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Motivational Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I came to know about the Data Science program at the University of ---- from online resources,
and after reading the whole information and requirements for admission, I am writing this letter
to put forward my candidacy for admission in the winter semester.

I graduated in BS Computer Science from the University ----, Pakistan. Here my major subjects
were Digital Image Processing, Advanced Database Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, and
Advance topics in Computer Science (Data Mining). I performed well in my degree program. I
secured a 3.63/4.00 CGPA (1.6 in German grade) in this degree. During my degree program, I
worked in the field of research, I have three publications that are accepted and available in the
IEEE Xplore Digital Library. My publications are in the fields of Computer Vision, Digital
Image Processing, Wireless Communication, and Neural Networks. Now I aim to go into
advanced research related to Data Science as it’s related to my previous qualifications, and I
have some knowledge and experience in it. I think this would be the best chance to fulfill my
aim. I want to polish my research and knowledge by studying in the most advanced environment.
Studying in Germany will surely provide me with a proper environment to show my abilities and
enhance my research and skill capabilities.

I also kept participating in non-technical activities like sports and social work. During my degree
program, I worked as a class representative (CR) of my class for more than five semesters. This
helped me develop my personality, confidence, and leadership qualities. I also led the technical
society of my university for one year. With the help of my team, I organized more than ten
workshops and seminars related to Machine Learning and Data Science. Working as a President
of society and leading the team was a great experience. It is my strong belief that the student
must participate in extracurricular activities as they help in developing confidence and a sound
mind. These activities helped me in developing a flexible personality. I also developed team
management and working skills. I will put these skills to my use during my stay in Germany as
living abroad requires you to be flexible and to fit easily into the new environment.

Now it is the time to decide about my future career and I am confident that the Master’s in Data
Science is the best option for me according to my passion and interest. So, I have decided to
apply for enrollment in the master’s in Data Science at ---------.

Although universities in Pakistan are imparting quality education but studying in Germany will
give more exposure and experience than it does. I understand that studying abroad will be a new
challenge for me, but I am sure that I will withstand this challenge. I hope that after reading my
motivation and achievements you will offer me a place in this program. I will make the most out
of it and will contribute to my university as a worthy student and team member.

I am looking forward to your positive reply.

Kind Regards,

Muhammad Umair

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