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Motivation letter

Dear Sir/Madam,
I came to know about the Stipendium Hungaricum program and after reading the whole
information and requirements for admission, I am writing this letter to put forward my candidacy
for admission to one of the listed universities of the Stipendium Hungaricum program.
I completed my secondary school certificate from ----- in 2014 and received the degree from
Multan Board, Punjab. The main subjects of my degree were science and mathematics. Here I
chose Computer Science instead of Biology, as I was very interested in technology. After
passing the secondary school certificate I got admission in Govt. Degree College ----- for higher
secondary school Education. There were various options in terms of subjects, and I decided to
take Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry as my main subjects. Here I worked hard to
achieve good grades and finally, I got my Intermediate Degree in 2016. My passion for
mathematics really helped me to get through it successfully as I secured 96% Marks in
Mathematics and I am sure that it will again help me to get through the computer science degree
of this program as there is a lot of mathematics in algorithms and programming.
In my Intermediate education, I wanted to study Computer Science, but I had to choose Pre-
Engineering due to family pressure still I started learning computer science from colleagues. In
my second year of study in college, I was able to program in C language. After my Intermediate
degree, there was much free time to learn about programming languages. So I started C++ and
after learning the basics of this language, I started to program in Java. Now I have proper
knowledge and concepts in C++ and Java. I know a little bit about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
also. Nowadays I have started Android Development, but I have no proper source to polish my
abilities in this field. Studying in Hungary will surely provide me with a proper environment to
show my abilities.
I also kept participating in other non-technical activities like sports and gaming. I was also the
part of organizing team for Student Week 2018 at my university which really helped me in
developing some valuable skills. It is my strong belief that the student must participate in
extracurricular activities as they help in developing confidence and a sound mind. These events
helped me in developing a flexible personality. I also developed team management and working
skills. I will put these skills to my use during my stay in Hungary as living abroad requires you
to be flexible and to fit easily in the new environment.
Now it is the time to decide about my future career and I am confident that the Bachelor’s in
Computer Science is the best option for me according to my passion for programming and
mathematics. So I have decided to apply for enrolment in the Computer Science program.
As the universities in Pakistan are imparting good quality education but studying in Hungary will
give me more exposure and experience than it. I understand that studying abroad will be a new
challenge for me but I am sure that I will withstand this challenge. I hope that after reading my
motivation and achievements you will offer me a place in this program. I will make the most out
of it and will contribute to my university as a worthy student and team member.
I am looking forward to your positive reply.
Kind Regards,
Muhammad Umair

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