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For TGT PGT LT Grade 1st & 2nd Grade Maths Subscribe

"Shanky Maths" YouTube Channcl

P CorNegent Seguence A Seguenae is said do be con vexgent
if it has imit

imit <s} =l finite value)

n ’


a n k y

3n +&

* Divegent Seguence A sequene is called divegent

(3Ht 443) ifits imit is infnite

Aimit ¿Sn 00 2T

< ny

# Oscillatory Seguence ’ any seqyence neither convesges a

finite No.,nor diverges to afe.
For TGT PGT LT Grade 1st & 2nd Grade Maths Subscribc
"Shanky Maths" YouTube Channcl

# Amp. Reslts
æ) f a sequence is conveget then it has ungue imit
point the same ls algo its imit. (not vice -vensa)

Nahe:-a imit enst nz a 5 tAimit botnt

Conyerse 2 -1,!,,2,-, 3, -\,4-

not true
i) Every ls bounda (comyeue not)
convergent Seqvence

thD A boumded sgequene is Convest if it as unique int point


monotonie segyence is

a sequence <Sn is coY vesent hen its evety sub sequence

onvege to same imt.
any omplimentary subaeyene ofesn> tonveorges to the Aane
the seençe <Sny is covengert to sam

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