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Name: Reham Dee B.



Date Implementing
Act Title Declaration of Policy Salient features
Approved Agency/ies

RA 9292 April 17, Electronics ● The Program The State recognizes the importance of 1. Establishment of the Professional Regulatory
2004 Engineering Law of Regulatory electronics engineering in nation building and Board of Electronics Engineering (PRBEE).
2004 Board of development. The State shall therefore
2. Qualifications for registration as a Professional
Electronics develop and nurture competent, virtuous, Electronics Engineer (PECE) and an Electronics
productive, and well-rounded Professional Engineer (ECE).
● The Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers
3. Licensure examination process for electronics
Profession and Electronics Technicians whose standards
Regulation of practice and service shall be excellent,
Commission qualitative, world-class and globally 4. Scope of practice for Professional Electronics
competitive, through inviolable, honest, Engineers and Electronics Engineers.
effective and credible licensure examinations 5. Mandate for establishing a Code of Ethics for
and through regulatory measures, programs electronics engineers.
and activities that foster their integrity,
6. Requirement for continuing professional
continuing professional education, development among electronics engineers.
development and growth.
7. Penalties for violations of the law's provisions.
RA 9239 February Optical Media Act ● The Optical It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State 1. Regulation of the production, manufacture,
20, 2018 of 2003 Media Board to ensure the protection and promotion of importation, exportation, distribution, sale, leasing,
intellectual property rights. and exhibition of optical media.
● Philippine
National 2. Creation of the Optical Media Board (OMB) as
Police the primary regulatory agency.
The unregulated mastering, manufacture,
● The replication, importation and exportation of optical 3. Enforcement of laws against piracy and illegal
Videogram media in all forms is inimical to economic growth reproduction of optical media.
Regulatory and public interest. Towards this end, the State
4. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies to
Board (VRB) shall institute the means to regulate the
combat piracy and enforce intellectual property
and manufacture, mastering, replication, importation
Secretariat and exportation of optical media.
5. Penalties for violations of the law, including fines
and imprisonment.
6. Promotion of legitimate and legal use of optical
media through educational campaigns and
7. Establishment of guidelines and regulations to
ensure compliance with the law's provisions.

RA 8792 June 14, The Electronic ● Department The State recognizes the vital role of information 1. Recognition of electronic data messages
2000 Commerce Act of of Trade and and communications technology (ICT) in nation- and electronic documents as legally
2000 Industry (DTI) building; the need to create an information-friendly equivalent to their paper-based
environment which supports and ensures the counterparts.
● Department availability, diversity and affordability of ICT
of 2. Facilitation of electronic transactions
products and services; the primary responsibility of
Information the private sector in contributing investments and through the use of electronic signatures and
and electronic documents.
services in ICT; the need to develop, with
Communica appropriate training programs and institutional 3. Establishment of the legal framework for
tions policy changes, human resources for the electronic commerce, including electronic
Technology information age, a labor force skilled in the use of
(DICT) ICT and a population capable of operating and contracts and electronic payment systems.
utilizing electronic appliances and computers; its
● National 4. Promotion of the development and use of
obligation to facilitate the transfer and promotion of
Computer electronic commerce in the Philippines.
technology; to ensure network security,
Center connectivity and neutrality of technology for the 5. Protection of consumer rights in electronic
(NCC) national benefit; and the need to marshal, transactions.
organize and deploy national information
● Bangko infrastructures, comprising in both 6. Regulation of certification authorities and
Sentral ng communications network and strategic information accreditation of electronic signature
Pilipinas services, including their interconnection to the systems.
(BSP) global information networks, with the necessary 7. Protection of the integrity and confidentiality
and appropriate legal, financial, diplomatic and of electronic data and communications.
technical framework, systems and facilities.
8. Establishment of the Electronic Commerce
Bureau (ECB) to oversee the
implementation and enforcement of the law.
9. Collaboration with relevant government
agencies and stakeholders to promote
electronic commerce and ensure its
effective implementation.
10. Provision of penalties for violations of the
law's provisions, including fines and

RA 10175 Septembe Cybercrime ● Department The State recognizes the vital role of Definition and criminalization of various
r 12, 2012 Prevention Act of of Justice information and communications industries cybercrimes, including offenses such as hacking,
2012 (DOJ) such as content production, cybersex, identity theft, and online libel.

● Philippine telecommunications, broadcasting electronic Provision for the investigation and prosecution of
National commerce, and data processing, in the cybercrimes committed through the use of
Police nation’s overall social and economic information and communication technologies.
development. The State also recognizes the
(PNP) importance of providing an environment Establishment of legal mechanisms for the
conducive to the development, acceleration, prevention, investigation, and prosecution of
● National cybercrimes, including search and seizure warrants
and rational application and exploitation of
Bureau of and court orders for data preservation.
information and communications technology
(ICT) to attain free, easy, and intelligible Protection of the confidentiality, integrity, and
n (NBI)
access to exchange and/or delivery of availability of computer data and systems.
● Department information; and the need to protect and
Provision for the preservation of electronic
of safeguard the integrity of computer, computer evidence and cooperation among law enforcement
Information and communications systems, networks, and agencies and internet service providers in
and databases, and the confidentiality, integrity, cybercrime investigations.
Communica and availability of information and data stored
Recognition of the jurisdiction of Philippine courts
tions therein, from all forms of misuse, abuse, and
over cybercrimes committed within the country or
Technology illegal access by making punishable under the those that have effects in the Philippines.
(DICT) law such conduct or conducts. In this light, the
State shall adopt sufficient powers to Promotion of international cooperation and
● Cybercrime coordination in combating cybercrimes through
effectively prevent and combat such offenses
Investigatio mutual legal assistance treaties and other
by facilitating their detection, investigation,
n and mechanisms.
and prosecution at both the domestic and
Coordinatin Protection of the rights of individuals, including
international levels, and by providing
g Center freedom of expression and privacy, in the
arrangements for fast and reliable
(CICC) implementation and enforcement of the law.
international cooperation.
Establishment of the Cybercrime Investigation and
Coordinating Center (CICC) to coordinate efforts
among government agencies in addressing
Provision for penalties for violations of the law's
provisions, including fines and imprisonment,
depending on the severity of the offense.
RA 8293 June 6, The Intellectual The State recognizes that an effective intellectual 1. Protection of intellectual property rights,
1997 Property Code of and industrial property system is vital to the including copyrights, patents, trademarks, and
the Philippines ● Intellectual development of domestic and creative activity, trade secrets.
Property facilitates transfer of technology, attracts foreign
Office of the 2. Establishment of the Intellectual Property Office
investments, and ensures market access for our
Philippines of the Philippines (IPOPHL) as the primary
products. It shall protect and secure the exclusive
government agency responsible for administering
rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other
● Department gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
and implementing the law.
of Justice creations, particularly when beneficial to the 3. Recognition and registration of copyrights for
(DOJ) people, for such periods as provided in this Act. literary, artistic, and scientific works, providing
creators with exclusive rights to reproduce,
distribute, and publicly perform their works.
The use of intellectual property bears a social
4. Protection of patents for inventions, granting
function. To this end, the State shall promote the
inventors exclusive rights to use, sell, or license
diffusion of knowledge and information for the
their inventions for a limited period.
promotion of national development and progress
and the common good. 5. Registration and protection of trademarks,
service marks, and trade names to distinguish
goods and services in the market and prevent
It is also the policy of the State to streamline confusion among consumers.
administrative procedures of registering patents,
6. Protection of trade secrets and undisclosed
trademarks and copyright, to liberalize the
information against unauthorized use, disclosure,
registration on the transfer of technology, and to
or acquisition by others.
enhance the enforcement of intellectual property
rights in the Philippines. 7. Provision for the enforcement of intellectual
property rights through civil, administrative, and
criminal remedies, including injunctions, damages,
and seizure of infringing goods.
8. Collaboration with international organizations
and foreign governments to promote the protection
of intellectual property rights and combat piracy
and counterfeiting.
9. Promotion of public awareness and education on
intellectual property rights and their importance for
innovation, creativity, and economic development.
10. Provision for penalties for violations of the law's
provisions, including fines and imprisonment, to
deter infringement and protect the rights of
intellectual property owners.

RA 10173 August Data Privacy Act of ● National It is the policy of the State to protect the 1. Recognition of the right to privacy and
15, 2012 2012 Privacy fundamental human right of privacy, of protection of personal information as a
Commission communication while ensuring free flow of fundamental human right.
(NPC) information to promote innovation and growth. The
2. Establishment of the National Privacy
State recognizes the vital role of information and
● Department communications technology in nation-building and
Commission (NPC) as the primary
of regulatory agency responsible for
its inherent obligation to ensure that personal
Information implementing and enforcing the law.
information in information and communications
and systems in the government and in the private 3. Regulation of the collection, processing,
Communica sector are secured and protected. storage, use, and disclosure of personal
tions data by both government and private
Technology entities.
(DICT) 4. Requirement for data privacy compliance by
● DTI organizations handling personal
information, including the appointment of
● DOJ Data Protection Officers (DPOs).
5. Mandate for the adoption of security
measures to protect personal data against
unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration,
or destruction.
6. Prohibition against the unauthorized
processing of sensitive personal
information, such as those relating to
health, financial, and biometric data, without
the individual's consent.
7. Requirement for notification to individuals in
case of data breaches that may pose a risk
to their rights and freedoms.
8. Regulation of cross-border transfer of
personal data to ensure the protection of
privacy rights across borders.
9. Promotion of accountability and
transparency in the processing of personal
data through privacy impact assessments
and privacy notices.
10. Provision for penalties for violations of the
law's provisions, including fines and
imprisonment, to ensure compliance and
protect individuals' privacy rights.

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