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Presented to
The Junior High School Faculty

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the requirements for the Subject
(Qualitative Research)


JUNE 2023
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato


This research entitled “Struggles and Coping Mechanism of Grade XI

Students in Developing Writing Skills in English Language” prepared and
submitted by Florven C. Carvajal, Cristine Mae P. Compracion, Lent Neonnyl P.
Cuenca, Nina Pauline P. Macul, Glen Mark A. Mamonto, and Dianne Camille P.










Accepted and approved on June 2023 in partial fulfillment of the requirements in

English 10.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following individuals

who helped us to finish and complete this research project. We would like to
thank them for their invaluable support and assistance.
First, we are sincerely thankful to Nicolas B. Barerras National High School
for giving us the opportunity to conduct this research paper in the form of a
dissertation on the topic "Struggles and Coping Mechanism of Grade XI students
in developing their Writing Skills in English Language". We would also like to give
a special thanks to Ma’am Ma. Princess T. Martinez, for assessing, encouraging
and guiding us in every stage, without her we can't finished this research paper.
We would also like to acknowledge one of our Master Teachers, Ma’am
Bernadita V. Bañaria for the approval of our research questionnaires. For the
Panelists who helped us improve, correct, and revised our study a warmest thank
Finally, we would like to thank our Almighty God, for letting us go through all
the difficulties. We experienced your guidance day by day. You are the one who
let us finish our research paper, without you we can't get through this. Thank you
for your guidance we will keep on trusting you in our future.


This appraisal is wholeheartedly dedicated to our family, teachers, friends,

ourselves, and to those people who morally and financially supported us to
pursue in doing this research study, in which we are grateful. Our hearts are full
of gratitude to all of you that have been the source of our inspiration as we create
this research. We also wanted to share this opportunity to those people who are
willing to take part on this study that may help them recognize a new avenue to
have a new set of information.

Most importantly, we dedicate this paper to our Lord Almighty God who
guided us during the process of finishing this research.


Writing is a skill in addition to speaking, reading, and listening in English.

It is a difficult process that necessitates a variety of cognitive and linguistic
techniques. Writing helps students not only with academic performance but also
with their social and emotional growth. It is a skill that is important to succeed in
this competitive society.
This research discussed the struggles and coping mechanisms of Grade XI
students of in developing writing skills in English language. This research aimed
to know the struggles encountered by Grade XI students, the reasons why they
are struggling in developing their writing skills, and their ways or coping
mechanisms to overcome the struggles in developing writing skills in English
This study was conducted in Nicolas B. Barreras National High School. The
data on this research was gathered during an interview among the Grade XI
students (10) who were determined using the random-sampling method. This
study used the qualitative case study research design for the purpose of
accurately portraying a population that has been chosen because of a specific
Through the data gathered on this research, we concluded that the majority
of informants in grade XI have difficulty in writing in English. They mostly have
difficulties in honing their English writing abilities due to deep or unfamiliar words
they come across in the given texts or literature. And, they were able to improve
their writing abilities in English by reading textbooks and comprehending or being
familiar with the meaning of the complex terms they come across in order to
further increase their vocabulary.

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………i
Approval Sheet ………………………………………………………………………….ii
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………......iii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………

Research Objectives…………………………………………………………………....2
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………3
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………….3
Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………………4
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………...4


Related Literature……………………………………………………………………….5


Research Design………………………………………………………………………11
Locale of the Study…………………………………………………………………….11
Informants of the Study……………………………………………………………….12
Research Instrument…………………………………………………………………..12
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………12
Ethical Considerations………………………………………………………………...13
Analysis of the data……………………………………………………………………14




Appendix A. Letter of permission to Principal………………………………………30
Appendix B. Participants Agreement Form…………………………………………31
Appendix C. Informed Consent Form for Student………………………………….32
Appendix D. Interview Guide…………………………………………………………33
Appendix E. Color Coding.............................................................................…...34
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………….45

Writing is a major component in teaching of English since elementary.

The ability to teach writing effectively is one of the vital skills among English
teachers. The teaching of writing has been conducted as early where students
start to learn how to form letters correctly. Writing helps students not only with
academic performance but also with their social and emotional growth. Writing is
a skill that is important to succeed in this competitive society. The most
significant writing problems that students encounter when writing in the English
language include poor vocabulary, spelling and sentence structure issues,
difficulties employing conditional and passive sentences, and mostly issues with
the proper use of tenses.

While, international students often encounter linguistic and cultural

difficulties on written assignments, there are problems that can affect students
from different cultural and educational backgrounds. The study revealed that the
international undergraduate students experienced academic writing challenges
pertaining to content, organization, academic vocabulary, genre awareness,
research papers, grammar and mechanics, and citing and referencing sources.
Even students who possess the necessary language skills may be unfamiliar with
the kinds of writing assignments they are asked to do in college classes. In many
U.S. high schools, students are asked to write papers emphasizing personal
expression: to state and defend a personal opinion or engage in creative
problem-solving for which there is no correct answer. Students, however, may
find these kinds of writing assignments unfamiliar and confusing.

The Philippines is recognized as one of the largest English-speaking

nations in the world. As a result, some assume that a sizable portion of the
population speaks English. The country has updated its English course
curriculum to reflect advanced instruction. It is also included in the K–12
curriculum of the nation, where one of its key goals is to help students enhance
their writing abilities. Changes in the country's educational system have
historically been anchored on structural adjustments and decision-making
institutions. Even while it is generally agreed that the development of reading and
writing abilities is essential for efficient learning, weaknesses in these areas are
frequently to blame for learning gaps. At least nine out of ten kids in the
Philippines find it difficult to write or put together a simple sentence. Therefore,
one of the main goals of the country's Deped literacy programs is to improve
students' writing abilities. Schools also implement these programs to improve the
writing abilities of their students.

The purpose of developing in writing English language is to improve

your vocabulary, spelling and sentence structure. Writing in English helps you
learn how to produce concise class material and ask clarifications. Writing
abilities are a crucial component of communication. When compared to speaking
to someone directly or over the phone, writing effectively enables you to convey
your message to a far bigger audience. When we learn to use writing as a way to
present our ideas and messages clearly and directly to our listeners, we may
also enhance other important aspects of communication, such as grammar,
spelling, punctuation, gestures, paralinguistic, and so on.

Research Objectives

This study aims to:

1. Determine the struggles of Grade XI students in developing writing skills in

English Language

2. Determine the coping mechanisms of Grade XI students in developing writing

skills in English Language
Statement of the Problem
Specifically, it seeks answer to the following questions:

1. What are the struggles encountered by Grade XI students in developing

writing skills in English Language?

2. What are the reasons why they are struggling in developing their writing skills
in English Language?

3. What are their ways or coping mechanisms to overcome the struggles in

developing writing skills in English Language?

Significance of the Study

This study was beneficial to the following:

The students. It will help them develop their writing skills in English Language.

The teachers. The teachers will have the idea why learners struggle in
developing writing skills in English language and help them cope with it.

The parents. This research can help them to communicate with their as it
contributes enormously to the process of their writing development.

The future researchers. This research will be able to help and serve as a guide
to any related future studies.

The school administration. The school administration can promote programs

and activities to improve and develop learners.
Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the Struggles and Coping Mechanisms of Grade XI

Students in Developing Writing Skills in English Language. The study is
conducted among selected Grade XI students enrolled in Nicolas B. Barreras
National High School during school year 2022-2023.

Definition of Terms

The following were defined conceptually and operationally:

Curriculum conceptually, refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a

school or in a specific course or program. Operationally, refers to the Grade XI
curriculum program.

Linguistic conceptually, refers to the study of human speech including the units,
nature, structure, and development of language. Operationally, refers to the
language the respondents identifies, or remembers.

Literacy conceptually, refers to the ability to read and write. Operationally,

denotes acquisition and retention of essential literacy competencies covering
reading, writing and calculation skills and life skills based on the day-to-day
functioning of the learners concern.


This chapter reviews related literature studies. Materials reviewed include

books and online sources.


Writing is a skill in addition to speaking, reading, and listening in English.

It is a multiplex activity according to Ling (2016). In order for pupils to produce
quality writing in the future, writing exercises must be carried out with them
starting in elementary school. Even though primary schools offer a wide range of
disciplines, writing is regarded as one of the most important. One of the abilities
needed to acquire the English language is writing. It is regarded as one of the
hardest abilities to master. Writing ability, however, has the ability to influence
students' academic success because it allows students to improve their
vocabulary, shape the scientific structure of human life verbally or in writing, and
support other language skills, such as listening, speaking, and reading (Javed,
Juan, & Nazli, 2013; Nodoushan, 2014). If a student has a weak writing
foundation, there are a variety of outcomes that could cause significant setbacks
in their academic achievement. Additionally, writing is one of the abilities required
to succeed in this cutthroat society. Their future employment prospects may be
hampered by their poor writing skills. As a result, this problem requires a
strategic approach (Moses, R., and Mohamad, 2019).

In addition, writing is a difficult process that necessitates a variety of

cognitive and linguistic techniques (Tuero, 2016). Since a long time ago, writing
has emerged as one of the crucial abilities in learning English. Without
discounting the value of speaking in active English, the passive voice is just as
crucial for communicating. Writing is not just meant to describe any subject
without a purpose as a technique to explore our passive English (Ariyanti, 2016).
Writing also improves students' ability to learn, analyze, and reflect on the
English language in their academic work. Writing proficiency also helps students
succeed in their academic courses and prepares them for careers as
professionals. The development of strong writing abilities, however, has been
identified as a challenge for students at all levels of the educational system
(Ahmed, 2015).

Writing as a language skill is undervalued, particularly in light of the

natural order hypothesis. Learning about writing in academic contexts
encourages students to question the veracity of this order. Due to its quick
practical use in a variety of academic activities including examination questions,
essays, research reports, dissertation theses, and other academic work, writing
deserves a higher emphasis in academic contexts (Saglamel et al. 2015).


Writing well is essential for language production. However, writing is

considered to be a difficult skill because ESL students typically face writing-
related difficulties (Fareed et al. 2016). According to Misbah et al. (2017),
students' inability to grasp writing abilities is due to a lack of vocabulary. Asep
(2014) contends that using language to form sentences is the cornerstone of
excellent writing abilities. Correct spelling is a further issue for pupils gaining
writing skills, according to Nyang'au Benard (2014). Possessing good spelling
abilities will facilitate the development of writing abilities. If the students struggle
with spelling, their progress will be hindered. The students can develop great
spelling skills by memorizing the spelling. Use "ballon" instead of "balloon" as an
illustration. Writing also involves the use of grammar. Grammar gives details that
enable readers to comprehend its meaning. It is a format that effectively
communicates the writer's precise meaning to the reader. Grammar also includes
the morphology—the forms and structures of words—as well as the syntax—the

way that words are put together in sentences. Students usually spell using their
sounds, which leads to poor spelling, claims Afrin (2016). The letters of the word
will either be rearranged by the students or they will be ignored. Given their scant
knowledge of the subject, students will find it difficult to construct sentences that
adhere to good syntax. According to Muhammad Fareed et al. (2016), students
make mistakes with subject-verb agreement, pronouns, tenses, articles,
prepositions, and basic sentence structures. Through reading and other
grammar-related activities, grammar proficiency can be enhanced.

Writing is a challenging intellectual job that requires a variety of component

abilities, some of which children may be wholly lacking in or only somewhat
proficient in (Basher, 2020). Students find it difficult to learn the fundamentals of
writing, which prevents them from finishing a writing assignment. Students were
unable to write an essay that satisfied the requirements of the following question
as a result of this situation. Moreover, according to Ismail & Hamzah (2018)
studies, Students who are not native English speakers commonly make
grammatical mistakes, particularly when using compensation in essays. Students
struggle with a variety of language-related challenges, including the inability to
write thoughts in grammatical phrases, a limited vocabulary, using improper
sentence structure, and others. Phrases become difficult for learners to interpret
correctly because they are unable to build a solid vocabulary.

Additionally, a lack of language proficiency contributes to pupils' inability

to comprehend the essay's contents accurately. When writing essays, students'
restricted vocabulary causes them to absorb sentences in an excessively brief
and simple manner (MOE, 2018). Additionally, when writing essays, pupils
struggle with coherence (connection) skills. According to Aloysius & Othman's
research from 2017, students were unable to develop a strong essay introduction
or defend the essay's topic. Students are unable to connect the introduction to
the essay's subject, so its substance does not follow the question's purpose.
Therefore, it is imperative that the proficiency of non-native speakers in essay
writing can be increased considering the challenges faced by non-native

speakers acquiring English as a second language and the associated deficits in
essay writing. When students are lacking in these abilities, their writing may be
unsatisfactory in a number of ways, including confusing organization, weak
reasoning, and weak arguments. The majority of the students didn't write as
frequently or in the kinds of ways that we would have expected them to during
their high school careers, according to Basher (2020).

Another obstacle to learning to write is students' readiness. Engaging

and inspiring students can improve their preparation for writing instruction
(Foster, 2015). Winarso (2016) also asserts that Preparedness is crucial for
completing a task successfully. Physical or mental preparedness can be referred
to as readiness. Students' writing assignments will be difficult if this doesn't
happen. If they are not ready, students would not be mentally ready to learn in
the classroom. It is crucial that the pupils are prepared before entering the

Furthermore, other obstacles to students learning to write include a lack

of exposure to books and reading resources, according to Foster (2015). Many
students, according to Muhammad Fareed et al. (2016), find it exceedingly
difficult to discover enough reliable sources of information. Lack of in-depth
reading will not aid students in producing quality phrases or paragraphs. The
students are going to have lack of ideas and vocabulary to write if they are not
reading books or other reading materials. If students read more and integrate the
ideas with what they already know, their brain neurons will connect and they will
produce good writing. Foster (2015) explained that exposing kids to a variety of
reading materials can assist them develop their understanding of language


To improve your written English skills, you need to write as much as you
can. The more you write, the more proficient you will become. You will improve
as a writer as you write more. Writing can help you develop your vocabulary,
grammar, and spelling. Additionally, it might help you refine your writing style. So
start writing more frequently if you want to improve your writing skills. Your
vocabulary should be as extensive and varied as possible if you want your work 8
to appear truly stunning. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase your
vocabulary in English. As was already mentioned, reading a lot will expose you to
a lot of new terms and phrases. Another activity that can help you increase your
vocabulary is watching television and movies because you'll hear a variety of
words and expressions used in different contexts. Similar to speaking, writing
exercises are beneficial because they give you an opportunity to employ new
words in context and evaluate how they work with your sentences. Last but not
least, using a dictionary is a fantastic approach to investigate the various
meanings of a specific word. You may improve your vocabulary and create
writing that sounds absolutely fantastic with a little effort (Luis, 2022). 8

A person's vocabulary is made up of all the words they are familiar with or
frequently use. A writer must be able to choose the right words to construct
phrases, clauses, and sentences in order to produce meaningful and effective
written work (Muhammed, 2015). Writing is a difficult medium for students to
develop their ideas, subject matter, or skills in. The first is that you should take
into account the terminology employed in their work as you build your writing
ability. He suggests several guidelines for vocabulary used: use vocabulary
accurately, avoid using idiomatic, instead use standard English, be as precise as
possible, use tentative language for conclusions, avoid adverbs that show
personal attitude, do not use contract verb forms, passive voice may not be over-
used, avoid using the word like to introduce examples, the word thing, instead
use factor, aspect or issue, the word lots of and little or big, instead use a
significant, small or large, and use of question forms, section numbering, etc. or
etc., and phrasal verbs should all be avoided (Bailey, 2018).
Along with grammatical and vocabulary impairments, there are problems
with letter, word, and text construction, which show themselves in handwriting,
spelling, layout, and punctuation. Because the concepts were organized, it was
also easier for us to write the paragraph fast. It indicated that by learning an
outline, the students' writing was enhanced and their paragraphs became more
comprehensible, ordered, and easy to understand (Harmer, 2018).
Reading as much as you can is crucial if you want to improve your
English writing abilities. You may enhance your vocabulary and grammar by
reading a range of texts, such as novels, articles, and biographies, as well as
learn how to organize your writing and create your own style. Reading can also
improve your understanding of various cultures and viewpoints, which is helpful
when writing essays or other academic works (Luis, 2022). The best writers are
avid readers, and reading frequently is a simple approach to begin improving
your writing abilities. Reading more will increase your likelihood of developing an
eye for what makes an article so powerful (Shewan, 2022).


This chapter addressed the question of how the problem investigated. This
include discussions on the research design, research locale, research
respondents, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical

Research Design

This study used the qualitative case study research design for the purpose
of accurately portraying a population that has been chosen because of a specific
characteristic. Furthermore, it aims to gather more information about the
struggles and coping mechanisms of Grade XI students in developing writing
skills in English Language.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at the Nicolas B. Barreras National High School. It is
an institution serving the Municipality of Polomolok in the Province of South
Cotabato for 27 years. The school also offers basic education junior high school
level. At present, the school is offering the senior high school level in compliance
with the K-12 basic education program of the Philippine government.

This study was specifically conducted at the Senior High School program of
the Basic Education Department.
Research Participants

The data necessary to be able to answer the questions posed in this study
is gathered among the Grade XI students (10) who will be determined using the
random sampling method. It means to say that Grade XI students who are
officially enrolled during the School Year 2022-2023 will be included as the
participants of the study.

Research Instrument

Data was gathered among the participants through an interview that include self-
made questionnaire on the struggles and coping mechanisms of Grade XI
students in learning English Language. Questions pertaining to the
demographics of the participants was asked in the interview. This was edited,
proofread and validated by experts to determine the instrument’s validity and

Data Gathering Procedure

To facilitate the collection of data, the following steps will be taken:

1. The researchers seek the assistance of their research adviser in submitting

the permit to the office of the school principal to ask permission to conduct the
interview among the Grade XI students.

2. Once the permission was by the school, the researchers wrote a letter to the
participants asking them to participate in the interview by answering the
questions while being recorded.

3. The interview recordings are retrieved and compiled. The data from the
retrieved instrument then be tabulated, encoded and processed through the
statistical tools.
4. Findings, conclusions and recommendations are made.

Ethical Considerations 12

The researcher’s intention in the study was to tell the truth and avoid
making mistakes, and the data obtained is not falsified or misrepresented. The
objective of this study was communicated to the participants in order to ensure
that any data collected by the researcher is utilized solely for academic purposes
and to support evidence-based research in the strictest of confidence. In
addition, a letter of agreement from the Grade XI students of Nicolas B. Barreras
National High School is provided, requesting their permission to utilize them as
participants in the study. Moreover, the researcher verified that plagiarism is
avoided and that this study is unique, as well as that all sources utilized are
correctly referenced. This study has no personal conflicts of interest that may
develop as a result of applying for and submitting this research project.

In this chapter, researchers presented the data gathered from the conducted
interview among Grade XI students.

Table 1. How do you find writing in English?


1 I find English difficult when there are some words that I don’t
understand and doesn’t know the spelling. But when it comes
to writing sentences or paragraphs, it’s easy for me to

2 For me, it’s okay. It depends on the topic given by your

teacher in what you need to write in your essays.

3 It’s hard but it really depends on the topic given.

4 For me, writing English is fun. Honestly, I really like writing in


5 For me, it’s not that hard because you can just use basic
English in writing.

6 I find writing in English average.

7 Actually, writing in English is very challenging. For me, it’s

hard but it really just depends on the students. If he/she have
the determination to write, then it can be a lot easier.
8 It’s difficult because maybe the sentence that you will write is
not accurate or have may have grammatical errors.

9 English helps us to improve especially in our choice of strand.

For example, me, I chose HUMSS. HUMSS is more on public
speaking, impromptu speeches, etc.

10 For me, it’s not that difficult. I have the ability to write but do
not write that fluently. I admit I’m still in the sage wherein I’m
still learning to enhance my writing skills.

As seen in table 1, the majority of informants in grade XI have difficulty in

writing in English. They also described it as challenging or difficult to submit their
outputs because of the assigned topics.

Since a long time ago, writing has emerged as one of the crucial abilities
in learning English. Without discounting the value of speaking in active English,
the passive voice is just as crucial for communicating. Writing is not just meant to
describe any subject without a purpose as a technique to explore our passive
English (Ariyanti, 2016). Writing also improves students' ability to learn, analyze,
and reflect on the English language in their academic work. The development of
strong writing abilities, however, has been identified as a challenge for students
at all levels of the educational system (Ahmed, 2015).

Table 2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English


1 I struggle probably because of the lack of understanding.

2 I’m struggling when I can’t easily catch up with the questions

given by my teacher.

3 It’s difficult for me since you have to be mindful of the words

that you’ll choose in writing.

4 First of all, I struggle in spelling. In some instances, I

encounter unfamiliar words and I don’t know the right spelling.

5 I struggle because there are some deep words that I don’t


6 I’m struggling because my vocabulary is not that wide. I

encounter some deep English words that I don’t understand
the meaning.

7 I’m struggling especially because of the lack of reading and


8 It’s difficult because you have to choose the right words to

make your outputs accurate or/and straight to the point.

9 I struggle mainly because there is some words that I don’t

understand and not really knowledgeable about. For example,
deep words in English that needs to be more explained.

10 I struggle because there are times that laziness takes over

my body my body and instead of reading books to learn and

enhance my skills, I chose not to.

Table 2 demonstrates that the informants mostly have difficulties in

honing their English writing abilities due to deep or unfamiliar words they come
across in the given texts or literature. Lack of understanding is another frequent
issue which leads to one’s reading comprehension and range of vocabulary.

Writing is a difficult medium for students to develop their ideas, subject

matter, or skills in. The first is that you should take into account the terminology
employed in their work as you build your writing ability. He suggests several
guidelines for vocabulary used: use vocabulary accurately, avoid using idiomatic,
instead use standard English, be as precise as possible, use tentative language
for conclusions, avoid adverbs that show personal attitude, do not use contract
verb forms, passive voice may not be over-used, avoid using the word like to
introduce examples, the word thing, instead use factor, aspect or issue, the word
lots of and little or big, instead use a significant, small or large, and use of
question forms, section numbering, etc. or etc., and phrasal verbs should all be
avoided (Bailey, 2018).

Table 3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?


1 To read more and practice.

2 By reading books and also writing texts.

3 By reading books and dictionaries.

4 You will learn a lot by reading. A lot of words will come up to

you when you write. If you encounter unfamiliar words, you 17
should look it up for better understanding.
5 By reading. You will learn what you need to know to improve
your writing skills.

6 By reading articles and books to widen my vocabulary.

7 In today’s generation, we have technology. We can just go to

Google and research. You also have to read more so that you
can learn a lot.

8 Read books so that you will learn a lot of words.

9 I develop my writing skills in English language by the help of

reading and writing.

10 Reading, since it will really help us especially when you are

reading English books. That is what I do to enhance my
writing skills.

In the table 3, it is said that the informants would be able to improve their
writing abilities in English by reading textbooks and comprehending or being
familiar with the meaning of the complex terms they come across in order to
further increase their vocabulary.

Writing is a challenging intellectual job that requires a variety of component

abilities, some of which children may be wholly lacking in or only somewhat
proficient in (Basher, 2020). Students find it difficult to learn the fundamentals of
writing, which prevents them from finishing a writing assignment. Students were
unable to write an essay that satisfied the requirements of the following question
as a result of this situation. Moreover, according to Ismail & Hamzah (2018)
studies, Students who are not native English speakers commonly make
grammatical mistakes. Students struggle with a variety of language-related 18
challenges, including the inability to write thoughts in grammatical phrases, a
limited vocabulary, using improper sentence structure, and others. Phrases
become difficult for learners to interpret correctly because they are unable to
build a solid vocabulary.

Table 4. Why is it difficult for you to develop your writing skills in English


1 For me, it is not really difficult to develop my writing skills but

there are some instances that we cannot avoid to make
mistakes. We should focus on what area are you lacking and
develop it by practicing.

2 It is not that difficult. It really depends on the level of your


3 I struggle a lot since there are a lot of other subjects and not
all the time we only focus on English.

4 It is really difficult because there are times that I can’t

understand or I will get confused with my writings since I can’t
come up with appropriate words.

5 For me, the deep words I can’t understand is what makes it

difficult for me develop my writing skills.

6 It’s difficult because English is not my first language.

7 It is difficult for me sometimes especially if there are words

that I don’t know.

8 It’s kind of difficult since it is hard to apply if it’s right or wrong.

9 It is difficult for me because of the deep words I can’t

10 If you have this attitude to be lazy and no self-determination,

you’ll really have a hard time developing your writing skills.

Table 4 demonstrates how difficult it is for informants to improve their

writing abilities in English due to their inability to comprehend the text due to its
complex wording. They worry that if they choose the wrong words, their carefully
formed sentences may not convey the intended meaning or purpose.

Writing well is essential for language production. However, writing is

considered to be a difficult skill because ESL students typically face writing-
related difficulties (Fareed et al. 2016). According to Misbah et al. (2017),
students' inability to grasp writing abilities is due to a lack of vocabulary. Asep
(2014) contends that using language to form sentences is the cornerstone of
excellent writing abilities.

Table 5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing your

writing skills in English language?

1 To develop more on where I lack. Reading and practicing is a
must to learn and develop English writing skills.

2 There are a lot of English teachers that are willing to help

once they saw you struggling. If ever you are struggling, you
can ask them to help you so they can guide you.

3 When I struggle, I seek help from my English teacher and ask

for advices.

4 English is a very good skill because other subject use it as

medium of instruction. The more I develop the more learnings
I get.

5 Reading is the solution to improve.

6 By asking help from my siblings. My eldest sister is the

smartest among us so asking her for help is my first choice.

7 For you to be able to cope, just read more and if you read
something, understand it very carefully.

8 By reading books and searching for the meaning of unfamiliar


9 By asking help if I don't know what to write. For me, asking is

the way to learn.

10 I need to realize that I shouldn't apply any negative attitudes

towards myself and all I need is self-motivation for me to
develop my writing skills.
Table 5 demonstrates that the informants are able to manage their
difficulties by reading, practicing, concentrating on the subject areas in which
they are weak, and also by broadening their vocabulary.

Reading as much as you can is crucial if you want to improve your

English writing abilities. You may enhance your vocabulary and grammar by
reading a range of texts, such as novels, articles, and biographies, as well as
learn how to organize your writing and create your own style. Reading can also
improve your understanding of various cultures and viewpoints, which is helpful
when writing essays or other academic works (Luis, 2022).




The “Struggles and Coping Mechanisms of Grade XI Students in

Developing Writing Skills in English Language” is a qualitative research that
focuses on the struggles and coping mechanisms of the students in developing
their writing skills in English language. This research was conducted specifically
to the Grade XI students of Nicolas B. Barreras National High School.

This study aimed to know the struggles and coping mechanisms of Grade
XI students in developing their writing skills in English language. Based on the
data gathered, the researchers were able to answer the following questions:

1. How do you find writing in English?

The majority of informants in grade XI have difficulty in writing in English.

They also describe it as challenging or difficult to submit their outputs because of
the assigned topics. Since a long time ago, writing has emerged as one of the
crucial abilities in learning English. Without discounting the value of speaking in
active English, the passive voice is just as crucial for communicating. Writing is
not just meant to describe any subject without a purpose as a technique to
explore our passive English (Ariyanti, 2016). Writing also improves students'
ability to learn, analyze, and reflect on the English language in their academic
work. The development of strong writing abilities, however, has been identified as
a challenge for students at all levels of the educational system (Ahmed, 2015).

2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English

The informants mostly have difficulties in honing their English writing
abilities due to deep or unfamiliar words they come across in the given texts or
literature. Lack of understanding is another frequent issue which leads to one’s
reading comprehension and range of vocabulary. Writing is a difficult medium for
students to develop their ideas, subject matter, or skills in. The first is that you
should take into account the terminology employed in their work as you build
your writing ability. He suggests several guidelines for vocabulary used: use
vocabulary accurately, avoid using idiomatic, instead use standard English, be as
precise as possible, use tentative language for conclusions, avoid adverbs that
show personal attitude, do not use contract verb forms, passive voice may not be
over-used, avoid using the word like to introduce examples, the word thing,
instead use factor, aspect or issue, the word lots of and little or big, instead use a
significant, small or large, and use of question forms, section numbering, etc. or
etc., and phrasal verbs should all be avoided (Bailey, 2018).

3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

It is said that the informants would be able to improve their writing abilities in
English by reading textbooks and comprehending or being familiar with the
meaning of the complex terms they come across in order to further increase their
vocabulary. Writing is a challenging intellectual job that requires a variety of
component abilities, some of which children may be wholly lacking in or only
somewhat proficient in (Basher, 2020). Students find it difficult to learn the
fundamentals of writing, which prevents them from finishing a writing assignment.
Students were unable to write an essay that satisfied the requirements of the
following question as a result of this situation. Moreover, according to Ismail &
Hamzah (2018) studies, Students who are not native English speakers
commonly make grammatical mistakes, particularly when using compensation in
essays. Students struggle with a variety of language-related challenges,
including the inability to write thoughts in grammatical phrases, a limited
vocabulary, using improper sentence structure, and others. Phrases become
difficult for learners to interpret correctly because they are unable to build a solid

4. Why is it difficult for you to develop your writing skills in English


The informants find it difficult to improve their writing abilities in English due
to their inability to comprehend the text due to its complex wording. They worry
that if they choose the wrong words, their carefully formed sentences may not
convey the intended meaning or purpose. Writing well is essential for language
production. However, writing is considered to be a difficult skill because ESL
students typically face writing-related difficulties (Fareed et al. 2016). According
to Misbah et al. (2017), students' inability to grasp writing abilities due to a lack of
vocabulary. Asep (2014) contends that using language to form sentences is the
cornerstone of excellent writing abilities.

5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing your writing

skills in English language?

The informants were able to manage their difficulties by reading, practicing,

concentrating on the subject areas in which they are weak, and also by
broadening their vocabulary. Reading as much as you can is crucial if you want
to improve your English writing abilities. You may enhance your vocabulary and
grammar by reading a range of texts, such as novels, articles, and biographies,
as well as learn how to organize your writing and create your own style. Reading
can also improve your understanding of various cultures and viewpoints, which is
helpful when writing essays or other academic works (Luis, 2022).

Conclusion 25
Based on the results gathered in this study, the researchers were able to
conclude the following:

1. The majority of informants in grade XI have difficulty in writing in English.

2. The informants mostly have difficulties in honing their English writing
abilities due to deep or unfamiliar words they come across in the given
texts or literature.
3. They would be able to improve their writing abilities in English by reading
textbooks and comprehending or being familiar with the meaning of the
complex terms they come across in order to further increase their
4. They find it difficult to improve their writing abilities in English due to their
inability to comprehend the text due to its complex wording.
5. The informants are able to manage their difficulties by reading, practicing,
concentrating on the subject areas in which they are weak, and also by
broadening their vocabulary.


For the progress of this study, we researchers based in the conclusion of the
total result of all the process. Here are the following recommendation in this

STUDENTS – Students should focus more on reading and practicing in order for
them to expand their vocabulary.

TEACHERS – To provide learners activities for them to develop their writing

skills in English language, and to have regular monitoring and checking or their

SCHOOL – To conduct and support programs and activities initiated by teachers

to enhance or develop the writing skills of the learners.


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Brgy.Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato


Date: April 28, 2023

This Institution
Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Dear Mr. Dagsan:

We, the researchers were currently working with the action research entitled; “Struggles
and coping mechanisms of Grade XI students in developing writing skills in English
Language” in our school.
In this connection, we are humbly asking your permission that we may be allowed to
conduct interviews/surveys with the grade XI students of this school. Rest assured that all of their
answers will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Hoping for your positive response regarding this request.

Sincerely yours,
Carvajal, Florven C.
Compracion, Cristine Mae P.
Cuenca, Lent Neonnyl P.
Macul, Nina Pauline P.
Tejada, Dianne Camille P.
Mamonto, Glen Mark A.

Approved by:
Principal I


I agree to participate in the research study on “Struggles and Coping

Mechanisms of Grade XI Students in Developing Writing Skills in English
I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary. I grant permission for the
data to be used in the process of completing the Research and in any publication of
Florven C. Carvajal, Cristine Mae P. Compracion, Lent Neonnyl P. Cuenca, Nina
Pauline P. Macul, Dianne Camille P. Tejada, and Glen Mark A. Mamonto. I
understand that a brief synopsis of each participant, including myself that will be
used to help the readers come to know and recall each participant.

I grant permission for the above personal information to be used. I agree to meet for
an initial interview and whenever it is necessary. I will be available at a mutual
agreed upon location for additional interviews. I grant permission for the interview to
be audio recorded, or camera. I have read the inform consent statement and agree
to participate in this study.

Name (please print): ______________________________________________

Participant’s Signature: ____________________________________________
Section: ________________________________________________________
Mobile No: ______________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________
Date Signed: ____________________________________________________

Name of Researcher/s:
Carvajal, Florven C.
Compracion, Cristine Mae P.
Cuenca, Lent Neonnyl P.
Macul, Nina Pauline P.
Tejada, Dianne Camille P.
Mamonto, Glen Mark A.



Title: “Struggles and Coping Mechanisms of Grade XI Students in

Developing Writing Skills in English Language”
The following information is provided to help you decide whether you wish
to participate in the present study. You should be aware that you are free to
decide not to participate or to withdraw at any time without affecting your
relationship with the researcher or school.
Data will be collected through documents focused-group discussion. Do
not hesitate to ask questions about the study before participating or during the
study. We would be happy to share the findings with you after the research is
completed. Your name will not be associated with the research findings in any
way, and only the researcher will know your identity.
There are no known risks and/or discomforts associated with this study.
The expected benefits associated with your participation are in the information
about the experiences in learning research methods. If this study will be
submitted for publication, a by-line will indicate your participation.
Please sign this consent form. You are signing it with full knowledge of the
nature and purpose of the procedure.

Signature: _________________________ Name of Researcher/s:

Date: _____________________________ Carvajal, Florven C.

Compracion, Cristine Mae P.

Cuenca, Lent Neonnyl P.

Macul, Nina Pauline P.

Tejada, Dianne Camille P.

Mamonto, Glen Mark A.



Interview Protocol for Participants


Good day! We, Florven C. Carvajal, Cristine Mae P. Compracion, Lent

Neonnyl P. Cuenca, Nina Pauline P. Macul, Dianne Camille P. Tejada, and Glen
Mark A. Mamonto, are Grade X Students. We would like to say thank you for
participating in this interview.

Before we begin, let us explain the purpose of our work and ask your
permission to use the information from our interview. This will take a few minutes.

Directions: The following questions are for research purposes. Answer the
questions truthfully. Please be reminded that your answers will be treated with
utmost confidentiality.

1. How do you find writing in English?

2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English
3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?
4. Why is it difficult for you to develop your writing skills in English
5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing your writing skills
in English language?



Orange this refers on how the respondents view English language in their
own perspectives.

Red This determines the struggles encountered by the respondents in

developing writing skills in English language

Blue This determines the coping mechanisms the respondents use to

develop their writing skills in English language.

Violet This means the respondents’ response could possibly fall in both
positive and negative.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: I find writing in English kind of difficult when some words I don’t understand
and doesn't know the spelling. But ahmm when it comes to kanang sentence or
paragraph ba tama? Ahm.. when it comes to ingana, dali raman sya ma ano gud
kanang ma comply sya dali ra sya makuan pero in terms sa kanang mag
translate mga ingana.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: kuan siguro why I struggle? Kuan siguro kanang kulang sa understanding.

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: To read more and to practice.

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Actually di mn sya difficult para sa akoa pero may mga times na di nato
maiwasan na mag mali mali no pero madevelop mana sya pag i-practice nimo,
kapag I learn pa jud nimo kung unsa pa jud ang kulang nimo.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: To develop more kung unsa pa jud kulang saakoa, to read naa man lang dira
kanang magbasa ta na magbasa para mas nato ug to practice ingana


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: Okay lang man if ever English kay depende sa topic and also pag writing sa
essays, dili man kaayo sya lisod it only depends on topic na ihatag sa teacher.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: Ahm…. ga struggle lang ko kapag ano sya sa in times in, labi nag kanang dili
dayun nako ma catch up na mga questions na gihatag sa teacher.

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: By reading and also writing texts or books

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Ahmm… developing English language dili man kaayo sya hard. Ano lang jud
sya, depende lang jud sya sa imong understanding.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: If ever na naga struggle ka in English language, daghan man ug mga english
teachers na willing to help you if you are struggling na. So kapag naga struggle
ka, syempre there is a teacher na mag-ask saimoha kung asa ka naga struggle
then they will focus sa ingon ato na struggles sa imng life so kung ma catch up
nimo to sya, edi dili naka mag struggle


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: Ano kanang lisod kay depende man gud sa topic.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: Kasi kay ano, for me lisod jud sya kay ano kay dapat right na words imong

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: By reading books and dictionaries

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Kay syempre no kay dili mn ghud ano dapat nga magfocus jud mi sa english
maong maglisod sad mi. Mag struggle mi ba kay syempre naa pay other

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: For me man gud kay diba ga struggle ko, gapatabang mn ghud ko kay
ma'am Devy. Kanang gapa-advice ko sa iyaha ba like ug pano.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: Para sa akoa man gud hilig man gud nako ang English. Honestly, ganahan
jud ko mag write in english nya kapag naga-write ka- kailangan nimo ug peace of
mind like kanang focus ka sa imong ginasulat kay imong topic for example topic
nimo is about ingani magsulat kag ingani kailangan nimo magfocus pag magsulat
kag english kay minsan ma wrong grammar ka, minsan mamali mali kag ano
ingana gud parang kapag like magsulat ko kanang ano kanang magsulat ko
kanang lisod sya pero pag naka focus ka, ma hawod nimo ang the way ka mag
write in English.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: Ang struggles nako is kapag ano first of all, akong struggles is spelling. Naa
man gud mga unfamiliar words sa English na dili ka kabalo sa spelling. Lisod
man gud ang English kay daghan sya’g spellings na dili ka kabalo ana pero the
way nako sya na imanage gina search nako sya sa google para sa spelling tas
kapag nagpapa-essay ang among mga teachers, gina hawod nako ang pagsulat.
Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: Gina-develop nako sya in, hilig ko magbasa kanang more on basa lang kay
mas the more ka magbasa, the more na mas maraming learnings, maraming
words na mag come up sa imoha while gasulat kag English. Ano lang kanang
basa nya intindihin nimo tas pag naay unfamiliar words sa inyoha iresearch ninyo
sya para kapag maghimo mo ug essay writing sa English, naay mga words na
mag come up sa imoha.

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Ang difficult kay ano naay times na dili nako masabtan or naay times na
naga sulat kog english writings nako in English like parang malibog ko walay
mag come up na words like naa mn pud si ma'am Devy like magpa on the spot
english or on the spot impromptu speaking or ingana walay mag ano sa imoha
walay mag come up sa imoha na mga words parang dili nako sya madevelop ba
kay kanang makulba o ana.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: Gina-cope up nako na like the more on mas gina-develop nako sya the more
on mas daghan ug learnings sa akoa like the more on kapag ga-learn man gud
kag English hawod kay for me kay for me it’s a very very ano parang good skills
kay naa naman sya tanan like math naa dira ang English and in science English
gyapon kaya for me hawod mag ano mag ano ka mag ano ano ka more on sa
English ano.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: Uhmm… para sa akoa dali lang kay pwede pud sya basic English lang. Indi
man sya budlay kaayo kay nang makasulat man pud ko.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: Sa pamamagitan ng mahihirap na mga words dira jud mi nalisudan.

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: Sa pamamagitan ng pagbasa ng maayos dyan mo matutunan yung kung

unsa yung masusulat o malalaman mo para ma improve yung.. yung writing mo.

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Para sa akin is yung mahirap is yung kuan yung lalim ng mga words mahirap

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: Kulang lang jud na sa basa para ma-improve.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: I find writing in English as average.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?
A2: Because my vocabulary is not that wide and some words in grade 11 are
already ano malalim kaya hindi ko maintindihan.

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: By reading ano reading articles, books that has ano that can widen my ano
my vocabulary.

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: It's difficult because English hindi ko yan nakasanayan na lenggwahe tagalog
kasi kami sa bahay.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: By ano asking help to my siblings because my eldest sister is the smartest
among us among the three of us so asking her for help is my first ano my first


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: I actually ahmmm…. reading and writing is very challenging but for me it
depends of the students if willing to write and mao na to sya like para sa akoa is
lisud jud sya pero if willing nga para sa ing.ana siguro dali lang sya.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?
A2: I’m struggling it’s because especially lack of reading and then lack of

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?


A3: Actually ahmmmm… our generation is… have a technology ok sometimes

will go to ahhhm adto lang ka sa google to research about that and to read more
so if ever daghan ka ug

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Ahhhh… it is a difficult for me sometimes especially if kanang naa koy mga
words nga new nako especially that murag curious ko if ever
something that I’m going to Google and to research about that para
nako sya.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: So.... again writing skills is very challenging so... if para sa ing.ana man lang
if para dili ka manglisud more on ahhh read and ahhh especially if you read
something that you need to understand carefully.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: Ahmmm… kanang ano sya kanang medyo lisud sya kay basig imong mabuo
nga sentence kanang dili gud sya tumpak tapos wrong grammar.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?
A2: Kay ano kanang basig ang words na imong magamit kay iba gud ang
meaning tapos dili jud sya dili jud sya kanang ma... ma unsa na dili jud sya ma
swak sa imong ginapunto gud.

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language? 41

A3: Kanang ano magbasa guro magbasa ug mga books para daghan pud ug
words na

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: Lisud kay kanang malisudan kag apply kung tama ba jud sya or dili sya

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: Kato para madevelop nako akong skills kanang magbasa ug mga libro or
kanang ano magbasa jud para tapos kung naay mga unfamiliar words isearch
para nimo kung unsa ang meaning ato.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: English helps us to improve especially sa strand of our choice like for me I
chose HUMMS its more on sa mga public speaking ug impromptu speech etc.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: Siguro I’m struggling in developing my writing skills in English kay some
words kasi I can't really understand like example some deep words sa English
like more on reasoning pa talaga sila and it's hard to explain.
Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language?

A3: I develop my writing skills in English language by the help of reading and

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: It is difficult for me because at the past time when I was in grade 8 it’s hard to
understand deep words in English and the time na nag grade 11 ko, meron
kaming reading and writing. It’s more focusing on thing na maka-improve sa
akong skills especially sa among comprehensive skills.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: By asking some help if I didn't know the things I should write for and what is
the answer. For me asking is the way to learn.


Q1. How do you find writing in English?

A1: For me, dili man kaayo sya lisod kay makasulat man kog English pero dili
kaayo fluent like straight english kay naa pa man ko sa stage na nagatuon na
gina enhance pa nako akong sarili na maging better sa pagsulat in English.

Q2. Why are you struggling in developing your writing skills in English language?

A2: Kanang naga struggle ko kay naa man gud times na ginatamad ko kay
instead na magbasa ko ug libro para mas makasabot ko ug ma enhance nako
akong skills about sa english nya tamadon man ko, dili nako sya mabuhat so
murag ginatagaan kog challenge akong sarili na maglisod kog improve sa akong
English kay tungod pud sa akong attitude nga you know.

Q3. How do you develop your writing skills in English language? 43

A3: Kanang magbasa of course kay makatabang mn gud sya sa atoa labi na sigi
kag basa ug english na mga books. Mao na sya akong ginabuhat para ma
enhance nako akong skills sa pagsulat sa English syempre kay kailangan jud na
nato in our daily life.

Q4. Why is it difficult for you to develop you writing skills in English language?

A4: As I said before, kanang attitude jud nato na tamad kaayo so manglisod jud
ta ug develop kay kung wala kay determination saimong sarili, ug naa kay
attitude na laziness manglisod jud kag develop kay kung desidido ka ug dili ka
tamad so dali ra jud ka maka cope up ana na struggling stage.

Q5. How do you cope up with your struggles in developing writing skills in
English language?

A5: Of course need jud nko marealize sakong sarili nang attitude na dili sya
dapat iapply ug of course kailangan nato ug self-motivation pwede pud sya para
ma develop nato atong writing.

Name: Florven Carvajal

Address: Prk.4 Brgy. Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Personal Background

Birthdate: December 31 2006

Gender: Female

Civil status:

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Elementary: Glamang Elementary School

Secondary: Nicolas B. Barreras National High School


Name: Cristine Mae P. Compracion

Address: Prk. 3 Brgy. Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Personal Background

Birthdate: February 05 2002

Gender: Female

Civil status:

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: INC
Educational Background

Elementary: Sto. Niño Elementary School

Secondary: Nicolas B. Barreras National High School


Name: Lent Neonnyl P. Cuenca

Address: Prk. 3 Brgy. Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Personal Background

Birthdate: April 3, 2007

Gender: Female

Civil status:

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Elementary: Glamang Elementary School

Secondary: Nicolas B. Barreras National High School


Name: Niña Pauline P. Macul

Address: Prk. Masagana Brgy. Magsaysay, Polomolok,

South Cotabato

Personal Background

Birthdate: May 7, 2006

Gender: Female

Civil status:

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Elementary: UCCP Christian school of Polomolok South Cotabato Inc.

Secondary: Nicolas B. Barreras National High School


Name: Glen Mark A. Mamonto

Address: Prk.2 Brgy. Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Personal Background

Birthdate: January 27, 2007

Gender: Male

Civil status:

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Christian

Educational Background
Elementary: Sto. Nino Elementary School

Secondary: Nicolas B. Barreras National High School


Name: Dianne Camille P. Tejada

Address: Prk. 7 Brgy. Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Personal Background

Birthdate: February 27 2007

Gender: Female

Civil status:

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background
Elementary: Glamang Elementary School

Secondary: Nicolas B. Barerras National High School


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