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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when delving into complex subjects like Down

syndrome. From extensive research to meticulous analysis and synthesis of information, the journey
of crafting a well-rounded research paper can be overwhelming. The intricacies involved in exploring
the various facets of Down syndrome, including its causes, symptoms, treatments, and societal
impact, require a comprehensive understanding of both scientific literature and personal narratives.

Navigating through the vast array of resources available, discerning credible sources, and
synthesizing diverse perspectives into a coherent argument demands time, dedication, and expertise.
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These chromosomes undergo different type of abnormalities during the genesis of human beings.
She is able to attend school earlier because she is special needs, and to get a jump. Alcohol is a
substance known to be harmful to human development. People who have Down Syndrome have
learning difficulties, mental retardation, a different facial appearance, and poor muscle tone
hypotonia in infancy. Down Syndrome Cognition Research 101: An Introduction Down Syndrome
Cognition Research 101: An Introduction Sample Apa Research Paper Sample Apa Research Paper
The term paper The term paper Down syndrome ppt for UGs Down syndrome ppt for UGs Down
Syndrome Paper 1. (Author, National Leadership Local Support, 2015) What Is Down syndrome.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
It is becoming increasingly clear that these irregularities are related to neurogenesis and brain
formation, as well as age-associated neuropsychiatric disorders. Globalization and postfordist
economic change, 13 I will work through the age of imperialism. She likes getting her hair brushed
and put in a pony and. Environmental factors such as exposure to pollutants, radiation and
medications have been attributed but have not yet been proven. Down Syndrome Condition
Summary A gene is described as the smallest physical and functional unit of genetic inheritance. The
test can be performed in the first trimester or in the 8th week. First, in terms of motor functions,
such persons may exhibit motor clumsiness, and hence carry out their activities slowly (National
Down Syndrome Society, 2012). Lastly there’s Translocation and it’s a bit different from the other
types. The questions of moral status come in and there are several theories between Marco, Dr.
According to Dr Wilson, the scan has revealed that a baby has not developed any arm and may not
develop them and in addition, the baby will have a high probability of developing Downs-
syndrome. Trisomy 21 makes up 95% of Down syndrome individuals. Our own body and self-
awareness is based on this communication and feedback from the brain. In the last 20 years, mouse
models, particularly the Ts65Dn mouse, have been widely used to understand the neurobiological
basis of intellectual disability. Powerful Research Paper Writing Ideas: Down Syndrome.
Amniocentesis: - This test is performed on the basis of the amniotic fluid which can be drawn
between the 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Most of the students were educated in a public elementary
school and the remaining was educated in combinations of home based and private educational
settings. Brandie: Mady interacts with her sister, McKenna in a positive way. The most severe
instances of individuals with Down syndrome have a series of congenital heart issues. Down
Syndrome is the most common genetic disorder.. This is known as trisomy. Down Syndrome
Running head: DOWN SYNDROME Down Syndrome In APA Style Down Syndrome 2 Charles
Darwin, a famous evolutionist, Arthur Miller, a famous American playright, Eva Longoria, a well-
known actress and Jamie Foxx, a hip-hop artist. A number of studies have indicated that down
syndrome can affect considerably the progress of children in their social, academic, and personal
development especially within a standard environment where other normal children are growing and
developing in. Easy argumentative essay topics college level how to write a paper on what you have
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alabama creative writing. Although, there’s no way to 100% guarantee this due to how many
different defects Down syndrome carries. The acrocentric chromosomes break near the centromere
or the middle part of the chromosome and then join together in such a way that the p arm of the
chromosome is lost. I like being different and my Down’s Syndrome just makes me stand out.
Although, research says that age plays a part in the increased chance of a child being born with
Down syndrome. Amniocentesis, Chromosomal translocation, Congenital heart defect 2609 Words 7
Pages Identifying the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity for children with
Down syndrome. As a result, certain cell functions are uninhibited, ultimately leading to the physical
problems manifested with Down syndrome. Adding to the list small children can also develop
leukemia. There is also a test that can be done after birth called a chromosomal karyotype. These
abnormalities occur due to different reasons such as radiations or chemicals. Since the early signs
and studies of Down syndrome, technology has come a long way. Down syndrome. I asked her if I
could ask her some questions about Down syndrome and she happily. Mosaicism Down syndrome
otherwise known as Mosaic Down syndrome happens when there is a mixture of two types of cells.
While a variety of treatment options exist for Down syndrome, the most comprehensive approaches
to the disorder occur through education. As a result, they have a combination of features typical of
Down Syndrome, including some degree of cognitive disability, as well as other developmental
delays. One of the reasons I chose this topic is, I’m going into the health profession. My. Down
Syndrome has been associated with mental progress, growth impairment and some facial
characteristics. It doesn’t mean that a person with Down’s syndrome will have all of these
symptoms. They may have one or a combination of them or maybe even not at all. The results can
lead to developmental delays in the child, disability or health problems, different facial appearances,
and congenital heart disease. How to cite an indirect quote apa what are the benefits of homework
articles business plan scope examples undergraduate assignments help online. With the right care,
people who have Down Syndrome live healthy lives. The CDC reported an increase from 9 infants
per 10,000 births to 11.8 in 10 diverse states of the United States of America. After that age, most
children have access to interventions and treatment through their local school district. A large
amount of Down syndrome individuals also usually need glasses and hearing aids due to hearing
problems and vision deficiencies (Down Syndrome-Encyclopedia of Children’s Health). Antibiotics
and other drugs should be recommended to the individuals so that they do not get frequent
infections. There is a sneak peak into my life, some information about Down’s Syndrome, and the
difference between the three different types of Down’s Syndrome. Chorionic villus sampling is a test
before birth where cells are taken from the placenta and used to test the baby’s chromosomes.
Another study done by Patterson (2008) explores the possible link between folate deficiency and the
risk of Down syndrome for the fetus. The most significant risk factor in Down syndrome is the
maternal age and hence information regarding this risk factor should be spread. Some of the greatest
challenges for this form of education are that it is impossible to entirely ascertain the individual’s
ultimate cognitive abilities at birth. It follows, then, that recruitment may lead to sound intolerance.
This is carried out in conjunction with the blood tests to confirm the presence of any disease or
syndrome. Antagonism Uploaded by IsabeloCruz AI-enhanced title and description Down
Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21. Overall,
there is an accumulation of stress which may undermine the parent’s feeling of control and overtime,
it may deplete their psychologica.
Things I like to do include singing, dancing around and acting out things. Down syndrome has no
disposition to any particular race. Powerful Research Paper Writing Ideas: Down Syndrome. About
15% of individuals with Down syndrome have a condition called hypothyroidism. They may have
an increased risk of GI blockage which is a digestive problem. Most studies have reported that
parents that have a child with disability do experience higher levels of s. Language learning requires
processing sequences of speech sounds and internalizing structural aspects of the sounds. Moreover
patients with Down syndrome also suffer from abnormal immune responses. Ultrasound: - A process
known as ultrasound is carried out to see the baby inside the fetus which helps in seeing any physical
problems that the fetus may be suffering from. Usually children with Down syndrome are diagnosed
at or even before birth, some signs of Down syndrome at birth include quieter than most babies, less
responsive, and weak muscles. This diagnostic testing is used to detect nearly all chromosomal
disorders. This type of translocation occurs in many different types of syndromes and can cause a
profound effect on the individual. Down Syndrome has been associated with mental progress,
growth impairment and some facial characteristics. However, receptive syntax and expressive
vocabulary are usually very limited. We just recently started takin her to the movie theatre and she.
An extra chromosome chromosome 21 originates in the development of either the sperm or the egg.
The problem is further aggravating as the genetic problem has yet not been provided with any cure.
Down syndrome, also called Trisomy 21, is a chromosomal disorder that is caused by an extra genetic
material in the individual. Skotko hopes that the drugs he is testing will indeed help clear some of the
cognitive obstacles individual with Down Syndrome face. Down's syndrome, the most frequent
known cause of Down's syndrome, accounts for only about 10% to 15% of the severely retarded
(Stray-Gundersen, 2005). This extra chromosome gets copied in every cell of the body as the baby
grows. These chromosomes undergo different type of abnormalities during the genesis of human
beings. Most of the time, now would be the time doctors would see the extra chromosome 21 (Down
Syndrome-Encyclopedia of Children’s Health). The commonality between these congenital diseases
is that they are all present at birth. Fetal Alcohol syndrome (FAS), currently considered part of
FASD, was first described in 1973. Compared with their non-verbal cognitive level, individuals with
Down Syndrome are often significantly lower in expressive vocabulary, expressive syntax and
receptive syntax (Abbeduto 2013). Many times you can test for congenital disorders by means of
ultrasound scans or blood work at as early as 10 weeks and on. This extra chromosome is then found
in every cell in the body causing the characteristics of Down syndrome. People who have Down
Syndrome have learning difficulties, mental retardation, a different facial appearance, and poor
muscle tone hypotonia in infancy. Accurate knowledge of these disorders is required in order to
avoid their long-term effects or improve their prognosis.
Usually they develop speech and language skills slower than most children and they may be harder
to understand. They then use the fluid taken to test the chromosomes of the baby. Well, my results
came back that I had a 1 in 20 some chance. My Dr. asked if I wanted to have an. Child,
Chromosomal translocation, Chromosomes 898 Words 3 Pages Noonan Syndrome Noonan
syndrome is a genetic disorder that was once known as Turner-like syndrome. The second is the risk
of having another baby with Down syndrome if you already have a child with the condition.
Overall, there is an accumulation of stress which may undermine the parent’s feeling of control and
overtime, it may deplete their psychologica. Children who have trisomy 21 are at the risk of
developing acute leukemias. Easy argumentative essay topics college level how to write a paper on
what you have learned homework in middle school math research retail clothing store business plans
university of alabama creative writing. NIHs research portfolio on Down syndrome includes efforts
to understand all aspects of the condition including related health problems and health outcomes.
Brandie: Mady has Trisomy 21, the most common form of Down syndrome, caused by an extra
copy of. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Atrial septal
defects and atrioventricular valve malformations are also seen in these patients. First, whereas most
research with Down Syndrome infants has focused on their acquisition of critical social and
emotional responses, our research is concerned with the quality of certain socio-emotional responses
that have already been acquired. Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use a-Z Reference to
Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies. Crafting An Outline For A Research
Paper On Down Syndrome. The extra chromosome replicates in every body cell as the embryo
grows. Hypothyroidism can be congenital or acquired at any time during life. Mastoidectomy refers
to the removal of an infected section of the mastoid bone. I know someday in my future I will have
to take care of a patient who has this. Example research essay topic Information About Down
Syndrome. The project aims to understand critical health and quality of life needs for individuals
with Down Syndrome, with the aim of scientific discoveries to improve health as well as well-being.
Many of these things would not have been possible decades ago. Globalization and postfordist
economic change, 13 I will work through the age of imperialism. She likes getting her hair brushed
and put in a pony and. The condition has various symptoms, some of which are physical while the
rest are biological American. Most people often do not understand this condition and might deem
persons suffering from this condition as mentally ill or ignorant. More than 60% of children with
Down syndrome have vision problems, including crossed eyes. He was the first person to describe
the syndrome in 1866. The effects of Down syndrome on the mind can be witnessed in the IQ of
children. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper.
1756 Words 8 Pages AnatomyPhysiology 1 Research Paper The Upside of Down syndrome Down
syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder that is caused by abnormal cell division resulting in
extra genetic material from Chromosome 21.
There is Mosaic Down Syndrome, T21 which can also be known as nondisjunction Down’s
Syndrome, or Translocation Down Syndrome. Brandie: Taking Mady off the bottle was so much
easier than I expected. They also may have atlantoaxial instability which may lead to spinal cord
injury (SCI). Our own body and self-awareness is based on this communication and feedback from
the brain. When a baby is diagnosed with down syndrome from the characteristics listed or some
other type of testing, they will have it for the rest of their life. All of them come from different
backgrounds and fields of interest but there is one thing that ties them all together: Down syndrome.
Verbal imitation intervention can serve as the foundation for intervention to tech other verbal
behavior such as longer utterances, manding or requesting, and even intraverbal behavior. (Jones
2013) Intraverbal behavior involves responses to questions and conversation skills. The average life
expectancy of a person with Down syndrome is 60 years old which even though that seems like a
relatively young age, that number has more than doubled over the last 30 years with the help of
medical advances, breakthrough in research and speech, language and physical therapy services.
Most kids with Downs syndrome love to dance like me. The studys findings were published today in
Current Biology. 1756 Words 8 Pages AnatomyPhysiology 1 Research Paper The Upside of Down
syndrome Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder that is caused by abnormal cell
division resulting in extra genetic material from Chromosome 21. Congestion of other tissues such as
esophagus and small bowel are also seen in these patients and can lead to death in some cases
(Kallen et al 1996; Robbins et al 2005). The syndrome was first described by John Langdon Down in
1866. Gastroesophageal reflux is when your stomach contents have a backup into your esophagus.
However, several studies done have conflicting conclusions and further analysis and trials should be
done to expound on this theory. Another diagnostic test to determine Down syndrome is chorionic
villus sampling or CVS in which a sample of the chorionic villi is removed from the placenta to
determine if the baby has a chromosomal abnormalities or genetic disorders. Flood, 2010 Causes of
Down Syndrome Down Syndrome was firstly diagnosed in 1866 by an English doctor John Langdon
Down. By age 35, a woman's risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome is 1 in 385. The
authors imply that this study arose as a result of the mainstream integration of children with Down
syndrome in the school system, and propose the examination of peer relationships as an appropriate
measurement of the success of the integration project. Down Syndrome has been associated with
mental progress, growth impairment and some facial characteristics. I may have poor judgement
when it comes to judging things and I have a short attention period. A good positive attitude will far
out way any challenges or difficulties that may crop up while rearing this child. The extra
chromosome causes changes in the baby’s development resulting in physical traits characterized by
the disease. If translocation is found in a child with Down syndrome, it is important to examine the
parents chromosomes, since in at least one-third of the cases, a parent may be a carrier of the
translocation. Trisomy 21 More than 90 of Down syndrome cases are caused by trisomy 21. Once a
child verbally imitates, the skill may be used as a prompt to address other areas of communication
impairment. The age when women start having a higher risk is 35 and higher. Research has
established that short term memory is delayed in individuals with Down Syndrome beyond
developmental level and intelligence expectations (Deckers 2013). It was then in 1800 that reformists
came to know that these slow children could also make progress in the field of education. The
syndrome does pose multiple challenges towards the families and these leads the parents to seek
resources of coping with the birth and the rearing of a child with down syndrome. Clinical Features
(Diagnostic) Children suffering from Down syndrome show a flat facial profile along with oblique
palpebral fissures and epicanthic folds.
Down Syndrome Condition Summary A gene is described as the smallest physical and functional
unit of genetic inheritance. Congestion of other tissues such as esophagus and small bowel are also
seen in these patients and can lead to death in some cases (Kallen et al 1996; Robbins et al 2005).
Brandie: The most stressfulpart of taking care of Mady has been all the therapy appointments,
whether it. Most Down syndrome individuals did not inherit their condition. Mosaic Down’s
Syndrome is when only some cells have an extra Chromosome and the rest of the cells in your body
don’t have an extra chromosome. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Kids with Down syndrome do best in
an inclusive learning environment and I try my best everyday. Whether we know someone with
Down Syndrome or not, it is important as a part of the community to have the proper knowledge
when it comes interacting with someone who has the condition. They are trisomy 21, mosaic Down
syndrome, and translocation Down syndrome. There are many things people might not know and
should know about people with Down’s Syndrome. Sequence of deposition of heterogeneous
amyloid beta-peptides and APO E in Down syndrome. More than 60% of children with Down
syndrome have vision problems, including crossed eyes. Moreover it was also seen that patients with
Down syndrome at the age of 30 to 40 develop the same symptoms as those of the patients suffering
from Alzheimer Disease. These chromosomes undergo different type of abnormalities during the
genesis of human beings. Down syndrome has no disposition to any particular race. Once the
children start using words, difficulty with comprehension and fluency is encountered. You are free to
use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper. 1756 Words 8 Pages
AnatomyPhysiology 1 Research Paper The Upside of Down syndrome Down syndrome is a
common chromosomal disorder that is caused by abnormal cell division resulting in extra genetic
material from Chromosome 21. Another option is microsuction, which involves inserting a needle
through the tympanic membrane and using it to draw out the fluid. This is because older eggs have a
higher chance of cell division complications. Now that I have all my facts about Down syndrome, I
came across a very interesting story that I would. People with Down syndrome have an increased
risk of certain medical problems, such as heart defects, respiratory problems, and Alzheimer’s
disease. Surgery can help with these problems. Timothy Murphy and Marc Lappe. Medical advances
have made significant strides in the treatment of down syndrome. Example research essay topic
Information About Down Syndrome. By age 35, a woman's risk of conceiving a child with Down
syndrome is 1 in 385. This paper considers how to parent and rear a child with down syndrome.
Alcohol is a substance known to be harmful to human development. Did you know you can make a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich and throw it. Families of Down Syndrome Children Research
Papers - Paper Masters. Many of these things would not have been possible decades ago.

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