Free Research Paper On Legalizing Weed

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Do not hesitate to buy legalizing marijuana paper from QualityCustomEssays. Ideas from school
shootings to you and human trafficking were some I was thinking of. The entire assignment was
quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. Class A drugs are considered the
most harmful and carry the most severe sentences for both possession and trafficking while Class C
drugs are considered the least dangerous and carry much lighter sentences. Hayes first major reason
for opposing the Legalization of Marijuana in the country is linked to the fact that smoking or
ingesting the weed can cause serious health issue, including lung cancer, high blood pressure, heart
complications, maniac disorders, and mental impairment. This paper presents a strong argument
against the Legalization of Marijuana in the United States covering how its decriminalization will
affect individuals and the country as a whole. So their argument is that the claims of medicinal use
for the plant are baseless and are merely debate points that the supporters of the legalization of
marijuana use in a futile attempt to get Marijuana declared legal, at least for medicinal purposes.
Marijuana is different from other drugs such as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Heroin because
marijuana does not contain hazardous chemicals as much as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Heroin
have. Even though some may believe that feeding cannabis to this animals may harm their system,
marijuana is a natural drug and they are being fed the bud as a whole and they aren’t smoking it.
There are several theories that suggest that illegalizing drug use and its prohibition boost the usage,
on the contrary. Drug search has cocaine and meth are listed as schedule two which means they have
some medical valueWhen these two girls have been proven to be more dangerous and addictive than
marijuana. Therefore, it is crucial to add as much information as you can. Its potential benefits
greatly outweigh the risks, and I believe that science can further lessen the risks given the
opportunity to perform research. It would turn advantageous to legalize marijuana use given the role
it would play in contributing to an improved economic condition. Task: Legalization of Marijuana
The controversy over the marijuana law in America continues to create argument among economists,
legislatures and health experts. The fight against drug and substance abuse is an evidently expensive
engagement for a number of governments. People should not be told what they should and should
not enjoy; even if marijuana is a 'guilty pleasure' people should be given the opportunity to enjoy the
drug, essays on legalizing weed. Chronic bronchitis symptoms are more prevalent in cannabis
smokers than cannabis non-smokers and lung function is more likely to be impaired later in life if you
are a cannabis smoker as opposed to a cannabis non-smoker. Despite its many practical uses,
medicinal and industrial, our Federal government insists on maintaining the status quo that the
growth, possession and use of marijuana is criminal despite the evidence that the legalization of
marijuana would have a positive influence on America. In the contemporary society, legalization of
marijuana would form a fair ground in the end of the debate. The government has misrepresented
Marijuanas benefits it has it placed as a Schedule One Drug. To conclude, there will be a brief
summary of all the areas discussed. It is basically because of the people’s fear of the harmful
consequences of marijuana on which they argue that cannabis sativa be banned. Hemp plants also
grow quickly on average a full hemp plant can grow in 120 days compared to trees that can take up
to 20-80 years. The effect illegal business on the economy is adverse through reduced revenue
collection. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. There are
too many articles that start with the boring introduction, so why not making your legalizing
marijuana persuasive essay stand out among them. Most likely, any ambiguous information that is
given in one source should appear in at least another one. The budgetary costs of the direct
enforcement of marijuana related laws continue to increase in the United States. Decriminalizing
marijuana improves the levels of safety in the society by having a reduced number of users, as is the
case with over the counter drugs and cigarettes.
Marijuana has numerous health benefits, and therefore its legalization should not be questioned.
Notwithstanding these possible side effects, the use of marijuana for medical purposes can be
justified because marijuana can effectively be used as a painkiller and antiemetic, and its value for
money is excellent and much better than of many other drugs. The argument to substantiate your
position is statistics that have been displayed previously in this text and, of course, actual facts.
Research conducted show that a considerable number of Americans prefer the legalization of
marijuana. By the way, diabetes does not make up the whole list. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
Medical Marijuana: The Supremacy Clause, Federalism, and the Interplay BetweenState and Federal
Laws. This crime rate is argued to be due to, for example, theft to buy marijuana. Consequently,
provide some credible data such as figures and statistics. Despite the harsh laws in most states
against possessing and using marijuana, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration reports that, in 2010, 6.9 percent of the US population, or 17.4 million Americans,
used marijuana. Look past all the pandemonium and or dangers of marijuana and see that it actually
has legitimate medical uses. There are numerous ways to make your intro part really creative. Central
Idea: Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes. According to a longitudinal study in
New Zealand, marijuana is most likely to affect the memory of people who start taking it at a
younger age as opposed to people who are older and matured (What are marijuana’s long term
effects on the brain). This is the potential future of our country, providing marijuana is
decriminalized. As compared to marijuana, alcohol is more addictive as per the research done. The
government maintains that this is not synonymous to the legalisation of the drug (2), but the Home
Secretary, David Blunkett, was ready to admit that in the majority of cases of the possession of
cannabis, the police will merely “issue a warning and seize the drugs” (3). The government should
also focus their attentions more on more serious crimes than the usage of marijuana. Of course,
marijuana should be used carefully, as well as alcohol and cigarettes, but is it actually that harmful. If
you want to, you can make a timetable for upcoming deadlines and write out all of the steps you
need to take to complete every single task. According the article, there are minimum effects in that
there is no evidence of it ever, directly, causing death (Havelka). The marijuana legalization
organization points at a number of reasons to support their campaign for a policy that would uplift
the prohibition on marijuana. This will include the harmful and beneficial biological effects of
cannabis, the consequences of recreational use socially, the current legal status of cannabis within the
UK and the epidemiology of the use and abuse of the drug. Despite its illegal nature, the marijuana
industry still thrives in the society. After taking pills that the doctor gave him, he figured that they
weren’t working and with “just a few tokes” (Brennan 4) he felt much better. In many cases, this
will mean looking for original source material. The results n 1969 indicated the fact that only 12
percent of the people favored the legalization of marijuana Why Marijuana should be Legal in the
United s The human understanding has broadened and people have started to come forward and
debate on issues that were not considered to be important previously. Choose at least one of them,
and you will see that the working process is not a challenge anymore. Marijuana is a plant that has
been used medically for a long time that our body even has its own endocannabinoids system
meaning that we have been using marijuana for many purpose forever. Works Cited AMA. History of
the American Medical Association AMA and Marijuana, essays on legalizing weed.
Some research reveals possible cognitive dysfnctions associated with heavy, long-term use. Brennan
says he woke up the next morning feeling “energized and well rested”. Some might use it for
recreation and some for medical purposes. Though it poses a social problem and is looked upon as a
disease. Decriminalization of marijuana necessitates the reduction of crime. Supporters of the
prohibition also present reasons as increased productivity and improvements in health. There are still
other users who ingest it by mixing the drug with food stuff such as cakes and cookies, or even brew
it like tea. To conclude, there will be a brief summary of all the areas discussed. Many users will take
opioids to get the effect of being high or take it incorrectly. When a battle goes to the point where
there is no winner, there needs to be a re-evaluation of how. So, as the writer, it is your job to go to
the original source material and find out the real truth. Such patients find difficulty in concentrating
on anything and experience dry mouth and throat together with nausea, vomiting and. This can be
seen where people using alcohol have a more likely possibility to be dependent. Do youths substitute
alcohol and marijuana: Some econometric evidence. However, adverse events which were not so
serious like dizziness, nausea, dry throat and mouth and anxiety have been associated with its usage.
Partly, the elevating number of marijuana users emanates from the illegality of its consumption since
the illegality strikes the urge from many people, the youth especially, to try out its use. In 1938 the
magazine Popular Mechanics career hemp the next billion dollar crop with over thousands of known
uses. Choose at least one of them, and you will see that the working process is not a challenge
anymore. Tax imposed on marijuana can help in boosting the amount of revenue collected by the
country. Marijuana has numerous health benefits, and therefore its legalization should not be
questioned. Population characteristics from nine California assessment clinics. When you are
struggling for your life and fighting you want to just take a break and relax sometimes. Marijuana
cannot affect your processing speed or behavior, but it is believed that is can affect your memory. If
an individual is found to be with Marijuana worth 60,000 kilograms or 60,000 Marijuana plants he is
convicted and is not eligible for parole by any judge. (Federal penalties, Norml). Violent person tends
to get more violent once they get drunk, and such is also the case with marijuana. The processes
involved in the making and distribution of the drug would also be regulated and thus reduce the
drug dealers’ way of solving issues which mostly is by use of violence. Prosecutorial, judicial as well
as expenses related to incarceration of marijuana offense cases would reduce to a minimum when
marijuana is legal. Marijuana’s most dynamic element is delta tetrahyddrocannibino or simply THC.
Society would be much better served by teaching these individuals the pitfalls of smoking marijuana
from both a short- and long-term perspective. For one, high caloric foods got harmful effects on our
body yet they are not banned.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. It is one of the most
frequently used and popular drugs in the world along with caffeine, nicotine, essays on legalizing
weed alcohol. Society's big fear is that users might abuse the drug and might cause harmful effects
to the economy and harm the youth. MARIJUANA ?? Cannabis Sativa L. ?? The most commonly
used illicit drug ?? 79% of all illegal drug users use this drug. It has been argued as one of the many
existing substances. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. After all, this is a subject that can be appropriate for a wide variety of courses.
This fact is definitely worth to be included in any argumentative essay on medical marijuana. The
argument to substantiate your position is statistics that have been displayed previously in this text
and, of course, actual facts. In addition to the harmful short term effects of marijuana, there are even
more harmful long term effects of using this drug. That is not what happened in this case everyone
did their own share. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.
Third, some categories of people constitute the permanent underclass without any considerable social
opportunities. This goes to show that marijuana could help in so many different ways. I am very
much aware of the negative side of my stand. Smoking dried leaves and flowering tops of the
pistillate hemp plant initiates the intoxication effect. Yet still, with this long list of negative side
effects, there is one consequence of long-term use that leads to most of the crime and. Marijuana-
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) Drug Facts: Marijuana, Web, Dec. 2012. This example can
be included in your marijuana legalization argumentative essay as well. Marijuana Medical
Marijuana: The Interplay between State and Federal Law History of Criminalization The Current ar
on Drugs Political Issues The legal status of medical marijuana in the United States is something of a
paradox. An increase in the number of consumers of marijuana, according to records by the law
enforcement sector, is an indispensable reality. Go to different websites that are academically
approved to find out any sort of useful information for your research paper on marijuana. California,
Cannabis, Decriminalization 1157 Words 4 Pages 12 July 2009 The Legalization of Marijuana
Marijuana should be legalized not only for the medical benefits, it could also be taxed such as
alcohol, and cigarettes to produce revenue that our country needs, it also could be utilized as many
resources. Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Some of the key concepts
expressing the usefulness of Marijuana are patient car relief of pain anxiety and depression, bringing
stability to patients and increasing their appetite so they can improve their health condition.
Definitely no, but only if you know how to avoid situations in which you could harm yourself and
others. The main question would be whether legalizing marijuana would cause more positive or
negative effects on the individuals using it as well as on the society as a whole. Class A drugs are
considered the most harmful and carry the most severe sentences for both possession and trafficking
while Class C drugs are considered the least dangerous and carry much lighter sentences. To develop
safer delivery systems and clinical trials for management of patient symptoms on these drugs should
be carried out. To begin, the essay will highlight the main topics to be discussed and their relative
importance in the argument regarding the legalisation of this drug.

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