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Various methods are used by Tesco, in order to create a pool of potential employees for the

organization. The procedure of recruitment proliferates according to the availability as well as

the requirement of the available post. Generally, the approaches of internal and external

recruitment are used by the company. Each has its own strengths and shortcomings. Instead of

recruiting the outsiders to fill a position, Tesco prefers to have a view at its internal Talent Plan

which actually scrutinizes the employees, who want to either advance further on the equivalent

level or expecting their promotions. Apart from this, internal announcements are also made by

Tesco for a couple of weeks, via the company’s intranet (Palmer, 2005).

There are some strengths of recruiting the candidates from inside the organization. Firstly, it is a

time savvy option because if the requirement can be fulfilled from your own and already

available people then there is no need to look outside and waste your precious time. Secondly,

this method is economical as well because it saves the heavy expenditures of advertisements or

promotion through the print and electronic media. Thirdly, the internal candidates are more

experienced and have better awareness of the culture of the organization. So, it can be said that

they are more reliable or trustworthy than the external ones. Lastly, promotion boosts the morale

of the employees and motivates them to work with more dedication for their organization.

Likewise, there are also some weaknesses of recruiting the internal candidates. Sometimes, it is

not easy to find the equally effective and efficient replacement of the candidate who got

promotion. Moreover, the internal approach does not bring in the new individuals who might be

more innovative or advance than the internal candidate who has been working within the same

people. Similarly, if the organization promotes a candidate, it might distress the others and they

might get de-motivated (Chan, 1996).

On the other hand, if the organization is not able to get the suitable candidates from the internal

approach, it may go for the external one or recruits the candidates other than its current

employees. For this purpose, Tesco generally publicizes the available posts using its company’s

official website as well as other online platforms available for this purpose. In addition, for some

positions which require more specialized and professional candidates, Tesco publicizes via the

electronic media as well as the internet. This approach of outside recruitment has strengths like it

brings in the new talent in the organization and promotes diversity of talent and opinions from

different levels. Secondly, this approach creates a huge pool of candidates and the company is

sometimes able to find out the candidates who are more efficient and effective than expectation.

Similarly, it is rather easy to train the fresh candidates rather than the old and experienced ones.

On the other hand, there are some weaknesses of the external approach of recruiting the

candidates. Unlike the internal approach, the external recruitment is timely and expensive to

conduct. Since the fresh individuals are unaware of the organization’s culture, the training

process is also needed, which requires both time and money. So, it can be said that Tesco should

consider each approach according to the requirement of job as well as keeping in mind the

success rate of both internal as well as the external approach. In this way, it will be able to get

the best candidate (Moser, 2005).

It is an accomplished fact and has become the rule of doing a successful business that the success

of an organization is dependent upon the performance of its employees and Tesco is no

exception to it. Therefore, selection of the best available candidates is of significant importance

for an organization. For this purpose, role played by the interviews as well as the assessment

centers is of much significance. Tesco gets benefit from these in order to select the best

employees for its organization as well as to check the consistency level of their performance.
First of all, the Interview and assessment centers help the organization to find out the most

suitable candidate who is able to fulfill the requirements of the job in an effective and efficient

manner. This will in return benefit the organization as the employees are considered as the most

valuable assets of an organization. With the efforts and dedication of its employees, an

organization earns profits and becomes successful. Similarly, if the performance of its employees

is not up to the mark, it can negatively impacts the organization and may sometimes prove fatal.

So, in order to avoid such kind of dangerous situation or to avoid the various future losses, it is

better to screen out the candidates via the help of interview and assessment centers. Moreover, it

is a smart procedure to screen out the candidates and to select the most suitable ones (Graves &

Karren, 1996).

Likewise, another important role is played by the assessment centers. It helps an organization to

appraise and rate the candidates on the basis of their consistency level. For example, if an

organization wants to verify the consistency of the candidates before as well as after the process

of their selection that what the employees said about their skills was right or not. So, in this way,

it also helps to verify the experience level and knowledge of the employees. Moreover,

assessment of its employees is crucial for an organization to achieve its goals because in this

way, the organization ensures that whether its decision of selecting the candidate was right or

not. In the same way, the interview centers are helpful in such a way that it provides the

organization with such information which cannot be evaluated through a candidate’s resume like

his attitude, his body language, the way he communicates, his skills of negotiation, etc. These

skills are equally important for a job and in most of the jobs these are more important than the

educational background like in sales job, no one can deny the importance of communication and

negotiation skills which are vital and any person can do his best with the presence of these skills.
In conclusion, it can be said that the interview and assessment canters, without any doubt, play

an important and matchless role in the selection process of the candidates for a job. It also helps

an organization in a smart manner to screen out the candidates and creates a pool of the most

suitable candidates for a specific job. So, the task of selection becomes much easier as well as

less hectic (Dalessio & Imada, 1984).


Palmer, M. (2005). Retail multinational learning: a case study of Tesco. International Journal of

Retail & Distribution Management, 33(1), pp.23-48.

Chan, W. (1996). External Recruitment versus Internal Promotion. Journal of Labor Economics,

14(4), pp.555-570.

Moser, K. (2005). Recruitment Sources and Post-Hire Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Unmet

Expectations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 13(3), pp.188-197.

Graves, L. and Karren, R. (1996). The employee selection interview: A fresh look at an old

problem. Human Resource Management, 35(2), pp.163-180.

Dalessio, A. and Imada, A. (1984). Relationships Between Interview Selection Decisions and

Perceptions of Applicant Similarity to an Ideal Employee and Self: A Field Study. Human

Relations, 37(1), pp.67-80.

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