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To the distinguished dignitaries on stage. Our dynamic SDS Dr.. Jeanelyn A.

Aleman, Ceso VI
who was duly represented by_________. Our motherly PSDS, Dr. Juvy T. Empalmado. The
honorable guestspeaker, Sir Christian Dumalan. The teaching and non teaching staff of BNHS
spear headed by the esteemed school principal, Dr. Joselyn P. Valdez, proud parents and
guardians, and the Invictus completers: Ladies and gentlemen, a wonderful morning to each of
you It's been 4 years of being a JH student, and now it officially comes to an end. As a JH
student for 4 years, Yes, I finally made it! My journey as a JH student has given me valuable
lessons that are truly unforgettable: immense growth, discovery, and inspiration to push beyond
my limits and strive for excellence. We cannot deny that the journey is very challenging.
Witnessing a lot of hardships, efforts, and struggles. But bear in mind that there's still a milestone
after it, and now the milestone is what I have right now and also for everyone of you.. Today, I
am glad to stand before you with a heart filled with gratitude and immense appreciation. It is an
honor to have this opportunity to express my deepest thanks to each and every one of you who
has played a role in shaping my life. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to extend my
sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support, guidance, and love.

First and foremost, I would like to express my profound appreciation to my family. Your effort is
like a quiet melody that fills my life with harmony, composed of hard work, resilience, and a
relentless pursuit of my well-being." Your love is a timeless treasure, forged through countless
sacrifices and unwavering endurance, leaving an indelible mark on my life."There are countless
words that could capture the depth of my appreciation, but let me share something that truly
exemplifies the impact you have had on my life. I remember a time when I was about to lost my
self-esteemed on my academic career as I was experiencing breakdowns and stress because I
was struggling with my schoolwork, which had become a daunting challenge for me. It was
during those moments of despair that you both stepped in. Rather than scolding or pressuring
me to do better, you approached the situation with unwavering love and support. To my very
supportive mother, Ma kahit wala ka rito but you are always nurturing me with strength,
perseverance, and hardships. Ma and Pa, thank you for your constant sacrifices that have formed
my character and allowed me to pursue my dreams with confidence.In times of adversity, you
both have been my rock. Your strength and resilience have provided me with the courage to
persevere, even in the face of the toughest challenges. No words can explain how grateful I am
for both of you. And I am forever grateful for the moments we have shared as a family. May our
bond continue to strengthen and may we create many more beautiful memories together

To my unkabogable friends most especially to Nathan, Tania, Abegail, Danah, Mahah and YM,
guys, we finally made it! And may our Parents proud of us. I am truly grateful because I met
somebody like you! You have been my companions in both laughter and tears, and I am truly
grateful for the moments and memories we have created together. You have played an
invaluable role in my life, and I am incredibly fortunate to have you by my side. You're still
there to uplift me and even motivate me to be compassionate. You have made my life brighter
and more meaningful simply by being a part of it. From our adventures and laughter-filled
moments to our deep conversations and shared experiences, each memory holds a special place
in my heart. From my smallest achievements to my biggest dreams, you have been my biggest
I would also like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the dedication, guidance,
and unwavering support that all the teachers have imparted to my educational journey. I am
grateful for all the wisdom and knowledge you have shared with me. Your passion for teaching
is evident in the way you engage with your students and inspire us to reach our full potential.
There was a time when I struggled with a particular subject, feeling discouraged and on the
verge of giving up. But you, my teacher, stepped in and became more than just an educator. I
will never forget the way you brought learning to life through your captivating stories. I
appreciate the patience and understanding you have shown me. Your willingness to go the extra
mile to ensure that I grasp the concepts, even if it takes multiple explanations, demonstrates your
genuine care for my growth and development. To my adviser, Sir! You taught me that learning
is an adventure, and for that, I am deeply thankful. To my subject teachers, You recognized my
potential and taught me to believe in myself, and I am indebted to you for that invaluable
lesson. May your passion for teaching continue to touch the lives of many more students,
shaping them into lifelong learners and contributing members of society.You're all truly MVPs! I
salute all of you!

To my classmates and co students, I wanted to take also the moment to express my deepest
gratitude to each and every one of you. Throughout our journey together, you have been
incredible companions on this educational path. Your presence has made a significant impact on
my life, and I am truly thankful for the experiences we have shared.Remember those group
projects that seemed daunting at first? It was our collective effort, teamwork, and shared
determination that made them not only manageable but also enjoyable.We studied together,
quizzed each other, and supported one another. Your diverse perspectives, unique insights, and
thought-provoking questions have expanded my understanding of various subjects. It is
heartwarming to know that I have such remarkable individuals like you by my side, making this
academic journey not only about education but also about forming lifelong connections. Thank
you for the one-half and one-fourth papers, and above all, for the answers that have been shared
with others.. I am truly grateful for the privilege of sharing this journey with you all. Let us
continue to inspire and uplift each other, both academically and personally. Thank you for being
extraordinary companions on this remarkable voyage. Let's Aim Higher! and Dream Bigger!

To our Divine creator, I am grateful for the blessings you have showered upon me, both seen and
unseen. Each day is a testament to your love and grace as you guide me through the ups and
downs of life, offering solace in times of hardship and joy in moments of triumph. Through the
darkest nights, you have been my guiding light, showing me the path towards hope, healing, and
transformation. Your wisdom and guidance illuminate my way, and I am grateful for the lessons
learned along this journey.Throughout my journey of faith, you have been my steadfast
companion. In times of doubt, you have gently guided me towards the truth.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all the people out there who believe in my ability and are
proud of my achievements. Thank you! Your belief in my abilities has opened doors and
expanded my horizons. Your support has been instrumental in shaping my path to success. I am
grateful for the genuine interest you have shown in my journey. Your genuine happiness for my
successes has reinforced my belief in myself and made the accomplishments all the more
meaningful. Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for believing in my ability and contributing
to my success. Your unwavering support, encouragement, and belief in me have made an
indelible mark on my life. I am forever grateful for your presence, your guidance, and the faith
you have placed in me.

In conclusion, I stand here today humbled and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and
support I have received from each and every one of you. Your presence in my life has shaped me
into the person I am today. I am grateful for the lessons learned, the memories created, and the
connections forged. Thank you for being a part of my journey, and may we continue to support
and uplift each other in the years to come.

Before I stepped down from where I am standing today, I would like to share with you a
quotations from William, Henley in his poem Invictus, he said I am the master of my fate, I am
the captain of my soul.

So together, let us go forth and make our mark on the world. Let’s carry the valuable lessons we
have learned as we embark on the next chapter of our education .Congratulations to the Invictus
completers of Batch 2023. Thank you and god bless!

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