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Foundation Week Activities

Unleashing Unity Through Athletic Group Excellence

I. Essay Writing Criteria

Create an essay encompassing the theme “Appreciating the education provided by

U-Bix Institute of Technology, Inc.” The essay must have a minimum of 500 words,
maximum of 1,000 words; Arial font in size 12, double-spaced on a letter size

Students who wish to join may click the link below and write their names on the
category of Essay Writing Contest.

Unleash the writer within!

#15thFoundationWeek #UITEssayWritingContest #TatakUBIXIAN

Clarity - 15%

In essay writing contests, clarity is super important. It's like making sure your writing is
crystal clear and easy to understand. A good essay should be like a smooth path that
readers can easily follow. Clear writing means your ideas are easy to get, without any
confusion. It's not just about having a clear main point, but also organizing your ideas
well and using simple language.

Coherence - 20%

In essay contests, coherence is key. It's about making sure all the parts of your essay fit
together nicely, like puzzle pieces. A coherent essay flows smoothly from one idea to
the next, so readers can easily follow along. Think of it as connecting the dots – each
point you make should lead logically to the next one.

Adherence to the Theme - 30%

Sticking to the theme is really important. It's like following the rules of a game – you
need to stay on track with what the contest is all about. When you stick to the theme,
your essay focuses on the main idea or topic given by the contest organizers. This
shows that you understand the purpose of the contest and can express your ideas
within that framework. Essays that stick to the theme are more likely to catch the judges'
attention because they stay relevant and on point.
Originality - 10%

Bringing your own flavor to the table – making your essay stand out from the rest.
Originality means you're not just saying the same old stuff everyone else is saying.
Instead, you're bringing fresh ideas or a unique perspective to the topic. It's like adding
your own special spice to the recipe.

Grammar - 15%

Grammar is all about using the right words in the right way, like putting together a
puzzle perfectly. When your grammar is good, your sentences make sense and your
ideas come across clearly. Judges pay attention to grammar because it shows you care
about how your essay looks and sounds.

Technicalities - 10%

Technicalities include things like spelling, punctuation, and formatting. When you nail
the technicalities, your essay looks clean and professional, like a well-kept garden.
Judges notice these details because they show you took the time to make your essay
look its best. So, in any contest, mastering the technicalities can make a big difference
in how your essay is judged.

Total - 100%

II. Poster Making Contest

Create your own visualization of an “Appreciation for the education provided by

U-Bix Institute of Technology, Inc.” using traditional and digital means in this Poster
Making Contest. Kindly create your work on a 21 x 29.7 or in A4 size using physical or
digital means. We highly encourage the use of different combined mediums in drawing,
painting, or coloring.

Students who wish to join may click the link below and write their names on the
category of Poster Making Contest.

Unleash the creative within!

#FoundationWeek #PosterMakingContest #TatakUBIXIAN

Adherence to the Theme - 15%

In poster making, sticking to the theme is crucial. It's like painting within the lines,
ensuring your artwork stays true to its purpose. Adhering to the theme means your
poster clearly reflects the main idea or message provided by the contest organizers. It's
about using your creativity to express the theme in a visually compelling way. Judges
look for posters that effectively capture the essence of the theme, as they demonstrate
understanding and creativity. So, in any poster-making contest, staying on track with the
theme is a key factor that can make your artwork stand out.

Creativity and Presentation - 40%

In poster making, creativity and presentation are like the dynamic duo that steals the
show. It's about letting your imagination run wild and showcasing your ideas in an
eye-catching way. Creativity means thinking outside the box, using colors, shapes, and
images to tell a unique story. Presentation is about how you arrange everything – from
layout to font choice – to make your poster visually appealing and easy to understand.
Judges love posters that wow them with creativity and leave a lasting impression with
their polished presentation.

Impact - 30%
It's all about grabbing attention and leaving a lasting impression on viewers. Impactful
posters make people stop and take notice, like a loud applause in a silent room. They
convey their message with clarity and intensity, using visuals and text to evoke
emotions or provoke thoughts. Judges look for posters that resonate deeply, ones that
linger in the mind long after they've been seen. So, in any poster-making contest,
creating a poster with impact can truly set you apart from the crowd.

Originality - 10%
Original posters are fresh and unique, like a breath of fresh air in a crowded room. They
break away from the ordinary, offering new perspectives and ideas that captivate
viewers' attention. Judges are drawn to posters that dare to be different, ones that
showcase the artist's individuality and creativity. So, in any poster-making contest,
embracing your originality can help your poster shine bright and leave a lasting

Color Harmony - 5%

It's about choosing colors that work together seamlessly, like a symphony of hues
dancing on the canvas. A harmonious color scheme not only pleases the eye but also
enhances the message of your poster, like a perfectly tuned instrument in a band.
Judges appreciate posters that use color effectively, creating visual harmony that draws
viewers in and keeps them engaged.
Total - 100%

III. Tiktok Making Contest

Create a no more than 1 minute Tiktok video about “Appreciation of the education
provided by UIT” with the hashtags #ProudUBIXIAN #UBIXInstituteOfTech #UBIXtok
#UBIXColleges. All four hashtags must be present in the post matched with a witty
caption to entice the audience. Make sure to let your family and friends share your work!

The Tiktok Video can consist of one or more than one UBIXIAN but should be shot with
the students in uniform.

Students who wish to join should click the link below and write their names on the Tiktok
Making Category and tag the Official Tiktok Account of U-Bix Institute of Technology, Inc
upon posting of the video.

Unleash the star within!

Audience Impact (Average Engagements) - 30%

It's about creating videos that grab attention and resonate with viewers, like a catchy
tune that everyone wants to dance to. Audience impact means your TikToks strike a
chord with your audience, evoking emotions or sparking conversations. Judges look for
videos that captivate and connect with viewers on a personal level, leaving a lasting
impression long after the video ends.

Creativity - 30%

It's about thinking outside the box and bringing fresh ideas to life, like a burst of color in
a black-and-white world. Creative TikToks stand out from the crowd, offering unique
twists and unexpected surprises that captivate viewers' attention. Judges love videos
that push the boundaries, showcasing innovative concepts and imaginative storytelling.

Adherence to the Theme - 10%

Adherence to the theme means your TikTok aligns with the contest's main idea or
message. It's about using your creativity to interpret the theme in a way that's engaging
and relevant. Judges appreciate videos that stay true to the theme, as they demonstrate
understanding and respect for the contest's guidelines.

Technicalities - 10%
Technicalities cover aspects like video quality, sound clarity, editing finesse, and
adherence to platform guidelines. Paying attention to these details elevates your TikTok,
making it more enjoyable for viewers and easier to share. Judges appreciate videos that
demonstrate technical proficiency, as it reflects dedication and skill in video production.

Message - 20%

It's like telling a captivating story in a short time frame, leaving a lasting impression on
your audience. The message of your TikTok should resonate with viewers, whether it's
to inspire, entertain, educate, or advocate for a cause. Judges look for videos that
effectively communicate their message, evoking emotions and sparking meaningful
connections with viewers.

Total of 100%

IV. Slogan Writing Contest

Create a slogan for the “Appreciation of education provided by UIT”. The slogan should
be no more than ten words and no more than two lines when written on paper. It can be
written in Filipino or English, but strictly no Taglish.

Those who wish to join should click the link below and write their names on the SLogan
Writing Category.

Unleash the poet within!


#15thFoundationWeek #UITSloganWritingContest #TatakUBIXIAN

Originality - 30%

It's about crafting a phrase that's fresh and unique, like a spark in the dark. An
original slogan captures attention and leaves a lasting impression, setting your message
apart from the rest. Judges look for slogans that break the mold, offering new
perspectives or clever twists that make people stop and think.

Creativity - 10%

A creative slogan grabs attention and sparks interest, standing out in a sea of ordinary
phrases. Judges are drawn to slogans that push boundaries, offering fresh perspectives
and innovative ideas. So, in any slogan-making contest, unleashing your creativity can
elevate your slogan and make it memorable to audiences worldwide.

Impact - 40%

It's about crafting a phrase that resonates deeply with your audience, like a powerful
melody that lingers in the mind. An impactful slogan sparks emotion, prompts action, or
communicates a powerful message in just a few words. Judges seek slogans that leave
a lasting impression, ones that people remember long after they've heard them.

Grammar - 10%

Good grammar in a slogan enhances clarity and professionalism, making your message
shine brighter. Judges appreciate slogans that demonstrate mastery of language, as it
reflects attention to detail and commitment to quality. So, in any slogan-making contest,
paying careful attention to grammar can elevate your slogan and increase its impact on
the audience.

Adherence to the Theme - 10%

Adhering to the theme means your slogan reflects the core idea or purpose of the
contest. Judges look for slogans that seamlessly integrate with the theme,
demonstrating a clear understanding and creative interpretation. So, in any
slogan-making contest, aligning your slogan with the theme can make it resonate more
deeply and impress the judges.

Total of 100%

V. Re-envisioning UIT Logo

Re-create the UIT Logo using your own interpretation of the school’s history, identity,
and future in line with “Appreciation of the education provided by UIT”. The logo should
include U-Bix Institute Of Technology, Inc. in writing with the 2009 date on it. The
images should represent the values, principles, and history of UIT altogether. Explain
the logo created with 5 sentences at most.

Should you wish to join, kindly click the link below and write your name on the
Re-envisioning UIT Logo Category.

Unleash the designer within!

Originality - 20%
It's about breaking away from the conventional and introducing fresh, inventive ideas
that breathe new life into the brand's identity. An original concept grabs attention and
sparks intrigue, setting the logo apart from the crowd. Judges seek designs that push
boundaries, offering unique perspectives and imaginative interpretations.

Creativity - 20%

It's about thinking outside the box and transforming the brand's identity into something
extraordinary. Creative designs capture attention and inspire curiosity, breathing new life
into the logo. Judges seek logos that break the mold, offering fresh perspectives and
imaginative concepts that resonate with the brand's essence.

Resonance with the school’s values and principles - 25%

In the reenvisioning logo contest, resonance with the school's values and principles is
paramount. It's about capturing the essence of the institution's identity and ethos in the
design. Logos that embody the school's core values evoke a sense of pride and
connection among students, faculty, and alumni. Judges seek designs that honor
tradition while embracing innovation, aligning seamlessly with the school's mission and

Impact - 20%

Impactful logos grab attention and evoke emotions, conveying the school's identity with
power and clarity. Judges look for designs that make a bold statement, sparking
excitement and pride among the school community. So, in any reenvisioning logo
contest, crafting a logo with impact can elevate the school's image and strengthen its
presence in the minds of all who encounter it.

Explanation - 15%

In the reenvisioning logo contest, providing a clear explanation is crucial. It's about
articulating the design choices and symbolism behind the logo, like revealing the hidden
meanings in a work of art. A comprehensive explanation helps judges understand the
rationale and thought process behind the design, demonstrating a deep connection to
the school's values and principles. Judges seek explanations that enrich the viewer's
understanding and appreciation of the logo's significance.

Total of 100%

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