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Visual Merchandising Shoebox Store Project

Directions: Your group is tasked with developing the storefront and interior for a business of your
creation. Your storefront and interior design should be created using a small box (such as a shoebox) and
the appropriate materials of your choice. You may use materials supplied by the classroom teacher, but
you are also expected to bring in materials from home to use. All materials you use in your box will be
returned to you!
Remember that the storefront includes everything in the exterior design including the sign or logo,
marquee, banners, awnings, windows, landscaping, ambiance, etc. BE CREATIVE! You may use the
internet to research visual merchandising elements to help you brainstorm.
You will present your finished design to the class in a short presentation. During the presentation,
you are expected to explain your group’s concept for your design, your thought process behind
your design choices, and justify why your design choices work well for your store/brand.
Your project should include the following categories, and everything in your box must be labeled!

Grading Criteria Category What to include/Questions to answer in your project for each category
Brand Identity How does your storefront distinguish itself from competitors and surrounding businesses?
Do your signs, logos, etc. attract attention, advertise the business, identify the brand? Is
design original and easily recognizable?
Appropriate Storefront Image Do your colors, logos, lettering, design layout, etc. create an appropriate image to attract
your target market? Does it initiate the selling process?
Appropriate Entrances/Exits Are entrances convenient for customer access? Are they appealing? Do they provide safety
and security? Are they labeled? Is there an emergency exit?
Appropriate Layout and Is the storefront layout appealing? Is it logical for the amount of space available? Do
Displays displays help initiate the selling process? Attract prospects?
Use of Floor Space Does the floor layout utilize the selling space appropriately? Storage space? Personnel
space? Customer space? Does the layout encourage customer browsing and impulse
Visual Merchandising Tools Does the store utilize visual merchandising tools such as: Mannequins, Seating, Props, Floor and
Wall coverings, Lighting, Colors, Store Fixtures, Interior signage, Graphics?
Appropriate Interior Store Image Are appropriate colors, lighting, graphics, etc. used to create an appropriate image to attract
the target market?
Fixtures Are appropriate fixtures used to display merchandise, etc including, display cases, tables,
counters, floor and wall shelving units, racks, bins, stands? Do they reinforce the stores
Interior Displays Are appropriate displays developed considering merchandise, store image, etc. such as:
Closed displays, Open displays, Architectural displays, Point-of-Purchase Displays, Store
decorations? Would displays enhance the selling process? Are they labeled?
Overall Visual Appeal and Is your project visually appealing? Does your set up make sense for the type of store/brand you
Effect created? Is everything in your project labeled?
Shoebox Store Project Grading Rubric
Key for Grading Rubric Levels
Level 3: Exemplary Level 2: Accomplished Level 1: Progressing
Student work exceeded Student work met expectations for Student work fell below
expectations for this area, and it is this area. The quality and detail of expectations for this area. It is
obvious that students went above the work the students submitted evident that more time and effort
and beyond the basics on this area indicated that an adequate amount from the students needed to be
of the project. The students put in a of time had been spent on this area dedicated to this area of the project
great deal of time and effort into of the project. Most of the to meet expectations. This specific
their final product. All of the requirements for this category was category of the project was lacking
requirements for this category were included in the project and in detail.
included in the project and presentation.

Checklist for Assessing Shoebox Store Project

Grading Criteria Category: Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
10 points 6 points 3 or fewer
Brand Identity Created
Appropriate Storefront Image
Appropriate Entrances/Exits
Appropriate Layout and Displays
Use of Floor Space
Visual Merchandising Tools Used
Appropriate Interior Store Image
Interior Displays
Overall Visual Appeal and Effect
All parts of project are labeled
Effective Use of Class Time
Students justified design choices made and
design choices made worked well for the
Group worked efficiently and divided project
responsibilities evenly among group
Presentation Skills (eye contact, volume, not
reading from slides, etc)
Total Points Awarded /150

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