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Vincent's Planets of the Solar System Crossword

[Created in 2023 by an enthused space student named Vincent]

1. 2.



1. 4.



1. This distant planet now has 27 discovered moons! (6)
2. This large planet is known for its large rings. (6)
3. This small planet could be called a ‘ball of iron’. (7)
4. Our home planet. (5)

1. This planet rains acid! (5)
2. The largest planet with the biggest moon in the solar system. (7)
3. The planet with the highest mountains in the solar system. (4)
4. The farthest ‘gas giant’ from the sun. (7)

Suggested extension ac vity. Have the students create their own crossword clues a er researching facts about each planet.
Then these ‘new crosswords could be shared with other classes or with those at home. Have fun!

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