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Non-native English Speaking Teachers’ Subjectivities and Colombian Language Policies

Non-native English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) play a crucial role in the field of English language teaching worldwide,
contributing their diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives to the classroom. This essay examines the complex interplay
between NNEST subjectivities and Colombian language policies, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities faced
by NNESTs within the Colombian educational context.

Colombia's language policies have witnessed considerable evolution in recent decades. The government has made
concerted efforts to enhance English language proficiency among its citizens, recognizing the global importance of
English as a lingua franca in business, education, and diplomacy. These policies have resulted in a growing demand for
English language instruction and, consequently, a greater reliance on NNESTs within the Colombian educational system.

However, NNESTs in Colombia often encounter a myriad of challenges related to their non-native speaker status. One of
the most pervasive issues is linguistic discrimination, where NNESTs may face skepticism or bias from students,
colleagues, and administrators due to their perceived language proficiency. This discrimination can erode the self-
confidence and professional identity of NNESTs, impacting their subjectivities as educators.

Furthermore, Colombian language policies may inadvertently contribute to the marginalization of NNESTs. Some policies
prioritize native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) over NNESTs, reinforcing the notion that native speakers are
inherently superior language educators. Such policies can undermine the professional development and career prospects of
NNESTs, perpetuating a hierarchy that may not accurately reflect their pedagogical competence.

In the face of these challenges, many NNESTs in Colombia have developed resilient subjectivities. They often draw on
their unique advantages, such as a deep understanding of learners' linguistic and cultural backgrounds, to create inclusive
and effective classroom environments. NNESTs may also engage in continuous professional development, including
pursuing advanced degrees and certifications, to bolster their expertise and counteract linguistic discrimination.

Moreover, NNESTs' subjectivities can be positively influenced by the strong sense of commitment and dedication they
often exhibit in their roles as educators. Many NNESTs are driven by a genuine passion for teaching and a desire to help
their students succeed, which can outweigh the challenges posed by language policies and linguistic discrimination.

Language policies in Colombia are not static; they evolve in response to changing societal needs and educational research.
Consequently, there is potential for these policies to become more inclusive of NNESTs in the future. To support this
evolution, it is essential for policymakers and educators to engage in dialogues that recognize the value NNESTs bring to
the Colombian educational landscape.

In conclusion, the subjectivities of NNESTs in Colombia are intricately connected to the country's language policies.
While these policies can present significant challenges, NNESTs have demonstrated resilience and commitment in the
face of linguistic discrimination. Through ongoing dialogue and a recognition of the unique strengths NNESTs offer,
Colombia's language policies can evolve to better support and empower NNESTs in their vital role as English language

1. What is the focus of this essay? A. Colombian culture B. Non-native English-speaking teachers C.
Spanish language policies D. Global language policies

2. Why are NNESTs important in the field of English language teaching?

A. They bring diverse perspectives to the classroom. B. They only teach English to non-native
speakers. C. They are native English speakers. D. They have limited linguistic and cultural
3. How have Colombian language policies evolved over time?

A. They have remained unchanged for decades. B. They prioritize Spanish language proficiency. C.
They have adapted to the global importance of English. D. They discourage English language

4. What is a common challenge faced by NNESTs in Colombia?

A. High salaries B. Linguistic discrimination C. Lack of teaching experience D. Limited access to


5. How do some language policies in Colombia affect NNESTs?

A. They prioritize NNESTs over NESTs. B. They provide equal opportunities for all teachers. C.
They reinforce the superiority of NNESTs. D. They may marginalize NNESTs in favor of NESTs.

6. What is the impact of linguistic discrimination on NNESTs' subjectivities?

A. It boosts their self-confidence. B. It has no effect on their professional identity. C. It erodes their
self-confidence. D. It enhances their linguistic proficiency.

7. How can NNESTs in Colombia counteract linguistic discrimination?

A. By avoiding professional development opportunities. B. By downplaying their cultural

backgrounds. C. By seeking advanced degrees and certifications. D. By advocating for native
speakers only.

8. What drives many NNESTs in their roles as educators in Colombia?

A desire to undermine language policies. B. A passion for teaching and helping students succeed. C.
A focus on linguistic superiority. D. A commitment to promoting Spanish language proficiency.

9. How can Colombian language policies become more inclusive of NNESTs?

A. By promoting linguistic discrimination. B. By ignoring the contributions of NNESTs.

C. Through ongoing dialogue and recognition of NNEST strengths. D. By prioritizing NESTs


10. What is the main message of this essay?

A. NNESTs are inferior to NESTs. B. NNESTs face insurmountable challenges in Colombia. C.

NNESTs' subjectivities are shaped by Colombian language policies. D. NNESTs have no role in
English language education in Colombia.

11. Summarize the previous text into 10 ideas that you consider the most important and prepare to
discuss them in a roundtable discussion.


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