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Advanced 7 Midterm Exam American Headways 5 Unit 3

Name………………………………………… Date……………

1 Read the article below. The purpose of the article is … .

a to explain why it’s important to use deodorant
b to describe a particularly effective deodorant
c to describe the role of advertising in the growth of deodorants
d to explain why deodorants are bad for our health
e to illustrate how an advertising campaign can offend customers

In American society today, using deodorant or

antiperspirant is considered the norm. Americans
spend more than $2 billion each year on deodorants
and antiperspirants. The thought of smelling of sweat
or of showing damp patches under your arms is
considered to be embarrassing by many. But when
Edna Murphey, an ambitious young high school
student from Cincinnati, introduced one of the first ever
antiperspirants, known as Odorono, to the American
public in 1910, interest in the product was either
indifferent or hostile. Although she branded it as an
effective sweat barrier that could prevent sweat for up
to three days, people responded by saying that they
didn’t believe underarm sweat to be a problem.
Furthermore, early 20th century society considered the
discussion of such a personal matter inappropriate.

Things changed, however, when Murphey enlisted the

help of James Young, a junior copywriter at the
advertising agency
J. Walter Thompson. Using advertising slogans that
manipulated the public into believing that female
underarm sweat was socially unacceptable and would
put off potential suitors, interest in Odorono began to
pick up. The company capitalized on its market’s new
insecurities and the slogans became more and more
blatant. A 1919 advertisement for Odorono told readers
“You can’t be charming unless you’re free from
underarm perspiration.”
The company’s new marketing approach paid off, and
its sales soared, shooting up by 112% in one year
alone. Odorono and other similar products had found a
permanent place in drugstores all over America. In the
1930s, men begin to respond to the hype, too, and by
the 1970s the number of deodorants and
antiperspirants on sale had risen dramatically. Today,
advertising continues to play on our anxieties about
body odor and reports state that deodorants and
antiperspirants have grown into an $18 billion industry.

There is, however, a growing number of individuals

who believe that using underarm deodorants is
unnecessary and potentially harmful. Its advocates
claim that we do not need to apply them every day, as
most people in the US no longer do the type of
physical labor that works up a sweat. Medical opinion
also appears to favor a reduced use of deodorant and
antiperspirant, stating that our fear of being social
outcasts is far greater than the problem of sweating
itself. One doctor reported that a very small percentage
of the population suffered from excessive sweating.
The rest of us could simply wash a couple of times a
day. There have also been concerns that the aluminum
content of antiperspirants might contribute to cases of
cancer or dementia, although no evidence has been
found to prove this.

Some of us may follow the doctor’s advice, and stop

using deodorants and antiperspirants so often. Sweat,
after all, is a normal bodily function designed to reduce
body temperature. Others may feel reassured by
applying these products regularly. But whatever our
opinion, we must agree that antiperspirant’s surprising
history is an example of the power of advertising.

2 Read the article again. Are the statements below true (T), false (F), or not stated
1 The market for deodorants and antiperspirants is now worth billions of dollars. ______
2 Odorono was an instant success when it first came out. ______
3 In 1910, people disapproved of talking about body odor in public. ______
4 James Young was a highly successful advertising executive. ______
5 The early ads made women feel more confident about their bodies. ______
6 Young’s advertising campaign was a great success. ______
7 Some people say that we don’t need to use deodorants because we all wash more
regularly. ______
8 Antiperspirants have been found to cause cancer. ______
9 Antiperspirants help to lower our body temperature. ______

1 point for each correct answer 9

3 Choose the correct forms.

1 It’s hard … in all this noise.
a concentrating b concentrate c to concentrate
2 My mother encouraged me … for medical school.
a applying b to apply c to applying
3 The kids were frightened … there alone.
a to go b going c go
4 He refused … his share of the work.
a doing b to do c to doing
5 You shouldn’t let her … to you like that.
a speak b to speak c speaking
6 The three men arranged … later.
a to meet b meeting c meet
7 He keeps … mistakes. Is he sick?
a make b to make c making
8 He says he was forced into … the crime.
a commit b to commit c committing
9 This error will mean … the work all over again.
a start b to start c starting
10 I’m looking forward … with you.
a work b to work c to working

1 point for each correct answer 10

4 Complete the pairs of sentences with the verb in parentheses. Use the -ing form in one
sentence and the correct form of the infinitive in the other.
1 a Remember ____________ (take) your camera tomorrow.
b Do you remember ______ (take) the train to Lake Como? It was wonderful, wasn’t it?
2 a I regret ___________ _ (tell) the reporter what I saw.
b I regret ____________ (tell) you that there has been an accident.
3 a Barry stopped _________ (sing) after people started throwing fruit at him.
b Barry stopped _________ (sing) a song for his fans before leaving for the airport.
4 a We saw them __________ (play) the whole game, including extra time.
b We saw them __________ (play) in the park as we went past on the bus.
5 a I tried ____________ (turn on) the heater, but I still felt cold.
b I tried ____________ (turn on) the heater, but it was broken.

1 point for each correct answer 10

5 For each sentence, write correct or correct the verb form.
1 They had better resolving the dispute soon.
2 Don’t forget to mail the letter.
3 Peter is used work with the public.
4 Brown confessed that he had stolen the rings.
5 He apologized for be late.
6 The boss made Leon to pay his own travel
7 They’d rather rest before continue the trip.
8 He begged her not to leave him.

1 point for each correct answer 8

6 Do these verbs mean go up (↑) or go down (↓)?

1 collapse ______
2 pick up ______
3 soar ______
4 rocket ______
5 plunge ______
6 shoot up ______
7 plummet ______

1 point for each correct answer 7

7 Select the correct verb to complete the sentences.

1 I bought the house cheap and when house prices rocketed / plummeted, I sold it for a
nice profit.
2 My shares went down this morning, but it was a relief to see them gradually pick up / soar
later in the day.
3 Gas prices have fallen after rising last month. Why do you think they fluctuate / soar so
4 If consumer spending soars / collapses again, the stores will be hit really hard.
5 More people are moving overseas to work. The number of people moving has soared / plunged over the
last five years.
6 Credit card fraud is on the increase. Reported cases shot up / plunged by 20% last year.

1 point for each correct answer 6

8 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given.

1 The price of gold has fallen steadily.
There was a steady fall in the price of gold.
2 There was a sharp rise in inflation last year.
Inflation ___________________________________
3 There may be a dramatic increase in unemployment.
Unemployment may __________________________
4 Consumer spending has increased substantially.
There _____________________________________
5 There has been a gradual fall in sales.
Sales _____________________________________
6 Profits will decrease slightly.
There will be _______________________________

1 point for each correct answer 5

9 Write up or down to complete the phrasal verbs.

1 Can you slow ______ a little bit? We’re going to have an accident!
2 The police managed to track ______ the killer and arrest him.
3 Your posture is terrible, you need to sit ______ straight.
4 I can’t go out. They’ve cut ______ on my hours and I don’t have money for eating out.
5 TV programs are so dumbed ______ nowadays. They must think we’re all idiots!
6 You’re being very noisy. Quiet ______ a little!
7 When we bought the house, it needed a lot of work, but we’ve finally finished fixing it ______ .

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