Safety and Security

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Name: Caimere Joyce S.

Santos Date Submitted: March 24, 2023

Year & Section: BSHM – 1E THC 5 PERFORMANCE TASK # 3

Importance of Safety and Security in All Forms of Travel

Nowadays,hospitality and tourism industry is one of the most in-demand aspect of our
economic growth.Likewise,as part of this industry,as a business owner(mastermind of the
business itself),staffs,managers and etc.,we also have to be responsible in ensuring our
customer's /guest's safety and security.On the other hand,as a traveler and individual who's
fond in travelling,being knowledgeable enough about the safety and security in all forms of
travel can make us an excellent and wise traveler.To be able to go from one place to
another,we should have some background check about the attraction,scenery or the place
itself.In addition to that,it is our advantage if the owner/staff/manager is hospitable and well-
prepared to give us some safety precautions and the risk and hazards that could possibly lead
us to danger zones areas.However,the main question is what are the advantages of being
knowledgeable enough about the safety and security in travelling and its disadvantages if you
will going to travel alone/with family without any background research or knowledge about the
possible scenarios that you will going to encounter along the way ?

Furthermore,as we go further about knowing the threats and advantages and importance
of safe travel,based on The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)" The
risks and hazards of travel generally depend on your destination, how informed and prepared
you are before departure, your state of health, and your perceived level of importance to those
who might wish to cause harm". Therefore it is important to learn as much as possible about the
destination so that you can cope well, not offend local traditions, and avoid health and safety
issues. For some locations it may be advisable for exploration companies to carry out a risk
assessment to determine whether doing business there presents unacceptable risks to the
company or its employees. When visiting a field project you may be going places where typical
tourists do not travel.Moreover,before we go on a trip,may it be international or domestic,it is
better for us to have a plan,why?incase of emergency we are all equipped and
ready.Especially,when it talks about internationally,as a new tourist in a foreign places,
uncertainties aren't avoidable that is why business owner and the traveler itself is both
accountable for his/her life.

As we live in new generation,there are so many possible instances that we could

possibly encounter new challenges and oftentimes the sense of danger,just because we are not
familiar to this or that places.Meanwhile, all the advantages that you as a traveler and business
owner has,one wrong step will always equivalent to failure.Otherwise,the disadvantages of not
having even a simple knowledge about safety and security will cause a lot of trouble while you
are spending your time out of town.First,lack of safety and security,this will lead you to
something unexpected,like I said this is one of the consequences if your focus is the destination
itself,the leisure and enjoyment that a particular scenario could give.Secondly,Fear,if the case is
you are not confident to travel alone and you felt fear along the way to anywhere you want to
go,it means,you weren’t prepared the moment you went to new and unfamiliar

civilization.Lastly,travelling without any knowledge about safety and security in all aspects of
travel,won’t make you satisfy.Why ?,because if you feel uneasy, uncomfortable and restless
while travelling the chances of you is like 50 % you are going to enjoy what you are doing and
the other half will give you traumas or more likely,as we all know,travelling is for you to unwind
and relax,but in the end your money,time and effort wasn’t enough to satisfy your being to enjoy
because you felt indanger.

To sum it up, wether we travel alone or with friends and family,anywhere or anytime we
also have to prioritize our safety and security.As a business owner and a traveler,the
responsibility shouldn't be neglected,because once we ignored something that is important,at
the end of a particular journey,you will lose something and either you are an owner or a normal
person you might regret it.In order for us to have a safe flight or trips,it is necessary for us to be
aware about a certain cause and effect of our actions towards a specific activity or journey.

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