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Nriac Village

Elder Bonnefoy has sent complaint to Lord Claudeus of heinous murders and a disappearance
in his village. Two locals were brutally murdered and dismembered near the forest, one man is
missing, and Morton the local adventurer that set out to save them, never returned.

Lord Claudeus has posted a call for capable individuals to rid his (minor) duchy of this
unsavory mystery (should it attract the attention of his peers and Lord) at the reward of 300
silver pieces.

• Butressed in the north and east by Nriac Wood, and the west by Crippled Creek and
Nalden Pond. Home of one hundred people (96), has small homes, sheds, and shacks.

• No inn, but Elder Bonnefoy can host up to four people in his large home, with daily
breakfast or Morton’s home is available.

• Morton the Adventurer’s small home contains 2 healing potions, a smoke bomb, and 10
arrows in a locked chest at the foot of his bed.

• No shopping, but bartering for simple supplies can be had with Betty the Blacksmith,
William the Baker, Harriet the Midwife.

• It is widely considered true by the villagers that the culprit is a beast of some kind. Odd
tracks were spotted, one corpse showed clear claw marks and signs of having been

For the
Moss Troll
• Bonnefoy offers 50 gold pieces to help him solve the problem. Secretly, he plans to offer
the heroes a home in the village, should they succeed, but holds this offer close for now,
being quite skeptical of strangers.

Elder Bonnefoy cares about his people. Having been born and raised in
the village, and risen to prominence after years of serving the people.

He has a secret however. He has known about the Moss Troll. The
previous elder, Mathias, passed on this secret to him, letting him know
that the creature would rise soon to roam the woods again. The Troll is an
ancient being that first struck when the village was begun. It demanded
sacrifice, and claimed ownership over the wood.

It was sealed into the heart of the forest many decades ago, but the
wizard had warned that the magic would fade over time. Bonnefoy
realizes the time has arrived, but is terrified of ruining the village’s trust
in him.

He plotted with Morton to secretly deal with the creature. When

Morton failed to return, Bonnefoy realized it was time to take stronger

Creature stats taken from the Cairn Bestiary Resource found at:

Dungeon map made with Dungeon Template by Chaoclypse at:

Perplexing Ruins
Nriac Wood Lair of Moss
2. Nriac Village
1 Troll
The forest becomes darker and more ominous the farther
traveled. Upon reaching a new node, roll d10.

1. A dead bird on a stone.

2. Bloody paw prints of a fox. 4. Small Waterfall 3. Hunter’s Shack
3. Black birds crash through the canopy.
4. An army of ants moves in the direction of the village.

5. Wilted vegetation.
6. A toppled cairn; the earth ripped and clawed.
7. An unrooted tree blocks the path.
8. Mournful howling.
9. Large tracks
10. A large web; evidence of numerous small mammals inside. 5. Goblin Corpse

High ceilings
6. Spider Web Odor of wet fur
Long, narrow tunnels
throughout the lair.

7. Quicksand Bog

8. Slippery Moss Trail 6

If Moss Troll not present in cave, then
present on return through forest on roll of
4-in-6 for each node until encountered.
1. Moss Troll’s Lair

1. The cave of the Moss Troll. The limestone opening is mostly 6. A large web strung between several trees. A web-wrapped 1. Narrow opening requires bending over. Sharp stoney floor. Stone Sword of Dust is gripped tighly in his hand. The head is
obscured with strung moss, ferns, and poison ivy. man is snoring in the web. If the web or man is disturbed they Several small carcasses of rabbits and squirrels. Human nowhere in site.
face a Giant Black Widow 3 HP, 14 DEX, bite (d6) footprints discernible in the dust, leading to the south.
2. The footpath leading into the wood is tame and generally 6. 3-in-6 chance the Moss Troll is here. Aimlessly tossing
well lit. Knowleddgable travelers will notice the proliferation • Creatures caught in webs are entangled and unable to move. 2. Alcove with the bones of several large animals. A halfling- Morton’s helmeted head (Helm of Heat Guard) from hand to
of healing herbs growing here. Breaking free requires an STR save. sized skeleton still wearing olive green cloak, small sword (d6) hand. If not present, the head lies carelessly in a dark corner.
• Critical Damage: The poison kills the target in 2d4 turns if and leather pack. Inside the pack is 1 gem and d20 silver.
3. A small shack, large enough for one person. Shabby and not treated. Moss Troll 9 HP, 16 STR, 8 DEX, claws (d6+d6)
worn down. Roof leaks. A small cabinet inside has d6 arrows 3. Two Gnomes and a Goblin argue in hissed whispers while • Large humanoid made of fur, branch, and moss
and a large loaf of bread wrapped in oilcloth. 7. The ground becomes noticeably soft. A spear (d10) juts up consulting a piece of paper. They are each armed with a short • Hates fire and light, attacks anyone who wields it.
from the middle of the bog. Beneath the surface is the semi- sword and small adventuring satchels. • Surprisingly stealthy. Blends into shadow and vegetation.
4. Water drops from a small cliff, over a shallow hollow. The
pool is crystal clear and emits a sweet fragrance. Drinking preserved adventurer that holds the spear: with the body is a • Rit, Snick, and Wraggle are an adventuring party made Stone Sword of Dust (d8) Helm of Heat Guard (+1)
from the water heals d6 HP or 1 to any Ability Score. Disturbing fine Longsword (d8), a shield (+1), a pack containing a small of forest residents that are usually mortal enemies, but
mirror, a Wand of Fire Blast, and a strong silk rope. When waved Wearer is
the water will bring a lone and starving Driver Ant 3 HP, 12 under a tentative alliance, they seek lost bretheren and in a circle unaffected by
DEX, bite (d6) out from the hollow. Bog becomes 8 feet deep at its center. Skirting the bog single destruction of the the Moss Troll. Can be convinced to above the head, heat of any
file on the eastern shore will lead to 8. unite in the effort. can cause a kind. One time
5. Half-eaten corpse of a Goblin. Blood marks lead to 1.
4. Empty cavern, but strong odors of blood, decay and wet fur thick cloud of can be used as a
8. A semi-warn track with several large footprints lead to a dust to rise heat bomb,
stone path, slick with moisture and moss. Very precarious are prevalent.
from the ground, obscuring releasing its stored
footing. 5. The beheaded corpse of Morton slumps against a wall. The vision (2 charges). heat upon impact (d20).

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