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Writing a thesis on foreign exchange rate can be a daunting task for many students.

It requires in-
depth research, critical analysis, and a clear understanding of economic theories and concepts.
Furthermore, the volatile nature of the foreign exchange market adds another layer of complexity to
the research process.

Students often struggle to find reliable sources, analyze data, and formulate coherent arguments to
support their thesis statements. Additionally, the extensive amount of information available on the
topic can be overwhelming, making it difficult to narrow down the focus of the research paper.

Moreover, the formatting and citation requirements set by academic institutions can be challenging to
adhere to, especially for those who are not familiar with academic writing standards.

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An increase in India’s demand for US dollars, supply remaining the same, will cause the demand
curve DD shift to D’D’. Report this Document Download now Save Save Exchange Rates Essay
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Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 5 Search inside document. The foreign exchange market does non
hold any glade house or cardinal exchange house and it is one of the largest fiscal markets in the
universe. Furthermore, in the course of their flight, the looted funds often produce new distortions or
reinforce existing distortions especially, in relative prices, in the economy. Information about Chapter
13 - Foreign Exchange Rate - Chapter Notes, Macro Economics, Class 12 covers topics like and
Chapter 13 - Foreign Exchange Rate - Chapter Notes, Macro Economics, Class 12 Example, for
Commerce 2024 Exam. Thus, our exports should increase as the exchange rate increases. Euro seems
to be running parallel with Chinese RMB as indicated by the graph. Pressure for such (self reversing)
short-run movements in the exchange rate could also come from changes in interest rate and income.
However, these two financial variables are impact in both short term and long-term periods in Sri
Lanka. It non merely impact the Bankss but the people in the full economic system as they lose their
occupations and the consumer have to cut down on their disbursals, so production become less and
the importers reduced their goods that they used to import, all these made the market even more
worse as a consequence the exchange rate goes down. Hazard is by and large denoted by the symbol
( ? ), in other words it is standard divergence. Notwithstanding the infraction to this law often
engen- dered by transportation and handling charges, it is gener- ally believed that the law is
plausible. This stability reduces uncertainty and encourages international trade. Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. This paper investigates the relationship between the stock market and exchange market of
Pakistan. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive preparation. The data is
on monthly basis and the time period is from January 2004 to December 2009. The findings of the
study indicate that there is no relationship exists between exchange rate and stock price and both the
variables are independent of each other. The fluctuation was chiefly because of the Asiatic fiscal
crisis which easy spread across the state. The depreciation of Indian currency was neutralised by the
growing of export in the economic system. When a country's currency appreciates, its exports
become expensive and imports become cheaper. The data for exchange rates and stock prices has
been taken from 2007 to 2016 and has been analysed through the statistical tests of co-integration
and error correction model (ECM). In order to prevent excessive changes in the exchange under this
approach, attention is usually paid to the determinants of the changes in the current account which
are, relative prices and income. The theoretical literature on the determination of nomi- nal exchange
rate recognizes the influence of international trade and payments, speculation and hedging activities.
Hence, equilibrium exchange rate is OR and equilibrium quantity is OQ. Inflation and interest rates
affect foreign exchange rate by influencing the demand and supply of currencies. It is not any
physical place but is a network of communication system which connects the whole complex of
institution and includes ommercial bank, Brokers, Official govt. The monetary model is similar to the
traditional model in the sense of relying on market forces albeit in the money market to determine
the equilibrium exchange rate. In this way, the relative PPP only captures an implicit rate, the real
exchange rate, and it is thus not particularly useful in the analysis of the movements in the explicit
rate, the nominal exchange rate. 3. The Model This model describes the determination of the nominal
ex- change rate in a developing country operating the flexible exchange rate system. Return is the
primary motivation factor that drives investings.
Factors peculiar to such countries which are believed to potently drive their nominal ex- change rates
are incorporated into the resulting model. Hazard is by and large denoted by the symbol ( ? ), in
other words it is standard divergence. Foreign exchange charts typically look like the one produced
by the Pacific Exchange Rate Service. The empirical outcomes show that there is no form of
association between exchange rate and stock price in Pakistan and India. The British Pound Sterling
was used for settling trade differences between states and is a major modesty currency like USD
which is retained by authorities. Thus, unlike in most advanced coun- tries, such looted funds hardly
contribute meaningfully to economic activities in the typical developing country 5. On the other
hand, when a country's currency depreciates, its exports become cheaper and imports become
expensive. He teaches at the Richard Ivey School of Business and serves as a research fellow at the
Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management. The Indian Rupee were the most distressing
currency as there was a immense fluctuation compared with the other currencies. Now that you have
the basics of understanding foreign exchange charts, let's go a little deeper. Under this version, the
equi- librium rate equals an initial period (base year) exchange rate multiplied by the ratio of the price
indices of the domestic and foreign countries. In India, the currency fluctuation is controlled by the
Reserves Bank of India. Columns 5 and 6 are to be interpreted the same as columns 3 and 4, except
now the base for comparison is the Canadian Dollar in column 5 and column 6 indicates how many
Canadian Dollars you would get for 1 unit of each country's currency. The Indian economic system is
the most affected as the exchange rate surge to INR 84.6349 against Sterling doing things hard.
Ph.D., Business Administration, Richard Ivey School of Business. Solved Accounting Ratios with
Balance Sheet(vertical) and Statement of Profit. Foreign Exchange market is a network of markets
and institutions that handle foreign currency Types Spot Market Forward Market Foreign Exchange
Market Source of Demand for Forex Source of Supply for forex. To escape detection and legal or
political restitution of the looted treasury funds, such funds often take on the na- ture of capital
flight. This makes it easier for domestic producers to compete with imported goods and services. The
present study makes an attempt to investigate whether any causal relationship exists between the
foreign exchange market and the stock markets in India. Labor, along with other factors of
production, is important to be understood because the knowledge about its potential contribution of
to the GDP helps the economy to prosper and help in the betterment of workers’ welfare. The data
for exchange rates and stock prices has been taken from 2007 to 2016 and has been analysed through
the statistical tests of co-integration and error correction model (ECM). London exchange is one of
the largest amongst the planetary foreign exchange markets. Notwithstanding the infraction to this
law often engen- dered by transportation and handling charges, it is gener- ally believed that the law
is plausible. The only drawback to this approach is that it assumes unrealistically that the domestic
and foreign financial assets are perfect substitutes; this may be a source of persistent disequilibrium
under the model. The major work on nonuniform sampling is for when the sampling times can be
specified, and the signal processing community lacks tools to deal with standard issues like
identification and decimation. We will further analyze all four currencies separately utilizing different
statistics and graphs. Report this Document Download now Save Save Exchange Rates Essay For
Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 85 views 5 pages Exchange Rates Essay
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Page You are on page 1 of 5 Search inside document. The foreign exchange market does non hold
any glade house or cardinal exchange house and it is one of the largest fiscal markets in the universe.
On the other hand, transactional exposure is the risk a company faces.
The major work on nonuniform sampling is for when the sampling times can be specified, and the
signal processing community lacks tools to deal with standard issues like identification and
decimation. The US Dollar is intensively traded worldwide and it accounts for 87 % planetary
dealing. Return is the primary motivation factor that drives investings. Professor of Business,
Economics, and Public Policy. They are the tradi- tional model, the monetary model, the portfolio
balance approach and the purchasing power parity model. The parallel market rate and premium were
also joint beneficiaries 6. 3 The marked difference in the definitions of the parallel market exchange
rate and the parallel market excha nge rate premium, should reduce the p ossibility of
multicollinearity from their joint presence in the equation. The notes and questions for Chapter 13 -
Foreign Exchange Rate - Chapter Notes, Macro Economics, Class 12 have been prepared according
to the Commerce exam syllabus. London exchange is one of the largest amongst the planetary
foreign exchange markets. The history of dollar revolves around many states in different continents
and it was first issued in 1519. For example, India’s domestic currency is Indian Rupee and all other
currencies like US Dollar, British Pound, Kuwaiti Dinar, etc. Solved Accounting Ratios with Balance
Sheet(vertical) and Statement of Profit. However, some of the more ad- vanced developing countries
may be spared the influence of these additional variables. The highest exchange rate for USD is
2.0947 followed by RMB which stood at 15.5665, Euro and Indian Rupee has gone down owing to
improved economic system and the value of their are appreciating. A double currency system was
established when the Chinese economic system opened up in 1978, RMB could be used domestically
merely and for aliens, they had to a foreign exchange certifications. The monetary model is similar to
the traditional model in the sense of relying on market forces albeit in the money market to
determine the equilibrium exchange rate. However, the seeming over-con- cern with policy actions to
induce capital flows to finance disequilibrium carries with it the implication of a passive assumption
that the asset market simply follows the pol- icy dictates of the deficit country. Foreign exchange
charts typically look like the one produced by the Pacific Exchange Rate Service. Hazard can be
mitigated by come ining into a forward contact. British Pound still remains as a major international
currency owing to big size of British economic system and extremely sophisticated fiscal sector.
High interest rates increase foreign investments, which results in increased demand for local currency
by foreigners due to which the exchange rate tends to increase. Some advanced developing countries
may have developed a more effective legal system curtailing corrupt practices. It is to be
distinguished from a financial market where currencies are borrowed and lend. The price on the
vertical axis is stated in terms of domestic currency (i.e., how many rupees for one US dollar).
Explanation A fixed exchange rate refers to a rate at which a country's currency is officially set or
pegged by the government in terms of gold or another currency. Chan- ges in foreign reserves would
be a result of changes in the balances on both curren t and capital accounts which are in turn
influenced by pr ice level changes, income, in- ternational price of exports, weather conditions and
inter- est rate differentials. Economic and fiscal crisis besides causes the money to deprecate. It
should however be under- stood that only particular t ypes of developing countries’ exchange rate
dynamics would be explained by this model. There is no official intervention by Central Bank of the
country. The models that are found in this investigation aims to show the effect of the increase or
decrease in the independent variables on the dependent variable, exchange rate and hence to predict
the exchange rate. Pound Sterling is the 3rd most popular modesty currency in the universe after
USD and Euro.
Report a problem Cancel Report View Solution FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET:: It refers to
market where National currencies of various countries are converted, exchanged and traded for one
another i.e buying and selling of foreign exchange takes place. The demand for dollars varies
inversely with rupee price of dollar, i.e., higher the price, the lower is the demand. However, the
VAR-based Granger causality test shows that USD and EURO have short-run causal relationship
with NSE NIFTY and BSE SENSEX. To escape detection and legal or political restitution of the
looted treasury funds, such funds often take on the na- ture of capital flight. Example:: Keeping
Domestic currency value low so that domestic good continue to remain cheap and have more export
WORKING OF MANAGED FLOATING:: It is through the sale and purchase of foreign currency
in the international money market. However, several applications need that non-uniform sampling is
important. The rating of RMB has drawn a great trade of attending and force per unit area on
developed states for reappraisal. In this period, USD and Euro have the same exchange rate which
got repeated at 1.7715 and 1.4674 severally. Further, if we look at the standard divergence for each
currency, the Indian currency is the highest so followed by Chinese RMB. Graphically, intersection
of demand and supply curves determines the equilibrium exchange rate of foreign currency. The
exchange rate is called as Par Rate oF Exchange and is Equilibrium rate There is an inverse relation
between foreign exchange rate and demand for foreign currency and hence Demand curve is
downward sloping There is an positive relation between foreign exchange rate and supply of foreign
currency. Four variables, TT (trend variable capturing the influ- ence of weather condition), C
(corruption), PMR (paral- lel market exchange rate) and PMP (parallel market ex- change rate
premium) appear to be peculiar to the typical developing economy. Solved Accounting Ratios with
Balance Sheet(vertical) and Statement of Profit. This makes it difficult for domestic producers to
compete with imported goods and services. Foreign exchange charts typically look like the one
produced by the Pacific Exchange Rate Service. The parallel market rate and premium were also
joint beneficiaries 6. 3 The marked difference in the definitions of the parallel market exchange rate
and the parallel market excha nge rate premium, should reduce the p ossibility of multicollinearity
from their joint presence in the equation. However, these two financial variables are impact in both
short term and long-term periods in Sri Lanka. It is necessary to understand the relationship between
the both markets so that the investors may be able to invest in a better way by taking the minimum
risk. Foreign exchange hedging strategies at General Motors: Transactional and Translational
ExposureTranslational exposure is the possibility of a company's liabilities, equities, income, or asset
values changing because of a change in exchange rates. For a market economy, it is about the most
important relative price influencing practically all other prices. It prevents capital outflow and
speculation. B. It ensures stability in the international money market. C. It encourages international
trade. D. It prevents major economic disturbances in the member country. Ans. Foreign exchange rate
is determined by the demand and supply of currencies in the foreign exchange market. Whether
you're looking for best-recommended books, sample papers, study material. This is one of major
ground why there is so much fluctuation in the Indian Currency presented in the graph below every
bit compared to US dollar and Euro. In general, while the effects of PMR, PMP and the weather on
nominal exchange ra te should be expected to wear off in the long-run 7, that of corruption may still
be active in the same run 8. The independent variables are the following: Debt to Gross Domestic
Product, Balance of Payment, Gross Domestic Product growth (annual %), Inflation, Net Foreign
Assets, Remittances, Foreign Direct Investment as a % of Gross Domestic Product received in year
from 2007 to 2016. This stability reduces uncertainty and encourages international trade. However,
from the given informations, it has been observed that hazard additions as currency rate decreased
and when currency rate increases the hazard decreases. A double currency system was established
when the Chinese economic system opened up in 1978, RMB could be used domestically merely and
for aliens, they had to a foreign exchange certifications. A Foreign exchange market is a market in
which currencies are bought and sold. Discharge education is an important component of patient’s
quality of care.
In this period, USD and Euro have the same exchange rate which got repeated at 1.7715 and 1.4674
severally. Further, if we look at the standard divergence for each currency, the Indian currency is the
highest so followed by Chinese RMB. Such financial equilibrium results from a simultaneous
equilibrium in the individual financial asset markets, that is, when the amount of each asset desired
to be held is the amount that is actually held. The reason is that rise in the price of foreign exchange
(dollar) increases the rupee cost of foreign goods which makes them more expensive. However, the
seeming over-con- cern with policy actions to induce capital flows to finance disequilibrium carries
with it the implication of a passive assumption that the asset market simply follows the pol- icy
dictates of the deficit country. The models that are found in this investigation aims to show the
effect of the increase or decrease in the independent variables on the dependent variable, exchange
rate and hence to predict the exchange rate. Let's recreate and reference the first five entries of the
exchange rate chart from September 10, 2003, below for the purposes of this explanation. Therefore,
it is really of import for investors to understand the market before puting. Tse and Yip ( 2006 ) did a
research to happen out whether the Asian fiscal crisis led to alterations in correlativity of
involvement rates between the western states and the eastern states, the consequence showed that
during the fiscal crisis there was a correlativity dislocation of involvement rates but it restored after
the fiscal crisis. Similarly, Euro besides shows an upward tendency but surprisingly the Indian Rupee
is demoing a downward tendency and the US Dollar is demoing a steep lifting tendency. So to
extenuate such sort of a loss, the importer can come in into a forward contract where the monetary
value will be fixed at one rate even though it may travel up in the hereafter, so when it is clip for the
importer to do the payment he can profit from such uncertainnesss and losingss. Here, the rise in
currency rate against Pound Sterling means that the economic system is non making good. An
example is the well-known practice of round-tripping by banks under which they bid for and
purchase foreign exchange at the auction (autonomous mar- ket’s) rate but end up selling at the pa
rallel market at that market’s rate. Further, we observe from the tabular array that the hazard on
Indian Currency has gone down from 2.1642 to 1.9041 which means the authorities has taken some
action on bettering the policy and scheme of cut downing the hazard, whereas for the other states the
hazard has increased somewhat. Analysis of US Dollar, Great British Pound, Euro and Japanese Yen
has been considered for evaluation with comparison to Indian rupee. The results reveal that there is
no evidence for a stable long-run relationship between stock market index and the exchange rates
under study. Home country’s goods (here Indian goods) become cheaper to foreigners because rupee
is depreciating in value. The nominal exchange rate (NER) is the price of foreign currency in units of
domestic cur- rency. Thus it is a system of gradual adjustment in the exchange rate by a central bank
to influence the value of its own currency in relation to other currency. Explanation The main
advantage of a fixed exchange rate system is that it ensures stability in the international money
market by avoiding day to day fluctuations. British Pound still remains as a major international
currency owing to big size of British economic system and extremely sophisticated fiscal sector. The
present study makes an attempt to investigate whether any causal relationship exists between the
foreign exchange market and the stock markets in India. Three of such markets are considered crucial
here, domestic money or monetary base, domestic bonds and foreign bonds. Download Free PDF
View PDF Investment Management and Financial Innovations Nexus between foreign exchange rate
and stock market: evidence from India SASIKANTA TRIPATHY This study examines the impact of
foreign exchange rate fluctuations on various NSE capitalized indices of India. This paper rectified
this oversight by developing a model which accommodates those crucial but unconventional
determinants of the nomi- nal exchange rate in the typical developing economy. Report this
Document Download now Save Save PPT (Determination of Exchange Rates).pdf For Later 0
ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 495 views 24 pages (Determination of Exchange
Rates) PDF Uploaded by Edward Joseph A. Government agencies are sometimes accomplices in this
act as they spe- cially arrange for sizable government funds to be placed on deposits with these banks
and thus increase the banks’ and the agencies’ profit from such round-tripping business. In most
cases, the parallel exchange rate market is patron- ized with the associated rate rising significantly,
thereby, putting upward pressure on the related parallel market premium as the main market exchange
rate (and the in- ter-bank rate too) depreciates. The chief aim of this paper is to analyze, analyse and
compare the behavior of four different currencies ( viz. You can always get a current, up to date
exchange rate chart at the Pacific Exchange Rate Service's Today's Exchange Rates page. From the
above tabular array, we can see that the mean exchange rates for each single currency against the
British Pound are USD 1.8358, RMB 13.8462, Euro 1.3767 and INR 80.5642 severally. This means
that the exchange rate for the last four old ages stood nigh at about this exchange rate.
The present study makes an attempt to investigate whether any causal relationship exists between the
foreign exchange market and the stock markets in India. This indicates that the British economic
system is non at a really good state of affairs and that is why the monetary value of an exchange rate
against the other currency is increasing taking to limited export and import. Economic and fiscal
crisis besides causes the money to deprecate. Report this Document Download now Save Save
Foreign Exchange Rate For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 107 views 4
pages Foreign Exchange Rate Uploaded by Ena Gupta AI-enhanced description Exchange rates are
the rate at which one country's currency can be traded in exchange for another country's. However,
these two financial variables are impact in both short term and long-term periods in Sri Lanka. How-
ever, the level of wealth also increases causing the pur- chase of financial assets (including, foreign
assets) to rise which in turn generates an increase in the demand for money. Four currency pairs have
been taken for consideration. To escape detection and legal or political restitution of the looted
treasury funds, such funds often take on the na- ture of capital flight. This makes it difficult for
domestic producers to compete with imported goods and services. What we infer from the given
informations is that all four currencies are traveling in a downward tendency which means that if I as
an US investor will non put in the UK market if the monetary values are high since the intent of
investing is have greater returns. With the addition in trading volume, it signifies growing in
international trade and investings. However, one common thing among all four currencies is the
worsening tendency. Thus, ? ? DDM,Co,Sp ? (1) Changes in the level of imports would be a
function of changes in domestic price level ( ? ), and income (Y). Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The
Indian economic system is the most affected as the exchange rate surge to INR 84.6349 against
Sterling doing things hard. Capital flows perform important function in main- taining equilibrium in
this model with an outflow moder- ating current account surplus and an inflow easing (finance- ing)
current account deficit. You can always get a current, up to date exchange rate chart at the Pacific
Exchange Rate Service's Today's Exchange Rates page. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. While all four
factors should play crucial roles in ex- plaining short-run variations in the exchange rate, corrupt
practices may still be at work in the long-run. The supply of a currency increases when there is a
higher demand for goods and services denominated in other currencies. It exists in two versions, an
absolute version and a relative version. There is no official intervention by Central Bank of the
country. The fluctuation was chiefly because of the Asiatic fiscal crisis which easy spread across the
state. It should however be under- stood that only particular t ypes of developing countries’
exchange rate dynamics would be explained by this model. Trade balance affects foreign exchange
rate by influencing the demand and supply of currencies due to the payments for imports and
exports. The price on the vertical axis is stated in terms of domestic currency (i.e., how many rupees
for one US dollar). The unrealistic degree at which exchange rates were nailed upon led to a guess in
currency minutess. It is not any physical place but is a network of communication system which
connects the whole complex of institution and includes ommercial bank, Brokers, Official govt.
Solved Accounting Ratios with Balance Sheet(vertical) and Statement of Profit. Please try again.
Email Address Id like to receive the free email course.
B.A., Economics and Political Science, University of Western Ontario. Graphically, intersection of
demand and supply curves determines the equilibrium exchange rate of foreign currency. If a
currency has a lower purchasing power in its own country, it is overvalued. Download Free PDF
View PDF Investment Management and Financial Innovations Nexus between foreign exchange rate
and stock market: evidence from India SASIKANTA TRIPATHY This study examines the impact of
foreign exchange rate fluctuations on various NSE capitalized indices of India. Foreign Exchange
market is a network of markets and institutions that handle foreign currency Types Spot Market
Forward Market Foreign Exchange Market Source of Demand for Forex Source of Supply for forex.
However, the seeming over-con- cern with policy actions to induce capital flows to finance
disequilibrium carries with it the implication of a passive assumption that the asset market simply
follows the pol- icy dictates of the deficit country. Fluctuation in currency besides reflects the
manner the authoritiess are passing. It is not any physical place but is a network of communication
system which connects the whole complex of institution and includes ommercial bank, Brokers,
Official govt. The unrealistic degree at which exchange rates were nailed upon led to a guess in
currency minutess. The double currency system came to an terminal and exchange rate was brought
to realistic degree through the usage of barter Centres. Let’s start with Chinese RMB, the exchange
rate as on 03 June 2005 was 15.0333 and it went down farther until mid 2006 and so get downing
lifting once more in 2007 and it remained stable for the full twelvemonth 2007 so once more started
dropping in the early 2008 till get downing of 2009 and have started to lift once more. Four variables,
TT (trend variable capturing the influ- ence of weather condition), C (corruption), PMR (paral- lel
market exchange rate) and PMP (parallel market ex- change rate premium) appear to be peculiar to
the typical developing economy. Compared to the old twelvemonth informations, there has been
immense alteration in the exchange rates. Report this Document Download now Save Save PPT
(Determination of Exchange Rates).pdf For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes)
495 views 24 pages (Determination of Exchange Rates) PDF Uploaded by Edward Joseph A. For
Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found this
document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print Download now Jump to
Page You are on page 1 of 14 Search inside document. An increase in India’s demand for US dollars,
supply remaining the same, will cause the demand curve DD shift to D’D’. At any particular time,
the rate of foreign exchange must be such at which quantity demanded of foreign currency is equal
to quantity supplied of that currency. Three equilibrium prices emerge from the attainment of this
financial equilibrium: equilibrium price of each asset, the equilibrium interest rate in the country and
the equilib- rium exchange rate. In order to prevent excessive changes in the exchange under this
approach, attention is usually paid to the determinants of the changes in the current account which
are, relative prices and income. To escape detection and legal or political restitution of the looted
treasury funds, such funds often take on the na- ture of capital flight. The supply of a currency
increases when there is a higher demand for goods and services denominated in other currencies.
Columns 5 and 6 are to be interpreted the same as columns 3 and 4, except now the base for
comparison is the Canadian Dollar in column 5 and column 6 indicates how many Canadian Dollars
you would get for 1 unit of each country's currency. The fluctuation was chiefly because of the
Asiatic fiscal crisis which easy spread across the state. This has quickly led to crisp autumn in stock
market and depreciation in local currency. Analysis of US Dollar, Great British Pound, Euro and
Japanese Yen has been considered for evaluation with comparison to Indian rupee. Let's recreate and
reference the first five entries of the exchange rate chart from September 10, 2003, below for the
purposes of this explanation. On the other hand, transactional exposure is the risk a company faces.
Trade balance affects foreign exchange rate by influencing the demand and supply of currencies due
to the payments for imports and exports. Presently the Indian Foreign exchange market is the 16th
largest. It shows depreciation of Indian currency (rupees) because more rupees (say, 52 instead of
50) are required to buy 1 US dollar.

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