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Amazing English 3 – Writing Booklet Model Answers

Unit 1

Shopping online

There are lots of places to shop these days. Some people like
shopping at their local shops and others like shopping at out-of-
town shopping centres, but I like shopping online.

Online shops are shops on the Internet. You buy things from a
website and the things are sent to you. You usually have to pay
with a credit card, but sometimes you can pay in cash when the
things arrive at your house.

I like shopping online for a number of reasons. Firstly, you can

shop online on your computer and on your smartphone. Secondly,
you can shop 24 hours a day because online shops never close.
Finally, local shops are usually small, but online shops sell hundreds
of different things.

The next time you want to buy something, why don’t you try
shopping online?

Unit 2

Dear Sam,

Hi! How are you? I know I haven’t seen you for a long time, but
I’ve been busy studying for my exams. My friends and I are
thinking about where to go on holiday, and I’m writing to ask you
about the volunteering holiday you went on last year.

Firstly, could you tell me about the activities you did? You know
that I like building things and helping animals.

We also want to find out more about the different places in the
area. I’d like to know if there are any interesting trips we can go on.

Finally, I was wondering when the best time to go there is, and
how much it costs.

Please write back soon!


Unit 3

A noise in the forest

Last winter, my parents and I went on a camping holiday. We

stayed next to a river near a big forest.

On the first day of our holiday, we got up early and caught the
train. The sun was shining when we arrived, so we put our
rucksacks on our backs and walked to the river. It was a perfect day
to go camping.

While we were putting up our tent, I heard a noise coming from

the forest. My mum and dad laughed, but I was frightened because
I had never been camping near a forest before.

Suddenly, three people jumped out of the forest! I was very

surprised when I saw that it was one of my friends from school with
his parents! He had seen us when we were walking from the
station, and decided to follow us. They were camping too, but they
were staying in the forest.

Unit 4

Gadget of the month

Do you want to buy a smartwatch? Well, I think I’ve found one for
you. The new AmazingWatch 100 is hard to beat.

It weighs less than 50g, so you might even forget you’re wearing
it! If you are worried about its battery life, don’t be; it can take up
to 7 days for this smartwatch’s battery to run down. Another good
thing is its price; it’s only £50, so it’s great value for money.

One of the disadvantages is that it doesn’t work with all

smartphones, but you can check that it works with yours before you
buy it. Another problem is the number of apps that it has, but it
should have everything most people need.

I believe that you should choose the AmazingWatch 100 if you

want a simple smartphone that isn’t too expensive!
Unit 5

Tommy’s film blog

I’m Tommy, and I’m crazy about films! For many years, I’ve been
watching all kinds of films. Last week was the Venice International
Film Festival in Italy, which is the oldest film festival in the world. I
was lucky enough to be there! It was the first time I had been to
this film festival.

The festival happens every year at the end of August or the

beginning of September. Visitors can watch films from around the
world in four different cinemas. If you’re lucky, you might see some
famous actors too!

It was a great experience. I’ve never been to the cinema so many

times in a just few days! I had bought my tickets before I went to
Venice, so I knew where I had to be every minute of every day, and
I always made sure that I was early, because the seats for the
public aren’t numbered.

Have you ever been to a film festival? What was it like?

Unit 6


Can you imagine a world without clean water to drink or air to

breathe? According to scientists, pollution is a huge problem, and
our planet is in danger. But why is this happening and what can we
do to help?

Cars and lorries create air pollution, and people who live in cities
often have serious health problems. Rivers, lakes and oceans are
also often polluted. Beaches and parks are dirty because people
leave lots of rubbish behind.

There are a number of things that can be done. Firstly, we should

use different forms of transport so that the atmosphere will be
cleaner. Dangerous chemicals shouldn’t be thrown in the water, and
we shouldn’t buy things with lots of chemicals in them. Finally, we
shouldn’t leave any rubbish on a beach or in a park when we go
In my opinion, everyone can do something to reduce pollution.
People can change their habits by using more environmentally-
friendly forms of transport and making sure they don’t leave any
rubbish anywhere they go. It isn’t difficult, and it will help reduce

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