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Struggling with crafting a compelling thesis on the topic of gay marriage? You're not alone.

Writing a
thesis, particularly on a topic as complex and sensitive as gay marriage, can be incredibly
challenging. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and the ability to present well-supported

Exploring the intricacies of gay marriage involves delving into legal, social, cultural, and ethical
dimensions. From examining historical perspectives to analyzing current legislative frameworks and
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Gary and Joseph dreamed of one day walking down the isle and getting married here in California,
by the beautiful beach. This topic is being discussed in the hope of establishing a clear and
comprehensive assessment of the issue. Gay people often cannot pass assets to their spouse without
having to pay a huge amount of taxes. Reseacrh, DC: Author; online content writing jobs in pune
Gay marriage research paper outline passed, and President Bill Clinton signed, a federal DOMA that
gay marriage research paper outline marriage for purposes of federal law as the union between a man
and a woman. The analysis of the influence of same sex marriages on societies cannot be complete
without exploring its impacts on the children. Owing to such incidences, it is, perhaps, in the best
interest of every single champion of family and children rights to oppose the idea of gay marriages. I
choose to argue in favor of gay marriage because it is well supported by the US Constitution and it is
logically supported by sound evidence and discussions in its favor. He articulates his thoughts on
how if the same sex feels the same way a straight couple feels, and then it shouldn’t be a problem.
To evaluate the overall impact of gay marriages on children, it is crucial to take prevailing societal
values, morals and norms into account. It provides arguments both for and against gay marriage.
Changing Family Structures In the last 40 old ages the UK and other Western states have
experienced alterations in matrimony, family, and household signifiers that would hold been
unthinkable before the Second World War Giddens, 2001. Although there are parties which support
redefining marriage in order to cover Gay Marriage, there are still members of the Christian and
conservative sectors that argue against it based solely on religious beliefs. In 1924 the fight for same-
sex marriage and equality began with The Society for Human Rights in Chicago. Hill A Research
Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science DegreeUseful
Gay Marriage Legalization research paper example. Retrieved 17 August 2011 from Perry, M.
(2007). The Fourteenth Amendment, Same-Sex Unions, and the Supreme Court. Therefore, allowing
same-sex unions is a complicated process as it subjects innocent children to situations which they
have no control over and which may cause them physical and emotional harm. Specifically, both
Bible and Quran describe how the People of Lot (P.B.U.H.) were cursed and punished by God
Almighty when they did not give up the practice of homosexuality despite repeated warnings made
by the Prophet Lot (P.B.U.H.). “Scholars of shari’a, Islamic law, interpret homosexuality to be not
merely a sin, but a crime as well” (Kligerman 54). In relation to the argument on harassment made on
children of same-sex marriages, proponents of same-sex marriages argue that preventing same-sex
marriages does not guarantee that children would not suffer any harassment or bullying. It is
therefore not common in the majority of gay marriages, which have their basis on otherwise
confused orientations, and failure in life. The arguments made by those who oppose gay marriage
are not compelling enough. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Homosexual
partners raising children may also be subjecting their children to harassment, bullying, and other
prejudices. New Statesman, Vol. 141 Issue 5096. The author gives a one-sided assessment of the
whole issue, highlighting the zealous determination those gay rights activists have in their resolve to
institute and legitimise their course. Discussion Gay Marriage is a marriage that incorporates the
unification of persons of the same sex. The article is a very balanced insight to the gay marriage
issues, providing both pro, and opposing thoughts in a balanced manner. Homosexuals Can Receive
Legal Benefits If They’re Married. This serves a benchmark against which children behaviour can be
evaluated (Murphy, 2010). Gay marriage has been a topic that has been discussed in the United
States for several years now. Therefore, it is my considered opinion that gay marriages have no place
in modern day society. This is because of the existence of otherwise unnatural relations, which may
influence the orientation of the young children, way before they can make their own decisions in life.
The main points the authors both discus is the meaning of marriage itself, the social impact same sex
marriage will have on society, and the influence on children. There have been numerous attempts to
have the marriage laws that only recognize straight marriages amended, but they have all been
unsuccessful. Homosexuals can give the same good education, upbringing and health to their child,
like others. This issue has even affected Christianity in that many homosexuals are seeking
acceptance from Christian churches and even positi on s of leadership within Christian organizati on
s. This paper examines whether and how legalization of same-sex marriage impacted same-sex. So,
for example, the United Kingdom in 2005, officially started to register same-sex partnerships, and in
2009-2010 the country was swept by an unprecedented baby boom. However, this article is about
Gay Marriage been introduced in Texas though the court has not given the final verdict. Even if they
happen to be satisfied both emotionally and physically, the connection may not last forever. I think
that Gay Marriage should be banned, because after all, being a homosexual is not part of nature, and
so is Gay Marriage. The opponents are generally concerned about the harmful effect gay marriages
would have on the society in case of legalization. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. Because in a country where the institution of the family is protected by the state and respected
by society, people are more willing to have children. Same sex couples just want to have equal rights
just as straight couples do. This paper will argue against Gay Marriage and give reasons why it
should be disallowed. By and large talking matrimony in all societies is portion of the patriarchal
construction and has served the involvements of work forces and marginalised and oppressed adult
females Abbott and Wallace, 1997. Opponents of gay marriage argue that it would undermine the
institution of marriage and the traditional family structure, which they believe is the foundation of
society. They may also argue that gay marriage goes against their religious beliefs and values.
Reseacrh, DC: Author; online content writing jobs in pune Gay marriage research paper outline
passed, and President Bill Clinton signed, a federal DOMA that gay marriage research paper outline
marriage for purposes of federal law as the union between a man and a woman. If gay marriages are
not legally recognized the harmful consequences the couples would face include inability to
participate in medical decisions that involve their partner who are dying, lack of right to own
common property and exclusion from employment benefits. Contact today for organize your
wedding party with a unique. In recent years, the issue of gay marriage has become a divisive and
controversial topic, with many people holding strong beliefs on both sides of the argument. As was
mentioned previously, the 14th amendment of the US Constitution protects individuals’ basic rights
to make decisions for themselves in terms of physical intimacy, child-rearing, and in choosing a
spouse (Perry, 2007). He contends that if this is non to go on so homophiles must be given the right
to go lawfully married. Alimony, Divorce, Happiness 1620 Words 5 Pages Moeneya McCall Gay
Marriage The thoughts on gay marriage, comes to many individuals mind. In recent years, the press
has been writing a lot about Britain and France in connection with the adoption of laws on marriage
equality in these countries, so let’s look at these countries and look closely. Fitzgerald, B. (1999).
Children of lesbian and gay parents: a review of literature. Islam not only forbids gay marriage but
also declares severe punishments for the people involving in this act. However, there exist gay
marriages and relations, which have held very conducive environments for the kids to grow. This
article is a great enquiry to the place of religion in the issues of relationships. A forced marriage is an
unhappy partnership, although we allow the people to wed anyways.
He completed it prior to its deadline and was thorough and informative. ”. Arguments against
legalizing gay marriage claim that marriage is a traditional institution between a man and a woman,
but the document counters that slavery was also once a traditional institution. They work hard to
provide for their families sufficiently, and invest considerable effort into building strong ties between
their spouses and the children (Murphy, 2010). If gay marriage is legalized, then equality for gays
will finally be present. Additionally, supporters of gay marriage argue that it would bring numerous
benefits to society. Same sex marriages, which are also referred to as gay marriages, are legal unions
between persons that have the same gender identity or biological sex. This can be estimated from the
fact that no couple but the one comprising members of the opposite sex is able to produce children
biologically. There are however opposing arguments to the legal allowance given to gay marriage. In
relation to the argument on harassment made on children of same-sex marriages, proponents of
same-sex marriages argue that preventing same-sex marriages does not guarantee that children would
not suffer any harassment or bullying. It seems clear from this last electi on seas on that many
Americans do not want gay marriage recognized. For example, unmarried partners, whether gay or
straight, may divide their property however they choose and if the relati on ship dissolves, they are
may split their property however they choose, without requiring the courts to get involved. 1 Many
homosexuals have recognized this and do not seek marriage for this and other reas on s, although it
is difficult to know how many homosexuals want to marry even though the activists are pushing
hard for them. Contact today for organize your wedding party with a unique. Issues of same-sex
marriage are a significant concern facing the United States. The recognition of a marriage is only on
the basis of a man and a woman coming to a mutual consent to raise a family together. Whereas he
attempts to take a balanced criticism to the practice, the use of social theory and practice to premise
the underlying arguments, the article ends up in a sharp negative undertone on the issue of gay
marriages. How does a single-parent family affect the religious and sexual upbringing of a child. Gay
marriages should not be allowed and there should be no constitutional amendment to allow the gays
and lesbians to obtain the legal marriage certificate. In America on the other hand, astounding
progress that has been made. In the United Kingdom, same-sex civil partnerships were officially
recognized back in 2005, and people who have entered into civil partnership have the same rights as
those who are in usual marriage, including the right to adopt children. Unleashing the Power of AI
Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Gay marriage leads to an unnatural, unreligious
and unethical lifestyle, which has many potentially negative implications both upon the children
raised in the gay families and the society of which the gay couples form part of. In such cases, the
issue of gay marriages helps to bring up less fortunate children, or those resulting from unwanted
pregnancies. Efforts by developed world to persuade poorer nation into accepting the trait as an
incentive for donor and development financing have not yielded much benefits. Let’s look at the
results of a survey conducted by Forum Research Inc. States are allowed to limit this right to marry
if there are compelling reasons to justify the prohibition, including interests of public health,
protection of children, prevention of incest, bigamy, or polygamy. Be sure to read this paper if you
need some assistance with your own writing. C on sider that there was a time when many states
outlawed interracial marriage. They don’t have the rights he or she wants to receive. Gay marriage
should be legal across the United States. The article is a very balanced insight to the gay marriage
issues, providing both pro, and opposing thoughts in a balanced manner.
They may also argue that gay marriage goes against their religious beliefs and values. Other factors
may affect a child’s upbringing including divorce, violence, and abuse which may happen in any
family regardless of the parents’ sexual orientation (Chauncey, 2005). Being discriminated and not
having the same rights as another person because of how we feel for the same sex shouldn’t be an
issue in our society. By August 2013, around fifteen countries, United States included passed a law
allowing gay marriages. Unknowingly, the couple begins to become detached from the children and
everything else in that relationship as well. If you are looking for a church, we welcome you to visit
our next service. The Roman Empire was not hesitant toward same-sex relationships, and there was a
broad approval of homosexuality and bisexuality among the Roman citizens. Likewise, when two
women raise a child, the child is deprived of the concept of the love of a father. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. Years from now, people will scratch there heads, consult books
and visit museums, the way you might visit a black civil-rights museum today Peterson, 2005.
Moreover, the right to procreation is not negated by gay marriages. In relation to the argument on
harassment made on children of same-sex marriages, proponents of same-sex marriages argue that
preventing same-sex marriages does not guarantee that children would not suffer any harassment or
bullying. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same sex. Supreme Court came
to the conclusion that marriage is a right protected by the U. By: Erin Nugen. One of the reasons is
based on religion. To explore other untouched matters of the issue, gay marriage research papers are
often assigned to the students. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Many arguments are caused due to the topic when it is brought up in
a conversation. It brings out the conservative thinking about gay marriages. The main points the
authors both discus is the meaning of marriage itself, the social impact same sex marriage will have
on society, and the influence on children. Other legal authorities have also pointed out that religious
passages and traditions oppose the concept of same-sex marriages (Halsall, 1996). The opponents are
generally concerned about the harmful effect gay marriages would have on the society in case of
legalization. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Denying gay and lesbians the right
to marry the person they love is discrimination. There are supporting, opposing and indifferent people
as well as countries. All of these benefits would be further elaborated in the body of the paper but
devise them as per the requirement of the topic of your gay marriage research paper. The right to
marry between two consenting individuals of legal age can be justified under the right to equal
protection of laws. International organizations, particularly those involved in human rights advocacy,
are unwelcome in such societies. Also, provide the stance which religion takes against gay marriages
in your assignment. Arguments against legalizing gay marriage claim that marriage is a traditional
institution between a man and a woman, but the document counters that slavery was also once a
traditional institution.
On the other hand, the religions would be offended since marriage is an institution supposed to be
holy and ordained by God if gays and lesbians are legalized. Ten Arguments From Social Science
Against Same-Sex Marriage. However, the gay community still faces some obstacles in their fight
for equality. Due to this, Filipinos value the tradition and context of the Church based on the
teachings of God. Same sex couples just want to have equal rights just as straight couples do.
Through this, the idea of a man marrying a fellow man, or a woman marrying a woman, is slowly
finding its way into the mainstream society. Same sex marriages, which are also referred to as gay
marriages, are legal unions between persons that have the same gender identity or biological sex. It
provides arguments both for and against gay marriage. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs
for generalized causal inference. There has also been marriages granted to sterile people, older folks,
and very irresponsible individuals. Will the legalization of gay marriages be able to change the
situation. So there is little classical scripture to base such opinions on. This article is a great enquiry
to the place of religion in the issues of relationships. This warrants a need to condemn gay marriages
at every level. In the end, the article inclines towards the huge differences between the various
religions and the same-sex practices. They also allege that it ends up destroying the sanctity of a
society and family values. At present, there are already 33 states that have legalize gay marriages and
17 states that still ban same sex marriage. By: Erin Nugen. One of the reasons is based on religion. It
is part of his liberty, same as his right to go to work, to build a home, or to build a family. It is not
based on the need to have children, children can after all be born even without marriage and a
child’s adequate rearing is not based on the gender of parents or even the presence of both mother
and father. Moreover, the right to procreation is not negated by gay marriages. Hill A Research Paper
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science DegreeUseful Gay
Marriage Legalization research paper example. The child would be growing up in a financially secure
home and would have unconditional love. Other legal authorities have also pointed out that religious
passages and traditions oppose the concept of same-sex marriages (Halsall, 1996). By August 2013,
around fifteen countries, United States included passed a law allowing gay marriages. Therefore, it
is my considered opinion that gay marriages have no place in modern day society. Conclusion As
Rajczi has asserted, if opposite-sex marriage is allowed, then marriage between same-sex partners
should be allowed as well, since allowing same-sex marriage harms no one. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. This implies that according to the Canadian definition, marriage is a
preserve for a man and a woman, which does not recognise the existence of third parties. This paper
shall discuss the thesis: The government has no right to enact laws which ban marriage between
individuals of the same gender.
In America on the other hand, astounding progress that has been made. It has been considered
through the impact it could have on children, in religions as well as in the freedom and equality in
society. The only thing that impedes the development of same-sex marriages today is the very
society whose contempt and protests entail stereotypes and homophobia, and, consequently, do not
allow creating a healthy atmosphere for the development of future generations. States are allowed to
limit this right to marry if there are compelling reasons to justify the prohibition, including interests
of public health, protection of children, prevention of incest, bigamy, or polygamy. In relation to the
argument on harassment made on children of same-sex marriages, proponents of same-sex marriages
argue that preventing same-sex marriages does not guarantee that children would not suffer any
harassment or bullying. Over time the concerns centred on improving access to access to health,
education, shading of discriminative practices like prohibition of same sex romance in public areas,
refusal to participate in blood donations, and similar forms of discriminations, access to workplaces
and freedom for expression. These and many other factors make gay marriage unethical. Gay
marriage should be legal across the United States. Supporters of gay marriage also highlight the fact
that prejudice must not be part of governmental aims. This fact saw application in various Supreme
Court decisions where the court prevented the passage of laws which discriminated against gays
and lesbians (Lum, 2008). The child would be growing up in a financially secure home and would
have unconditional love. As part of the contagious human rights debates, homosexuals and their
sympathisers fight for equal rights with the rest of the society. Various courts have also cited
technical and dictionary meanings of marriages which indicate that it is a union of a man and a
woman, and there is no mention of same-sex unions in these definitions. I choose to argue in favor of
gay marriage because it is well supported by the US Constitution and it is logically supported by
sound evidence and discussions in its favor. One can foresee the same thing happening to
homosexuals. When gay couples have disagreements with their spouses, the tendency is to run for
solace in the arms of other gays is prevalent. The biggest undoing of the text is that it puts off
criticality, and does not encourage readers with a different opinion to read the next paragraph.
Murphy, T. (2010). Same-Sex Marriage: Not a Threat to Marriage or Children. Jesus does not
mention anything about the topic in the new testament. Although human rights crusaders champion
for the inclusion of such unions, based on the assertion that consenting humans should enjoy the
freedom of choosing their actions, such calls have not yielded many results, especially in
conservative and traditional societies. At present, there are already 33 states that have legalize gay
marriages and 17 states that still ban same sex marriage. Whereas he attempts to take a balanced
criticism to the practice, the use of social theory and practice to premise the underlying arguments,
the article ends up in a sharp negative undertone on the issue of gay marriages. This article is well
thought out, giving a kind of ancient view to the whole issue of same-sex unions. It is therefore not
common in the majority of gay marriages, which have their basis on otherwise confused orientations,
and failure in life. Matriarchal society essay paper modernism art essay, bibl 105. Since religion has
prohibited us from indulging in the practice of homosexuality, there is no way we can justify the act.
New Statesman, Vol. 141 Issue 5096. The author gives a one-sided assessment of the whole issue,
highlighting the zealous determination those gay rights activists have in their resolve to institute and
legitimise their course. Conclusion The above discussion sets forth the two sides of the debate on gay
marriage. It also contributes a great deal of problems in the families, and threatens unity among the
family members. There have been numerous attempts to have the marriage laws that only recognize
straight marriages amended, but they have all been unsuccessful. A child needs both parents’ love to
be complete as an individual. Whereas there exist some pockets of religious leaders practicing these
practices, the author maintains that such people are few, exhibit some form of deviance, and do not
represent a big population.

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