NucleusNuclearRadiations 2019 v13c

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The atomic nucleus. Why? Radioactivity. Nuclear radiations Medical applications of the nuclear radiation: ~ Nuclear imaging - Radiotherapy Laszlé Smelter Length scale of the nature men size of letters you can read size ofa cell (eg. eryrooyte) 274m protein famatar ofan ar, bond langth Hatem a= angsrom ik) ‘wavelength of the X-ray ° Changes oft nnn anges of the size of the nucleus- e nucle e = radioactivity Structure of the nucleus Stability of the nucleus + Coulomb force: destabiization Ks (electosaeepalson between the ptons) + Nuctear force: very strong mass unit facts only on short range (~fm) @ Proton =1e atomic atractve force independent onthe charge neutron 0 Latomic mass unit + Quantized energy levels forthe nucleus, +p ‘A (ass number) ~ numberof protons + Typical binding energy isin the MeV range | ier of neuen eVE1.6-107° J sae 2. (atomic amber) ~ number of pestons —_ ace pose a See Isotopes Table of isotopes Variants of an element, where the = te chemical properties ae identical -nurbats of neutrons ae diferent = the mass numbers are diferent a op Eg. F ’ oF SF — sabi ‘stable (radioactive) ttt amber of protons (eadioactive) Number af neutrons ‘aatope <=> radioutive isotope Number of protons [Number of neutrons & a-decay & tn a particle (‘He nucleus) will be emitted typical for the heavy atoms 4 4744 2X— ratte Line spectrum N E,oMeV g, Radioactive decays and particles cudecsy ——eeopaisle = fie teu B - ceca : fr (particle = electron pride = poston Ssoneievanstion pay Keledroncapnm characte ty potion somes B- - decay $820 Ye xara bar | GP op bae t Nt remains in leave the themicleus nucleus SN. energy spectrum Po ee poonsinis BY - decay perc AX—,4¥+,p+v 0 poin poy ESF fo \\ 2Fe reminsin lene the Senmicas —_nislus Prompt y-radiation The daughter nuclens might have an ‘nergetiealy uaavoured arrangement of nucleons (exci & Atomic numb, mas number are 27 Ba Isomeric transition ‘In some rae cates the exited state of the daughter nucleus is metastable, the predation willbe emited Inter, ‘The parent and daughter atoms can be separated: the daughter atom emits only yeradiation! = Isotope diagnostics (nuclear imaging) Fae OT 9 Yo E99 ™To tT 66 on K-capture (inverse B-decay) @ e e ® ® e e way © 2 © @ e x s ‘ e By e fe ¢ e © ‘e ® Characteristics of radioactive decays in general activity characterizes the source halflife time characterizes the speed of the decay* particle energy characterizes the radiation* * spans cat pee sp Some examples of the decay paths ame I | - |e Activity (A) [N= Number of undecayed atoms “AN ~ Number of decays during time Astivity= number of decays in @ unit time unit hesquerel Bg nt C86 Bg I decayisee ‘kB, Mg, GBa, THe, PRG az SONY Law of radioactive decay - Ne Number ofundecayed nucle AN =-ANAL (CAN Number of decays during time) 4: daca consant (probably ofthe deay (1) AN py ier average lieime a \\ Diterenil equation soon: (py — ye Exponential decrease umber of undecayed atoms at 0 An example + Atstart: Nj=10000 (number of atoms 1g (decay probability) eo + after 1s: 9000 + after 2s: 8100 “" + after 3s: 7290 “° + after 4s: 6561 “” fe ae me An example + Atstart: Ng=10000 (number of atoms) 4=0.1'ls (decay probability) aN=~ANAt + after 1 sec: 9000 _(10000x0.1=1000 decayed) + after 2 sec: 8100 (9000x0.1=900 decayed) + after 3 sec: 7290 (8100x0,1=810 decayed) + after 4 sec: 6561 (7290x0.1=729 decayed) Law of radioactive decay NO=Me 2. decay constant (probability ofthe decay) Tal ife (T) ‘average lifetime ‘Theoretically never decreases to zero ! Decrease of the activity as a function of time AN N(t)=Nye* AaaN, “ Ait) = Aye = Ay A desea on the same way 28 Nt watt Theoretically never decreases 0 zt! “et Daring about 107 the Tra] aa aa mt decreases tits t 1000 (eg GBq>MBe) Few examples for half life Th 1440y | Co -5.3y 2 4.5 -10%y | Fe 1.5m eK 1.3-108y | Cr 1m (8d) “oC 8736y sad "Gs 30y sete 6h oH 12.3y °F 110 min a 1°} 20 min ‘Don’t learn these numbers! 150 2min 27h 2.8ms An example + Atstart 10000 (number of atoms 4=0.1'ls (decay probability) ss 1000 decayed) 729 decayed) Typical energy levels in the microworld Excitation ofthe Electron transition puter electrons between inner ‘elections ev (a) kev) light “Transformation ofthe nucleus (decay) Mev (ps) Nuclear radiation a, By Absorption of the nuclear radiation arent yen lcci wen rate y tera sotmeminen ae Effective range expatce Pry fase town -2 Inne 00-3 mm <= x s cective range penetation depth penetation depth Absorption of the charged particles Toning ig the path => contruaus decrease ofthe pare energy The energy aft avon pathlength decreases tothe ermal value a fecve ange nition ‘see Positron Emission Tomography (PET) | effective range Electron and positron + particle - antiparticle + charge: same value, but diferent sign anniilaon [and pair production] Rinstein: ” ; ‘mass-energy ete ekvivalence ; E=me Photoeffect Compton effect ‘Compton-scattering Absorption of the -radiation (and x-ray) (ain aaa 1 (et sett Pair production Attenuation of the y—radiation and x-ray DD go fie eetve range! fow rues of thumb: xy,9°332D —Xynqq710D ‘mass attenuation coeff. En = Mai tos Ont Ky Ip@OAZ? Jaher 1 fines attenuation coeeient itsunts are: tim, vem .penetraton depth” ¥ intensity decreases to the eth part (c. 37%) (rater, number of absorbing venters, energy of the ration) Fulmaterial Epon) ~ P tig =! as tenn conta e ‘Summary of the absorption of a, andy radiation XN Rg : a @—- , Be Y BAAR RARE AAMAa Paper Aluminium Lead Applications: isotopes and nuclear wy, radiation Applications (attenuation) | em 9

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