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ec 4-1 Shopping TRACK 17 4-2 Ordering Supplies TRACK 18 4-3 Shipping TRACK 19 4-4 Invoices TRACK 20 allowance [9‘lauans]} Nn. sit cho phép, tien phu cdp You have to check with the airline to find out their weight allowance. Ban phi kiém tra voi cong ty hang khong dé biet trong lugng cho phép. + Gidi thich: allowance con cb nghia “su chidu cb, su dung thit”, thuéng ding make allowance(s) for sh dé thé hién. checkout [’ifekaut] n. viée tra tién dé roi Khoi khach san | got to the checkout and then found that | didn’t have any money on me! Toi phai tra én dé roi khdi khach san va 16i t6i phat hién minh khéng mang theo tién. customer [‘kastamo] 1. khdch hang Ifa store has no customers, it will make no money. Néu mot cita hang khéng cé khdch hang thi né khong kiém duge tién. item [‘aitom] n. khodn, muc, mén hang only have two items; can | go in front of you? T6i chi c6 2 médn, ti c6 thé di true ban khong? 70 + TRACKI7 {eran nea: Se Sr Eyre Bp Cre @ pocket money mét chit tién {@hbeggage allowance Khoi lugng hanh ly duge phép Ghtax allowance tién thué {Ghrecommended daily allowance tién phy céip cho nhu cdu hang nga @bcheck out tré tien dé roi khdi khdch san (Gp guest - patron - client n. khéch hang @bcustomer service dich vu khach hang (@rregular/repeat customer Khcich hang thudng xuyén/ khach quen @ecollector's item mdn dé quy gid cla ngubi sua tam Purchasing « Prep for the New TOEIC + 71 obtain [ab‘tern) @hacquire- earn - gain v. thu dugc, kiém dugc, gidnh dugc v. thu dude, gianh duge Ghobtainable I need to obtain a free-parking ticket. adj. cé thé gidnh duge Toi can dat duge chiée vé dau xe mién phf. prerequisite (pri: rekwozit] {precondition n. diéu bdt budc trudc nhdt, diéu chit yéu n. dibu kign tién quyét Knowing what you want and how much you want to pay is a prerequisite to a happy shopping experience. Biét nhiing gi ban mu6n va bao nhiéu tién ban muon tr la diéu chi yéu nhat dé co mot wai nghiém mua sm vui ve + Gidi thich: di vdi gidi tit for, of hodc to. IHS Nid quality (kwoliti) @bclass - grade a n. chat lugng n. logi, bac @eauality control Usually, a cheaper price means poorer quality. kiém sodt chat lugng Thudng thudng, gid ré hon déng nghia vdi chat lugng kém hon. + Gidi thich: khi la tinh tit mang nghia “tinh t6t, @eauality assurance dém bao chat luong ees! > juantit phédm chat t6t”, nhu quality product (sin pham a Le ae . 8 pha chat t6t). scan [sken} @bscanner Ve québaua n. may quét If the price label won't scan properly, you'll have to type in the price by hand. Néu nhiin gid khong thé quét dugc, ban sé phai dinh may gid ca bing tay. + Gidi thich: ciing c6 thé sit dung nh danh tt, nh ultrasound scan (siéu dm), brain scan (siéu dm nao). { 72 + TRACKI7 trend [trend] n. khuynh huéng Shopping trends show what kinds of things people buy and when. Khuynh hung mua sdm cho biét loai hang héa nao ngudi ta mua va khi ndo mua. current - tendency rn. khuynh hung (@hfad- fashion - craze rn. mét, khuynh hiding @trendy aqj. chay theo mdi, rat mat G@rrendsetter rn. nguai khéi xucdng mot mét mdi, khuynh Inténg méi eneaneeo| | | TRACK 18 + Purchasing « Prep for the New TOEIC + 73 J automatically [o:ta’metikli) Brautomatic adv. mOt cdch tu déng adj. tu ding Our computer system automatically tells us when 3 we need to order more supplies. 2 Hé théng méy tinh ciia chting ta tt dong bao: Khi ndo chting ta cin dat mua nhiéu hang cung cap hon. catalog [ket(o)lng] Grist f Nn. sdch in kiéu mau va gid tién, catald n. danh sdch 1! would like to order something | saw in your catalog. Toi mun dat mua vai the ti thay tong catald eta ban + Gidi thich: ciich phién dm cia ngudi Anh la catalogue; catalog cting cé thé lam dong tit, mang y “dinh kém... trong muc luc”. = crucial [‘kru:fal] @dctitical - key - vital - essential adi panier hes adj. quan trong, thiét yeu, nhdt thiét It’s crucial that we receive these supplies before crucially Christmas. adv. mét céch quan trong 3 Pigu quan trong 1a chiing ti phai nhan duge nhiting hang héa nay tude 1é Giéng Sinh. + Gidi thich: khi thé hién “Abi vi... rd quan trong” th ding gidi tt to. fulfill [ful fy (Bhachieve - satisfy v, hoan thanh sida dare Hiulfillment Will you be able to fulfill our order? nese hoanthank Ban c6 thé hoan thanh don dat hang nay khong? 74+ TRACKI8 inventory [‘invont(a)ri] 1. ban kiém ké hang hoa | have taken inventory to see what supplies we need to order, Toi kiém ké hang hoa dé xem ching tdi cin dat nhéing hang héa no. maintain [mein’tein] Vv. duy tri You can usually get better prices and service if you maintain a good relationship with the supplier. Ban thudng c6 thé nhgn gid cA va dich vu tot hon néu ban duy tei quan hé t6t vai nha cung cp. order [“o:do] v. dat hang If we order the pens today, when will we receive them? Néu hém nay chting t6i dt mua viet thi khi nio chting t6i sé nhan chung? + Gidi thich: khi lam danh tit thi mang nghia “dan dat hang, hang dat”, nhu place an order (dat hang), receive an order (nhan dugc don deft hing). promptly [‘promptli] adv. nhanh chdéng, ngay lap ttc | ordered the supplies and they promptly arrived the next day, Toi dat hang va chting ngay lap tite dén vao ngiy hém sau. Covina Words @estock n. hang tn kho Grinventory control kiém ké hang tin kho Bhinventory management guain ly hang ton kho @maintenance rn. sie duy tri Geupkeep ni. sue duy tri Ghimmediately - without delay ngay lap tite, khéng cham we Ghontime diing gic prompt adj. nhanh chong ®promptness rn, su nhanh ching | | Purchasing - Prep for the New TOEIC - 75 J rectify [‘rektrfar] @bcorrect - put right v. chink sita, higu dinh lam diing, bleu dink Grrectification You sent us the wrong order. How will you rectify the n. su chinh sita, sy higu dinh situation? Ban da giti don hang sai cho chting 16i, Ban sé sta déi tinh trang nay nhu thé nao? remember [11 membo} Bpforget v. nhé, ghi nhe v. quén Did you remember to order the copy paper? Ban 6 nhé dat mua gitly copy khéng? + Gidi thich: remember V-ing chi ‘nhd lam viéc gi d6 6 qua klut”, remember to V chi “nhé phdi di lam vide gi do”. stationery [‘steif(o)n(o)ril @stationary . n. vdn phong phdm aqj. thudc vé vein phong phdm I need some more stationery: just some paper and pens. ‘Toi can them van phdng phdm: chi gidy va but. sufficiently [so’fifantli] Geenough acu. dé adv. ddy dit Brinsufficiently adv. thiéu Gesufficient The defects resulted from the workers not being i. day dit sufficiently trained, adj. day dit Sai s6t do ti nhtfng cong nhan chua duoc dado Ghsufficev. Lam cho dit oye: Ghsufficiency n. sue day did dpe word Serge det Be Cary Were 76 + TRACK 18 { supply [sa‘plai] Grprovide v. cung cap veleungiote supplier This is the company that supplies our computer n. nha cung cdip ment. Sap en @Bsupply and demand Diy 1A cong ty cung cp thi€t bj may tinh, + Gidi thtch: khi supply lit danh tic thi né 06 nghia “sit cung cp, hdag cung cap, nguén du writ”, nhic water supply (sue cing vd col cung céip mtic), electricity supply (sit cung ting dién). verify [‘verifar] @heonfim V. xde minh, xdc nhdn, khding dinh v. khang dinh Drerifiable Can you verify that the order will arrive by the end of ae co the xdc minh ‘the week? . Qrerification Ban cé thé khang dinh hang dat sé dén vao cudi a 1. sitxde minh twin chi? ig carrier [‘keria) n. hang van tai, tau chuyén ché We can ship it out tomorrow, but which carrier do you want to use? Chting t6i c6 thé giti ché hang bing tu vao ngiy mai, nhung ban muén sit dung hang van tai nao? essentially [1’senfoli] adv. vé co ban, vé ban chat Essentially, we need your order by the 7th if you want to receive the goods by the end of the month, Vé ca ban, ching ti cin don dat hang cia cfc anh vio ngay 7 néu cic anh mudn nhan hang vao cud thang. estimate |‘estimeit] n. su ddnh gid, su uéc lugng Can you give me an estimate of the delivery time? Ban c6 thé cho téi mot ude lugng vé thoi gian giao hang duoc khong? % Gidi thieh: khi ld d6ng wt, doc [‘estumert], ngoai chi “ude dodn”, con cé thé chi “dénh gid, phan dodn”. liability (laio’biliti} n. trdch nhiém phap ly What is your liability if the order is lost or broken in shipping? ‘Trach nhigm phép ly ca ban Ja gi néu hang hoa ‘bj mat hoac bj vo trong qua tinh van chuyén? ~ Gidi thich: liabil 6 dang 86 nhieu. ty cling 06 nghia 1a “ng”, thing TRACK 19 + Purchasing + Prep for the New TOEIC + Greany ¥, mang, khudn aircraft carrier hang khong mdu ham @basically adv. vé co bin Gressential adj. thiét yéu Ghauesstimate n,v. dodn Grough estimate dodn chinh xéce Gh conservative estimate doén ching @sresponsibility - blame - fault n. sul chiu trach nhigm @liable adj. khd nding phap ly GHlimited liability trdch nhigm hitu han 7 78 + TRACK 19 ( aa Vans Senne Grune Brower wets) mandatory [’mendotar!] {compulsory - obligatory adj. co tinh bdt bude adj, bit budc, cuéng ché ‘voluntary Shipping insurance is mandatory and included in the adj. tue nguyen price, Bao hiém van chuyén bing tau 1d bét bude va duge bao gém trong gid ca. + Gidi thich: khi chi “la nghia vu vdi...”, ding gidi tit for. merchandise |‘ ma:tfandats} (@+commodities - goods - Te hans oe Rena ida When will our merchandise arrive? @merchant Khi nao hang héa clia chiing toi sé dén? n. thuong buén Gidi thich: khi lam d6ng ti, nd cé nghia la “mua ban, tiéu thu”. minimize [‘minimaiz] Gmaximize v. 16% thiéuhda v. 161 da hoa minimum Shipping the order out on a Monday will minimize the adj, n. 161 thiw shipping time. Ché hang héa bing tau vao tht Hai sé lam ft tén théi gian chuyén chd bang tau nhat, Bminimization rn. su t6i thie reflection [ri flek{(o)n] Greflect n. sw phan dnh v. phn chiéu, phan dnh Satisfied customers are a reflection of how professional acompany is. Khéch hang duge thoa man 1a su phan anh mot céng ty chuyén nghiép nhu thé nao. Purchasing » Prep for the New TOEIC - 79 ship [Jip] v. chd bang tau We can ship orders anywhere in the world. Ching ta 6 thé ch’ hang bing thu téi bat cit noi dau trén thé gidi, + Gidi thich: “van chuyén hang” thueng ding dang cdu ship sth outho/over. @Rsend - transport v. van chuyén Gshipment n. suechuyén hang xudng tau Bshipping n. su chd hang bang tau NiddOHS 3ridd NS SNIBIGUO 80 + TRACK20 accurately [‘ekjuratli] adv. mot cdch chinh xdc Invoices must be written accurately, otherwise we could lose money. H6éa don phai duge viét mét cdch chinh xdec, néu khéng ching ta c6 thé mat tién adjustment [o’d3astmont] n. su diéu chink You promised me a discount, so can you make an adjustment on the invoice, please? Ban hifa dua t6i mét Ihoan chiét khau, vi thé ban 6 thé vui long diéu chinh trén héa don? + Gidi thich: khi thé hién “su diéu chinh nhd”, cd thé dting minor/slight adjustment. 1. phi, chi phi If this invoice is not paid by the 25th, there will be an additional charge of one percent per day. Néu hod dun nay khong duge tr4 vao ngay 25 thi méi ngay sé c6 thém khoan phi 1%, + Gidi thich: charge cing cd thé la déng tit, chi “thu phi, tinh gid”. compile [kom’pail] v. bién soan, thu thap We're just compiling your invoices now, and we will send them to you as soon as we're finished. Bay gid’ chting toi dang soan nhting héa don cia ban va ching t6i sé giti chting cho ban ngay khi chang ti hoan thanh. Fe ton ws rn Esse otis | @ precisely - exactly ady, mot edch chinh xde @pinaccurately adv. mét céch khong chinh xde Graccurate adj. chinh xtc @raccuracy a. sit chin xéc {@ modification - amendment n. su diéu chinh Gadjust v. diéuchinh Ghadjustable ad). c6 thé diéu chink @price - cost - fee 1. phi, chi phi Gs free of charge mién phi GBhaarrying charge phi khudn vée Gservice charge phi dich vu @bcollect - gather - accumulate v. thu thép, situ tam compilation n. su bién soan, suc thu thap @bcompiler n. nguai bien tap, nguai suu tam discount [‘diskaunt} n. tién chiét khdu If the invoice is paid before the 25th, you will receive a five percent discount. Néu hod don nay duge tri truéc ngay 25 thi ban sé nhn khodn c khau 5%. + Gidi thich: thé hin “chiét khdu bao nhiéu phan tram”, c5 thé ding “may phan tram + discount” hode “discount of may phan tram”. discrepancy [dis’kreponsi] n. sukhde nhau, su khong nhdt qudn There seems to be a discrepancy on the invoice: yours says fifty dollars, and ours says forty-five. Dudng nhu cé sy khdng nhét quan trong hoa don: cia ban 1a 59 do la, elia ching wi la 45 d6 la efficient [i'fif()nt) adj. higu qua It is much more efficient to write out all the invoices at the same time. Viet tat cd héa don cing mot lic thi hi@u qua hon nhiéu. everyday [‘evrider] adj. mdi ngdy, thudng nhat Paying invoices is an everyday job in our busy office. Thanh todn nhing héa dun Id cong vige hing ngay tai van phong ban r6n cua chiing ta. + Gidi thich: everyday la tinh tit, khi viet thanh hai chit, every day thi tré thanh phé tie chi thoi gian, nghia “mai ngay”. Purchasing + Prep for the New TOEIC + 81 Qheash discount chiét khdu bang tién mat difference - disagreement rn. su khde nhau Ge discrepant adj. khdc biét Ghdiscrepantly adv. mét edch khdc biét Greffective adj. 6 higu qué GP inefficient adj. khong higu qué Gheffciently adv. mot edch co hiéu qua Grefficiency rn. mot céch cé higu qua @ordinary - routine - common adj. thudng ngay Ghabnormal- unusual adj. thudng thudng 82+ TRACK20 n. chite nding, vai tro, nhiém vu One of my functions in the office is to prepare invoices. MOt trong nhiing nhiém yy cia t6i tai van phong 1a chudn bj héa don. + Gidi thich: khi lam d6ng tit, mang nghia “cd chit néing.... phd huy cong dung”. impose [1m‘pouz] v. ddnh thué, bat chiu As you are paying the invoice late, we have to impose a small fine. Khi ban thanh toin hod don tré, chting t0i budc ban chiu mét khoan tién phat nhé. ~ Gidi thich: khi thé hign “cuéng bite ai dé chdp nhan var gi dé”, diing impose sth on sb. integral [’intigrol] ; adj. todn bd, tron ven, khong thé thiéu Sending out and paying invoices is an integral part of doing business. Giti va thanh toén hoa dun 1a mot phan khong thé thiéu ciia viéc kinh doanh, + Gidi thich: khi chi “la can thiét déi véi.. tito. , ding gidi joint [dgormt} adj. chung We have a joint account, and both our salaries get paid into it. Ching t6i c6 mot ti khodn chung va Ivong cia c& hai chting tdi duge tra vao dé. ~ Gidi thich: khi la danh tit chi “ché néi, moi ndi”. {seston nace Sp Sree pons Cn vets (@hiob - position - duty n. nhiém vu, edng vige Ghirposition n. sue dénh thué, su bait chi Bhessential - necessary - required | . adj. thiét yéu, can thiét @rintegrate v. hoa nhdp, hop nha @sshared - combined - collective adj. chung, kéi hop Dhindividual - separate adj. cé nhan, riéng 18 Purchasing « Prep for the New TOEIC « 83 mistake [mr'sterk] Grerror -fault n. 16i, ché sai n. (i, ch sai There's a mistake on this invoice; we have already paid for some of these, C6 mét Idi trong héa don na thanh todn mot vai trong sO nay ching ta vita thich: khi lam dong tit, co nghia “hiéu lam, run [ran] conduct - administer - control v. chay, hoat déng, van hanh v. kiém sodt, quan ly | started out preparing invoices two years ago, and now | run the whole office. Toi da bat dau chudn bi nhiéu héa don cach day hai nim va bay gid t6i kiém soat cA van phong. strictly [‘striktli] ®rexactly - precisely adv. chinh xdc adv. chinh xde Bstrict The lower price is strictly for those invoices paid on adj. khéc khe, nghiém khéic time. Gia thi hon duge danh chinh xe cho nhing hed den thanh ton ding han subtract |sob‘trakt} Grdeduct gid ve trit, gidm Gadd v. thém vao We didn’t receive these, so you need to subtract @subtraction n. sw trit ra them from the bill. @multiply —v. mhan ten Chting toi khéng nhan nhitng thi? nay, vi th® — @paivide ve. chia cho ban nén itt chting khdéi héa don thanh todn, _ {err tedious | ‘ti:dias} @Pboring - dull adj. chan, té nhat Writing invoices can be tedious, but itis very important. Viet héa don c6 thé t@ nhat nhung n6 rat quan adj. chen Grinteresting adj. hap dén, thi vi ‘tedious! fea @htediously adv. budn chdn, 16 nhat @rtediousness term [to:m] @terms and conditions n. diéu khodn According to the terms listed in our invoice, if you cancel, you still have to pay half of the total. ‘Theo nhting diéu khoiin duge ligt ké trong hod don cia chting 6i, néu ban hiy, ban van phai thanh todn mOt nita tong tong so. ~ Gidi thich: khi chi “diéu kién, diéu khodn” thirong ding dang sé nhiéu, rn. sit buén chan diéu khodn va diéu kién eT

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