Research Paper of Drug Abuse

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Writing a thesis on the topic of drug abuse can be an incredibly challenging task.

It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Drug abuse is a complex
issue with various social, psychological, and medical aspects that need to be addressed in a
comprehensive manner.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on drug abuse is the vast amount of information
available. Sorting through numerous studies, statistics, and theories can be overwhelming, making it
difficult to determine which information is most relevant and credible.

Additionally, drug abuse is a sensitive topic that can evoke strong emotions and opinions. Crafting a
thesis that presents a balanced and objective view while still addressing the seriousness of the issue
requires careful consideration and tactful language.

Furthermore, the process of writing a thesis involves not only conducting research but also
synthesizing the information into a coherent and persuasive argument. This can be particularly
challenging when dealing with a topic as complex and multifaceted as drug abuse.

Given the difficulties associated with writing a thesis on drug abuse, it may be beneficial to seek
assistance from a professional academic writing service like ⇒ ⇔. Their team of
experienced writers can provide expert guidance and support throughout the writing process, helping
you to create a compelling and well-researched thesis that meets the highest academic standards.
It is, therefore, imperative to identify ways of minimizing drug abuse and misuse cases, as a step in
establishing strong law enforcement programs. Because drug addiction leads to death and moral
degradation, exploring more about addiction is, surely, a step in reducing overall national mortality
rates as well as upholding quality moral standards in every society. A detoxification and stabilization
routine is said to be successful if shortly after the discharge period of the patient, which is ranging
from two to three weeks, the patient shows reduced instability in both emotional and psychological
basis for the level in which they can be sent for rehabilitation. In the world today, abusing of drugs
have come to b something that's very common among youth in the society. The proportion excludes
cases of illegal substances such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine among others. The rate of
the High School students reporting lifetime Hallucinogens use increased to 36% from 7.7%. Most
amazingly, lifetime risk at 2003 was estimated at 14.5% (Gelder, Harrison and Cowen, 2006, 258-
266). It is important for us to accept new ideas so as to bring out reforms in society and thus adopt
new ideologies. The patient showed an inclination of visiting a personal therapist or a personal
counselor to help them to regain themselves. The Economic Impact Of Illicit Drug Use On American
Society. 1st ed. Washington D.C: U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center,
2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. However, it is also believed that truth always starts away from the
traditions and conventions. United Nations International Drug Control Programme Vienna. Using
the three major sociological theories, this paper attempts to understand how drug abuse is viewed
from different perspectives. To begin with the regular dug abuse destroys the mental stability and the
health of the abuser.It then goes on to affect the Non abusers of the society who live around the
abusers. When children or teenagers are affected, this creates a problem for the education system
because they’re less likely to graduate from school and fail to make a career. “Every year an
estimated 210 million people use illicit drugs, with almost 200,000 of them dying annually” (NOD,
2013). This research paper will seek to explore the above three topics in drug abuse so that by the end
of the paper, the researcher will provide recommendations on how to reduce drug abuse in the
American society. Discrimination, prejudices, low self-esteem, racial abuse, rape among others are
some of the social problems that may push someone into using drugs and alcohol to evade their
realities. Most of the teenagers that are involved in drug abuse have either, broken families, parents
that are drug abusers, a unstable environment where they are constantly moving from place to place,
or there parents aren't exactly making a lot of money and they are never around because they are
trying to make enough money for them to s. Another limitation of observation is that people would
easily agree to being followed. Drug Abuse Among Youths Research Papers - Paper Masters.
Secondly, the patient responds positively to the reinforcements such as the incentives that are offered
to them for attending the session and abstaining from the drugs or substances that they have abused.
Donovan John who studies teen drinking at Pittsburg University observed that peer influence is not
the main cause Drug Abuse among college students. Studies show that substance abuse Engaging in
violent behaviors increases the risk of death among drug addicts. To what extent are eap research to
the corrected one below. The withdrawal symptoms are the symptoms which the patients experience
once they try to leave the drugs. Parents of adolescence should have training to detect drug use in
the home and ways to handle an “at risk” child. Medical approaches, on the other hand, tailor an
addict’s drug abuse patterns. Many of the psychotropic effects enjoyed by recreational drug users
today were sought by ancient civilizations as a means of increasing their chances of survival Saah
2005. The very family environment gets affected if any of its members is a substance abuser. Three
Sides of the Social Issue on drug abuse drug abuse has been one of the enduring issues in the society.
Addicts need the social support provided by their supporters and members of the community to
overcome the addiction. The negotiation and data sharing between different departments is
important, this communication will enhance enforcement of necessary legislations.
Many health care professionals are working overtime in treating people with disabling addictions.
Therefore, as an economic impact, discovery of cheap and effective treatment options enables a
country to spend surplus resources in other aspects of economic growth. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. The author would have to follow those people everywhere they went so that
he could see what drugs they took, how often and how the drugs affected them immediately they
took them, later in the day and the long-term effects. I let them feel uneasy, uncomfortable, and let
writers continue to play with names to get an on-going sense of our modern literature ideally:
Blogging allowed us to broader, systemic issues, just as a tool for second- language learning pp.
Drugs are substances that are becoming more common in our communities as each day goes by. Drug
abuse can make one to depend on the drug in order to function. It is for this reason that substance
abuse at workplaces has not been annihilated. Parents of adolescence should have training to detect
drug use in the home and ways to handle an “at risk” child. Some people start taking them because of
pure curiosity, others so as to improve their athletic performance or reduce stress and get rid of
depression. In fact, much care has to be taken during the development of the personality of a person
from the very childhood, the chances of getting introduced to or habituated with substance abuse can
be avoided. If there is any other family member who turns to be his or her accomplice, it just adds to
the financial crisis of the family to a large extent. Drug Abuse change the way people feel, act and
think (Edelfield et al, 2012). The true detoxification is mostly required in the cases of the patients
with drug dependence of nicotine, alcohol, barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Addiction, Alcohol
law, Alcoholic beverage 1116 Words 3 Pages The illegal or harmful use of drugs is a major threat to
the world and to future generations. What do you think contributes to higher rates of use and abuse
among this subgroup. It is generally agreed upon that addiction includes biological, psychological,
and behavioral factors. The rapid growth of the Washingtonian Society, however, was met with an
equally rapid demise. The association is attributed to impairing effect on reasoning ability that a drug
has on an individual. United Nations International Drug Control Programme Vienna. If we look at
the history of the world, we will find many examples where truth has generated commotions in the
society. The effect substance abuse has on the people in the work place. After understanding the
causes of drug abuse and the effect it has on the society, the paper will also seek to evaluate the
effectiveness of the available control measures. He would also need money for the CCTV cameras, if
he would have chosen to use them. Apart from media reports, news about daily struggles with drive-
by shootings, theft, illegal trafficking, drug busts, and manufacturing of drugs are ever on air. This it
can be concluded that the people who follow drug abuse actually not only are addicts which is
nothing but a brain disease, but they are also affected by other diseases due to their habit of illicit
drug abuse. Drug abuse is, therefore, a topic that touches all people in the society and is hence worth
researching on. However, it is since the middle of the nineteenth century that the drug addiction and
substance abuse has turned out to be a dangerous peril that has, in multiple ways, not only
undermined the human civilization but also dehumanized mankind at times. The dose of nicotine is
then slowly reduced until the brain adjusts to lower and lower levels of the drug and finally achieve
pre- addiction responses. Academic term, Addiction, Maressa Orzack 590 Words 3 Pages Prevent
Drug Addiction.
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They spend all their money on drugs and cannot provide for their families, sometimes resulting in
losing their house and family. What factors prompt an individual to start abusing or misusing a drug?
4. Victims in these cases are more likely to be drug abusers. Apart from media reports, news about
daily struggles with drive-by shootings, theft, illegal trafficking, drug busts, and manufacturing of
drugs are ever on air. Methamphetamine addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to get
treated. Little attempt has been made to study individual effects of drug addictions. The Willmar
team argued that patients would greatly benefit from a recovery process built on mutual respect
rather than degradation, which was a radical idea during this period. Drug abuse is the misuse or
overdose of any medication or drug, including alcohol. The usage of alcohol in situations where it is
dangerous physically, for example, one getting arrested due to the fact that they are driving under the
influence of alcohol. About the Author Jennifer Brozak earned her state teaching certificate in
Secondary English and Communications from St. This, in its turn, causes problems in relations with
family, friends, at work or in university. Health Sciences of the of the Health Sciences substance
abuse substance abuse refers to the use of illegal drugs in order to alter mood or get rid of stresses of
life. Drug Addiction Drug addiction describes a chronic feeling associated with forceful drug
seeking and use. Addiction, Alcoholism, Drug addiction 1956 Words 9 Pages Drug Addiction During
the month of May, a group of Neenah High School students competed in the Greenbay half
marathon. The direct way in which the workplace gets affected by the substance abuser is the lack of
productivity, leading to the financial loss of the industry. Effects of Drug Addiction Psychological
and physiological dependence on a potentially dangerous or harmful substance has effects both on an
addict and on those who are around the addict. Financial problem is the most obvious effect of the
one of its member’s substance abuse. Their writers always have something to offer to their customer,
which is the value for their money. Other reason take into account poor performance in the school,
poor coping skills with the society and perception of the approval of the behavior related to use of
drugs. Drug addiction is an example of a behavior that not only affects an addict, but also persons
whom the addict interacts with. The government through NCSSLE provides training, technical
assistance and substance abuse resources to students of higher learning in order to minimize Drug
Abuse. This information is mostly not well researched hence it is based on assumptions. Effects of
drug addiction are more pronounced in the health of an individual and in the relationship between an
addict and other people. The signs include: frequent drinking above usual norm, developing
tolerance to alcohol, wanting to quit but being unable to, experiencing withdrawal symptoms after
stopping alcohol consumption and finally the one that is a clear indication of addiction, letting both
personal and professional responsibilities flounder in favor of drinking. The supervisor at the
workplace has to play a responsible role in adopting interventions to prevent substance abuse at
workplaces. METHOD The main method of information gathering for this interesting but
controversial topic was through qualitative research ( Qualitative research is where an
in-depth analysis of the topic is done based on facts. Depression and anxiety often result to suicide,
which is another effect of drug addiction. However, for comprehensive study on drug addiction, it is
important to also consider individuals outside this age bracket. Apart from these problems that can
be categorized as mental illness, there are also many other problems that substance abuse results in.

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