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There have been many gains in the quality and accessibility of health care for all ethnic groups and
social justice. CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultural diversity may mean differently depending on how
it is used in context (Graan, 2004). Prerequisite to a decent work culture is about respecting
individuals and treating everyone, customers and colleagues, with dignity. Additionally, it is
recommendable for a person to pursue things that are within the interest of the society. Attaching
Value to diversity Accepting the cultural differences that exist and respecting them is important for
the enhancement of cultural proficiency. Children in recent time seem to have little knowledge of
diversity because there are constantly numbers of cases that appear every day about culture. Because
I am entering my university experience with this positive attitude about diversity, I believe I will
contribute significantly to a positive learning environment on campus. I recognize that every
individual I encounter in my courses has faced unique challenges, and working closely with them in
my nursing courses will help me prepare to work with diverse populations when I become a nurse. In
recent years, China has emerged on the horizon as one of the fastest developing countries. The
society should also be enlightened on the need to values the different cultural practices, values, and
ways of communication, which exist because of diversity (Leavitt, 2010). Psychology refers to the
study of subconscious and conscious activities such as emotions and thoughts. Children need to
grow up with no prejudice towards certain ethnic and racial communities. Analyze the functioning
and implementation of some of the diversity management policies, with an emphasis towards the
types of diversity prevailing in these companies. The child requirements both basics like education
are catered for thereby resulting in a healthy individual to help the family and the community.
Buying a cheap essay is the best way out of this situation, an excellent solution for every student
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works written in this literary genre are notable for their small volume and free composition.
Increased social divisiveness, resulting in low social cohesion, a more difficult team process, and
decreased group performance. Not every student can correctly express their thoughts. Social classes
created on the basis of race, sexual characteristics, sexuality, and religion exposes lower classes to
discrimination, prejudice, and abuse among other attacks. Davey, Smith et al. Individual Social
Class, Area Based Deprivation, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Mortality, Journal of
Epidemiology and Community Health, 52, 1998. Instead, they provide diversity prompts in the
application, which you will have to respond to in your personal statement. This ensures that all the
individuals are treated equally, regardless of their gender, origin, race, religion e.t.c. any group,
committee or panel formed to undertake different tasks for the organization should be representative
of the different personalities in that organization. There is a pressing need for accurate data on the
contributing factors to health inequalities for black and ethnic minority groups. Request for a Project
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care disparities are differences in the health status of individuals in a society caused by various
structural, environmental, and social inequalities. Part A of the questionnaire will contain the
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This can be done through sensitization of health care staff and community care workers who can
pinpoint cases that need immediate interventions. The profile pictures provided were of three
women, the first one is of a tan woman with reddish hair, the second is a woman with olive toned
skin and dark hair and the third woman is very fair skin with brownish hair. In tandem with this, it is
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The prescriptive norms, rules, roles, and networks of a specific culture are a basic component of how
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resources from across NIH. Gather data related to the legal provisions and how some of the reputed
companies have been caught on wrong foot in taking good care of their employees based on the
prevailing diversity. Individuals with intellectual disability are often left out of and overlooked in
discussions on sexual health and diversity research papers or studies. Hence, you need to choose a
suitable topic that will suit your interests. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. It
affected youth and became a serious social problem. This paper will seek to explain that fathers'
absence is the major issue that is to blame for the instability found in many families today. The
emphasis on treating diversity as a strategic management issue instead of just an HR issue gains
momentum from the fact that if an organisation is not able to inculcate a value proposition amongst
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The Ohio State University are the Discovery Themes which include. My love for meeting new
people was one of the things that initially made me decide to pursue a career in nursing, and I
believe that it will also make me a valuable contributor to the university campus. Different cultural
values exist in almost every school in the country. This mainly concerns the preparation and design of
the project. Make sure that each of your ideas is structured well and perfectly. Maryland can further
promote classroom match up with neighboring schools t as a platform for students to exchange
information. You can consult us online to get the help required. Such a consent document serves as
protection both for participants and for the researchers involved. There is a pressing need for accurate
data on the contributing factors to health inequalities for black and ethnic minority groups.
Multinational companies in particular have come to realise the importance of taking good care of their
employees in such a manner that the diversity tends to become strength for the company. The
existing data is deficient in pinpointing the exact causes of higher prevalence and patterns of several
diseases on the black and ethnic minority groups; probably caused by lack of inclusion of these
ethnic minority groups in surveys due to their population and distribution patterns. Health disparities
are usually evident at birth with differences in birth weight, infant mortality, and subsequent physical
and mental development. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Start with the “Order now” button, and we'll gently walk you through the motions of
placing the order. In Britain, misdiagnosis of severe mental health disorders is common among
people of African origin compared to the general white population (Westwood 247).
The standard care protocols developed to cater for race and ethnic groups would save time. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. For example, the essay about
being from a war veteran family can build into how you became more sensitive to discrimination
around you and how you responded to it. You can be sure that the order was taken not by an
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Nutritional Metabolic Profiling to Improve. In fact, my parents would often find themselves
apologizing for me because I was asking too many questions. This helps to expand what children
view the world beyond the confinement of the school boundary. Considering the nature of the
subject of the dissertation, more time and resources would be required to carry out an in-depth study
of the subject. Gardenswartz and Rowe (1998) contend that effective management of diversity
offers with it a number of benefits in the form of fullest utilisation of the skills and potential of all
employees; better access to changing market place as the company's brand value attracts more
respect; healthy return on the investment in human capital. By providing this relevant information,
the research participants will be made aware about the study prior to completing or sharing any
information. There have been many gains in the quality and accessibility of health care for all ethnic
groups and social justice. It focuses on you as an individual and your relation to society. Hence, you
need to choose a suitable topic that will suit your interests. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. It helps the university understand what sets a student apart and the diverse views
they can hold. Racial inequalities in sport resulting from apartheid in South Africa are well
documented, diversity research papers or studies, and they are evident in the participation or non-
participation levels in the various sports. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 50, No. 4, 941-952.
Drawing on our experience with the inclusion of Romani people, the largest ethnic minority group in
Europe, we examine the challenges of the liberal inclusion discourse when finding its realization in
hierarchically stratified European societies. If everything is up to your standards, download the text
fileor send it to your email for later. Selected Slides pre-conference resource for ECER How Can We
Teach French Inclusively. The problem creates obstacles in education field, family life, industries and
business fields. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Diversity is a sensitive topic,
hence you need to be wary of what you write. The encompassment a different people, from different
backgrounds in religion, socio-cultural activities, education, and exposure ensures that the
organization can uphold variant ideas, opinions, and judgments. In such case, we start gathering data
about the diversity aspects in the companies being analysed, follow their functioning in the recent
past, figure out the problem or difference areas and then see the commonality of such failures in
more than one company. However, still, try to be brief because everything else will be covered in the
essay. Some analysts suggest that managing diversity finds its origins in the USA where it was
projected in the early eighties that whites males would form a minority amongst the American labour
force by the end of 20th century (Maxwell et al, 2001). How employing diverse people make the
companies more adaptable to the emerging situations. Social classes created on the basis of race,
sexual characteristics, sexuality, and religion exposes lower classes to discrimination, prejudice, and
abuse among other attacks. AITSL, ACARA, MCEETYA, This is a critically reflective paper that
asks whether raising critical consciousness This is a critically reflective paper that asks whether
raising critical consciousness Hinchey, consequently has a place in contemporary teacher education,
diversity research papers or studies.
There are now international bodies and organisations monitoring the manner in which the employee's
welfare is being taken up by the companies. All inclusive data need to be collected to enable the
accurate interpretation of factors that lead to health inequalities. Academy of Management Journal.
Vol. 50, No. 4, 941-952. For example, an African-American MD or Professor holds a high-status
position within society because of their education, job and socio-economic status, but still belong to
a race that is generally discriminated against. An example of this is illustrated by John Edgar
Wideman in Brothers and Keepers (Wideman, 1984). This would increase the health providers
understanding of disease demographics and outcomes of the black and ethnic minority groups.
When I join one of these groups, I am particularly interested in inviting more diverse speakers to
campus, which will further demonstrate that the campus is an open and welcoming learning
environment. Black and ethnic minority groups need exceptional considerations in the National
Health Service mandate to cater for cultural and language barriers. A well-written essay is
characterized by internal semantic unity. It explores the diverse origins of the students and how they
intermingle on the campus. Such training enhances the management ability of ensuring every member
of their team feels appreciated and equally important, not withstanding their differences in
personalities, cultures, religious backgrounds e.t.c. The establishment, enforcement, and
implementation of a set of code of ethics is yet another method. Paying attention to exemplary work,
you can get into the circle of favorites of the teacher. The inclusion policies recognize this
contradiction of formal equality as they are made for those who fail 'to fit in' and those who do not
'count' yet. A Research Paper Presented to The Research Department, Air Command and Staff
College (ACSC). vi. The works written in this literary genre are notable for their small volume and
free composition. Existing inequalities in economic, power, education, housing, and social and health
access lead to increased mortality rates for affected groups. This mainly concerns the preparation and
design of the project. Focusing on discursive opportunities, availability of supporters, and public
legitimization, we can conclude from three case studies discussed in this paper that there are obvious
inequalities present in partnerships between AFEGs and migrant-supporting organizations. Education
research paper topics will inspire you to come up with the unique and gripping topic for a research
paper. These qualities and characteristics of people have traditionally been used by some sections of
Europeans to group people into classes with Europeans being superior of all races, followed by
Asians and Native Americans, and lastly Blacks being inferior to all other races (Spickard 14).
Avoiding the occurrence of such incidents is one big challenge for the companies. These rules will
help you write a readable text without hackneyed phrases and empty expressions with thematic
narrow-profile vocabulary and a clear author's position. Gather data related to the legal provisions
and how some of the reputed companies have been caught on wrong foot in taking good care of their
employees based on the prevailing diversity. Therefore managing the cultural diversity of the
company in an effective way has become an important tool for achieving its corporate goals. Name:
Course: College: Tutor: Date: Migration, cultural diversity and integration in contemporary Britain
With the advent of globalization, it has become very common to have students from different
countries and cultures coming together and studying in the same institutions of higher learning. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. The problem creates obstacles in education field,
family life, industries and business fields. How happy or content the employees feel after their
companies adopt measures like 'diversity management'. Preservation of Cultural Diversity is essential
as a basis for exchange, improvement, and creativeness of teams like biodiversity for nature. One of
the leading causes of inefficient and non beneficial health care provision is language barriers between
health care practitioners and patients.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase,
a SQL command or malformed data. Some themes of research concentration are listed below. It
includes the management, the customers, the employees, the suppliers, the distributors and of course
the respective governments. Everything needs to be argued, accompanied by examples and evidence.
Diversity is a sensitive topic, hence you need to be wary of what you write. Despite the small
volume and simple composition, writing an essay is not that easy. The second procedure is the
essential change stage, where the organization adapts measures beyond formal rules to guide the
achievement of diversity in the organization. Existing inequalities in economic, power, education,
housing, and social and health access lead to increased mortality rates for affected groups. This may
affect their willingness and likelihood of seeking medical interventions and services because of
reinforced perceptions and mistrust in the British health and health care system. The major cause of
inequalities in health care is the poor social-economic status of all immigrants and resident black and
ethnic minority groups (Graham 19). The analysis and interpretation also might prove to be time-
consuming in itself, because some of the information though requested, might not be forthcoming on
account of the sensitive nature of the information. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to
Pinterest. Research Proposal Employee care- The challenge of managing Cultural Diversity Executive
Summary The global nature of economies and liberalisation policies are allowing movement of
people across the boundaries from one region to another or one country to another. Critical race
theory postulates that race is the primary face of discrimination and oppression rather than social
economic class (Tara 91). I would love to have the opportunity to add to the diversity on campus as a
student in the future. For example, an African-American MD or Professor holds a high-status
position within society because of their education, job and socio-economic status, but still belong to
a race that is generally discriminated against. An effective management of this diversity and group
culture help the company in planning and scheduling of its resources in such a manner that the
company is able to make optimum use of its resources. The health and health care quality and
experience form patterns of dissatisfaction in the black and ethnic minority groups. Health
professionals would be engrossed in mastering efficient methods of communication to language
challenged minority groups. In an essay, the author expresses his point of view on a problem or topic,
and in an essay, his attitude towards the work of a particular author. This can be in terms of race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, political beliefs, religion, and much more. A
methods section where authors describe how they collected and analyzed dataStatistical analysis are
included. Socioeconomic Factors Affecting the Utilization of Surgical Operations. The researcher
narrates interesting experiences of some of the companies like Texaco, Coca Cola, and Morgan
Stanley. If you are still struggling try to use our sample topics list as a source of your inspiration.
However, the state has exerted efforts to make the place supportive of cultural diversity by
implementing measures to make people of all races and ethnicities feel most welcome. This
systematic review examines articles published on the history of sport in South Africa since and the
transformation process required for inclusivity. Policy makers need to come out with strategies that
would cater for all ethnic groups to reduce health inequality in Britain. Balanced accurate discussions
of over 250 controversial topics in the news along with chronologies illustrations maps tables
sidebars contact info and bibliographies including primary source documents and news editorials.

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