug.

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HTP 40 Basic Safety Instructions
Safety instructions for particular operating stages

Individual components and larger assembly groups should be carefully fixed to

lifting gear and secured when being replaced so that there is no danger. Only
suitable and technically perfect lifting gear or load suspension devices with
sufficient load bearing capacity should be used. Do not stand or work under a
suspended load.
For assembly work above head height, use the climbing aids provided or other
climbing aids which meet safety requirements. Do not use machine components
as climbing apparatus.
Clean the machine, and in particular connections and screw-in connections, of
oil, paint or service material before commencing any servicing or repair work.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents.
After cleaning, check all pneumatic, hydraulic, water, liquid grinding aid and
suction lines (if available) for leaks. Check for loose connections, abrasions or
damage. Repair any defects noticed immediately.
Always tighten any screw-in connections loosened during servicing or
maintenance work.
Ensure safe and environmentally-friendly disposal of operating and servicing
fluids and used parts.
Only use original fuses with the prescribed current. In the event of faults in the
electricity supply switch off the machine immediately.
Work on electrical systems should only be carried out by a qualified electrician
or someone trained under the guidance and supervision of an electrician in
accordance with the appropriate electrical regulations.
Machine and installation components on which inspection, servicing and repair
work is carried out must - if stipulated - be isolated from their supply. First check
the isolated components to ensure that they are isolated, then earth and short
circuit, and isolate neighbouring components under voltage.
The electrical equipment of a machine should be inspected and checked
regularly. Defects, loose connections and scorched cables must be repaired
If work on voltage carrying components is necessary, a second person should
be called upon to operate the Emergency-Stop button or master switch with
voltage cut-off in case of emergency. Seal off the working area with a red and
white safety chain and a warning sign. Only use voltage insulated tools.
When working on high voltage assembly groups, after isolating the voltage,
connect the supply cable to earth and short circuit the components, for example
capacitors, with an earthing rod.

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HTP 40 Basic Safety Instructions
Instructions for operating personnel

2.5. Instructions for operating personnel

Welding, burning and grinding work on the machine should only be carried out if
it has been expressly approved. There may be, for example, a danger of fire or
Work on hydraulic installations should only be carried out by people with special
knowledge of and experience in hydraulics.
All lines, hoses and pressure lines (hydraulic, compressed air) should be
depressurized before commencing repair work.
Assemble and lay hydraulic and compressed air lines expertly. Do not mix up
connections. Fittings, length and quality of hose lines must fulfil the
The pneumatic system must be bled before any servicing, inspection or
maintenance work is commenced. Before switching the compressed air supply
back on, ensure that no one is in the area of operation of the pneumatic drive
systems, as all pneumatically driven components move sharply to their basic
Noise protection devices on the machine must be in the protection position
during operation.
Wear the personal protective equipment stipulated. For example, safety
glasses, ear protectors etc.
When handling oils, grease or other chemical substances, observe the safety
regulations for the product concerned.
Caution when handling hot service and auxiliary fluids (danger of burns and

2.6. Special safety instructions and safety devices


Securing the detachable panels or covers

The detachable panels on the machine can only be opened using special
square spanners or double-bit keys.
The cover plate on the machine is screwed on.

Risk of injury!
The machine must only be started with the detachable panels closed and the
cover plate screwed on!
Never open or remove the panels and covers during operation.

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HTP 40 Basic Safety Instructions
Residual-current circuit breaker

2.6.1. Press

Risk of bursting!
Under unfavourable conditions, the sample material can heat up strongly at
high pressing pressure, so that the sample material can burst with critical
Special care must be taken when pressing oily metal chips, organic
substances, fatty substances and similar inflammable substances.
Do not pour any liquids into the press tool!

2.7. Residual-current circuit breaker

The machine is not suitable for operation with a residual current
circuit breaker (RCD).

2.8. Pressure relief valve for the complete hydraulic



Function Direct limitation of the maximum operating pressure to

520 bar
Protective function Protection of all elements in the hydraulic system
against excessive operating pressure
Settings The pressure relief valve is adjusted by the

2.9. Pressure relief valve for return of pressing piston


Direct limitation of max. pressure to 100 bar for return of pressing piston.
Protective function
Overload protection for tool die.
The pressure relief valve has been set to 100 bar at the factory.

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HTP 40 Data sheet

3. Data sheet

3.1. Overview

HTP 40 / 60

1 Hydraulic unit
2 Pressing unit
3 Cross member
4 Pressure spindle
5 Operating panel
6 Shelf
7 Main switch

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HTP 40 Data sheet
Technical data

EN 46701

3.2. Technical data

HTP 40/HTP 60
Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz) Power (kVA)
3 x220-240 50 4
3 x 220/230 60 4
3 x 380-415 50 4
3 x 380-480 60 4

3.2.1. Overview HTP with tower lamp (red) (Option)


Tower lamp

The red tower lamp is on during operating.

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HTP 40 Data sheet
Press module

3.3. Press module


HTP 40 HTP 60
Pressing force
maximum 400 600 kN
Hydraulic pump
Flow rate at 50 Hz 1,25 dm3/min
at 60 Hz 1,50 dm3/min
Hydraulic pressure maximum 520 bar
Drive power at 50 Hz 2,1 kW
at 60 Hz 2,4 kW
Pressing unit
Piston stroke 100 mm
Piston diameter 100 130 mm
Distance between the columns (clear width) 218 mm
Distance between the cross members 100 mm
Time for the pressing operation
dependent on the times set in the operating panel

3.4. Permissible pressing force


Stamp max. Stamp max.

diameter permissible diameter permissible
[mm] pressing force [mm] pressing force
[kN] [kN]

31 490
32 520
33 550
34 590
5 1 35 610
6 2 36 620
7 4 37 620
8 6 38 620
9 10 39 620
10 14 40 620

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HTP 40 Data sheet
Permissible pressing force

Stamp max. Stamp max.

diameter permissible diameter permissible
[mm] pressing force [mm] pressing force
[kN] [kN]

11 21 41 620
12 29 42 620
13 40 43 620
14 54 44 620
15 70 45 610
16 90 46 610
17 110 47 600
18 140 48 600
19 180 49 590
20 200 50 580
21 220
22 240
23 270
24 290
25 310
26 340
27 370
28 400
29 420
30 450

Unconditionally adhere to the maximum pressing force in relation to the
specified piston diameters!
If the pressing force is too high the pressing tool can be damaged.

3.4.1. Press tools for steel rings


Press tool for steel rings Max. permissible pressing force

D 40 x D 35 x H 14 mm 200 kN
D 51.5 x D 35 x H 8.6 mm 300 kN

Press tools for other ring dimensions are available.

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HTP 40 Applications

4. Applications

4.1. General

Pressing to form pellets is a frequently used method for sample preparation for
X-ray fluorescent analysis. The press was developed specially for this
application and ensures a high level or reproducibility of the sample preparation.

The machine is not suitable for continuous operation.
• The duty cycle should not exceed 30% of continuous operation to
avoid overheating of the hydraulic oil.
• In case of overheating, the machine switches off automatically.

The small size, high level of operating safety and good sound insulation satisfy
the requirements for laboratory installation.

4.2. Sample materials

EN 46700

Ferro-alloys, geological samples, cement raw meal, clinker, cement, ores,

sinter, slag, refractory materials, ceramics and glass
Type powdery, dry
Grain size max. 100 µm
Hardness max. 9 mohs

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HTP 40 Applications
Reasonably foreseeable misuse


4.3. Reasonably foreseeable misuse

The following materials must not be entered into the machine:
• volatile substances
• explosive substances
• unhealthy materials
4.3.1. Press

Risk of bursting!
Under unfavourable conditions, the sample material can heat up strongly at
high pressing pressure, so that the sample material can burst with critical
Special care must be taken when pressing oily metal chips, organic
substances, fatty substances and similar inflammable substances.
Do not pour any liquids into the press tool!

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tools (general)

5. Additional equipment

5.1. Pressing tools (general)


A number of different processes can be employed to press material to form

pellets. Each process and each pellets diameter requires a different tool.
Depending upon the type and composition of the sample material, the pressing
process and thereby the pressing tool to be employed must first be selected.

5.2. Pressing tool for steel rings


Pressing tool for steel rings


1 Pressure spindle 7 Retaining pin for spindle (3 ea.)

2 Retaining ring, top 8 Compression spring
3 Thrust piece 9 Stamp
4 Vulkolan ring 10 Pressing cylinder
5 Sample ring (support ring) 11 Matrix holder
6 Matrix 12 Sample material

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for steel rings

• Procedure for materials that are easy to compress.

• The steel rings are reusable, easy to transport and handle.
• The material filling volume is not critical, apart from a minimum amount.
• The pressing tool has a long service because lateral pressure forces are
absorbed by the steel ring.

5.2.1. Flow chart for pressing in steel rings


Select program for ring pressing on the Operation panel

Open cross bar

Insert steel ring into pressing tool

Insert sample material

Close cross bar

Turn the pressing screw
until it is 4 - 5 mm clear of the sample ring

Start the program

Following completion of the pressing process, open the cross

Remove the steel ring from the tool

5.2.2. Fitting the pressing tool for pressing in steel rings


• Insert the tool together with the rubber cover ring into the tool holding fixture
from above until the matrix rests on the upper shoulder.

When the tool is inserted, the retaining pins which hold the piston must not
project out of the matrix.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for steel rings

5.2.3. Fitting the pressure piece


• With the matrix in position, place the pressure piece with polished face upon
the die
• Screw out the pressing screw until the mounting ring engages in the fixture on
the pressing screw.

Insert a piece of cloth or paper between the pressure piece and the matrix.

5.2.4. Press tools for steel rings


Press tool for steel rings Max. permissible pressing force

D 40 x D 35 x H 14 mm 200 kN
D 51.5 x D 35 x H 8.6 mm 300 kN

Press tools for other ring dimensions are available.

5.2.5. Steel rings


Possible ring dimensions D 40 x D 35 x H 14 mm

D 51,5 x D 35 x H 8,6 mm
A steel ring is required as a support element for pressing of the sample material.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for free pressing

5.3. Pressing tool for free pressing


Pressing tool

1 Tool cover
2 Rubber cover ring
3 Matrix
4 Piston
5 Fixing nut for plunger
6 Plunger
7 Sample material

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for free pressing

5.3.1. Fitting the pressing tool for free pressing


Pressing tool

1 Pipe spanner
2 Piston
3 Fixing nut for plunger
4 Plunger
5 Seal
6 Adjusting screw
7 Matrix

• Fix the piston (2) in the plunger (4) using the fixing nut (3).
Tighten the nut by means of the pipe spanner (1) provided.
• Insert the matrix (7) into the tool holding fixture from above.

The upper shoulder must be located in the seal and must be turned until the
adjusting screw engages.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for free pressing

5.3.2. Pressing tool for pressing in aluminium cups


Pressing tool for pressing in aluminium cups


1 Rubber cover ring

2 Matrix
3 Piston
4 Fixing nut for plunger
5 Plunger
6 Aluminium cup
7 Sample material
8 Tool cover

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for free pressing

5.3.3. Flow chart for free pressing and for pressing in


aluminium cups

Select program for pressing without steel ring on the Operation panel

Open the cross bar and remove the tool cover

Insert the sample cup if applicable

Insert sample material

Replace the tool cover

Close the cross bar

Screw the pressing screw down
until it contacts the press cover, and then a ¼ turn back

Start the program

When the pressing process has been completed,
a prompt to open the cross bar is displayed

Open the cross bar

Remove tool cover

Press program pushbutton 1 / F4 function key

The sample is ejected out of the tool

Remove the sample

The piston is lowered when the time specified has elapsed

In order to enable the aluminium cups to be pressed more easily into the
pressing tool, a new aluminium cup should be inserted at the same time as the
tool during the return stroke of the plunger.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for pressing two-component pellets

5.4. Pressing tool for pressing two-component pellets


Pressing tool

A = First pressing process B = Second pressing process

1 Rubber cover ring

2 Matrix
3 Piston
4 Fixing nut for plunger
5 Plunger
6 Raw material for carrier layer
7 Tool cover for pressing the carrier layer
8 Pressed carrier layer
9 Sample material
10 Tool cover for final pressing

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for pressing two-component pellets

5.4.1. Pressing two-component pellets


This method requires two pressing operations.

A prepressed carrier layer enables stable, thick pellets to be produced from
smaller quantities of material.
The reverse of the sample can be engraved.

5.4.2. Fitting the pressing tool for the production of two-


component pellets

The tool is fitted in the same way as the tool for free pressing. In this process,
two different pressure pieces are employed, for creation of the carrier layer and
for finish pressing.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Pressing tool for pressing two-component pellets

5.4.3. Flow chart: Production of two-component pellets


This process requires two pressing operations:

1 Select the press method “2-components-pressing“

in the Maschinenparameter menu

Set the parameters for the pressing of the carrier layer
in the Maschinenparameter menu

Insert material for the carrier layer

Place the tool cover for the carrier layer in place

Close the cross bar
and set the pressing screw to a ¼ turn above the matrix

Start the program for pressing at the operation panel (1 … 18)

When the first pressing operation is complete
the display prompts you to open the cross bar

2 Open the cross bar, insert sample material

Place the pressure piece for the second pressing operation in place

Close the cross bar and adjust the pressure screw

Activate the pushbutton 1 / function key F4 key to continue the

When the second pressing operation is complete, open the cross bar

Activate the pushbutton 1 / function key F4 key again to eject the

The sample is ejected

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Tool material combinations

5.5. Tool material combinations


The individual tool components may be manufactured from different materials

for the different sample materials.

Pressure piece Matrix Piston Remarks

Chromium steel Chromium steel Chromium steel Standard, for normal
64 HRC 64 HRC 64 HRC applications
Titanium carbide Chromium steel Chromium steel For increased resistance to
72 HRC 64 HRC 64 HRC wear
Titanium carbide Chromium steel Titanium carbide For increased resistance to
72 HRC 64 HRC 72 HRC wear and for pistons
Tungsten carbide Chromium steel Chromium steel For heavy duty and hard
1150 HV 64 HRC 64 HRC sample materials
Tungsten carbide Chromium steel Titanium carbide For heavy duty and very hard
1150 HV 64 HRC 72 HRC sample materials
Tungsten carbide Chromium steel Tungsten carbide For extremely heavy duty,
1150 HV 64 HRC 1150 HV very high resistance to wear

5.6. Ring cleaning (option)


Manual and semi-automatic cleaning devices are offered for the different ring
dimensions. The sample material can be collected into container.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Ring cleaning (option)

5.6.1. Manual ring cleaning (option)


Machine with manual ring cleaning (option)

1 Hand lever for manual cleaning

2 Ring holder
3 Collecting container for waste material

• Open the viewing window (push up)
• Place the ring being cleaned into the ring holder
• Close the viewing window
• Start the ring cleaning with the hand lever.
• Open the viewing window
• Take the cleaned ring out of the ring holder.
• Close the viewing window again

The waste material produced during cleaning is collected in a collecting



Pay attention to the container's filling level. Empty the container regularly.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Ring cleaning (option)

5.6.2. Semi-automatic ring cleaning (option)


Machine with semi-automatic ring cleaning (option)

1 Ring input
2 Ring output
3 Collecting vessel for sample material

• Put a ring which has to be cleaned into the ring input.
• The ring is cleaned automatically.
The ring input accepts a maximum of 3 rings one after the other.
• Take the rings out of the ring output.

The rest material is collected in a collecting vessel.


Pay attention to the container's filling level. Empty the container regularly.

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HTP 40 Additional equipment
Ring cleaning (option)

Manual operation in the event of a fault

1 Screw for manual switchover of the pneumatic valve for the brush cylinder
2 Screw for manual switchover of the pneumatic valve for the sample pusher

The corresponding cylinders can be moved manually via the manual auxiliary actuator if for
example a sample ring has got stuck (shown is the singular valve with two-sided actuation)
Screw for manual switchover of the
pneumatic valve
A = Press in and turn the screw with a
0 = In Automatic mode (Pos. 0)
1 = In Manual mode (Pos. 1)

Danger of personal injury!
Turn back to position "0" after manual switchover.


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HTP 40 Process materials
Auxiliary materials

6. Process materials
6.1. Auxiliary materials

Auxiliary materials can be used for stabilising materials that are difficult to
The usual methods are:
a) Pressing in aluminium trays (disposable items)
Aluminium trays for pressing tool ∅ 40 mm ID No. 900014-2
Aluminium trays for pressing tool ∅ 31.7 mm ID No. 146211-8
Aluminium trays for pressing tool ∅ 37.8 mm ID No. 146217-5
Aluminium trays for pressing tool ∅ 45 mm ID No. 146227-4
Aluminium trays for pressing tool ∅ 50 mm ID No. 146236-5

b) Pressing in steel rings (reusable)

Steel rings D40 x D35 x 14 mm ID No. 423013-2
Steel rings D51.5 x D35 x 8.6 mm ID No. 108947-3

Other ring dimensions are available.

c) Adding binders to the sample material
Wax (Hoechst wax "C") fine-grain ID No. 335769-6
Cellulose powder, fine grinded, pure ID No. 336567-3
Boreox 5 kg ID No. 360355-2

d) Pressing dual-component tablets

(tablets with a carrier layer comprised of a binder)
Cellulose powder, fine grinded, pure ID No. 336567-3
Boreox 5 kg ID No. 360355-2

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HTP 40 Operating procedure

7. Operating procedure

7.1. Note

See chapter 5 „Additional equipment“.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Operating devices

8. Operating and controlling


8.1. Operating devices


Operating devices

1 Cross bar
2 Front panel
3 Main switch
4 Ring cleaning (semi-automatic, optional)

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Operating devices

8.1.1. Main switch


Main switch

Colour Yellow / Red

Switch position 0 Machine switched off
I Machine switched on and ready for operation. All
electrical components are live.

Danger due to electrical voltage! Even when the main switch is switched
off, power supply terminals and connections at the main switch are live.
• After switching off, secure the main switch with a padlock to prevent it
from being switched on again unintentionally.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Front panel

8.2. Front panel


All the operating devices necessary for operating the machine are on the front
All program processes are started on the Operation Panel by the individual
function keys. Important messages about machine operation are shown on the
display as plain text.

8.3. Operating devices on the front panel


Front panel

1 „STOP“ pushbutton
2 Operation panel
3 .. 5 „Start program I..III“ pushbuttons

8.3.1. „Start programs I..III“ pushbutton GB-20801

If one of the buttons is pressed

• the corresponding program is started.
The traverse must be closed.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
KTP 400 operator panel

8.3.2. „STOP“ pushbutton GB-20802

If this button is pressed

• processing is cancelled
• an actual fault message is acknowledged.

8.4. KTP 400 operator panel


The operator panel is the interface between the operator and the machine. All
necessary parameters are displayed or modified via this interface.

Operator panel

1 KTP 400 touch screen

2 F1..F4 - Hardware function keys with LED

Provides current machine status information. The display is fitted with a touch
Software buttons
The display provides on-screen buttons (fields) that are touched to operate all
machine functions.
Hardware function keys
Four hardware function keys (F1 to F4) are arranged below the screen. In some
menus, you can use these keys as alternatives to the on-screen buttons. The
on-screen button then displays the designation for the corresponding hardware
function key in the F1, F2, F3 and F4 fields.
LEDs in the hardware function keys
Green illuminating LEDs are inserted in the buttons.
Faults and/or messages
Are displayed in plain text

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Keyboards for entering numbers and characters

8.5. Keyboards for entering numbers and characters


Fields of the system keyboard!

BSP = Backspace
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Cursor right
Move cursor to the right
Cursor left
Move cursor to the left
Exit system keyboard, save changes: The entered value is accepted if it is within
the permitted limits.
Exit system keyboard or menus without changes:
Any entries made are rejected.
Numbers 0 to 9
The keyboard changes. Numbers can be entered.
Letters A to M
The keyboard changes. The letters A to M can be entered.
Letters N to Z
The keyboard changes. The letters N to Z can be entered.
+-/* special characters
The keyboard changes. Special characters can be entered.

Entering numbers and characters

If numbers or character sequences must be entered, the system keyboard
appears after the input field is pressed, with either the numbers or characters
keyboard depending on the starting point. The numbers or characters are
selected by touching the desired button with your finger.
The entry position is identified by a flashing vertical bar. If there is a restriction,
the maximum permitted input values are shown in the top line of the screen.
The entered value is displayed in the window above the input fields.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Keyboards for entering numbers and characters

8.5.1. Operating the operation panel


The machine is controlled via the operation panel.

The functions of the operation panel are selected by touching the displayed
panels with your finger (touch panel).

All parameters required for controlling and settings up the machine are shown
on the display in various menus. All the menus together form a type of tree
Each menu can contain several submenus. You can change between these
submenus with the (CONTINUE) and (BACK) panels, back to the higher-
order menus by pressing on the (ESC) panel and back to the Start menu by
pressing on the (HOME) panel.
Each menu can contain one or more entries. You can change between the
entries inside the menus with the "Cursor right" and "Cursor left" button.

Arrangement and description of the elements inside the menus

Arrow right (CONTINUE)

Continue to the next submenu

Arrow left (BACK)

Back to the previous submenu

Home button
Back to the Start screen.

ESC = Escape (Close, Exit)

Back to the higher-order menu

HELP button
Call up help
NN-NN Machine or system components
to which the menu refers
Mm Mm Name of the menu (e.g. "System")
Status indicator The background colour of this panel shows the
in the header of machine's status:
the menu screen Red Fault active
Yellow Warning active
Green Machine ready to operate
Blue None of the above active
Orange Manual function (setup mode)
Pink Calibration Mode

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Control panel menus

8.6. Control panel menus


Start meu Program

Main menu
(Message level) Parameter

Manual Functions
Program start


Step Chain Status

Basic Position

Counter IO-Status


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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Start menu

8.7. Start menu


The "Loader" screen is displayed after the machine is switched on. If the
START button is pressed there, or if you wait a few seconds, the operating
panel changes to the Start menu.
Depending on the state of the machine, some functions cannot be performed or
some buttons are not visible or operability is restricted. Not all machines have
all buttons, because for example the machine has no Automatic mode or
because there is no synchronization.

Field/function Description

Message Text Display field

The machine's messages are displayed here.
SYN Button
Starts the synchronization process of the machine.
Start Prog Button
Opens the menu for starting the machine programs.
Main menu Button
Continue to main menu

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Program start menu

8.8. Program start menu


This menu is used to select and start a processing program. The name of the
program is shown in the small indicator field.
• Press one of the “Program..” fields to start of one a maximum of 18 prede-
fined processing programs.
• Use the arrow fields to change between the screens.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Program start menu

8.8.1. Screen „Start Program x“


This screen is displayed after a program has been started. It shows

• the current action of the machine (e.g. stamp up, force build-up).
• the current force
• the time (progress bar)

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Main menu

8.9. Main menu


Button Description

Program Parameters The PROGRAM PARAMETERS menu is used to determine parameters

applicable to individual processing programs.
Manual Functions The MANUAL FUNCTIONS menu can be used to control all machine
movements manually.
Machine Parameters The MACHINE PARAMETERS menu is used to determine parameters
applicable to all processing programs.
System Menu The SYSTEM menu is used for system settings (language, contrast,
passwords, time).
Status Menu The STATUS menu offers different diagnosis possibilities (sample
counter, step chain status, messages, status).

Pressing one of the buttons calls the corresponding submenu.

Depending on the scope of functions and on the built-in options, buttons may
not be available and/or additional ones can be present.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Enter password

8.10. Enter password


• Some menus, parameters or functions are password-protected. When an

attempt is made to activate or change any of these, the following password
entry dialogue is displayed:

• Enter your password in the entry field. The relevant rights are assigned
according to the password.
• 4 users are preset with the associated passwords:
User Password Required for
Admin Administrator:
Access to all parameters, functions and menus
9 37370 Administrator:
Access to all parameters, functions and menus
6 0541 Access to machine parameters
Set-up mode
3 1234 Access to program parameters

• On some machines, it is possible to change and add passwords and users

(see Password menu).
Correct password
If a correct password is entered, the menu that was displayed before the
password entry dialogue is re-displayed. You can now enter parameters or
carry out the required action.
Incorrect password
If an incorrect password is entered, an error message is displayed for a short
time. The display then returns to the menu that was displayed before the
password entry dialogue. No parameters can be entered or actions carried out
without a valid password.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Program Parameters menu

8.11. Program Parameters menu


Program parameters optimally adapt the running of the machine to the

respective requirements e.g. for changing sample materials.
In the controller there are several parameter data records (referred to below as
program) that can be used in order to eliminate the need for laborious entries
when requirements change.

To select the input fields and for entering numbers see the above sections
"Entering numbers" and "Double function ...".

Button Description

Edit The parameters that apply to individual processing programs are

defined via Edit. The parameters can be entered in text form or by using
a ramp graphic.
Prog - Changes to the parameters of the next highest program
Prog + Changes to the parameters of the next lowest program
Input field
In this field a name for the program is entered.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Program Parameters menu

8.11.1. Program Parameters - Example menu


The menus for editing the Program parameters have the following structure:

Time, force build-up: Duration of force build-up

Pressing force: The force with which the sample material is
pressed into the ring

For selecting the input fields and for entering numbers, see the section above
"Keyboard for entering numbers and characters".

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Program Parameters menu

8.11.2. Editing mode selection


This menu is used for selecting the type of input. The parameters can be edited
in text form or in a graphic editor.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Adjustable program parameters

8.12. Adjustable program parameters


8.12.1. Ring pressing




1 3 4 7

10 Force 11 HTP 40: max. 400 kN HTP 60: max. 600 kN

12 min. 30 kN 13 Temps

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Adjustable program parameters

8.12.2. Free pressing





1 3 4 6 8

10 Force 11 HTP 40: max. 400 kN HTP 60: max. 600 kN

12 min. 30 kN 13 Temps

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Adjustable program parameters

8.12.3. Parameters 1 and 2


Parameter / range Description

1 Force build up time
min. 0s This parameter determines the duration of building up of the force.
max. 99 s

2 Press force
min. 0 kN Here the press force can be selected:
max. 99 kN
HTP 40 HTP 60
minimum 30 30 kN
maximum 400 600 kN

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Adjustable program parameters

8.12.4. Parameters 3 and 4


Parameter / range Description

3 Force holding time
min. 0s The time for which the press force is held can be selected here.
max. 150 s

4 Force build down time
min. 0s The duration of force release can be selected here.
max. 99 s

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Adjustable program parameters

8.12.5. Parameters 5 and 6


Parameter / range Description

5 Force difference release
min. 0 kN The force difference during the force release time can be selected here.
max. 600 kN Example
A press force of 250 kN and a force difference of 100 kN are selected. The
press force is released down from 250 kN to 150 kN. The piston then travels
back, and the press force drops rapidly down.
Max. force difference has to be lower than the selected press force!

6 Pick up sample time (free pressing)
min. 0s In free pressing operation, the cross bar is opened following pressing and
max. 99 s the sample ejected. The piston then returns. The time for which the piston
remains in position prior to travelling back is the time for pick up the sample.
During this time the operator can remove the tool cover and confirm the
removal pressing F4. Thereby the predefined removal time can be reduced.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Adjustable program parameters

8.12.6. Parameters 7 and 8


Parameter / Description

7 Return time (ring pressing)
min. 0s This time determines how far down the piston moves back in ring pressing.
max. 99 s
The spring of the pressing tool has to be relieved after the time has elapsed!

8 Return time (free pressing)
min. 0 s This time determines how far down the piston moves back in free pressing.
max. 99 s Using this parameter the filling volume of the necessary quantity of material
can be adjusted (the optimum filling height is 10 mm below the top edge of
the pressing tool).

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Machine Parameters menu

8.13. Machine Parameters menu


Machine parameters are used to initially set and determine motions at the
machine. They have already been pre-set at the factory and normally never
require any changes.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Machine Parameters menu

8.13.1. Force setting 1


Parameter / range Description

Switch force start ramp
min. 20 kN This determines the force with which the ramp shall start. This value must be
max. 200 kN a minimum of 4 kN lower than the value of „Force piston up“ (see parameter
For a correct function of the press the following specifications must be observed:
• Force up/down min. 25 kN
• Switch force ramp min. 20 kN

Force during sample output
min. 20 kN This determines the force with which a sample without ring is discharged.
max. 100 kN

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Machine Parameters menu

8.13.2. Force setting 2


Parameter / range Description

Force press piston up
min. 0 kN This determines the force with which the piston is moved up (no pressing).
max. 99 kN

Force press piston down
min. 0 kN This determines the force with which the piston is moved down.
max. 99 kN

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Machine Parameters menu

8.13.3. Press method selection


In this menu the press method can be selected. The selected mode is shown in
green ( ).

Field/Function Description

Display field
The display field indicates which press method is selected ( ).

For selecting the input fields and for entering numbers, see the section above
"Keyboard for entering numbers and characters".


The correct pressing tool must always be used.
No different samples can be pressed with the same pressing tool (with or without ring).

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Machine Parameters menu

8.13.4. Ring cleaning (option)


The ring cleaning settings are made in this menu.

Parameter / range Description

Ring cleaning on/off
YES The ring cleaning can be activated here.

Ring cleaning forward / back (optional)
min. 0 With machines with ring cleaning it can be adjusted here how often the
max. 10 brush moves forward and back to clean the ring.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Machine Parameters menu

8.13.5. Carrier layer


The parameters for pressing the carrier layer are set in this menu. This menu is
only enabled if the pressing process "2-component pressing" has been

The input fields with borders in colour are input fields in which the forces and
the times are defined. The colours relate to the corresponding positions in the

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Set-up operation

8.14. Set-up operation


The effects of some functions can only be observed after opening the machine.

Danger of personal injury!
Locking devices that prevent damage to man and machine in normal operation
may be deactivated in set-up operation. Improper use of certain functions may
therefore lead to machine components being damaged.
• The set-up operation may only be carried out by instructed personnel.
• The set-up operation may be protected by a password.

In set-up operation, the function and sequence of movements of individual

assembly groups in the machine can be tested easily.
In the case of servicing and repair work, these functions can be used to set up
the machine accurately or check the functions.

For set-up operation the machine must be in manual mode.

Using set-up operation

For set-up operation, the MANUAL FUNCTIONS menu must be called up. The
first manual functions are then shown on the display as follows:

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Manual Functions menu

8.15. Manual Functions menu


Pressing one of the buttons calls the corresponding submenu. The following
functions can be executed manually in the submenus:

Function / Description

Hydraulic motor
on / off Switch the hydraulic motor on or off

Press piston
up / down Move the press piston up or down
Target Set the target value for the press force
Actual Displays the actual value of the press force

This function can also be used for adjusting the electronic amplifier (see end of Chapt. 8„
Operating and controlling„).

Ring cleaning (option)
forward / back Move the ring cleaning brush forward or back
forward / back Move the cleaning pusher forward or back

Lamp test The indicator lights in the machine come on.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
System Menu

8.16. System Menu


Field/function Description
Stop Clock / Buttons
Start Clock See description below „Date, Time of the PLC“
Brightness Buttons
Use the buttons + / - to change the display brightness for the angle from
which the operator reads the display.
Date Display and input fields / buttons
Time The display fields show the date and time.
of the PLC To change the date and time,
• press the "Stop clock" button
• click in the time / date field
• enter the new time via the displayed keypad
• press the "Start clock" button to accept the new value.
• The time on the panel is synchronized with the controller approximately
every minute.
Stop Panel Button
After pressing this button, the program is terminated and the LOADER image
is displayed (see "Behavior when Switching on“ in this chapter). This image
can be used to permanently store the language setting.
The buttons shown in the LOADER image may only be used by service
personnel with special Simatic S7 knowledge, and may not be used by the
operator without prior consultation.

Log off Button

The user can log off here. If he does not log off, he is logged off
automatically after 5 minutes.
Screen saver Input field
After ____ s The screen saver is activated after the time set here. Certain conditions must
be fulfilled for this (see detailed description of the screen saver).
Language Button
Changes the language in the OP. The setting is not permanently saved (for
details see the "Stop TP" button).
Password Button
Changes to the PASSWORD menu to edit the passwords.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Screen saver

8.17. Screen saver


If there are predetermined conditions complies, a screen saver will be activated.

The time can be preselected in the system menu. Is the time set to „0“ the
screen saver is deactivated.

Field/Function Description

HX-XX Identifier
Shows the designation of the machine.
Conditions for All conditions must be complied:
screen saver • The preselected time must be over “0”
• The machine must be in initial position
• The machine is not in operational mode
• The START menu must be shown
• No key is pressed
• No breakdown
If all conditions are fulfilled, the screen saver switches on after the time set
the SYSTEM menu.
Conditions to One of these conditions must be complied:
close screen • The screen was touched
• The machine goes into operation mode (for example by a start
command of the PrepMaster).
• The machine goes into a breakdown

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Counter Menu

8.18. Counter Menu


1 Display field: Number of samples started in total

2 Display field: Number of the samples started since the last reset

8.18.1. Total sample counter


Each sample started is counted by the control.

• After calling up the menu, the current count is displayed.
• The counter cannot be reset.

8.18.2. Daily sample counter


Each sample started since the last reset is counted by the control.
• After calling up the menu, the current count is displayed.
• The counter can be reset.
RESET: reset the counter.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Status Menu

8.19. Status Menu


Function field Description

Messages Messages, faults etc. can be seen in the submenus called up here.
They show which faults have occurred in the past and why.
Step chain Status In this submenu you can follow which modules of the step chains are
active and which steps are processed. This information is retained
after interference, and the reason for interferences can thus be
Basic Position This submenu shows which parts of the machine are in basic
IO Status This submenu shows the input and output status of the control.
Flag Status This submenu shows the flags status of the control.

Pressing one of the function fields the corresponding submenu is called up.
Depending on the machine's scope of functions, there are no sub-menus or
there could be additional diagnosis functions.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Messages menu

8.20. Messages menu


Messages, faults etc. can be seen in the submenus called up here. They show
which faults have occurred in the past and why.

Field/function Description

Current Button
messages Open window with the current messages
Fault Button
messages Open archive in which fault messages that have occurred in the past are
Message Button
archive Open archive in which messages that have occurred in the past are shown.
System Button
messages SHOW SYSTEM MESSAGES that were generated in response to faults in
communication with the PLC, for example.
Diagnosis Button
messages SHOW diagnosis messages. Program errors are displayed here, for

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Messages menu

8.20.1. Actual messages menu


Field/function Description

Time Display field

Shows the time at which the message occurred.
Date Display field
Shows the date on which the message occurred.
State Display field
Shows the status of the messages:
K Occurred
Q Acknowledgement (applies only to fault messages)
G Gone
Text Display field
Shows faults.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Messages menu

8.20.2. Fault messages menu


Field/function Description

Time Display field

Shows the time at which the message occurred.
Date Display field
Shows the date on which the message occurred.
State Display field
Shows the status of the messages:
K Occurred
Q Acknowledgement (applies only to fault messages)
G Gone
Text Display field
Shows faults.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Messages menu

8.20.3. Message archive menu


Field/function Description

Time Display field

Shows the time at which the message occurred.
Date Display field
Shows the date on which the message occurred.
State Display field
Shows the status of the messages:
K Occurred
Q Acknowledgement (applies only to fault messages)
G Gone
Text Display field
Shows faults.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Messages menu

8.20.4. System messages menu


Field/function Description

Time Display field

Shows the time at which the message occurred.
Date Display field
Shows the date on which the message occurred.
State Display field
Shows the status of the messages:
K Occurred
Q Acknowledgement (applies only to fault messages)
G Gone
Text Display field
Shows faults.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Messages menu

8.20.5. Diagnosis messages menu


Field/function Description

Time Display field

Shows the time at which the message occurred.
Date Display field
Shows the date on which the message occurred.
State Display field
Shows the status of the messages:
K Occurred
Q Acknowledgement (applies only to fault messages)
G Gone
Text Display field
Shows faults.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Step-Chain Status Menu

8.21. Step-Chain Status Menu


The Program sequence in the electronic controller is divided up on a modular

basis into several functional elements, known as FC and FB.
FC step chains are programmed for step by step processing. An action is
performed at the machine in every step
In the FC step chain status, you can follow which FCs are active and which
steps are processed. This information is retained after interference, and the
reason for interferences can thus be determined.

• The FC and its condition are listed in a table.

• The table has a column for each FC.
• The table's rows contain the following step-chain information:

Row Description

Chain In this row a sequential number is displayed. The number corresponds to

the FC-No. in the operation panel.
Exists This row displays the following:
Yes means: The relevant FC is present.
End means: The end of the table has been reached, no further FC
entries present.
Status This row displays the following:
"---" means: The FC is not processed at this moment
ON means: The FC is processed at this moment
Step This row displays the number of the currently or last performed step.
Buttons Meaning
The display cannot show the status for all FC at the same time. Use the
buttons "Chain +" / "Chain -" to scroll down/up to display the
previous/following FC:
Chain + Display the following FC
Chain – Display the previous FC

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
I/O status Menu

8.22. I/O status Menu


Field/function Description

Input field
The respective byte number must be entered in the fields with the yellow
background as described in the table below:
Byte-No. Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7
EB00 E0.0 E0.1 E0.2 E0.3 E0.4 E0.5 E0.6 E0.7
… … … … … … … … …
EB10 E10.0 E10.1 E10.2 E10.3 E10.4 E10.5 E10.6 E10.7
Display field
/ Indicates which input / output is controlled (controlled = ).

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Status Flags Menu

8.23. Status Flags Menu


Risk of damage!
This menu is exclusively for diagnosis by the Service staff and will therefore
not be explained further.
Wrong handling can cause fatal consequences, because in this menu bits in
the operation panel can be set, which modify the program sequence.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Basic position menu

8.24. Basic position menu


Field/function Description

Display field
The display field indicates whether the corresponding machine part is in its
basic position ( ).

8.25. Description of the controller


8.25.1. Central Processing Unit

The following operator functions are possible on the front side of the CPU:
• Connect programming unit
• Connect OP
The status of the CPU is indicated by LEDs.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Description of the controller

8.25.2. CPU operating elements S7-1200


CPU S7-1200
(covers removed)

1 Power supply 7 24 V DC outputs

2 24 V DC inputs 8 Communication interface
3 Analog inputs 9 Communication indicators
4 Memory card plug-in module 10 Operating mode indicator
5 Indicator, inputs 11 Front cover plate:
Extension modules connector
6 Indicator, outputs

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Description of the controller

8.25.3. Meaning of status and error displays


Display Meaning Explanation

RUN / Current operating Yellow light Operating mode STOP
STOP mode of the CPU Green light Operating mode RUN
Flashing Operating mode STARTUP
ERROR Group error To determine the exact error, a PG must be used in order to
be able to read out the diagnosis buffer.
MAINT Maintenance Lights up during maintenance work, e.g. new firmware is
indicator imported, general reset is performed etc.


RUN, STOP & MRES mode can only still be run via the Siemens software

8.25.4. General reset


General reset can only still be performed via the Siemens software TIA-Portal.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Basic setting of the electronic amplifier

8.26. Basic setting of the electronic amplifier


Electronic amplifier for setting the hydraulic pressure

• The amplifier is located in the switchgear cabinet for the machine.
• The pressure, which is defined at the control panel, is converted by the
amplifier into a control current for the pressure control valve of the
hydraulic cylinder so that the amplifier controls the pressure in the
hydraulic cylinder by means of the valve.

Potentiometers P6 – P10
P9 Current I min.
P10 Current I max.
P6 Ramp down time
P7 Ramp up time
P8 Dither amplitude
B1 - B2 Reference value of the voltage
range: 5V (10 V), 15 V
B3 Dither frequency open: 60 Hz shut:
120 Hz
B4 Test mode
The jumpers must be plugged in as follows:
B1 Open
B2 Closed
Terminals (see circuit diagram) B3 Open
B4 Open
TP1 Test point 1
TP2 Test point 2
V1 Control voltmeter for measurement of
the control current; 100 mV ≅ 0.2 A

P9, minimum press force (minimum current)

Use this potentiometer to adjust the minimum force of the press tool. Enter the
value „0“ on the OP to adjust the force. The stamp must be above.
The pressure to be set: set = 0KN; current = 20KN
P10, maximum press force (maximum current)
Use this potentiometer to adjust the maximum force of the press tool. Enter one
of the following values on the OP to adjust the force:
HTP 40 HTP 60
Max. press force 408 608 kN

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Basic setting of the electronic amplifier

P6 and P7, ramp times

The ramp times must be adjusted to „0“, because they are not needed for
machine’s operation (turn anticlockwise up to the stop, multi-turn potentiometer,
25 turns, silent click tone after 25 turnings at the final stop)
P8, dither amplitude
The dither amplitude potentiometer is used to minimize hysteresis effects. It
must be set to "11 o’clock" position (see pic. below „P8, potentiometer setting“).

Potentiometer setting; P8

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Basic setting of the electronic amplifier

8.26.1. Adjusting the amplifier


1. Open the front door of the machine to observe the piston.

2. Adjust all potentiometers except P8 to minimum (turn anti-clockwise up
to the stop, multi-turn potentiometer, 25 turns, silent click tone after 25
turnings at the final stop).
3. Call up the SET-UP MODE menu at the Operation panel.
4. Select the function „Press Cylinder”.
The currently set press force of the press cylinder is displayed under the
following output field:
The target value (set point) for the press force is entered under the
following input field:
(100 kN = 10t = 127 bar).

Adjusting the minimum press force (P9)

5. Enter „0“ kN as set force.
Press the key to finish entering. The hydraulic pump is switched
on and the piston moves up.

The hydraulic pump is switched off after a working duration of 60 sec.
Therefore the key must be pressed again eventually during the set-up

6. Turn potentiometer P9 clockwise until a value of 20 kN is displayed in the

„Is” field. If the indicated press force does not increase while P9 is
turned, please wait, until the piston has reached its highest position.
Higher pressure can only be built on in the upper position.

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HTP 40 Operating and controlling
Basic setting of the electronic amplifier

Adjusting the maximum press force (P10)

7. If the hydraulic pump is already switched off (after 60 sec. operation
time) press the key again. Then enter the set force:
HTP 40 HTP 60
Set force 408 608 kN

8. Turn potentiometer P10 clockwise, until the following value is displayed

in the „Is“ field:
HTP 40 HTP 60
Actual force 408 608 kN

Check P9 and P10

The settings of P9 and P10 influence each other. Therefore minimum and
maximum press force must be checked several times and eventually
9. Enter set values within the normal working range of the machine
(e.g. 100 kN).
10. Each time a value is entered check if an according current value is
deisplayed in the “Is” field.

Check press operation

11. If calibration has finished press the ESC key to close the SET-UP MODE

Before press programs can be started for tests with different setpoints, the
machine must be synchronized. Please refer to „Start menu“ how to start a


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HTP 40 Instructions for first start-up
Check list

9. Instructions for first start-up

9.1. Check list

Before commissioning the machine or following a long period in service, check /

perform the following points:
Electrical system installed and tested manually? GB-04005

All fuses and motor protection switches in the control cabinet switched on? GB-03375

Main switch switched on? GB-03376

Oil level in hydraulic tank checked? GB-03382

All doors and lids closed ? GB-03381

Program parameters entered on the Operation panel ? GB-07325

Press tool installed correctly (see chapter 5 „Additional equipment“)? GB-07326

Correct pressing process selected ? GB-36348

(Selection in the MACHINE PARAMETER menu: Free pressing

Pressing in rings
2-components pressing)

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Material characteristics

10. Instructions for operation


10.1. Material characteristics


Binding characteristics
If the sample does not itself have binding characteristics, binding agents must
be added in order for a firm pellet to be attained.
Metal chips
Metal chips must have a cross-section of less than 1.5 mm2, and must deform
fluidly under pressure.
Pulverous materials
The grain size of pulverous materials should not exceed 200 µm.
Material thickness
The material thickness required for a firm pellet is approximately 6 mm. The
press force and the material quantity required are dependent upon the sample
material, and must be determined empirically.

10.2. Operation instructions


For operation of the different pressing tools see chapter 5 „Additional equipment“.

10.3. Retrofitting to another ring diameter GB-23195

The procedure described here refers only to the retrofitting of ring diameters
from 40 mm to 51,5 mm and vice versa.

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Retrofitting to another ring diameter

10.3.1. Pressing tool


Pressing tool

1 Matrix (ring reception)

2 Retaining pin with female thread (3 pcs. around the body)
3 Pressure spring
4 Piston

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Retrofitting to another ring diameter

10.3.2. Changing the matrix


The machine is ready for operation.

Removing the pressing tool

• Swing the top cross member (item 7) away.

• Call up the "Manual functions" menu

There, select the "Hydraulic motor" menu.
• Press the ON button.
Hydraulic pressure is built up.

• Call up the "Manual functions" menu

There, select the "Press piston" menu.
• Press the UP button.
• The pressing tool moves up.

• Note the position of the pressing tool (item 0) in the

• Pull out the tool manually and vertically upwards, and
place it on a soft surface.

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Retrofitting to another ring diameter

Changing the matrix

Removing the matrix
• Screw the screws (item 5) into the thread of the three
retaining pins (item 2; see Fig. at top "Pressing tool").
• Gently press down the matrix (item 1).
• Pull out the pins by the screws.
• Slowly pull out the matrix upwards.
Fitting a new matrix
• Place the new matrix into position and press it down
• Insert the screws flush with the aid of the screws.
• Slowly release the matrix.
• Unscrew the screws.

Fitting the pressing tools

• Push the Vulkolan plate (item 6) onto the pressing
tool (item 0).
• Insert the tool into the holder vertically from above.
• Make sure that the Vulkolan plate (item 6) is correctly
fitted and is not damaged.

• Call up the "Manual functions" menu

There, select the "Hydraulic motor" menu.
• Press the ON button.
Hydraulic pressure is built up.

• Call up the "Manual functions" menu

There, select the "Press piston" menu.
• Press the DOWN button.
The pressing tool moves down.
• Activate button::
Back to the Main menu

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Safety fixture

10.4. Safety fixture


Safety fixture

1 Cross member
2 Front safety fixture
3 Rear safety fixture

The safety fixture (2, 3) surrounds the danger area once the cross member (1)
is closed. This prevents parts of the press cover or press ring from flying out
and causing injuries if one of these parts breaks.

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Cam switch

10.5. Cam switch


Cam switch

1 Cross member
3 Rear safety fixture
4 Cam switch

The cam switch (4) signals "cross member open" to the controller.

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HTP 40 Instructions for operation
Changing the ring holder

10.6. Changing the ring holder


Overview, HTP 40 with manual ring cleaning

1 Hand lever for manual cleaning

2 Ring input
3 Collecting container for waste material

Changing the ring holder

Removing the ring holder

• Open the viewing window (4) (push up)
• Undo and unscrew the screws (1).
• Remove the ring holder.
Installing the ring holder
• Insert a new ring holder
• Screw in and tighten the screws (1)
• Close the viewing window again

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HTP 40 Procedure in case of malfunction
Machine will not start

11. Procedure in case of malfunction


11.1. Machine will not start


Malfunction Possible causes Remedy

Machine • Main switch not turned on • Turn on main switch.
will not start * • Malfunction in the control • Turn main switch off and then on. If
system (red LED's on the there is no improvement, please
control) contact us.
• System malfunction • Malfunction is shown on the Display.
(indicated by breakdown
lamp) • Turn the main switch off and then on.
• Other malfunctions Set manual auxiliary actuation of all
valves to "0".

* Malfunction is not shown on display.

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HTP 40 Procedure in case of malfunction
Fault messages

11.2. Fault messages


No. Malfunction Possible cause Remedy

* At the operation • Pressure relief valve is not • Check the Pressure relief valve,
panel the pre- working properly replace if necessary*
selected press • Electronic amplifier not • Adjust the electronic amplifier*

force is not reached misaligned • Replace the groove ring *


• Groove ring of the press

piston worn out
B01 Emergency stop Cross bar open during pressing Close the cross bar and activate
operation the stop button
B02 Motor protection Motor load to high Check motor and activate the
released stop button
B05 Restart PLC Machine was started Activate the stop button
B32 Total time out Working cycle could not be Check all limit switches and
finished in the preset time initiators
B34 Timeout • Pneumatic cylinder jammed • Check the cylinder
Cleaning (option) • Initiator at cylinder damaged • Check initiator resp. adjust it
or misaligned
• Pneumatic valve incorrect • Check the pneumatic valve; if
actuated or damaged damaged, replace it
• Ring cleaning not installed • Deactivate the ring cleaning
but in the machine parameter option in the MACHINE
activated PARAMETER menu
B36 Critical motor To high temperature in the Wait until the press tool has
temperature hydraulic container cooled; possibly the frequency of
pressing operations to high
B37 Timeout The force build up was not • Check if the piston moves up
Force start reached in the preset time correctly at MANUAL
during while the piston moves FUNCTIONS menu
up • Raise the „Move up piston“
• Check the hydraulic
B38 Timeout The press force has not • The increasing ramp is adjusted
Force build up reached the target force after to steep, modify the parameter
the end of the increasing ramp • Check the hydraulic
(see Pressing operation)

DE 46702

Risk of injury if the hydraulic equipment is damaged!
• In the event of hydraulic faults, depressurize the system immediately
and do not use the machine again.
• Have any damage repaired immediately.
• Work on the points marked with *1 on the hydraulic equipment may only
be carried out by an authorized specialist.

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HTP 40 Procedure in case of malfunction

11.3. Messages

No. Message Possible cause Remedy

M01 No basic position, The machine is not in its basic Start synchronisation of the
start position, e.g. because the machine (see operating panel
synchronization working program was menu)
M04 In operation Pressing operation active Wait until the pressing operation
has finished
M05 Syn in operation Synchronisation active Wait until the synchronisation has
M12 Syn required Pressing operation was aborted Close cross member and press
or machine was started the SYN button to start
M14 Cross member The cross member is open, or Close the cross member or check
open the switch is defective or / adjust the switch
incorrectly set
M19 Cleaning in Ring cleaning in operation Wait until the ring cleaning has
working finished
M26 Ring could not be Material in the ring is too hard Return the ring to ring cleaning. If
cleaned it is not cleaned for a second
time, the material must be
removed in another way.
M40 Press Stop button There is a fault Remedy the fault and press the
Stop button


* =. Malfunction is not indicated on the display

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care

12. Instructions for maintenance and care


12.1. General

Risk of fatal injury from electric current.
Important: note the following during maintenance and cleaning work:
• Switch off the main switch
• The phase terminals L1, L2 and L3 are live, even when the main switch is
switched off!
• Withdraw the mains plug!

12.2. Daily maintenance and care


Clean the machine using an industrial vacuum cleaner -

Check that none of the machine movements is obstructed -

Check that hoses are secure and are not leaking. -

Hydraulic unions may come free as a result of vibration. Drops of oil on the
column base of the machine are evidence of leaks in the hydraulic system.
Reseal the unions by retightening them. Replace any defective
Remove the pressing tool, clean, and check for wear or damage -

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Cleaning the pressing tool

12.3. Cleaning the pressing tool


Machine must be in home position.

• Remove the tool from the tool holding fixture.
• On the pressing tool for steel rings, remove the retaining pins.
• Dismantle the tool (if the piston sticks, press it out of the matrix using a plastic
or aluminium piston).
• Clean all parts with a soft cloth. Use neutral, non-aggressive cleaning fluid.

Do not use sandpaper!

Ensure that the sharp edges on the upper face of the piston are not blunted.
Rounded piston edges lead to fouling, and cause the tool to stick.

• Reassemble the tool components.

• On the pressing tool for steel rings, refit the retaining rings.
• Insert the tool into the tool holding fixture.
• Engage the locating fixture to prevent the tool from rotating.

After cleaning, press five pellets.

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Hydraulic valves

12.4. Hydraulic valves


Manual actuation How to connect

• For manual actuation of the • Loosen screw (3)
hydraulic valve press the • Pull off cap (2)
rubber cup (1) • (e.g. replace hydraulic valve)
• Mount on cap (2) again
• Fasten screw (3)

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Maintenance unit (option)

12.5. Maintenance unit (option)


Only when machine is equipped with semi-automatic ring cleaning device.

Maintenance unit

1 Pressure regulator
2 Manometer
3 Compressed air connection ND 6 mm

The maintenance unit is mounted on the rear of the machine

• Set the working pressure of 5 to 6 bar with the pressure regulator valve.
Pressure control valve with manometer
• Regulates the inlet compressed air to the working pressure set
• Equalizes fluctuations of pressure

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Manual movement of pneumatic valves

12.6. Manual movement of pneumatic valves


Auxiliary adjustment screw for reversing the pneumatic valve manually*

* shown is the twin valve (Example)

The plugs of the valve can be equipped with LED's showing during operation
the status of the valve.

A Press and turn manual auxiliary adjustment screw with screwdriver:

0 Automatic mode
1 Manual mode

Unconditionally switch back to position “0” after manual change-over,
otherwise automatic operation is not possible!

Only when machine is equipped with semi-automatic ring cleaning device.

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Lubrication instructions

12.7. Lubrication instructions


HTP 40 / 60

1 Pressure spindle
2 Lubricating nipple, column
3 Oil tank

Before lubricating: Clean all lubrication points!
Oil level in the oil tank: Check every 50 h!

Pos. Lubricating Type of lubrication Lubricant code as per DIN 51502

1 Oil tank Filling HLP 32
2 Column Grease gun K2K
3 Pressure Manual lubrication HLP 32
Pos. Initial filling Quantity Lubrication Lubrication quantity
3 3
1 Chevron EP hydraulic oil 32 17 dm 2000 h 16 dm
2 SKF Alfalub LGMT 2 --- 200 h 5 cm
3 Chevron EP hydraulic oil 32 --- 200 h Oil film

Check oil level in the hydraulic container every 50 hours. GB-06992

The cylinder has to be retracted during checking the oil level in the hydraulic
control unit.

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Lubrication instructions

12.7.1. Table of lubricant



No. Type of Lube point Designation Description Class

lubrication DIN 51502 NLG I
1 Hand Roller general K2K Multipurpose grease 2
2 greasing bearing with high KP 2 K High pressure grease 2
pressure load
3 Guideways, chains, K2K Multipurpose grease 2
spindles, friction bearing
4 Grease Transmission G 00 F Semifluid gear 00
filling lubricant oil
5 Gearing G1K Extra light semifluid 1
6 Oil filling Hydraulic drive HLP 32 High-pressure 32
> 100 bar hydraulic oil
7 Hydraulic drive HL 48 High-pressure 48
< 100 bar hydraulic oil
8 Pneumatic hydraulic HLP 68 High-pressure 68
drive hydraulic oil
9 Maintenance units CLP 10 Circulating lube oil 10

10 Closed transmission CLP 68 Circulating lube oil 68

high speed
11 Closed transmission CLP 100 Circulating lube oil 100
low speed
12 Worm gear CLP 320 Circulating lube oil 320
13 Oil-fog lubricator HLP 46 Hydraulic oil 46
(if installed)

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HTP 40 Instructions for maintenance and care
Lubrication instructions

12.7.2. Type of lubrication



nation DIN

1 Aral BP Calypsol Castrol Chevron Beacon 2 Costrac Mobilux 2 Multifak 20 K2K

ARALUB Energrease H 442 Spheerol AP Dura-Lith AK 302 Multifak 2
HL 2 LS 2 2 Grease 2

Polyurea EP
Grease 2

2 Aral BP Calypsol Castrol Chevron Beacon Costrac Mobilux Multifak 20 KP 2 K

ARALUB Energrease H 443 Spheerol AP Dura-Lith EP 2 AK 302 EP 2 Mulitfak 2
HLP 2 LS-EP 2 2 Grease 2

Polyurea EP
Grease 2

3 Aral BP Calypsol Castrol Chevron Beacon 2 Costrac Mobilux 2 Texando K2K

ARALUB Energrease H 442 Spheerol AP Dura-Lith AK 302 FD 31
HL 2 LS 2 2 Grease 2 Premium
R8 Grease

4 Aral BP Calypsol Castrol CLS Chevron Esso Centoplex Mobiplex Multifak G 00 F

ARALUB Energrease D 6024 Grease GP Semifluid H0 44 EP 0
FD 03 HT-EP 00 Grease 0 gear
lubricant oil

5 Aral BP Calypsol Castrol CLS Chevron Esso Entoplex Mobiplex Multifak G1K
ARALUB Energrease D 6024 Grease GP Semifluid H0 44 EP 0
FD 00 HT-EP 00 Grease 0 gear
lubricant oil

6 Aral BP Energol Calypsol Castrol Chevron Nutto Lamora Mobil Rando Oil HLP 32
Vitan HLP-D 32 HLP 32 Hyspin AWS EP H 32 HLP 32 DTE 24 HD A 32
GF 32 32 Hydr. Oil 32
Alcor Oil
Aral BP Energol DD 32
Vitan HLP 32
DE 32

7 Aral BP Energol Calypsol Castrol Chevron Nutto Lamora Mobil Rando Oil HLP 46
Vitan HLP-D 46 HLP 46 Hyspin AWS EP H 46 HLP 46 DTE 25 HD B 46
GF 46 46 Hydr. Oil 46
Alcor Oil
Aral BP Energol DD 46
Vitan HLP 32
DE 68

8 Aral BP Calypsol Castrol Chevron Nutto Lamora Mobil Rando Oil HLP 68
Vitan Energol HLP 68 Hyspin AWS EP H 68 HLP 68 DTE 26 HDC-68
GF 68 HLP-D 68 68 Hydr. Oil 68 Alcor Oil
DD 68
Aral BP Energol
Vitan HLP 68
DE 68

9 Aral BP Energol Calypsol Castrol Chevron Nutto Lamora Mobil Rando Oil HLP 10
Vitan HLP-D 10 HLP 10 Hyspin AWS EP H 10 HLP 10 DTE 21 HDA 10
F10 10 Hydr. Oil 10
BP Energol
HLP 10

10 Aral BP Energol Calypsol Castrol Chevron Spartan Lamopra Mobil Meropa 68 CLP 68
Degol GR-XP 68 HSR 10 Hyspin AWS EP EP 68 HLP 68 DTE 26
BG 68 68 Hydr. Oil 68 Mobilgear

11 Aral BP Energol Calypsol Castrol Chevron Spartan Lamora 100 Mobil Meropa CLP 100
Degol GR-XP 100 HSR 100 Alpha Non-Leader EP 100 DTE 27 100
BG 100 SP 100 Gear Com- Mobilgear
pound 100 627

12 Aral BP Energol Calypsol Castrol Chevron Spartan Lamora 320 Mobilgear Meropa CLP 320
Degol GR-XP 320 HSR 320 Alpha Non-Leader EP 320 632 320
BG 320 SP 320 Gear Com-
pound 100

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HTP 40 Decommissioning
Temporary decommissioning

13. Decommissioning

The observance of accident prevention regulations is necessary!

13.1. Temporary decommissioning


If the machine is only being temporarily removed from service, it must be
switched off and disconnected from any pneumatic or hydraulic systems.
Only place the machine in storage in a volts-free state.
Any pneumatic/hydraulic equipment present must be depressurised.
Only store the machine in a cleaned state.
Only store the machine in a dry and frost-free location.

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HTP 40 Disposal
Machine- disposal

14. Disposal

14.1. Machine- disposal


Stipulate suitable precautionary measures based on the national legislation and

implement them.

• All components, auxiliary and operating materials from the machine must
be removed by specialist staff. Hereby, these components and
substances must be cleanly separated into categories.
• All waste products are then to be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations and directives for recycling or special refuse categories by
authorized companies.

These points are applicable without any restriction.

14.2. Notes for disposal


Maybe there are residues of the worked materials in the machine or the
extraction pipes. For health risks of these materials the operator of the
machine must be.
If necessary personal protection equipment must be used.

Environmental pollution due to unsuitable disposal of hydraulic
and gear oil
The hydraulic and gearbox oils are not entirely biodegradable. Therefore, oil
must be prevented from entering the environment in
an uncontrolled manner.
• The professional disposal of escaped oil must be done by authorized
maintenance personnel.
• Collect/dam escaped oil with sand, earth or other absorptive material.
• Collect hydraulic and gear oil in a suitable container provided for the
purpose, and dispose of it in accordance with the local statutory
• Oil must be prevented from spilling and draining into the sewers.
• The ingress of oil into the sewage system must be prevented by building
dams made of sand and/or earth or by other suitable damming means.

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HTP 40 Disposal
Notes for disposal

Environmental pollution caused by inappropriate disposal of
packaging materials
Packaging material contains chemical compounds, which must be dealt with
• Packaging material is to be disposed of at an authorized waste
management company. Observe the national regulations
• Packaging material may not be burned nor disposed of with the
domestic waste processing.

Environmental pollution caused by inappropriate disposal of
The incorrect disposal of ingredients and materials is a threat to
the environment.
• Only authorized companies may be commissioned with the disposal.

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HTP 40 Disposal
Notes on disposal

14.3. Notes on disposal


Environmental pollution caused by the improper disposal of the hydraulic
and transmission oil
Hydraulic and transmission oils are not fully biodegradable.
Therefore, oil must not be allowed to escape into the environment in an
uncontrolled manner.
• Only qualified maintenance personnel are authorised to perform the
proper removal of leak oil.
• Leak oil must be absorbed or contained with sand, soil or another
absorbent material.
• Hydraulic and transmission oil must be collected in a container provided
for this purpose and disposed of in accordance with the official
• Prevent the oil from leaking and entering the sewer system.
• Prevent the oil from entering the drainage system by erecting barriers
made of sand or soil or by other suitable shut-off measures.

Environmental pollution caused by the improper disposal of packaging
Packaging material contains chemical compounds which must be
treated accordingly.
• The professional disposal of the packaging material must carried out by
an authorised waste disposal company and in compliance with the
applicable national regulations.
• Do not incinerate the packaging material or recycle it together with
domestic waste.

Residues of the processed material may still be present in the machine and
suction lines. Information about any potential health risks must be obtained
from the operator of the machine.
If necessary, use personal protective equipment.

Environmental pollution caused by the improper disposal of components.
Improper and unprofessional disposal may result in environmental hazards.
• The disposal is to only be carried out by authorised waste disposal

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HTP 40 Disposal

14.4. Disposal

Please observe the respective statutory requirements with respect to disposal.

Information on disposal of electrical and electronic machines in the European
Within the European Community the disposal of electrically operated devices is
regulated by national provisions that are based on the EU Directive 2002/96/EC
on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
Accordingly, all machines supplied after 13.08.2005 in the business-to-business
area to which this product is classified, may no longer be disposed of with
municipal or household waste. To document this they have the following label:

Disposal label

Since the disposal regulations within the EU may differ from country to country
we would request you to consult your supplier.

14.4.1. Pollution control


Follow the local rules and regulations for waste disposal when handling
cleaning agents.

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HTP 40 Spare parts, customer service
Spare parts

15. Spare parts, customer service


15.1. Spare parts

We offer a complete range of replacement parts for wearing parts, tools and
machine parts. Refer to separate list of replacement parts.

15.2. Customer Service

Our factory-trained assembly personal are at your disposal for customer


XXXXX-X-X 46703 Instruction Manual 109/110

Deutschland USA Japan China
HERZOG Maschinenfabrik HERZOG Automation Corp. HERZOG JAPAN Co., Ltd. HERZOG (Shanghai) Automation
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Auf dem Gehren 1 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 Toshima-ku Section A2,2/F, Building 6,
D-49086 Osnabrück Fon +1 440-891-9777 Tokyo 170-0003, Japan No.473, West Fute 1st Road,
Fon +49 541 9332-0 Fax +1 440-891-9778 Fon +81 3-5907-1771 Waigaoqiao F.T.Z, Shanghai
Fax +49 541 9332-32 Fax +81 3-5907-1770 200131, P.R. China Fon +86 21 50375915 Fax +86 21 50375713
MP +86 15 80 07 50 53 3

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