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[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Sales Department
[Company Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear Sales Department,

I hope this message finds you in the best of health and spirits. It is with great pleasure that I am
writing to inquire about the possibility of a product being acquired from your esteemed company.
As a person with a discerning taste for high-quality products, it has been deemed necessary to
conduct a thorough research on the internet in order to find a brand that can meet my specific
needs. It has been concluded that your company's products are what is needed.

The product offered by your company, which is believed to deliver the best value for my money,
is of particular interest to me. However, before a final decision can be made on this matter, it
would be greatly appreciated if additional information about the product can be provided.
For instance, more details about the features, specifications, and pricing of the product would be
of great assistance. Information about discounts, promotions, or deals that may currently be
available would also be appreciated, as these details are crucial in making an informed decision
about the product.
Furthermore, I would like to inquire about your company's shipping policies and procedures,
including the estimated delivery time and associated costs. This information is important to have
a clear understanding of the delivery process before making a purchase.

In conclusion, I would like to inquire if after-sales services such as a warranty or repair services
are offered by your company. It would be helpful to know what options are available in case issues
with the product are encountered.
Thank you for taking the time to read this inquiry. Your prompt response to this matter would be
greatly appreciated, as I am looking forward to hearing back from you and hope to make a
purchase from your company soon.
Yours Sincerely,


[Your Name]
[Sales Department Name]
[Company Name]




There are few comments can be made for this Letter of Enquiry. The analysis will be based on 7
C’s of Principles of good qualities of a business letter which are clear, concise, concrete, correct,
coherent, complete, and courteous.
Firstly, the sender’s address is not in the right position as it should be at the left margin instead
of the right margin. This is because the format applied to this letter should be full block format.
Therefore, the sender’s address should be placed on the left. This format disqualifies the letter as
a good business letter as it is not correct and also complete in its principles of good qualities of a
business letter. Thus, the sender should change it to the left.
Secondly, there are unnecessariness information were given in the letter which is the opposite of
good qualities of a business letter clear and concise. The unnecessary information does not
contribute to the clearness and conciseness of the letter instead it is making the letter to become
lengthy and unnecessary. Therefore, the letter required some improvement on the information
Other than that, the language use is incorrect as there are many passive voice used in the letter.
This letter requires a formal and straightforward language which defies the language used in the
letter. It is not aligned with the criteria of concrete, coherent and clear. Thus, it is necessary for
the sender to change the sentence structure into an active voice.
To sum up, a business letter is a representation of a company. It is essential to portray a good
quality of a business letter as it enhance ones company it its representation or impression. The
letter can be improved by correcting the letter format according to the former comments.

293 words


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