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‫جمهورية العراق‬

‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬

‫جامعة كركوك‪/‬كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسه النفط‬

‫تحت إشراف‬ ‫الطالب ‪ /‬دمحم كريم عبد‬

‫المرحلة االولى ‪ /‬الشعبة ‪B‬‬
‫الدكتور ‪/‬عبد المجيد دمحم‬
‫اسم المادة ‪ /‬الفيزياء‬

‫‪2020‬‬ ‫‪2019‬‬
The cause of the surface tension phenomenon can be
understood if we notice that any molecule inside the
liquid is subjected to equal forces by the particles
surrounding it and in all directions. On the contrary, the
liquid particles that lie on the surface are exposed to
gravitational forces (known as the force of cohesion)
only in the direction of the fluid

Explanation of the phenomenon

The forces of cohesion between liquid molecules are
the cause of surface tension. As the molecules on the
surface of a glass of water do not have adjacent
molecules in all directions to bond with, as a result of
which they increase their cohesion forces with those
around them, causing a greater difficulty in moving a
foreign object through the surface of the liquid
compared to an object completely submerged in water.
That is, the surface tension resulting from the
attraction of the cells of the surface of the liquid gives
more resistance to the surface against any external
force applied to it. This resistance is present only on the
surface of the liquid, while there is no inside it due to
the presence of sufficient particles around any molecule
of the liquid to bind, and because of this phenomenon
some small bodies can Float on the surface of the water
provided that it does not break the first layer of the
liquid's particles so that the surface of the liquid
becomes a flexible film.
Influencing factors
The surface tension characteristics of a liquid generally
remain constant, but can change with temperature
changes, the effect of chemicals and oxidation or the
presence of impurities.
Temperature change: the surface tension increases
with lower temperatures, and, on the contrary with a
decrease in surface tension, when the temperature
rises, the activity of the particles in the surface layer of
the liquid increases.
Addition of chemicals: Adding chemicals to the liquid
will change its surface tension properties, for example
an addition of soap to the water that reduces its surface
tension, allowing dirt on the hands to mix with water
more easily.
Oxidation: oxidation directly affects surface tension.
As surface tension increases, the attraction force
between molecules increases. The oxygen in the
atmosphere also reduces the surface tension of various
The presence of impurities: The presence of impurities
on the surface of a substance, or its dissolution, directly
affects the surface tension of the liquid. For example,
the surface tension of water increases when highly
soluble impurities are added to it. 2
The most important phenomena of surface tension
If you place a small needle carefully on the surface, it
will float on the surface of the water even though its
density is many times greater than the density of water,
and if the surface is moved in order to break down the
surface tension the needle will quickly sink
Detergents help clean clothes by reducing the surface
tension of water; So that it seeps more easily into the
pores to reach dirty areas.
The main reason for using hot water for washing is that
the surface tension has less than cold water as we
explained earlier, and it moistens the clothes better.
But the presence of the detergent contributes to
reducing surface tension and avoids us from using hot
The material from which the tents are made is
somewhat rain-resistant; As the surface tension of the
water in contact with it cannot enter through the pores
of the material from which the tent is made. But if you
touch the tent with your finger, the surface tension of
the water will break and rain will start to seep through
the fabric
Walk on water; Where small insects such as the Water
Strider can take advantage of the surface tension and
its light weight to walk on water without penetrating it
using its long legs and distribute its weight
appropriately on the surface of the water, where the
legs of the insect are strong and at the same time
adaptable to the water movements below it so that
they move with it without This causes the surface
tension to be broken.
Surface tension equation
Surface tension can be defined as the quotient of the
force applied to the surface of a liquid by the distance
over which the force is applied
γ = F / d whereas:
γ indicates surface tension.
F is the force applied to the liquid.
D The distance to which the force applies.
The forces of bonding and cohesion
There are many other important concepts related to
surface tension, the first of which is the idea of forces
of bonding and cohesion. Cohesion forces are those
that collect the liquid so that it covers the lowest
possible surface area, and the adhesion forces are those
that try to form the liquid in such a way that it spreads
over the largest possible surface area.
If the cohesion forces are stronger than the adhesion
forces, then the body of the water will maintain its
shape, and if the opposite is true the liquid will spread,
increasing the surface area. Any substance that you can
add to a liquid to allow its surface area to be called a

1. What is the definition of speed

2. What is the photoelectric effect

3. The four core powers

4. What is the sound barrier

5. The triple point of water

6. Energy Conservation Law


1. Surface Tension and Water, from:, accessed on


2. What are the Primary Conditions Affecting Surface Tension ?, from:, accessed on 11/11/2019

3. Surface Tension, from:, accessed on


4. Surface Tension and Water, from:, accessed on


5. Surface Tension Formula, from:, accessed on


6. Surface Tension, from, accessed on


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