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Table 1. Developmental Milestones for Speech and Language in Children Age Receptive Expressive 6 months Turns to rattling Laughs* sound* Vocalizes (cooing)* Turns to voicet 9 months — Babbles, single syllables* Says “mama” or “dada,” nonspecifict Waves “bye-bye” + 12 months Follows one-step —_ Babbles* command’ Imitates vocalizations and sounds* Says one wordt Waves “bye-bye” 15months — Says one word* Says three wordst+ Waves “bye-bye”* 18 months Points to at least Says three words* one body part} Says six wordst 2 years Points to two Combines words+ pictures* Names one picturet Follows two-step command'® 2.5 years Points to six Knows two actions} body parts* Names one picture* Speech half understandable} 2 waare ae Knawic tain adiactivact o years ruws Oy auyceuvesy Names four pictures* Names one colort Speech all understandable+ A years _— Defines five wordst Names four colors} Speech all understandable* Note: Except where otherwise cited, milestones are adapted from Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents.’* *—WMore than 90 percent of children pass this item. +—50 to 90 percent of children pass this item. Information from references 14 and 15. SS

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