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I completed my pre-engineering college and was still deciding which field to choose.

So, I
started my research to figure out which engineering discipline would catch my interest, and that
is when I learned about the impacts of chemical engineering on our everyday lives. After
realizing that the results of chemical engineering can be seen from a small piece of plastic used
to make toys to devising ways of renewable energy generation (which is the need of the hour)
and how enhancing these processes can lead to improvements in the world on a massive scale, a
sense of enthusiasm kicked in, focusing all my interest on it. So, I got into the Institute of
Chemical Engineering and Technology at the University of the Punjab, the pioneer institute for
chemical engineering in Pakistan.

During my undergraduate, I exercised brilliant leadership skills in projects and excelled in my

academic courses and laboratory tasks. I worked on producing eco-friendly fuels that can
generate fewer green gases. Moreover, I enrolled in various online courses, Renewable Energy
Technology Fundamentals, Renewable Energy Futures, and Renewable Energy Projects, which
made me realize that renewable energy sources are the future because the world is facing severe
energy and environmental challenges and to fight against these challenges, renewable energy
sources are essential to be implemented in our life because they can reduce the impact of
greenhouse gases on the environment and fulfill the requirements of energy generation.

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