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How to Overcome a Fear

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions and has an effect on the mind and the body.
Fear can create a strong response signal when we are in emergencies, for example, if we are lost
in a forest or feel threatened. This can also be true when you are faced with non-dangerous
events, such as trials, public talks, new jobs, dating or even parties. It's a natural response to a
threat that can be perceived in real life. Here are some ways you can overcome a fear in daily
life: 1. Controlling breathing with inhale-exhale, 2. Calming down by thinking positively, 3.
Facing the fact that we have to face that fear.
First, control breathing with inhale-exhale. Fear can also have an impact on our bodies,
such as shaking, shortness of breath, and even fainting. To conquer fear, we need to inhale-
exhale so that we feel calm. While we feel calm, we will find the right solution to face the fear.
Thus, we won't be in a hurry to find a solution, and we don't fall further into our fears.
Second, calm down by thinking positively. Having excessive fear is also not good for our
body. This fear can also interfere with happiness and conveniences, it can have a negative impact
on daily life. The fear you experience can also signal certain mental symptoms, such as panic
attacks, phobias and traumas. Well, with positive thinking, it will be easier for us to face fear.
Third, face the fact that we have to face that fear. If we accept reality, it will be much
easier for us to feel calm. We also need to remember that bad events are remembered
appropriately. Thus, we can avoid negative thoughts that arise from within ourselves. Fear can
also hinder self-development in many ways. We need to accept reality so that we are not
pessimistic and first in the face of fear. By accepting reality, we come to know what the right
step to take in the face of excessive fear is.
In conclusion, fear is one of the strongest emotions in humans. There are several ways to
deal with fear, such as controlling breathing with inhale-exhale, calming down by thinking
positively, and face the fact that we have to face that fear. We must be calm in the face of fear so
that we don’t fall further into the fear. Positive thinking in the face of fear is very necessary,
because fear can hinder self-development and can make us pessimistic in dealing with something
that happens in daily life. Fear can also interfere with happiness and comfort in our lives.

1. Siti Rohhmah (202120032)

2. Wardah Nuur Jannah (202120037)
3. Yuni Wijayanti (202120042)

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