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Dạng 1: List /label - sign /Chart

Cách nghe: nghe cột thông tin không là các phương án ABCD
Dạng 2: Coupn - Receipt - Ticket
Cách nghe:
B1:Sau khi phân tích câu hỏi, ta đặt lướt thông tin trong bảng và lưu ý thông tin về tên và số
B2: Trong lúc nghe, sau khi đến nội dung chứa tên và cột ở B1 ta loại suy và chọn đáp án phù hợp
Rejected, not permitted, not allowed TYPE 7: GRAPHICS
=>nghe ko trong bảng
Dạng 3: Map, layout, floar plan
B1: Phân tích câu hỏi và xác định nơi chốn cần đi kiếm
B2: Đọc lướt bảng và chỉ lưu ý các thông tin ko là ABCD
B3: Khi nghe đến nội dung chứa câu hỏi B1, tại đây người đọc sẽ đọc đáp án, ta nghe kỹ chọn đáp án phù hợp


W-Am: Hi, I'd like to have this dress cleaned.

I'm ____ ___ __ ________ at the end of ____
____, and I'd like to take it with me. Oh,
and... can you tell me how much it'll cost?
M-Cn: Let me take a look... it's going to be
_____ _______.
W-Am: Oh, that much? Your sign out front
says dresses can be cleaned from ____ _____
and ____.
M-Cn: Well yes, but it's the material the
dress is made of. We have to use special
cleaning products to make sure we don't
damage the fabric.
W-Am: OK.
M-Cn: I can ______ the _______ and have it
to you by Wednesday evening. Does that


W-Am: OK, sir. Your _____ for these two

______ is ______ ______.
M-Au: Oh, wait—I have a ______ _____ I
want to use while it's still valid ... I think I've
got it here somewhere ... Oh, here it is.
W-Am: OK—thanks ... Hmm, it looks like
the computer isn't accepting it. Let me take a
M-Au: Ah—I see the problem. Is it OK if I
go back and browse a bit more to see if there's
anything else that I need?
W-Am: Certainly. I can ____ these shirts
here ____ ____ _______ for you if you'd like.

Hết hạn

ít hơn


W-Am: Do you know why the elevators will

be out of service?
M-Au: ____ ____, Ms. Tanaka noticed the
_________ of inspection for the elevators will
____ ___ ______ in March, and maintenance
checks are required for a renewal.
W-Am: Ah, I see. But did you see the sign?
The ________ _____ to the ______ will ____
at ____. Why would they schedule a closure
at a time when people are arriving at the
office and need to use it the most?
M-Au: You ____ ______ this to our
__________. I'm sure he'll want to cause the
least amount of disturbance.
W-Am: I think I will. It might not be too late
to call the technician to reschedule.


M-Cn: Excuse me? I'm trying to change my

diet and I want to ___ _______ _______ ___
________ —you know, something ________,
like, maybe yogurt? Is there a yogurt that's
low in calories but also has a lot of protein?
W-Br: We have a lot of options you might
like. Here's one of our most popular brands of
blueberry yogurt. See, there's a lot of
M-Cn: Mmm—nice! But my doctor told me I
shouldn't eat a lot of ______ foods—and it
would put me over the daily amount he
recommended. That's more than ___ _____!
W-Br: In that case, I'd _______ ______ a
plain _______ of this ________ and adding
your own fresh fruit.


trưng bày W-Am: How was the _______?

cửa sổ
M-Cn: Good. We ______ about _____ to
quầy thanh toán
_______ ______.
W-Am: And? Seems like we've tried
M-Cn: Well, radio advertising's pretty
effective, though __ ____ _______ ___ ____
they ______! But one guy talked about easy
changes to store layout. They just moved
some displays around, and it really made a
W-Am: Hmm. I've often thought we should
move the shoe department from the back of
the store to the front. So it's across from the
store entrance.
M-Cn: And here's an even better idea! Put
the ______ ____ ___ the ____ ______! If
people are trying on clothes in the ____ ____,
they'll probably want to get the shoes at the
same time.


M-Cn: Customer service, Mark speaking.

How can I help you?
W-Am: Hi, Mark. I bought a _____ from
____ _____, and I was about to assemble it,
but I don't think I have all of the parts I need.
M-Cn: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you
know what you're ______?
W-Am: Well, I ____ all the ____ ____ for
the legs ____ _____ of the ____ _____ for
the seal.
M-Cn: OK, I have some replacement parts
here at the store, and I ___ ____ the _______
driver drop them off at your house this
afternoon. How does that sound?
W-Am: That'd be great, thanks!


W-Am: Hi, Barry, I'm just checking in.

How's everything going up here? Are you
_______ ______ the ________ __________
______ yet?
M-Au: No, it's taking longer than expected. I
vacuumed the carpet, but there are a lot of
stains. So I decided to shampoo it. But then
I had to go down and get the steam-cleaning
machine and bring it up here.
W-Am: Well, _____ you start shampooing,
could you come downstairs? _ ____ ____ ___
______ __ ___ ____ in one of the conference
M-Au: Sure, I'll be right down. This is a good
time for me to take a break from these
carpets, anyway.


M-Cn: I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't realize that

the Baylor Lot on Grunley Street was _____
for _________, so I couldn't find a place to
W-Am: It's OK. Lots of people have been
late today because of the closure. Where did
you end up parking? ______ _______?
M-Cn: There were spaces on Medford drive,
n the sign said I could only park there until
noon, so I found a spot on Hawthornen
W-Am: Good idea. I think parking is allowed
on Hawthorne Avenue until six o'clock.


Hi, Wendy—I'm calling about the purchase

orders we received for office furniture. The
Accounting Department's going to need more
of everything to accommodate all their new
employees. But luckily, the _____ _______
__________ just wants more ______; they
said everything else is OK. Before you place
these orders though, be sure to check the
inventory. If we're still _____, then we'll
order the necessary items. Please remember
that ____ __, ___ ____ _______, ___ ___
______ ___ _____ you've already submitted.
So ___ ___ _____ if you spot an _____ that
needs to be updated. Thanks.


Alright everyone, here's the breakdown of

this year's _____-____ market shares. We're
still among the top four _____ companies, but
we need to pay attention to DTQ's rapid
growth— they just surpassed us. We're ____
that ____ _____ at _______ percent, but we
need to keep up. Our market experts attribute
DTQ's expansion to its new business model.
DTQ now offers its ______ for free, with
consumers making extra purchases during the
game. We think this business approach could
also help us attract new users, so in the _____
______ we're going to ____ it ____ with
some of our existing ______ to see if we can
grow beyond our seventeen-percent market


Welcome to your first day at The Harling

Company! Your role in _______ _______
________ over the ______ will be crucial to
our sales. Here's your training calendar... So,
today, we'll get you set up and we'll teach you
the basics of the job. Then, for the rest of the
week you'll be trained one-on-one by your
manager. You'll practice answering the
phones and receive feedback at the end of the
week on your ______ with the _________.
You'll ______ ______ _______ _____ _____
_________, you'll see ... they're great! Oh,
and one more thing: the company ________
wants to meet all of you. So she organized a
_____ ______ to welcome you all.


Hi, this message is for Ms. Knapton. I'm Stan

Hendricks, the _______ at Darlene's Party
Supply _____. We just received, via our
online form, an order that includes 4,000
napkins with floral designs. I'm calling just to
____ ____ that the ________ you _______ is
_______—that you need the items in the
thousands and not the hundreds. Please call
me back to _______ when you have the
chance. Also, it sounds like you're organizing
a large event, so you're welcome to speak to
our specialist in that area. Just ask for
_________ ___ if you need any free planning
advice. Thanks a lot.


Welcome back to the World Music Hour on

WJJP. Today I'm speaking with Jorge
Gonzales about his extremely popular third
album, which is currently ranked ______ ___
on the ____ _____ chart. Before the break,
Jorge was telling us about how the _____ of
_______, _____, and ______ _____ in the
________ of _____ ________ his ______.
You can certainly hear that influence in the
album's first track, a love song called
"Waiting for a Heartbeat". In this ______
segment, we'll ____ ____ to ______ his
upcoming European ______ and die cities
he's most excited to visit on the ____. Thanks
again for speaking to us today, Jorge.


Welcome to the historic _________ ______

________ in the luxurious Silver Tower. This
is the third year that the _____ in _________
___________ has been held here, and I
should say, the conference organizers have
done a great job. The schedule of guest
speakers and workshops is impressive. I'm
sure this will be a year to remember for all
attendees. Now, please join me in welcoming
the _________ of the Air traffic Controllers'
____________, _____ ________, to the stage
to give her opening remarks.


Hello, this is Ellen calling from Pennington

Technology. I wanted to follow up with you
about the ______ ______ _____ that I e-
mailed you last week. It's for the _____
_______ our company's holding tomorrow.
I'd like to _______ the number of _________,
since it'll be a long meeting and people might
get ________. _____, I wanted to let you
know that when you arrive at our company's
office, you'll have to check in at the security
desk to _____ ___ ___ ______ ______. I've
already let the security guard know, so there
should be a ______ ready for you.


Thank you for ________ the Minerva Dubois

Botanical Gardens. My name is Phillipa, and
I'll be ______ you ______ the grounds today.
Before we start, I'll tell you about the ______
we'll take on this map. We'll _____ ____
_______ ______ _______ ______, here, and
exploring the garden, there. _____, we'll visit
the Butterfly House, ____ _____ stop at the
picnic area for lunch afterwards. _____, we'll
visit one more garden _____ _____ ____ to
the visitor's center and ________ ____. The
Gardens are largely supported by _____ from
that _____, so _____ _____ ____ one of our
lovely ________ or _________ from there to
remember your trip. Now, should we start?


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