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IAM Morocco 5G OCS Project

EVC Record Reference

Issue 01
Date 2023-06-30


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Issue 01 (2023-06-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

Issue 01 (2023-06-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii
Mobile Money-SW 23.0.0
EVC Feature Description (Report) About This Document

1 About This Document

This document describes the Mobile Money system feature "Report", which covers topics
such as definition, benefits, description, requirements, impact on the system, application
limitations, technical description, and specifications.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
 Installation and commissioning engineers
 Technical support engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if

not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to
personal injury.

Issue 01 (2023-06-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

Mobile Money-SW 23.0.0
EVC Feature Description (Report) About This Document

Symbol Description

Calls attention to important information, best practices

and tips.
NOTE is used to address information not related to
personal injury, equipment damage, and environment

Change History
Issue Date Description

01 2021-11-12 This issue is the first official release.

Issue 01 (2023-06-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iv

Mobile Money-SW 23.0.0
EVC Feature Description (Report) Contents


About This Document....................................................................................................................ii

1.1 Daily Transaction Detail Dump......................................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Benefits........................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.3 Description..................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.4 Requirements...............................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.5 Impact on the System..................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.6 Application Limitations...............................................................................................................................................2
1.1.7 Feature Interactions.....................................................................................................................................................2
1.1.8 Technical Description..................................................................................................................................................2 Architecture..............................................................................................................................................................2 Business Process.......................................................................................................................................................3 User Experience........................................................................................................................................................3 Configuration Points.................................................................................................................................................3
1.1.9 Specifications..............................................................................................................................................................4
1.1.10 Enhancements............................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.11 Reference...................................................................................................................................................................7

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1.1 Daily Transaction Detail Dump

1.1.1 Definition
This report is used by Service Provider or other third-party system to get transaction detail
Only transactions will be displayed in this report, actions (such as Check Balance, Change
PIN etc.) are not in the scope of this report.

1.1.2 Benefits
Table 1-1 Benefits of this feature
For... Benefits

SP Report data can be easily obtained and provided for third-party

organizations and systems for service monitoring, data analysis, and risk

1.1.3 Description
Data is processed and saved to the report database every day, then export as a file in certain
format and transfer to SFTP.
When an operator or a third-party system wants to get the report, they can log in to SFTP
server to download the file of this report.

1.1.4 Requirements
Requirements on the System
 The report DB needs to be deployed.

Requirements on the Network

The network environment of the high-speed intranet between the LIVEDB and the report DB
is required.
If a third-party system needs to obtain the data of this report, SFTP folder that stores report
files should be exposed to the third-party system.

1.1.5 Impact on the System

Impacts on the System Performance
For the report database server, the report data processing task occupies certain I/O resources.
For the PowerCOM BDI server, the report data export task occupies certain memory

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1.1.6 Application Limitations


1.1.7 Feature Interactions

Feature Dependencies

Mutually Exclusive Features


1.1.8 Technical Description Architecture

Figure 1-1 Logic architecture of the feature

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Table 1-1 Interfaces of the Mobile Money system for this feature
Interface Function Standard or

PowerCOM BDI - DB The BDI system periodically triggers JDBC

scheduling tasks to generate report data,
and extract report data as files in certain
PowerCOM BDI – The BDI system periodically triggers SFTP
SFTP server scheduling tasks to transfer report files
to SFTP server. Business Process

Figure 1-1 Typical business process of the feature

1. The report system triggers scheduled tasks to process the business data, generate report
data, extract report data as files in certain format and transfer to SFTP server.
2. Operator or third-party system logs in to the SFTP sever and download the report files. User Experience

None Configuration Points


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1.1.9 Specifications
Technical Specifications
Considering performance impact and user experience, this report is implemented to
extract data as a file, rather than a traditional query report.
So this report without query conditions, just extract the transaction detail information data
within a special period as a CSV file, and transfer to the SFTP severs of MM. The file format
as below:

Definition Description

Extract File Transaction_Detail_[Date].csv

Name Date: The date of the period that need extract data. The format is
For example, 2020-03-18 01:00:00 to extract data for 2020/03/17 00:00:00-
2020/03/18 00:00:00, the file name will be:

After transferred the file to SFTP, The system will continue to upload an
empty file, indicating that the csv file has already been uploaded. Except the
suffix name is ‘.flg’, the name of the empty file is same with the csv file,
such as Daily_Transaction_Detail_20200317.flg.
Header The field name of the record, as below:
Transaction Initiated Time|Transaction Finish Time|Transaction ID|Service
Name|Transaction Type|Reason Type|Channel|Transaction Status|Failure
Reason|Initiator Type|Initiator|Debit Party Type|Debit Party Identifier|Debit
Party Name|Debit Party Account Type|Debit Party Account|Credit Party
Type|Credit Party Identifier|Credit Party Name|Credit Party Account Type|
Credit Party Account|Original Amount|Actual Amount|Charge Amount|
Commission Amount|Balance before Transaction of Debit Account|Balance
after Transaction of Debit Account|Balance before Transaction of Credit
Account|Balance after Transaction of Credit Account|Currency|Reason|
Checker|Original Conversation ID|Linked Transaction ID
Body Field 1[Separator] Field 2[Separator] Field 3[Separator] Field 4[Separator]
Field 1[Separator] Field 2[Separator] Field 3[Separator] Field 4[Separator]
Field: The extracted attribute.
Separator: It is ‘|’.

For each segment value, the separator (|) is not allowed to be included in the
field value. If there is ‘|’ in the data field which cause the third-party
resolution failure, the report system will not handle the failure.

 Report Statistics Items (Output Parameters)

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Field Description

Transaction The time that transaction initiated.

Initiated Displayed in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss, for example, 25/12/2012
Time 13:01:00.
Transaction The time that transaction finished.
Finish Time Displayed in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss, for example, 25/12/2012
Transaction The unique id of the transaction within MM system.
Service Service name of the transaction.
Transaction Transaction type of the transaction.
Reason Reason type of the transaction.
Channel Initiating channel of the transaction.
Transaction The transaction status of the transaction.
Failure The failure reason of the transaction.
Reason If the transaction is not failed, this field will be empty.
Initiator The Identity type of the initiator that performed the transaction, the value
Type will be Customer, SP Operator or Organization Operator.
Initiator The public name of the operator or customer that initiated the transaction.
The format will be as below:
Operator: SP(Org) Name/Operator User Name(Operator ID)
Customer: MSISDN - First Name Middle Name Last Name
Debit Party The identity type of the debit party.
Type The value will be Organization, SP or Customer etc.
Debit Party The identifier of the debit party.
Identifier It will be SP code, short code of an organization or MSISDN of a customer.
Debit Party The name of debit party.
Debit Party The account type of the debit party account, the debit party account means
Account the account from which the principle amount is debit.
Debit Party The account number of the debit party account, the debit party account
Account means the account from which the principle amount is debit.
Credit Party The identity type of the credit party.

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Field Description

The value will be Organization, SP or Customer etc.

Credit Party The identifier of the credit party.
Identifier It will be SP code, short code of an organization or MSISDN of a customer.
Credit Party The name of credit party.
Credit Party The account type of the credit party account, the debit party account means
Account the account to which the principle amount is credit.
Credit Party The account number of the credit party account, the debit party account
Account means the account to which the principle amount is credit.
Original The original amount of the transaction.
Amount The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
configurations in MM system.
Actual The actual amount of the transaction.
Amount The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
configurations in MM system.
Charge The total fee of the transaction.
Amount The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
configurations in MM system.
Commissio The total commission of the transaction.
n Amount The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
configurations in MM system.
Balance The balance of the debit party account before the transaction, the debit party
before account means the account from which the principle amount is debit.
Transaction The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
of Debit configurations in MM system.
Balance The balance of the debit party account after the transaction, the debit party
after account means the account from which the principle amount is debit.
Transaction The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
of Debit configurations in MM system.
Balance The balance of the credit party account before the transaction, the debit
before party account means the account to which the principle amount is credit.
Transaction The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
of Credit configurations in MM system.
Balance The balance of the credit party account after the transaction, the debit party
after account means the account to which the principle amount is credit.
Transaction The decimal places are displayed based on the local market and
of Credit configurations in MM system.

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Field Description

Currency The currency of the transaction.
Reason The reason is inputted when the initiator performed the transaction.
Checker If the transaction is approved or rejected by an operator, this field will
display the operator information.
The format will be SP(Org) Name/Operator User Name
Original The original conversation id of the transaction that be initiated by third-
Conversatio party system, through some special channels (API etc).
n ID
Linked When transactions are linked for example when a transaction is reversed, the
Transaction ID of the original transaction.

Standards Compliance

1.1.10 Enhancements

1.1.11 Reference

1.2 Transaction Additional Data Extract

This extraction is used to extract additional transaction information in incremental mode. Like
Extract mode: incremental, file format: XML.
Field Description of Transaction Additional Data Extract File

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Table 1-1 Field Description of Transaction Additional Data Extract File

No. Attribute Necessary Description

1 Receipt Mandatory Receipt number for a transaction in the Mobile

Number Money system.
2 Additional Mandatory Additional field. There can be one to many
Field Name additional fields.
All the additional fields or reference fields will be
Examples of additional fields include but are not
limited to the following:

Pay bill: bill reference number (one or any extra

Airtime Purchase: recharged MSISDN

Airtime Purchase by Euro: Amount Requested,
Currency Requested, Exchange Rate

IMT receive: sender details, WU txn ID

POS transactions: POS operator ID

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