Tai Lieu Tong Hop Bai Mau Writing Task 1 Hoc Vien Ielts IReady 1

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Steve Nguyen

The diagram below describes how stormwater is recycled in an Australian city.

The diagram illustrates how rainwater is reused in an Australian metropolis. Overall, there are
nine steps in the process, starting with collecting water and ending with pumping it for the
utilisation of Australian people.

The process commences with stormwater being collected in sewers before funneling it
through a tube which leads to a water recycling plant. In the factory, storm water undergoes a
four-stage purification process. The first phase begins with plastic and rubbish being
removed. Following this, the recycling process continues with the removal of small particles,
followed by the filtration of bacteria and viruses, in the third stage. The elimination of
unwanted molecules and salt is conducted in the final stage.

Subsequently, chlorine, at a concentration level of 4 mg/l, is added for water disinfection after
which the water is stored in a water tank. The process concludes with the water being
pumped to Australian end-users for consumption. (150 words)
The bar chart shows the number of people who visited different museums in London.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The given chart compares data regarding four particular museums located in London from June
to October. Overall, all categories witnessed a downward trend, except for the British Museum
with a reverse pattern. Moreover, the highest number of trips to the museums in London was
recorded in August.

The British Museum was the most popular destination in the chart. This place received nearly
410,000 visits in June, after which it peaked at over 700,000 in August before declining sharply
to finish the period at roughly 420,000. Additionally, the National Museum attracted the least
number of visitors, at nearly 205,000 in June, increasing moderately to just over 300,000 two
months later, and falling markedly to approximately 180,000 at the end of the given period.

Regarding other categories, in the first month, nearly 400,000 went to the History Museum.
Despite reaching a peak of 600,000 in August, the following two months saw a dramatic drop
in the figure for this museum, which slipped to around 250,000. In the meantime, the number
of individuals visiting the Science Museum climbed from about 440,000 at the beginning of the
period to the highest point of 500,000 in September, followed by a significant decrease to
precisely 300,000 by October. (201 words)
The bar graph illustrates the preference for different housing types, based on a
questionnaire, in three English metropolises, in 2009. Overall, the most popular housing
option in Liverpool was apartments, while the highest rate of participants in London and
Manchester liked semi-detached houses. Additionally, the least favourite choice in all cities
was terraced houses.

In Liverpool, nearly 60% of the respondents chose apartments as their favourite

accommodation type, which was the highest overall. This figure was nearly three times higher
than that of semi-detached houses, at about 20% and nearly four times higher than that of
detached houses, at around 16%. The least preferred residential type in this city was
terraced houses, comprising about 10%.

Concerning London, the proportion of semi-detached house enthusiasts was nearly 38%,
which was relatively higher than that of apartments, constituting 30%. The next highest figure
was detached houses, accounting for roughly 25%. Meanwhile, the lowest rate went on
terraced houses, comprising less than 20%.

Finally, in Manchester, nearly 38% of the interviewees preferred semi-detached houses. This
was followed by detached houses and apartments, at nearly 37% and just less than 20%,
respectively. In contrast, approximately 11% of participants in this city picked terraced
houses. (197 words)
The graph below shows information on employment rates across 6 countries in 1995
and 2005.

Given is a graph comparing the employment rate between males and females, in six different
nations, between 1995 and 2005. Overall, the proportion of employed men was more
prevalent than that of women in all six countries for both periods. Additionally, compared to
the first year, the rate of employment for both genders in all countries increased.

In terms of males, in 1995, 71% of men in Iceland had a job as opposed to Switzerland
(64%), New Zealand and America (nearly 60% each). Meanwhile, both Australia and the UK
recorded 55% of employed males, which was lowest. In 2005, the level of working males in
Iceland (83%) remained the highest, compared to other countries, ranging from nearly 70% to
78%, with that of Australia being the lowest.

Regarding females, Switzerland documented the highest at 56%, followed by the UK at 50%.
This sequence continued with America (45%), Iceland (40%), Australia and New Zealand
(less than 30% each). In the next ten years, the percentages of employed women in
Switzerland, the UK and the USA rose to more than 60%. Iceland (52%) had noticeably a
greater rate of working women than that of New Zealand (41%) and Australia (39%). (198
The pie charts below show the coffee production, coffee consumption and the profit
distribution around the world.

Given are three pie charts illustrating the production, consumption and the profits generated
by different sectors of the coffee industry. Overall, while people in Europe and the United
States are the major consumers, South Africa is the largest coffee producer among the given
countries. Additionally, delivery companies earn higher profits than other sectors in the
supply chain.

Regarding consumption, Europeans drink more coffee than any other regions in the world,
accounting for more than 40%. The consumption rate of America is minimally smaller than
that of Europe, at 39%. While 12% of coffee is consumed in other parts of the world, the
lowest proportion was in Japan, comprising 8%.

In terms of coffee manufacture, South America dominates in this area, with a production rate
of 44%. Indonesia produces exactly half as much as South Africa, at 22%, followed by the
figures for Japan (18%) and Vietnam (16%).
Concerning profit sharing, more than half of the profit from coffee is distributed to the
delivery businesses, which is nearly twice as much the percentage of profit share of retailers,
at 24%. Meanwhile, producers and exporters receive the lowest shares of net-earnings,
constituting 15% and 10%, in sequence. (195 words)
The line graph shows visits to an island in the Caribbean, by holidaymakers, from 2010 to
2017. Overall the total visitors increased and this trend was mirrored by both the number of
visitors staying on the island and on cruise liners.

Total visits started at 1 million in 2010, and then increased throughout the period, except for a
brief plateau at about 2.7 million throughout 2015. A sharp increase in the final year saw
visitors rise to 3.5 million.

Tourists staying on the island were about 750 thousand in 2010; then, during the next three
years, this doubled. The number plateaued from 2013 to 2015 at 1.5 million, and then
fluctuated at this level over the final two years. Vacationers on cruise liners started the period
at 250 thousand, after fluctuating for two years the number rose continually to reach
approximately 1.3 million by 2015. Then, in 2015, the number surpassed those staying on the
island and finished at 2 million by 2017. (163 words)
The first line graph illustrates the proportion of families in a nation that possessed three types
of appliances from 1920 to 2019, while the second one shows the weekly hours spent on
chores by households in the same period. Overall, electrical appliances were owned by a
larger proportion of families over the recorded period. In addition, less time was spent on
housework in this nation over the period examined.

In the first chart, the percentage of washing machine and vacuum cleaner possession in 1920
accounted for 40% and 30%, respectively. These figures rose significantly and converged at
70% by 1960. Subsequently, while washing machine ownership experienced mild fluctuations
and finished at nearly 75%, vacuum cleaners continued to increase considerably to 100%
from 2000 onwards. Meanwhile, refrigerators were least frequently seen in houses in 1920,
with the figure being about 4%. However, they witnessed an exponential surge and overtook
the other categories at 90% in 1960 and by 1980 to the end of the period, refrigerators
appeared in every household.

Turning to domestic chores, in 1920, each family spent 50 hours washing clothes, preparing
meals and cleaning. The figure dramatically decreased to roughly 15 hours in 1980 and
remained constant for twenty years, before continuing to lower to slightly over 10 hours in
2019. (213 words)
The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for
its development.

The sketch illustrates the present layout and proposed alterations to Islip town. Overall, the
most significant change in the town is the construction of a dual carriageway that will encircle
most of the settlement. Additionally, it will become more residential and there will be an
increase in town amenities.

Presently, the main road runs across from the west to the east of Islip town, with two rows of
shops lining both sides. To the south of the shops is a residential area, while the north side has
undeveloped land. Furthermore, there are two small roads connected to the west and east of
the main road, leading southward to a school and a park, respectively.

The planned project shows that there will be a new dual carriageway surrounding most of the
town, except for the school, which will be expanded in size. The existing main road will be
closed to vehicles and dedicated to pedestrians only. The northern line of shops will be
replaced with a bus station, a shopping centre and a car park, in addition to a new housing
area with a small road connecting to the east of the carriageway. Finally, the southern shops
will remain intact, while the park will be decreased in size to make space for a new
neighborhood. (214 words)
The pictorial diagram illustrates the architectural design of three kinds of bridges. Overall,
while concrete girder bridges’ span has the potential to be unlimitedly expended, suspension
bridges are the highest. In contrast, arch bridges are the shortest and lowest.

Arch bridges which have no piers are built to connect two sides of a lake. Their maximum
length and height are 200 metres and 100 metres, respectively. Their structure only allows the
smallest size boats to sail through the arch.

Concrete girder bridges, which are built over a river, are potentially the longest bridge
contingent on the number of piers. Unlike arch bridges, a series of piers is constructed to hold
the load of the bridge with a distance of under 200 metres from each other. Additionally, the
permissible height is up to 300 metres to facilitate only medium water vehicles to travel
Finally, suspension bridges are built on deepest water from which a large pier is placed on each
shore, distanced from 400 to 2000 metres. Moreover, suspender cables are anchored from
the top of the piers to the bridge. Their wide overhead and extensive length enable the largest
ships to pass through. (191 words)
The diagrams below show the development of the horse over a period of 40 million
years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and
make comparisons where relevant.

The infographic illustrates the horses’ evolution from over forty million years ago until the
present day, emphasizing on the development of their feet. Overall, horses have undergone
evolutionary progress regarding physical characteristics with larger size and fewer toes on
their hooves.

Forty million years ago, the Eohippus, which was a relatively smaller animal compared to its
future descendants, had no hair along the back of its neck and a short tail. Its legs were also
shorter with four thin toes on each paw.

About fifteen million years later, the Eohippus evolved into the Mesohippus, an animal with a
longer tail and a larger size. In addition to the growth of hair, the middle toe became bigger on
each foot from which one toe had disappeared.

The appearance of the Merychippus was around fifteen million years ago. This prehistoric
species was about half the size of the modern horse with the formation of a mane. However,
the paw still had three toes with an extra phalange on each and the middle one grew even
larger. Finally, today’s horses have a bulkier body and a bigger furry tail. They also have a full
mane and four elongated legs as well as full round hooves. (202 words)
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