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Subject Code and Title INF101FC Industry Focus

Assessment Statement of intent

Individual/Group Individual

Length 750 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful

completion of the task below include:
a) Apply travel and tourism knowledge and skills with a
professional practice context
b) Demonstrate capacity to achieve workplace outcomes

Submission Due by 11:55 pm AEST Sunday of Week 4

Weighting 30%

Total Marks 100 marks

Task Summary
This assessment requires you to apply the knowledge you have acquired in Module 1 and previous
subjects to produce a Statement of Intent. A Statement of Intent will provide you with the opportunity
to identify and explain your intentions for the work experience component of this subject and will also
include your plans for your future career and professional development.

If you have ever written a cover letter when applying for a job, you will notice that there are similarities
between this and a Statement of Intent. The information that you include in both documents is the
same; however, it is addressed in a different writing style.

To ensure that you gain the most from your work experience, it is important to identify what you want
to achieve during your time, what factors have influenced your choice of organisation, and how you
feel this experience can assist in your future career.

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Task Instructions

To successfully complete this Assessment, you are required to the complete a Statement of Intent.
Using knowledge acquired in Module 1 and in previous subjects, you will now demonstrate your
knowledge and skills in the context of professional practice.

Your Statement of Intent should convince your facilitators that you have solid achievements behind
you that demonstrate your ability to complete work experience in a positive and professional manner.
This assessment task will enable you to become aware of your thinking and how it can be used to
describe, analyse and evaluate your work experience. There are four (4) sections to this Statement of
Intent which you are required to complete:

1. Introduce yourself (100 words)

Introduce yourself and briefly identify the travel and tourism industry sector (or organisation)
that you wish to gain work experience with.

2. Explain your experience (175 words)

Provide a summary of your professional experience and explain why you have chosen this
particular position (or organisation) for work experience.
• Why did you choose this area of the organisation to gain work experience?

3. Detail your interests within your academic studies and career goals (375 words)
Describe the areas of study that you have completed that will support and offer further
development by completing this work experience, including what you hope to achieve from
• How has your previous experience (academic, work, etc.) prepared you for work
• What can you do to successfully manage and monitor your work experience?
• What kind of goals would you like to set for yourself before and after you have
completed your work experience?
• How might your performance during your work experience impact employment

4. Closing statement (100 words)

Your final paragraph should summarise your strengths within your Statement of Intent.

In writing your Statement of Intent, ensure you:

• explain how your chosen organisation aligns with your career aspirations.
• identify how your work experience relates to your own professional goals.
• explain ways in which you may apply the knowledge and skills gained from your studies in
your future career.

Think carefully about your previous experiences and current career expectations. Your Statement of
Intent should be clear and succinct, showing that you have short-term and long-term professional
goals and an understanding of how you want to work towards achieving them after you complete this

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You must include a minimum of two (2) credible resources. It is essential that you use appropriate
APA style for citing and referencing research. See more information on referencing here:
• Use the TUA Library website to locate further resources:

• Visit also the Academic Skills page for more guidance or and resources:

Submission Instructions

Submit your Assessment 1 - Statement of Intent via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu
in INF101FC Industry Focus. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the
LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity Declaration

I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this Assessment task is my
own work. I have read and am aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and
Procedure viewable online at

I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so

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Assessment Rubric
Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Fail (Unacceptable)
Assessment Attributes (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
50-64% 65-74% 75 -84% 85-100%
Knowledge and Demonstrates little to no Demonstrates a basic Demonstrates some Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates an in-depth
understanding of understanding of own understanding of own skills understanding of own skills understanding of own skills understanding of own skills
current skills and skills and abilities. and abilities. and abilities. and abilities. and abilities.
Unable to identify and Limited identification and Identifies and explains the Thoroughly identifies and Explicitly identifies and
explain relevance of own explanation of own contribution and relevance of explains the contribution explains the contribution
experience to selected experience to selected own experience to selected and relevance of own and relevance of own
industry practice. industry practice is industry practice. experience to selected experience to selected
provided. industry practice. industry practice.
Application and Shows limited to no Shows a fundamental Demonstrates awareness in Demonstrates a high level Demonstrates an advanced
analysis of knowledge application or analysis in application and analysis in order to Shows clear of awareness and ability awareness and ability to
in relation to industry aligning skills and abilities aligning skills and abilities application and analysis in analyse, align and apply key analyse, align and apply key
practise to work experience. to work experience. aligning skills and abilities to skills and abilities to work skills and abilities to work
work experience. experience. experience.
Unable to connect Able to connect some
relevance of work relevance of work Connects relevance of work Clearly connects and Effectively connects and
experience to future experience to future experience to future thoroughly explains the provides a sophisticated
employment employment opportunities. employment opportunities. relevance of work explanation of the
opportunities. experience to future relevance of work
employment opportunities. experience to future
employment opportunities.
Effective written No clear logic flow or Basic logic flow and Expresses ideas with clear Confidently expresses ideas Expertly expresses ideas
presentation structure and difficult to structure but difficult to logic, flow and structure in a with clear logic, flow and with clear logic, flow and
understand. understand at times. manner that is easy to structure in a manner that structure in an engaging
20% understand. is easy to understand. manner that is easy to
Many errors with Correct grammar and
grammar and spelling. spelling throughout most of Correct grammar and spelling Correct grammar and
the presentation. throughout all of the spelling throughout all of Correct grammar and
Unable to adapt writing
presentation. the presentation. spelling throughout all of
style to suit the purpose
the presentation.
of the assessment.

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Able to adapt writing style Able to accurately adapt Able to accurately adapt Able to accurately adapt
to suit the purpose of the writing style to suit the writing style to suit the writing style to suit the
assessment. purpose of the assessment. purpose of the assessment, purpose of the assessment,
and captures developed and capture deep learning
learning of assessment of assessment purpose.
Engages and sustains
audience’s interest in the
Correct citation of key Demonstrates Demonstrates use of Demonstrates use of good Demonstrates use of high Demonstrates extensive
resources and evidence inconsistent use of credible and relevant quality, credible and relevant quality, credible and use of high quality, credible
credible and relevant resources to support and resources to support and relevant resources to and relevant resources to
10% resources to support and develop ideas, but these develop ideas. support and develop ideas support and develop ideas
develop ideas. are not always explicit or and statements. Shows and statements. Shows
APA referencing is adequate,
well developed. evidence of wide scope evidence of wide scope
APA referencing is with occasional errors.
within the resources beyond the resources
omitted or inadequately APA referencing with
provided for sourcing provided for sourcing
addressed. frequent or repeated
evidence. evidence.
Applies APA referencing Applies APA referencing
style with no errors. style with no errors.

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