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The three postulates of the cell theory are: lawyer in practice who turned to science to study

1. All Living organism are composed of one or more cells

-The declaration that all living organisms are made up of cells was a collaboration between a
botanist and physiologist. German botanist Matthias Schleiden, a lawyer in practice who turned
to science to study plants, recognized Robert Brown’s discovery of the nucleus in 1833.In 1838,
Schleiden established that the small compartments in his plant specimens are cells .He discussed
his observations with his colleague, physiologist Theodor Schwann.
2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and functioning in organism
This statement simply explains – in order that an organism may be considered living it must have
A cell. Some organisms maybe unicellular or one -celled ,such as bacteria or multicellular or
multi-celled , such as animals. One proof that an organism is alive just by looking at its cell is the
movement of the organelles inside it . In cork that Hooke examined ,the protoplasm of the cells
had already dissipated, indicating the cell’s death. When Leeuwenhoek observed his teeth
scrapings,he found animacules shooting and spinning inside the cell.This is because the scrapings
he viewed in his microscope contained live bacteria.
3. Cells come from pre-existing cells
Based on the cell studies of the scientists before him, German scientist Rudolf Virchow
introduced the third tenet of the cell theory : Omnis cellula e cellula ,which means “cells come
from preexisting cell.” This elucidates that cells can only be formed by the union of male and
female cells,or the division of a single cell. It disproved the Archaic theory of spontaneous
genereation,which promoted the concept that living things generated from nonliving matter.

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