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Title: Expert Assistance for Crafting Your College Research Paper on Lupus

Are you struggling with the complexities of writing a college research paper on lupus? You're not
alone. Crafting a thesis on this intricate topic demands meticulous research, in-depth analysis, and a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The process can be overwhelming, leaving many
students feeling frustrated and stressed.

Writing a thesis on lupus requires delving into various aspects of the disease, including its causes,
symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and ongoing research. Navigating through the vast amount
of literature and scientific studies while ensuring accuracy and relevance can be a daunting task for
even the most diligent students.

Moreover, compiling and organizing the gathered information into a coherent and compelling
argument demands significant time and effort. From formulating a thesis statement to structuring the
paper and citing sources appropriately, every step of the writing process requires attention to detail
and critical thinking.

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The per centum of patients with SLE enduring from cognitive upset varies among surveies. The
infirmary stay is longer due to a patient without lupus. The study doctor will take you through the
document, explain everything about the research study and answer any questions you have about
your involvement and the Skin Lupus clinical trials. This kind of medication is available over the
counter. You don’t need health insurance to participate in our research study. Scholars can use them
for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. On the whole,
HSCT is known as a form of “salvage” therapy specifically designed to treat refractory diseases
especially after exhaustion of all available drug treatments. Secondary data which were measured
immediately upon admission into the experimental study included the Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus Disease Activity Index, or SLEDAI, the lupus serology test results as determined by
the antinuclear antibody and anti-double-stranded DNA antibody, the test on complement C3 and
C4, and the test on end-organ function determined by creatinine clearance, and the carbon monoxide
diffusion lung capacity. The survey will be based on semi structured interviews of. For one to be
confirmed as having this disease, several tests have to be performed. The records of children with
sufficient American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for SLE treated by the renal units of
the Johannesburg and Chris Hani Baragwanath hospitals, and the arthritis clinic of the Johannesburg
Hospital between January 1974 and March 2000 were reviewed. If the organic structure is infected
the physicians may hold a biopsy ordered to look into their tegument and kidneys ( Ferrara, E.,2010
). Patient was diagnosed as having aplastic anaemia with Systemic lupus erythematosus, managed
with steroids and being followed up for monitoring the response. You will be asked to sign an
Informed Consent Form. According to Burt et al. (2006), a European analysis made up of data from
53 patients in 23 centers reported that patients with SLE undergoing autologous HSCT as well as
condition regimens increased their disease-free survival rate to 55%. HA were present in 516 (82.7
%) patients at the time of diagnosis. For these patients, whose SLE is treatment-refractory, what was
recommended was “nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, or HSCT, regimen”
(Burt et al., 2006). Based on previous studies and research and on what was previously known
through theory, HSCT is a 2-step medical procedure. Some malaria medications such as
hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat the disease. 3. Corticosteroids. This type of treatment is
used to counter the effects of inflammation by the disease. Interest in individual performers, in the
era of iTunes, was being relegated to the sidelines as teens assembled their own 'mixes' rather than
sought to embrace the output of an individual artist. Another diagnostic tool that is used, that of the
study of the serum creatinine levels, can not only diagnose chronic renal failure, but also help to
distinguish it from acute renal failure, as the acute version would see a rapid and sudden spike in the
serum creatinine levels over several days or several weeks, as opposed to a gradual rise that is seen
over months or even over years ogers, 2004. Results: Majority of the cases were in the age group of
21-30 years and 21 patients were of the female gender. Cutaneous manifestations of disseminated
tuberculosis are unusual, being seen in less than 0.5% of cases. Scrofuloderma, tuberculosis
verrucosa cutis and lupus vulgaris comprise most cutaneous tuberculosis cases. This article through
systematic published literature, efforts to summarize the of import neurological characteristics of
cardinal nervous system disease of SLE. The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is also referred to
as the great imitator. The most common neurological manifestations of SLE are the organic brain
disorders, which comprises of all the possible fluctuations of acute confusion, lassitude, or coma;
chronic dementedness; depression, passion, or other affectional perturbations; or psychosis. The
achings associated with lupus can be changeless and intolerable. It was long ago observed that
Systemic Lupus was far more common in females than males, approximately with a ratio of 9:1
Rider et al, 1998. A young 26 years old lady who presented with a history of intermittent fever,
microcytic anaemia, joint pains and mild degree of splenomegaly was investigated. At the same time,
every patient has their own feelings meaning that there are rare occasions when two or more patients
experience similar symptoms. Severity also varies in individuals. Systemic lupus erythematosus
utilizes SLEDAI and RIFLE because of the fact that the disease is a heterogeneous disease when it
comes to its clinical course and manifestations.
Probes such as a full blood count ( FBC ), which frequently shows an anemia or a cytopenia,
nephritic and liver map trials and acute stage reactants: a high erythrocyte deposit rate ( ESR ) with
a normal C reactive protein ( CRP ) concentration are characteristic. We strongly encourage all
volunteers to ask as many questions as they’d like about the research study before signing the
Informed Consent Form. SLE should be considered in any patient who ab initio presents with a
meningitic image and in whom beings have non been identified, particularly if the meningitis is
perennial. While working in Baltimore, Moore carried out a study which drew the conclusion that
systemic lupus developed in 7 percent of the 148 subjects who suffered from chronic false-positive
tests for syphilis and also, a further 30 percent of the same number had symptoms consistent with
collagen disease. Among adult females it is 5 ten higher than in work forces. There are also others
known as discoid, neonatal and drug-induced. Clinical presentation was similar to previous series,
but atypical presentation was common. After the screening process, if you qualify, you will either
receive the study drug or the placebo (medication without the active ingredient of the study drug).
The researchers have also concluded that the immunosuppressive conditioning regimen should use
cyclosphamide, a standard lupus medication as well as the addition of equine ATG for further
immunosuppression (Burt et al., 2006). Somehow, I agree with this because although treatment in the
study involved HSCT, which is a general method for malignant diseases, it has to be specific to the
disease itself which is being dealt with. Among those presented through tables included the toxic
effects of transplantation, and the renal outcome of the patients. They should encourage the patients
to take the drugs and should always remember to be friendly to them. You don’t need health
insurance to participate in our research study. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is derived from an
attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis and is employed beneficially as a relatively safe
vaccination in Poland and other countries in which the prevalence of tuberculosis is high. The most
common side effects are stomach upset, abdominal pain, ulcers, and even ulcer bleeding.
Hematological system is frequently affected in the setting of the disease. A young 26 years old lady
who presented with a history of intermittent fever, microcytic anaemia, joint pains and mild degree
of splenomegaly was investigated. Treatment for lupus is to forestall the flairs, handle them when
they rise and to minimise organ harm. Lupus is more prevalent in urban than in rural areas and it has
increased forty times may be due to improved diagnosis. The achings associated with lupus can be
changeless and intolerable. Nurses should also know that it is their responsibility to ensure that the
patients get tested. For the body to fight antigens such as bacteria and viruses, it has to produce
proteins known as antibodies. It is provided by primary attention centres which are distributed along.
The stem cell technology will also come as a relief to nurses since they would not have to spend lots
of time taking care of the patients. There maybe a distinct link between the haematological findings
and the serological abnormalities found in SLE. For one to be confirmed as having this disease,
several tests have to be performed. Participation does not necessitate the purchase of insurance.
Results This study included 160 patients (145 female and 15 male patients), hospitalized at the
Rheumatology Department. The clinical presentation, age distribution and race were examined.
Moriz Kaposi proponed there were two types of lupus erythematosus: the disseminated form and the
discoid form. These symptoms are fatigue, hurting and puffiness in the articulations and musculuss, a
batch like people with arthritis, clamber roseola that may look across the face, ear, upper weaponries,
thorax, and organic structure parts expose to the Sun, photosensivity, unexplained febrilities,
unwritten ulcers, pericarditis, concerns, giddiness, depression, confusion, ictuss, psychosis, unusual
hair loss, picket or violet fingers or toes from emphasis or cold.
One in every five. 3. Swelling and pain of the join. At the same time, every patient has their own
feelings meaning that there are rare occasions when two or more patients experience similar
symptoms. Severity also varies in individuals. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. However, skin lupus can develop without ever being
diagnosed with systemic lupus. As the signs keep changing, the nurse has to ensure that the patient
changes the medication that they are using. The contentions of intervention of APS remain, chiefly in
footings of the sum of anticoagulation required to forestall perennial thrombosis. First of all, since
symptoms are very crucial in determining the type of treatments to be used for the disease, it is
important that nurses monitor the patients and know the kind of symptoms that they have. A detailed
history along with a clinical general examination was followed by peripheral blood examination and
bone marrow aspiration to find out the effect of the disease on the haematological system. Rashes
were found to be the commonest clinical feature present at the time of diagnosis, followed by
polyarthritis and renal pathology. The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is also referred to as the
great imitator. In order to counter these symptoms that mimic SLE and which have been brought
about by equine ATG, what is usually administered is long-term, high-dose corticosteroids (Burt et
al., 2006). The SLEDAI and RIFLE, which were the standard systems used for measuring the
progress of the disease, have been used in previous studies and cases of SLE. A lot of people who
are suffering from this type of ailment do not even know that they bi-polar disorder and they go
through life without even getting treatment for this type of disorder. If the organic structure is
infected the physicians may hold a biopsy ordered to look into their tegument and kidneys ( Ferrara,
E.,2010 ). It is therefore the responsibility of these antibodies to protect the body from foreign
organisms such as viruses and bacteria. The researchers have also concluded that high-dose
chemotherapy and autologous HSCT were two effective ways to deal with severely ill SLE patients
(Burt et al., 2006). I somehow agree with this conclusion because this is heavily backed with
experimental evidence from the actual study. Serological tests revealed positive antinuclear antibody
and anti double-stranded DNA tests. It is provided by primary attention centres which are
distributed along. In other words, the branchings of this syndrome extend beyond SLE, to all
subjects of medical specialty. The 50 patients enrolled in the study had a characteristic SLE that did
not respond to conventional or standard immunosuppressive therapy. About 50% of the population
have this sort of rash. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 11(1), 53-63. The single-arm trial of 50
patients were enrolled from April 1997 to January 2005 in a study where they had to undergo
autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, or HSCT, in one US medical
center (Burt et al., 2006). Study Design Although the design of the study is not clearly specified, it is
obvious that what is utilized in the study is both an experimental and an observational approach.
Lupus can be linked to familial, environmental, and hormonal factors. All study-related care is
completed free of cost and you will be reimbursed for your time and travel. A patient with lupus can
besides hold sjogren syndrome. There are social workers, medical doctors, rheumatologists, kidney
and skin doctors, nurses, and other people present to support lupus patients. Of the 55 patients
reviewed, 9 have died and 8 have been lost to follow-up. The purpose of our survey was to happen
out correlativity between estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate ( eGFR ) by Modification of Diet in
Renal Disease ( MDRD ) expression and. Reducing the cardiovascular hazard, which still claims
significant loss of life, is besides of major importance. I n 19979-1980 Numberss of decease with
lupus increased from 879-1,406.
Systemic Lupus and Acetyl CoA Deficiency Systemic Lupus is an autoimmune disease with no
known cause first described in 1851. Many patients are instructed to take Nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs known as NSAIDS. Treatment for lupus is to forestall the flairs, handle them
when they rise and to minimise organ harm. Among those that served as primary data which were
measured first were overall survival and disease remission. In the early 1900s, the first clinical
description of lupus was presented, but many years would pass before any major discoveries would
take place. A detailed history along with a clinical general examination was followed by peripheral
blood examination and bone marrow aspiration to find out the effect of the disease on the
haematological system. Joint pain, poor circulation and a telltale rash are just three of myriad
symptoms indicative of lupus, a disease that inevitably impacts major organs by way of
compromising the body's defenses, as well as through invasive steroid treatment that weakens bones.
It talks about perplexing statistics sing these two issues. In order to be effective, the antibody has to
differentiate the antigens from normal human tissues. The cause of decease is chiefly because of
organ failure like the kidney, infections and cardiovascular disease. If the patient has major organ
issues, the physician would order a higher dosage of steroid. With an economy that is weak, and a
high rate of unemployment, this represents a serious problem. The single-arm trial of 50 patients were
enrolled from April 1997 to January 2005 in a study where they had to undergo autologous
nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, or HSCT, in one US medical center (Burt
et al., 2006). Study Design Although the design of the study is not clearly specified, it is obvious that
what is utilized in the study is both an experimental and an observational approach. However, the
nurses should never give lupus medication without the approval of the supervising doctor. Materials
and Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of pathology in collaboration with the
department of medicine,, Regional Institute of Medical Scinces, Imphal, Manipur. Neuroimaging
surveies suggested no important differences in the incidence of multifocal little white affair lesions,
or of big vas shots, between patients with primary or secondary APS. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Interest in individual performers, in the era of iTunes, was being relegated to the sidelines as teens
assembled their own 'mixes' rather than sought to embrace the output of an individual artist. That is
it is common for one to have the disease and not experience all the symptoms that other people feel.
In fact, HSCT is appropriately measured by SLEDAI because HSCT indicates a significant
improvement in the SLEDAI and even a 50% probability of 5-year remission is indicated in the
standard measure (Burt et al., 2006). Population Sampling The total number of patients used in the
experimental study was 50. In this particular study, the significant improvement of the patient from
the disease includes the fact that the improvement of the life of the patient regardless of the presence
of supplemental oxygen (Burt et al., 2006). Another type of primary data used in the study is the
creatinine clearance, which was used to determine renal function. But sometimes this type of
treatment would leave hyper pigmentations and scars on the affected skin area after resolution of
symptoms. diagnosis of SLE is difficult and it takes a combination of study of the This patient
presented with lupus panniculitis which is a type of rash rarely seen in presenting in patients with
SLE and it requires clinical and pathologic knowledge to diagnose. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 11(1), 53-63. Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus while being a visual disease it also has some internal problems. First published in
German in 1929, Civilization and its Discontents delves deeply into Freud's theories of aggression,
the death drive, and its adversary, Eros. The male-to-female ratio was 1:2.6 overall, with a ratio of
1:1.2 under 10 years and 1:4 over 10 years. Nevertheless, despite the advances in treatment such as
the introduction of aggressive immunosuppressive medical therapies, some patients still have
significantly high morbidity and mortality from SLE and would involve visceral organ problems
associated with the disease. Here, we present a case of 10year old boy who was admitted in
emergency paediatric department of MKCG medical college with complains of pain abdomen. For
illustration, in primary attention, a diagnosing of SLE or a related upset is often evident after clinical
rating, uranalysis for blood and protein.
Lupus is more prevalent in urban than in rural areas and it has increased forty times may be due to
improved diagnosis. They may improve or fade away in a matter of days or weeks, but they can also
cause permanent disfigurement and loss of skin pigmentation. Words: 2053 Length: 7 Pages
Document Type: Essay Paper: 46197453 Freud Civilization and Its Discontents Sigmund Freud's
volume, Civilization and its Discontents, he tackles no less than the broad and ambitious concept of
man's place in the world. The results have to be analyzed properly since anemia also has almost
similar results from the same test. 2. Sedimentation of erythrocytes rate. In Lupus, the ambulatory
attention was listed 1,032,000 in 2001-2005.There is no national cost listed. Other test including
routine urine examination, kidney function test,ANA (Antinuclear antibodies) test and Anti-ds DNA
screening metl hod were performed to correlate the findings along with the haematological findings.
Women between the ages of 15 and 44 are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with lupus,
accounting for over 90% of those diagnosed. Results: Majority of the cases were in the age group of
21-30 years and 21 patients were of the female gender. For these patients, whose SLE is treatment-
refractory, what was recommended was “nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,
or HSCT, regimen” (Burt et al., 2006). Based on previous studies and research and on what was
previously known through theory, HSCT is a 2-step medical procedure. In patients with SLE, equine
ATG was added to the conditioning regimen in order to promote further immunosuppression. That is
it is common for one to have the disease and not experience all the symptoms that other people feel.
First Name Last Name Phone Confirm Phone Best time to call. When questioned about her medical
history, she stated she had a condition called systemic lupus erythematosus. Scientists believe there is
no individual cistron that give people lupus, but suggest the badness of the disease and which tissues
and variety meats are affected. Some malaria medications such as hydroxychloroquine can be used
to treat the disease. 3. Corticosteroids. This type of treatment is used to counter the effects of
inflammation by the disease. On further examination and investigation was diagnosed as a case of
Lupus vulgaris with SAIO. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Politicians and
medical practitioners are having debates on possible solutions to this condition. Volunteers who are
eligible for the Skin Lupus Clinical Trials will receive the study drug through subcutaneous injections.
Association of HA with organ involvement was explored by multivariate analysis. For illustration, in
primary attention, a diagnosing of SLE or a related upset is often evident after clinical rating,
uranalysis for blood and protein. If these aforementioned levels have improved or normalized after
the patient has undergone HSCT. Lupus can be linked to familial, environmental, and hormonal
factors. The patient’s pretransplantation medical history served as the only secondary data used in the
study. Many patients are instructed to take Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as
NSAIDS. A patient with lupus can besides hold sjogren syndrome. In this test, blood sample is taken
and kept in a test tube from where the rate at which the red blood cells settle at the bottom of the
test tube is measured. They might invite you to the location in Troy, Michigan to complete the
screening process to check if you are eligible to participate in the research study. However, it is
important to explain that genetics alone is not the factor responsible for the development of lupus
SLE amongst women. This disease has inflammatory of small and medium sized arteries and
According to Burt et al. (2006), a European analysis made up of data from 53 patients in 23 centers
reported that patients with SLE undergoing autologous HSCT as well as condition regimens
increased their disease-free survival rate to 55%. With this kind of technology, it is possible to
completely cure the lupus patients. All volunteers who fulfill the criteria will be monetarily
compensated for their time and travel. College Lupus Introduction Lupus is a condition where the
body’s immune system is hyper-reactive and therefore attacks healthy and normal tissues. The main
goal when it comes to the treatment is to prevent our immune system from attacking itself. This
article through systematic published literature, efforts to summarize the of import neurological
characteristics of cardinal nervous system disease of SLE. Cytotoxic drugs can be given to handle
musculuss or articulations, major variety meats like the kidneys. Patients with SLE have experienced
an improvement in the situation after the elimination of the anticoagulant through HSCT: a general
improvement in the patient’s well being, the lessening of the severity of thromboembolic
anticoagulation, and the elimination of risks from serious bleeding just because the anticoagulant is
eliminated (Burt et al.). Statistical Data Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used
in the research study. A physician may choose from legion intervention options, including ordering
one or more drugs to antagonize hurting, redness, and related jobs ( Ferrara, E., 2010 ). This would
prevent cases where wrong medications are given to the patient yet they have a totally different
disease. In systemic lupus erythematosus, the damage which occurs on the tissues is caused by
immune complexes and antibodies. Women between the ages of 15 and 44 are significantly more
likely to be diagnosed with lupus, accounting for over 90% of those diagnosed. If you are eligible,
you will be contacted by a member of our research team. Moreover, just like in the study,
anticoagulation tests measured the severity of the symptoms of patients with SLE. In most people
with lupus they test positive for antinuclear antibodies. The patient taking these drugs need to be
monitored for serious inauspicious drug reactions like bone narrow suppression and increased
susceptibleness to infections ( Roone, J. ( 2005 ). The people with lupus will hold many different
symptoms or oncomings. It is a serious but potentially treatable unwellness, which still presents really
hard diagnostic challenges. The disease is also more prevalent among women, which is consistent
with the possibility that hormones play some role in disease etiology. The survey will be based on
semi structured interviews of. In the case of SLE, the use of cyclosphamide and equine ATG are
specific to the disease and therefore they work really well with other drugs used as well as HSCT.
Rashes were found to be the commonest clinical feature present at the time of diagnosis, followed by
polyarthritis and renal pathology. This is mainly used in the treatment of the pain that the patient
might experience. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of pathology
in collaboration with the department of medicine,, Regional Institute of Medical Scinces, Imphal,
Manipur. Because of the known effectiveness of HSCT in treating these diseases, Burt et al. (2006)
decided to try the same thing on those with SLE. However, it is important to explain that genetics
alone is not the factor responsible for the development of lupus SLE amongst women. Scholars can
use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Bacillus
Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is derived from an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis and is
employed beneficially as a relatively safe vaccination in Poland and other countries in which the
prevalence of tuberculosis is high. Doctors can learn a patient to acknowledge the warning mark of
the flairs and being able to keep it. A total of 25 diagnosed cases of systemic lupus erythematosus
(SLE) attending the out patient department and those admitted in the ward were chosen for the study.

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