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Struggling to write a thesis on your own? You're not alone.

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Secondly, global economic growth has demanded an increase of supply in the world energy. Once
the microalgal oil starts to be unavailable the ap- plication of type of transest erification well
established conversion process may be suitably used for converting to biodiesel which has fuel
properties similar to petro diesel. Their advantages are their simplicity, low production and operating
costs. Other ideas for disposing of the glycerine are breaking it down to usable methane gas, with a
methane digester or, for a much wilder idea, it could be broken down with pyrolisis. While this new
generation of biofuels is still being developed, it has become clear that just switching to all “1st
Generation” biofuels will not be an adequate solution to the global energy crisis. In some cases, the
energy used is more than what is produced. Global warming and other impending environmental
mega-problems call for a new technological paradigm. Using Biodiesel in the transportation industry
will reduce carbon emissions. A case in point is the usage of corn as a biofuel in the US. The
predominant crops used are corn and soybeans in the production of ethanol and biodiesel,
respectively. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Furthermore, the PPI significantly contributes to climate change and global warming in the form of
deforestation and water and air pollution. As earlier noted, biofuel is produced from agricultural
crops, especially corn. Several parameters are expected to decrease also decreased, the acid number,
density, and viscosity. Biodiesel is used to a much lesser extent, with Germany leading the
international production market. Lastly, the development of biofuel is driven by the fact that
consumers and industry rely heavily on the availability and supply of cheap and affordable energy. It
also requires high altitudes of at least 700m above sea level, relatively high rainfall during the
growing season and a hot dry climate after harvest season in order to dry out and process the beans
properly. The biofuel refineries must produce a product that satisfies the specifications within the
ASTM D6751 which outlines a safe composition of biodiesel to be used in a standard diesel engine.
The closed system allows more species to grow, control the temp., increase the CO 2 resu lting in
increased algae growth. 5.3. Photo Bioreactor Photobioreactor (PBR) is a translucent closed
container making use of light source. According to FAPRI (2009), biofuel production has also
encouraged farmers to limit their production of other crops and concentrate on corn.
Transesterification of Microalgal Oil to Biodiesel Transesterification does not alter the fatty acid
composi- tion of the feedstocks and hence the composition of bio- diesel. This means biofuels have
not addressed the issue of the energy crisis adequately. Waste paper is one of potential raw material
alternatives which can be converted into ethanol. Recent studies have found that the production of
bioethanol from corn has a larger carbon footprint than the usage of fossil fuels. A mixture of
biodiesel and conventional diesel can be used at any percent composition ranging from 0 to 100%
biodiesel. The production of biodiesel from microalgae has several advantages over the above re-
sources due to higher algal biomass and oil productivities and the need of non-arable land for its
growth. The titration results determine the proportion of lye to combine with the methanol or ethanol
to form a catalytic agent that will complete the reaction fully. At the macro level, technological,
legal, political, and market-related phenomena have added pressure on them and impeded their
performance. Sugar and starch crops are fermented to produce ethanol, comparable to petroleum.
Turn the pump off and let the mixture settle for half an hour.
However, due to economic conditions, the prices for domestic coffee are low. In a wide majority of
cases these plants use methanol for their transesterification processes, which makes biodiesel mainly
composed by methyl esters only 90% renewable. The mass production of oil is focused mainly on
mi- croalgae of 0.4 mm dia of diatoms and cyanobacteria rather than macroalgae e.g. Seaweed and is
preferred for biodiesel production due to its less complex structure, fast growth and high oil content.
The major advantage of open ponds is that they are easier to con struct and op- erate than the closed
systems. The major constraints are poor light utilization, large evaporative losses, diffusion of CO 2
to the atmo spher e and r e quirement of large areas. The attack by predators and other fast growing
hetero- trophs restricts the commercial production of algae in these systems. The biomass
productivities are lower due to lack of proper stirri ng. There have been significant improvements in
technology and recent tests reveal that at the present, biodiesel and ethanol produce energy that is
comparable to conventional diesel. Biodiesel produced from oils with high concentrations of
saturated fatty acid, has better stability. Transportation is one of the biggest contributors to
greenhouse gas emissions. Table 7 gives the fatty acid profile of some of the vegetable oil used for
biodiesel production. The phase of hydrolysis changes cellulose into glucose. This made Europe
embark on certain policies which were considered to prove encouraging for the production of biofuel.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Both routes have
diesel production as their main target and, because it is in liquid form, it can be mixed with fossil
diesel and applied in the transport industry. Pre-treatment is carried out by using H2SO4 and
delignification process using NaOH. In fact, biodiesel gives out 3.2 units per unit of energy used in
its manufacture. Consequently, the demand that arises from The Production of Biofuels and that of
food consumption would be compromised as depicted in figure 2 with D2 and D1 respectively. The
algae production can be increased utilizing waste water from domestic and industrial sec- tors that
contain considerable nutrients necessary for its growth. Industrial and municipal wastewaters can be
potentially utilized fo r cultiv ation of micro algal o il th at can be used fo r the produ ction of
biodiesel to completely displace petro diesel. Therefore, the production and utilization of biodiesel
from oil seeds crops has been getting renewed interest in recent years in the India to overcome the
demerits of oil from oil seed crops. Preliminary tests have been conducted such as titration process
and manual production of biodiesel. Redispersion of the waste paper and then screening of the pulp
in order to separate fibers from mineral fillers; (2). These result shows that the fatty acid profile of the
oil influences the quality of the biodiesel considerably. At very low temperatures the biodiesel tends
to form clumps which can clog fuel lines and filters, leading to a lower performance than
conventional diesel. Open ponds can be categorized into natural waters (lakes, lagoons, ponds) and
artificial ponds (containers). The maximum productivity occurs when the “exchange rate” is equal to
the “doubling time” of the algae. Through this, I designed a method to combine the experiments of
past scientists in order to optimize a safe creation of Biodiesel. Secondly, global economic growth
has demanded an increase of supply in the world energy. This calls utilization of other less harmful
sources of energy like wind, water, and solar. Moreover, hundreds of millions of tons of paper are
produced annually that end up in landfills if not burnt or recycled. Waste paper is one of potential
raw material alternatives which can be converted into ethanol.
This is one of the most important reasons that microalgae have attracted the attention of researchers
in India to scientifically grow, harvest, extract oil and convert it to biodiesel. 5. Technology for
Growing Algae The following technologies are used for the production of algae: Table 1. Extensive
corn production has also encouraged extensive land use and potential encroachment into wild
habitats, forests, and swampy areas. It is reported that biodiesel from oils with a high FFA has higher
cetane number and energy contents, but lower cloud and pour points and higher viscosity. The
gasoline can be characterized by the percentage of it which is ethanol, with E5 and E10 representing
5 and 10 percent blends with gasoline. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign
in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. These biofuels come from the
processing of grasses and forest residues and do not compete with the arable land needed to grow
food crops. Biofuel is made from agricultural crops grown in the US and other parts of the world.
Conclusion It is important to acknowledge that the global oil reserves getting depleted and this
requires a shift from dependency on fossil fuel. The micro algal biomass has been reported to yield
high oil contents and have the diesel production. It is also employed by those who use magnasol or
synthetic magnesium silicate instead of water washing to determine how much magnasol to add.
This means it has not served to mitigate the effects of fossil fuels upon the environment.
Fermentation is carried out by using Saccharomycess cerreviceae bacteria. If grown properly, the
microalgal based biodiesel has potential to completely substitute diesel without competing with the
food and other supplies of agricultural products. Farmers plant these crops knowing they are meant
for two markets. This has led to general economic difficulties in many countries. Furthermore, the
PPI significantly contributes to climate change and global warming in the form of deforestation and
water and air pollution. Demand for biofuels is expected to increase in the future which leads to a
struggle over land availability. Further, the stability of biodiesel from micro- algae is the added
advantage of fuel characteristics which persist for longer period of time unlike biodiesel from oil
seed crops. However, biofuels are not an overall good alternative to our reliance on petroleum in
today's economy. Sugar and starch crops are fermented to produce ethanol, comparable to petroleum.
Hydrolysis is done by using cellulose enzyme (Enzymatic Hydrolysis). The requirement of biofuels
has been witnessing an increase owing to its use with regard to the transport segment as a reaction to
the issue of energy security as well as concerns regarding climate alterations. It can be seen that most
of these parameters comply with the limits established by ASTM related to b iodiesel qual- ity. The
mash is then cooled and transferred to a location to be fermented and yeast is added to begin the
process of converting sugar to ethanol and CO2. After the fermentation process is completed, the
ethanol is blended with natural gasoline and can then be shipped for sale. As a result, from 1 ton of
the waste office paper about 280 L of bioethanol can be. However, solvent extraction is usu ally
applied to get hig h oil yields from algae. The policy-driven nature of technological development
may possibly result in a wide divergence of national technological trajectories. The advantages of
microalgae are their wide- spread availability, higher oil yields and reduced pres- sure on cultivable
land. The vegetable oil and their bio- diesel with high content of oleic acid are the most suit- able
biofuel due to their greater stability and better fuel characteristics.
At the macro level, technological, legal, political, and market-related phenomena have added
pressure on them and impeded their performance. Since the diesel is being used massively in
industrial commercial, agriculture and other sectors. Famine is a global issue and it is inhuman for
people of one country to starve as those in another use their food to make oil for driving vehicles and
machines. While this new generation of biofuels is still being developed, it has become clear that just
switching to all “1st Generation” biofuels will not be an adequate solution to the global energy crisis.
This stage is done by separating ethanol from water and fermentation residues. The starch is then
fermented into ethanol in a process similar to dry mill fermentation. The parameter values describe
that the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th reaction rates are very fast. Henry Ford’s Model T was a flex-fuel
vehicle that was designed to operate on pure ethanol. The closed system allows more species to
grow, control the temp., increase the CO 2 resu lting in increased algae growth. 5.3. Photo Bioreactor
Photobioreactor (PBR) is a translucent closed container making use of light source. Counter views
Concerning the contribution of biofuel to increased global food prices, biofuel cannot be totally be
blamed for it. How It Was Applied To Solve A Particular Problem For a long time, there has been a
need for less energy-intensive models of biofuel production from microalgae, particularly by
reducing energy consumed during dewatering (Xu et al, 2011). This means it has not served to
mitigate the effects of fossil fuels upon the environment. A mixture of biodiesel and conventional
diesel can be used at any percent composition ranging from 0 to 100% biodiesel. It also requires high
altitudes of at least 700m above sea level, relatively high rainfall during the growing season and a
hot dry climate after harvest season in order to dry out and process the beans properly. The
production of biodiesel from microalgae has several advantages over the above re- sources due to
higher algal biomass and oil productivities and the need of non-arable land for its growth. Recent
studies have found that the production of bioethanol from corn has a larger carbon footprint than the
usage of fossil fuels. Such systems can be illuminated by artificial light, solar light or by both. The
water will fall to the bottom, turning completely white, and the fuel you made will be much lighter
in colour now. Bruce et al (2010) state that during biofuel production, a lot of energy is used making
the project uneconomical. The “raceway ponds” provide better circulation of al- gae, water and
nutrients using paddlewheels on regular frequency. However, solvent extraction is usu ally applied to
get hig h oil yields from algae. It is also employed by those who use magnasol or synthetic
magnesium silicate instead of water washing to determine how much magnasol to add. Distillation
and dehydration stages are the stages of ethanol purification. This is because such a project can only
be undertaken by a country after a thorough assessment of its ability to feed its people and the
availability of excess for biofuel production. There have been significant improvements in technology
and recent tests reveal that at the present, biodiesel and ethanol produce energy that is comparable to
conventional diesel. For The Production of Biofuels to be effected, corn has to be used. Looking at
the limited fossil fuel associated with problems, concerted efforts have been started to search for
alternative bio fuels like bio ethanol and biodiesel. The vegetable oil and their bio- diesel with high
content of oleic acid are the most suit- able biofuel due to their greater stability and better fuel
characteristics. A comparison of these properties of biodiese l from microalgal oil with diesel and
ASTM biodiesel standard is given in Table 5. The stages of making bioethanol from waste paper are
pre-treatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, distillation, and concentration analysis by Chromatography
Gas (CG).
The mi- croalgae can be classified on the basis of their pigmenta- tion, life cycle and basic cellu lar
structure as given in Table 1. How It Was Applied To Solve A Particular Problem For a long time,
there has been a need for less energy-intensive models of biofuel production from microalgae,
particularly by reducing energy consumed during dewatering (Xu et al, 2011). Stop mixing when it
appears that the separation has stopped. This will ensure that biofuel does not face extinction and
neither does it threaten the existence of man by creating a competitive market for food products and
cropland. The policy-driven nature of technological development may possibly result in a wide
divergence of national technological trajectories. Sugar and starch crops are fermented to produce
ethanol, comparable to petroleum. According to Colitt (2008), improved economic conditions
leading to better feeding can be blamed for the rise in food prices. A current study meant for the
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development illustrates that market driven growth of
ethanol in United States' increased corn prices by 21% in 2009,compared to the prices that would
prevailing if the production of ethanol had been frozen in 2004. Fermentation is carried out by using
Saccharomycess cerreviceae bacteria. Other ideas for disposing of the glycerine are breaking it down
to usable methane gas, with a methane digester or, for a much wilder idea, it could be broken down
with pyrolisis. High-solids enzymatic hydrolysis of the demineralized paper to obtain fermentable
sugar -glucose; and (4). Therefore, the production and utilization of biodiesel from oil seeds crops
has been getting renewed interest in recent years in the India to overcome the demerits of oil from
oil seed crops. The contamination with bacterial strains and maintenance of optimum temperature are
the main difficulty in large pond area. 5.2. Closed Ponds Control of environment in closed ponds is
much better but there are costlier and less efficient than open pond system. Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. Most common har- vesting methods include sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, ultra-
filtration or combination of flocculation- flotation. This biomass is unique to UAE, especially
because it is not therapeutically useful and not a food crop. The following paper provides an
assessment of the current position of biofuels in Europe. After the fermentation process is completed,
the ethanol is blended with natural gasoline and can then be shipped for sale. The chemical name of
the completed biodiesel reflects the alcohol used; methanol makes methyl esters, whereas ethanol
will produce ethyl esters. The algae production can be increased utilizing waste water from domestic
and industrial sec- tors that contain considerable nutrients necessary for its growth. JSBS 59
Potential Source of Biodiesel in India,” 6 th International Conference on Sustainable Deve lopment
of Energy Water and Environment System, Dubrovnik, 25-29 September 2011. Therefore, the
impact of this industry on the sustainability of natural resources and its adverse environmental health
effects requires special attention. This stage is done by separating ethanol from water and
fermentation residues. The maximum productivity occurs when the “exchange rate” is equal to the
“doubling time” of the algae. Through this, I designed a method to combine the experiments of past
scientists in order to optimize a safe creation of Biodiesel. Introduction Owing to the limited
availability and associated envi- ronmental problems with fossil fuel utilization, the re- newable
energy based biofuel viz biodiesel and bioetha- nol are viewed as future substitute fuels for diesel
and gasoline respectively. The production of biofuels is one good alternative. The requirement of
biofuels has been witnessing an increase owing to its use with regard to the transport segment as a
reaction to the issue of energy security as well as concerns regarding climate alterations. Open ponds
can be categorized into natural waters (lakes, lagoons, ponds) and artificial ponds (containers).
Keywords: Microalgal Species; Cultivation; Harvesting; Oil Extraction and Biodiesel Production 1.

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