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Prov 12:11, 2 Thess 3:10-12, Ephe 4:28, Titus 3:14, Col 3:23
Some young people tend to think that the only way to serve God is to go into
full-time ministry. However, there are numerous vocations and occupations that
can be means of serving God and society. This lesson aims at examining how
to make career choices and convert a chosen career into ministry opportunities.

Lesson Objectives
By the end of this lesson, participants should be able to:
1. Choose a suitable career or vocation
2. Work with Godly principles in any chosen career
3. Appreciate one's vocation as God's calling
4. Win souls for Christ through one's vocation

Content Exposition
A career refers to a job, profession or occupation, which offers opportunities for
progress and benefits for a lifetime. It is that which, if well nurtured and
successful, offers fulfilment in one's life. Careers may include Journalism, Law,
Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Teaching, Accountancy, Architecture, carpentry,
masonry, fashion designing, hair-dressing, etc.

Choosing a career or vocation

In choosing a career, one must consider the following issues:
1. Natural strengths and interests
Every human being has natural strengths, interests and weaknesses. These
may relate to a person's temperament or nurturing. A person's strengths and
interests will affect his/her output in a particular career.

2. Mental Capacity
Some jobs require higher intelligence than others. A person may have natural
interest in helping the sick but may not have the intellectual capacity to be a
medical doctor or a health worker.

3. Personal and Christian Values

Values are important in the choice of a career. People who value time for family
may not take jobs which take all their time. Some Christians have left prestigious
jobs because it prevents them from being part of church programmes. Again a
Christian should not choose career opportunities that cause him/her to break
Christian principles.

4. Financial Requirement
Every career requires some form of training which may involve some financial

5. The Job Market in the Locality

It is important to consider the marketability of the career you are choosing.

6. Divine Direction
God guides His children in their day-to-day decisions including decisions on
career Choices. Again, there are people with divine or specific assignments who
will need divine direction.


The Bible does not clearly distinguish between careers as being good or bad
but it speaks against dishonest gains. Any career that benefits society and does
not exploit the weaknesses or wealth of people, or cause employees to break
godly principle may be approved by God.

Turning your Career life into Ministry Opportunity

The Bible admonishes us to do anything our hands find as doing it for God and
not for man. Any service we render to mankind is service to God (Col. 3:23).
Our career/ work, whether secular or in church should be approached with the
right attitude and ethics. Diligence towards work, integrity, submission to
authority and respect for subordinates are some of the positive work ethics God
expects from us. A person's attitude at work can be a means of drawing others
to Christ. Daniel had an excellent spirit in him and so did not compromise his
integrity in the discharge of his political duties. Many, including the king,
acknowledged the God of Heaven because of Daniel. The Great Commission
in Matthew 28:18ff must be a lifestyle. We can seek opportunities to share the
gospel with colleagues at work and make disciples for Christ.

Discuss some ways Christians could use their chosen careers to draw
unbelievers to Christ.
Work is ministry. We shall be rewarded when our work becomes a blessing to
others. We must, therefore, discharge our duties diligently and with integrity.

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