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CODIGO 1030653462


GRUPO: 90170_76


The activity consists of:
Writing a clear, organized, and well-structured English paragraph related to the topic: “Social
Step 1 - Getting Started
First week – To do list:
Take some minutes to skim the following words from the box

Now, read the text and fill the gaps to complete the sentences using words from the box.

“Nosedive” is an episode of the Netflix series Black Mirror that shows how social networks are
becoming an everyday reality, where appearance and popularity will be essential to determine
who is successful in life. The characters in “Nosedive” qualify each other to fit into society.

The classification system causes people in society to have toxic relationships with each other. By
rating others, it affects the individual's housing, ability to work, ability to travel, and
relationships with others.
The characters play the most important role in the episode because they must build their personal
brand so that it is valued by their peers. If someone receives a bad rating, people become
suspicious and also rate the person as low.

¡Don´t forget! Share your answers or step in the forum.

Step 2 – Get Ideas

Second week – To do list:
Here are some opinions for you to think about and discuss with your e-mates in the forum. First,
read each opinion, and check whether you agree or disagree
Agree Disagree Opionios
In the future, people will be interacting with others
x depending on their social network’s score/rate.
Lives online will be promoting a social relationship where
x we search for more friends and create an idealized self-image
through personal branding.
Over next years, if someone is badly rated on social media,
x people will become suspicious and rate the person low as

¡Don´t forget! Share your answers or step in the forum.

Step 3 – Organize your ideas

Third week – To do list:

- Choose one of three opinions to write about, either from the ones above or another opinion that
you feel strongly about.
- Now, organize your ideas by using the following outline.

Lives online will be promoting a social relationship where we search for more friends
and create an idealized self-image through personal branding.
Reason 1
- In recent years, social networks have become essential for all of us, but they are also a
chain causing young people to have trends and serious mental health problems, making
us understand that In applications like Instagram, where they show the image of people
with bodies unrealistic “perfect” ones, making our children afraid and unaware of
themselves and accepting themselves as they are, making them understand that all
problems can be solved with a body image. Social networks also serve to propose an easy
life where by making videos they raise money with this, causing many people today to
invest in something that is not real and believe that the best way is social networks and
not studying, but we also see that Social networks present things that are not minutes to
see and that the majority are innocent and upload these repulsive contents where they
find unpleasant deaths or videos with sexual content that should be canceled and not
Conclusión It has been shown that these platforms and social networks have a serious
consequence on the self-esteem of our children or young people who continue watching
these social networks, causing higher rates of mental health problems and eating
disorders, all of this added to the negative effects that young people face every day
seeing that many contents block mental dexterity.

¡Don´t forget! Share your outline or step in the forum.

Step 4 – Let’s write an English paragraph

Fourth week – To do list:

Now, write in the forum your paragraph, at least 180 words, that express one of your opinions.
Explain your thinking clearly so that the reader can understand why you hold your opinion.
Keep in mind! It’s important to follow your outline.
With the phenomenon we have today with social networks, people try to have an image in front
of a screen and a life in front of a social network, even if it is false, becoming slaves to an
exaggerated monotony when they see that they do not have the interaction with the social
network as they should have. In person, by not getting likes on publications or photos, they feel
affected by having low self-esteem since most people prefer to be the center of attention of the
social network, even if they have the life of their dreams and it is an invention
Keep in mind! It’s important to follow your outline.
Step 5 – Student’s diary
Fourth week – To do list:
After each student has written his/er paragraph, he/she will include a self-assessment paragraph
answering the following questions:
• What did you learn in this task?
Nowadays, social networks have their pros and cons since we find news and it helps us share our
most accurate publications.
but we also find false publications that are misleading and dangerous for our children since they
can turn into white trafficking or robbery. On social networks we have to be aware of everything
we do, let's share since every day lends itself to things that affect society greatly.
• What did you find most interesting about the task?
that leaves us a very clear message: we have to control our children more when we lend them our
cell phones or tablets or computers that we are in charge of, try to control the websites that they
visit, and others, we have to be attentive to every thing that they come across. publish and that
can serve to expose our home, work and integrity
Other things I liked most about work were the interaction and comments we had with our
colleagues, each one participating and giving a different point of opinion.
• What area or topic would you like to find out more about?
One of the areas in which I would like to work more and learn more in depth would be the
dramatic area since it is responsible for fiction, action and suspense in various formats and
genres on television: soap operas, miniseries, for this reason I would like learn more about this

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