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Narrative Poetry – a poem that tells a story

1. Epic – a long narrative poem of the largest proportions. A tale centering about a hero
concerning the beginnings, continuance, and the end of events of great significance –
war, conquest, strife among men who are in such a position that their struggles take over
tribal or national significance.
For example: Lam-Ang's first adventure was his quest for his father who had gone to
fight the Igorots and never came back.

Region 1

By : Pedro Bukaneg

Lam-ang, the hero of the North, was the son of Don Juan Panganiban and Namongan, a family of
substance in the town of Nalbuan somewhere in the valley of Naguilian River in La Union.

Namongan was astonished to see a baby born with both the power of speech and an
unusual physical form. It was the man-child himself who suggested to his parents his own name
lam-ang, and asked to be baptized as such.

In nine months, Lam-ang grew so rapidly that he assumed the form and size of full-grown
man. He was strong in muscles and big in limbs, and for this reason, he immediately evoked fear
and respect in his community.

Driven by a desire to see his father, who before his birth had gone hunting in the Igorot
land, Lam-ang went to look for him. Providing himself with various magic stones and super-
human pets, he literally flew over the frightful heights of the cordillera mountains. Here, he
enjoyed a repast, slept, and dreamed of what he would actually encounter in the Igorot land.

In the Igorot land, Lam-ang soon saw his beheaded father. It was futile for Lam-ang to
even try to revive him. Only one recourse was open for him-revenge. Lam-ang sought the Igorot
braves and sought them with a consuming fury never before known.

The Igorot warriors fought hard but were overcome by superior physical power. One by
one, the Igorot warriors fell dead. Only one succeeded in escaping from this mortal assault. This
man was, however, reduced to physical deformity so as to convey to his people Lam-ang’s
complete revenge.
Lam-ang, thereafter, redirected his footsteps to his native town to give a verbal account of
his adventures. He went to a stream where he had a minor encounter with a crocodile, and again,
he was successful.

Love dawned on Lam-ang. Although discouraged always by his mother from courting
women beyond his native town, Lam-ang finally managed to assert his preference. He wanted to
seek a mate not native to the town.

Lam-ang, accompanied by his precious fowl and dog, sallied forth. His goal was
Calunitian where dona Ines Cannoyan, a much sought after beauty, lived.

On the way, Lam-ang encountered a disheartened lover named Sumaran. Lam-ang killed
his treacherous rival over a manly encounter.

Lam-ang, confident of success, found himself amidst a group of brave suitors assembled
in Caluntian. These suitors, hoping to win the hand of Dona Ines, were exhibiting their prowess
in performing super-human acts.

Lam-ang, endowed by the gods with greater super-human powers and helped immensely
by his pets, easily won acclaim. All the difficult stipulations demanded by the family of the
bride-gold, properly, and the other things of value were met with little ado. Shortly after. Lam-
ang and Dona Ines were formally married with great pomp, splendor, and merriment.

Lam-ang, however, was restless. It was a tradition in his adopted community to fish for
raring, a rare native fish. This customary requirement he could not forego. He had to undertake
the venture; otherwise, he would lose face in his adopted town.

Before leaving for the sea, Lam-ang had a premonition that serious misfortune would
befall him. In the depths where he was to swim, he would devoured by a berkakan, a big shark.
Dona Ines would sense this mishap when she would see the stairway dancing and the stove
breaking in twain.

Before leaving for the sea, Lam-ang had to leave for the sea. Soon he plunged himself
into the waters. He found it difficult to find the desired raring. He made many attempts until
finally he was swallowed by the shark as was predestined.

Meantime, the omens foretold by Lam-ang himself appeared to Dona Ines: the stairway
danced, and the stove broke into two. Realizing her great loss, she sorrowed deeply and wept
Lam-ang’s pets, the rooster, the hen, and the dog, comforted Dona Ines and assured her
that if Lam-ang’s bones could be retrieved, he will be resurrected yet.

Dona Ines became gladdened with this relation. She and the diver Marcos, with pets of
Lam-ang, prepared at once and went to the beach to retrieve lam-ang’s remains.

Marcos obligingly plunged into the sea and scoured the depths. In the end, he succeeded
in scooping up all the bones of Lam-ang, disgorged by the berkakan.

She quickly complied with his instruction. The rooster crowed, and the hen flapped her
wings. The dog growled twice, running and pawing at the bones. Life began to stir in the
assembled bones of Lam-ang.

Lam-ang, now endowed with flesh and form, rose as if aroused from deep slumber.
Regaining his senses, he embraced his wife and said:

How soundly I have slept, my dear.

For seven days, we have not been together,
And I am very eager to be at your side

Dona Ines Cannoyan stood amazed, wiped away her tears of joy and told her husband of
his misadventure with the shark, of the fulfillment of the omens, and of her immense grief.

Lam-ang and Dona Ines, accompanied by their pets, quickly returned home and lived a
happy and contented life.

Name: ______________________________________
Section and Time: ____________________________

Assignment 1 Midterms: ( 10pts)

VOCABULARY BUILDING: Give the meaning of the underlined words in the selection.

1. extraordinary - __________________________________________________________

2. exceptional - ____________________________________________________________

3. enrage - ________________________________________________________________

4. fate - ___________________________________________________________________

5. caveat - ________________________________________________________________

6. vanguish - ______________________________________________________________

7. toppled - _______________________________________________________________

8. feat - __________________________________________________________________

9. flapped - _______________________________________________________________

10. growled - _______________________________________________________________


A. What makes Lam-ang an exceptional man?




B. What superstitious beliefs are found in the epic?


C. Give some cultural beliefs and/or practices embedded in the epic?


D. How has this epic enriched your appreciation of the people in Region 1?




Biuag was from Enrile, the southern most part of Cagayan. When he was born, his
mother was visited by an exceptionally beautiful woman who silently admired the baby. When it
dawned on the child’s mother that her visitor was a goddess, she placed three small stones
around the neck of the baby where one stone protected him from any bodily harm. When he was
big enough to swim across the wide river, the crocodiles created a path for him. The other two
stones gave him supernatural powers and prowess. He could go faster than the wind. He could
throw easily a carabao across the hills when he was only at the age of twelve. He could uproot a
big beetle nut as if it were a wood. On account of this display of extraordinary strength, people
from far and wide places came to see him

Despite all these powers, Biuag seemed troubled and unhappy. In the town of Tuao,
he fell in love with a young lady with unsurpassed beauty. No one could tell where this lady
came from nor could anyone day who this lady was. Biuag wanted to find her. His waking hours
were thoughts of her.

There was another young man from Malaueg, called Malana who was gifted with
powers similar to that of Biuag. When Malana was eighteen, a devastating typhoon destroyed all
the crops of Malaueg. The people were in grip of appalling famine. Their only hope of starving
off came from a very distant place, Sto.Nino. It was very difficult and dangerous to journey to
the place, because the river to cross was wide and full crocodiles. Malana understood the hazards
of the journey but finally volunteered to take the journey. He loaded cavans of palay to seven
bamboo rafts.

The people eagerly waited Malana’s return. Prayers were offered for his safety. When
they saw him back, everyone was overjoyed. He distributed the rice to the people and went

Upon reaching his home, he found a bow and arrow on the bench. He presumed these
were made for him by his father who knew how found he was of them. Fitting the arrows, he
found two tiny stones just like those around Biuag’s neck.

Meanwhile, Biuag was unmindful of the people’s open admiration for Malana. The
lovely lady occupied his thoughts. One day, he paid her a visit and found out that Malana was
also there. Biuag became furious. He grabbed his famous spear and hurried to the window
towards Malana. Malana recognized Biuag’s spear and read it as a challenge. He hurried it back
with the message that his powers were not meant for such feats.
Biuag laughed decisively and interpreted Malana’s message in a different manner. He
said to the Lady: “Your suitor is very strong but he is a coward.”

One afternoon, Biuag was taking lift of the young woman when he heard sounds of a
thousand bamboo tubes. He saw approaching from distance great number of people from
Malaueg. Leading the group was Malana – tall, braod-shouldered,n and handsome, Biuag
quivered at the sight of Malana. The latter spoke first: “ Now I know why you challenged me.
You covet the woman I love. The gods forbid anyone from taking anything that belongs to the
other, but I am ready to give you a chance. If the lady would allow us, we shall fight for her

The day of the duel was controversial. The news spread fast and by mid-afternoon, the
two mountains and the outlaying hills were blanketed with men, women and children who had
com to witness their heroes fight each other. Biuag arrived accompanied by the people of Enrile.
He climbed the mountain on the eastern part of the river, carrying a big coconut tree and a sharp
spear. Upon reaching the peak, he heard the native cheering Malana. He felt like barking a
command to his followers to kill Malana’s people.

Malana went up the opposite mountain. From their position, they saw some rafts being
pulled up. As these drew near, Biuag and Malana saw the beautiful lady on one of the rafts.
Sadness was clearly etched on her face but this only heightened her ethereal beauty. When she
was near, Biuag shouted at malana, “ The woman we both cherish is before us. If you are as
brave as you claim to be then, receive this gift of mine from Enrile.”

Without thinking, he hurled the coconut tree at Malana. Everyone held his breath. The
river stood still. The coconut tree flew like an arrow into the air. Malana caught it and unlike
Biuag, he hurled it at the direction of Yeluru. Today, thick coconut grooves abound in that place.

Biuag became more insane. He plucked the spear from the ground where he thrust it. He
aimed it at Malana’s heart. The people were troubled. They knew too well the accurate
deadliness of this terrible spear. Malana’s chest was hit but his heart was not pierced. Instead the
spear broke into two when it reached the bottom of the river.

Malana shouted: “There you are, Biuag, with no weapons whatsoever. It is now my turn!”

Before Malana would finish uttering the warning,Biuag leaped into the river. Gigantic
waves dashed against the rocks and shook the mountain where Malana stood. Biuag emerged
with the biggest crocodile under his arm. The crocodile opened wide its jaws. Malana accepted
the challenges as he leaped from the mountain. The hundreds of people watching the fight
suddenly fell on their knees. They saw a dazzling light that sparkled.
She rose into the air and checked Malana’s fall upon meeting him in mid-air. The
woman looked down at Biuag and said: “You have shown yourself a coward by getting the help
of a crocodile. I am the daughter of the goddess who gave you your supernatural powers. You do
not deserve the gift.” With the magic, the beautiful woman gave her blessings to the people
below and then flew with Malana in the kingdom of the air and the clouds where she reigned.

Name: ______________________________________
Section and Time: ____________________________

Assignment 2: Midterms (20pts)

A. Biuag and Malana Epic

1. What values are being taught by this epic?


2. Show the importance of these values in today’s leadership.





A long, long time ago, there was a rich land called Ibalong. The hero Baltog, who came
from Botavora of the brave clan of Lipod, came to this land when many monsters were still
roaming in its very dark forests. He decided to stay and was the first to cultivate its field and to
plant them with gabi.
Then one night, a monstrous, wild boar known as Tandayag saw these field and destroyed
the crops. Upon knowing this, Baltog decided to lock for this boar with all his courage and
patience. At last, as soon as he saw it, he fearlessly wrestled with it, with all his might. Baltog
decided to look for this boar with all his courage and patience. At last, as soon as he saw it. He
fearlessly wrestled with it, with all his might, Baltog was unafraid. He was strong and brave.
Though the tandayag had very long fangs, he was able to pin down the monstrous, wild boar and
break apart its very big jawbones. With this, Tandayag fell and died.

After this fight, Baltog went to his house in Tondol, carrying the Tandayag’s broken
jawbones, Then, he hung it on a talisay tree in front of his house. Upon learning of the victory of
their Chief Baltog, the people prepared a feast and celebrated. The very big jawbones of the
dead boar became an attraction for everyone. Thus, came the tribes of Panikwason and Asog to
marvel at it.
The second hero who came to the land of Ibalong was Handyong. Together with his
men, he had to fight thousands of battles, and face many dangers to defeat the monsters. As
warriors, they first fought the one-eyed Monster with three necks in the land of Ponong. For ten
months, they fought without rest. And they never stopped fighting until all these monsters were
Handyong and his men made their next attack against the giant flying sharks called
Triburon which had hardy flesh and saw-like teeth that could crush rocks. They continued
fighting until the defeat of the last Triburon.
They tamed the wild carabaos. They even drove away the giant and very fierce Sarimao
which had very sharp fingernails. And using their spears and arrows, they killed all the
crocodiles which were as big as boats. With all these killings, the rivers and swamps of Ibalong
turned red with blood. It was at this time that the savage monkeys became frightened and hid
Among the enemies of Handyong and his men, the serpent Oryol was the hardest to
kill. Having a beautiful voice, Oryol could change its image to deceive its enemies. T o capture it,
Handyong tried different ways. But Oryol escaped every one of it and disappeared.
So, alone and unafraid, Handyong decided to look for Oryol in the heart of the forest.
He followed the beautiful voice and was almost enchanted by it in his pursuit. Days and nights
passed until Oryol came to admire Handyong’s bravery and gallantry. Then the serpent helped
the hero to conquer the monsters, thus restoring peace to the entire Ibalong.
In one of the areas of Ibalong called Ligmanan, Handyong built a town. Under his
leadership and his laws, slaves and masters were treated equally. The people planted rice and
because of their high regard of him, they named this rice and after him. He built the first boat to
ride the waves of Ibalong’s seas. Through his good example, his people became inspired and
came up with their own inventions. There was Kimantong who made the plow, harrow, and other
farming tools; Hablom who invented the first loom for weaving abaca clothes; Dinahong, an
Agta, who created the stove, cooking pot, earthen jar, and other kitchen utensil; and Sural who
brilliantly thought of the syllabary and started to write on a marble rock. This was a golden
period in Ibalong.
Then suddenly, there came a big flood caused by Unos, with terrifying earthquakes. The
earthquakes. The volcanoes of Hantik, Kulasi and Isarog erupted. Rivers changed their direction
and the sea waves rolled high. Destruction was everywhere. Soon, the earth parted, mountains
sank, a lake was formed, and many towns in ibalong were ruined.
Then, appeared the giant Rabot, half-man and half-beast, with awesome and terrifying
People were asking who will fight against Rabot. So, Bantong, the third hero was
called. He was good friend of Handyong. He was ordered to kill the new monster in Ibalong. To
do this, he took with him a thousand warriors to attack Rabot’s den. But using his wisdom
against Rabot, he did not attack the giant right away. He first observed Rabot’s ways. Looking
around the giant’s den, he discovered that there were many rocks surrounding it, and these were
the people who were turned into rocks by Rabot.
Bantong also learned that Rabot loved to sleep during the day and stayed awake at
night. So, he waited. When Rabot was already sleeping very soundly, Bantong came hear him.
He cut the giant into two with his very sharp bolo and without any struggle. Rabot died. So ,
Ibalong was at peace once more.
Name: ______________________________________
Section and Time: ____________________________

Assignment 2: Midterms (15pts)

B. Ibalong Epic

Give your insight/s on the following concepts as gleaned in the epic summary:

1. Heroes

2. Heroic qualities possessed by the 3 epic heroes


3. Leadership traits worth emulating.


A. NARRATIVE POETRY – a poem that tells a story

Types of Narrative Poetry

This is a narrative which is written in verse and can be classified either as a ballad or a metrical
Examples: BAYANI NG BUKID by Al Perez
Bayani ng Bukid
ni: Alejandrino Q. Perez

Ako’y magsasakang bayani ng bukid

Sandata’y araro matapang sa init
Hindi natatakot kahit na sa lamig
Sa buong maghapon gumagawang pilit.

Ang kaibigan ko ay si Kalakian

Laging nakahanda maging araw-araw
Sa pag-aararo at paglilinang
Upang maihanda ang lupang mayaman

Ang haring araw di pa sumisikat

Ako’y pupunta na sa napakalawak
Na aking bukiring laging nasa hagap
At tanging pag-asa ng taong masipag.

Sa aking lupain doon nagmumula

Lahat ng pagkain nitong ating bansa
Ang lahat ng tao, mayaman o dukha
Sila’y umaasa sa pawis ko’t gawa.

Sa aking paggawa ang tangi kong hangad

Ang aki’y dumami ng para sa lahat
Kapag ang balana’y may pagkaing tiyak
Umaasa akong puso’y nagagalak.

At pagmasdan ninyo ang aking bakuran

Inyong makikita ang mga halaman
Dito nagmumula masarap na gulay
Paunang pampalakas sa ating katawan.

Sa aming paligid namamalas pa rin

Ang alagang hayop katulad ng kambing
Baboy, manok, pato’y alay ay pagkain
Nagdudulot lakas sa sariling atin.

Ako’y gumagawa sa bawat panahon

Na sa aking puso ang taos na layon
Na sa bawat tao, ako’y makatulong
At nang maiwasan ang pagkakagutom.

Ako’y magsasakang bayani ng bukid

Sandata’y araro matapang sa init
Hindi natatakot kahit na sa lamig

Sa buong maghapon gumagawang pilit.

Name: ______________________________________
Section and Time: ____________________________
Assignment 4: Midterms (25pts)

A. Read the short Metrical Tale entitled Bayani ng Bukid ni: Alejandrino Q. Perez and
answer the following questions:

1. Bakit na tinuturing na bayani ang magsasakang inilalarawan sa akda?


2. Ano ang iyong pagkaintindi sa sumusunod na taludtod? “ Ang lahat ng tao, mayaman
o dukha, Sila’y umaasa sa pawis ko’t gawa”

3. Ipalagay na ang iyong pamilya ay may pag-aaring malawak na bukirin . Upang higit
ito ay hinihimok ka ng iyong mga magulang na kumuha ng Agrikultura sa Kolehiyo.
Susundin mo ba sila? Bakit oo at Bakit hindi?

4. Ilahad ang iyong saloobin batay sa damdamin ng may akda.


5. Ano ang aral na mapupulot sa maikling “Metrical Tale”.


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