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Understanding the Challenges of Writing a Research Paper on Electric Vehicles

Embarking on the journey of writing a research paper on electric vehicles (EVs) is no small task. This
complex subject matter involves a deep dive into technology, environmental issues, economic factors,
and societal impacts. The multifaceted nature of the topic makes it a challenging endeavor for even
the most seasoned researchers and writers.

The Intricacies of Research

One of the primary challenges in crafting a thesis on electric vehicles is the extensive research
required. This isn't just about understanding the mechanics of EVs but also exploring the broader
implications of their widespread adoption. Researchers must navigate through a plethora of
information, from the latest technological advancements in battery technology to the policies
affecting EV infrastructure development. Ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the data collected
is paramount, which can be a time-consuming and daunting task.

Technical Complexity

The technical aspects of electric vehicles themselves pose a significant challenge. A researcher must
have a solid understanding of electrical engineering concepts, energy storage systems, and the
principles of electric propulsion. This level of technical detail requires not only a strong background
in these areas but also the ability to explain complex concepts in a manner that is accessible to readers
who may not have a technical background.

Economic and Environmental Implications

Analyzing the economic and environmental implications of electric vehicles adds another layer of
complexity to writing a research paper on this topic. This involves examining the cost-effectiveness
of EVs compared to traditional combustion engines, the impact of EVs on reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, and the sustainability of sourcing materials for battery production. Such analysis must be
backed by reliable data and a comprehensive understanding of both economic theory and
environmental science.

Societal Impact

The shift towards electric vehicles is not just a technological or environmental issue; it's a societal
one as well. Research papers on EVs must consider how this transition affects consumers, industries,
and governments. This includes consumer adoption rates, changes in the automotive industry, and the
development of policies and incentives to promote EV use. Understanding these societal impacts
requires not only quantitative research but also qualitative analysis, including surveys, interviews, and
case studies.

The Solution: Professional Assistance

Given these challenges, it's understandable why many students and researchers may seek
professional help with their research papers on electric vehicles. One highly recommended resource
for obtaining expert assistance is ⇒ ⇔. This platform offers specialized support for
complex research topics like electric vehicles, providing access to professionals who have the
expertise and experience to navigate the intricacies of such a demanding subject.
Ordering assistance from ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your research paper will be handled
with the depth and professionalism it requires. Whether you need help with gathering and analyzing
data, understanding complex technical details, or presenting your findings in a clear and compelling
manner, their team of experts can provide the support you need to succeed.

In conclusion, writing a research paper on electric vehicles is a significant challenge that requires a
deep understanding of multiple complex subjects. For those seeking to produce a comprehensive and
high-quality thesis on this topic, considering professional writing assistance can be a valuable step
towards achieving your academic goals.
Although this possibility is presented as an objection on the basis that it will increase demand for
fossil fuels, if the development of renewable energies continues, the issue of having a clean energy
source for vehicles becomes a moot point. Thesis sentence: The term Green technology is thrown
around with a great degree of reckless abandon these days; as such, the purpose of this analysis will
be to determine what “green” actually means as it relates to automobiles and how it is measured.
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This growth will help to deliver more options
of charging points, further driving the industry towards critical mass. Nevertheless, all these features
are optional, and you can always omit them. Apart from this, we don’t ask for any personal details,
and sometimes require your email to inform you about special offers. Electric vehicles are getting
very popular due to several reasons like environmental impacts of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
based vehicle, rapidly increasing fuel cost and depleting fossil fuel reserves. Fuel economy states,
Electric vehicles emit no tailpipe pollutants, although the power plant producing the electricity may
emit them. However, like conventional gasoline-powered cars, the driving range of an electric
vehicle can vary depending on factors such as driving conditions (speed, stop-and-go, hilly terrain).
This material cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed
in any way for non-personal use without obtaining the prior permission from nasscom. While some
may argue that the power that electric vehicles utilize are derived from fossils fuels, in just a few
years, the world will inevitably shift to renewable sources of energy and in turn, electric vehicles will
be basically emissionless. Electric vehicles (EV) is the multi-jurisdictional program aimed at
promoting the development, introduction or deployment of electric vehicles worldwide. This report
highlights the possibilities of the vast potential that DPIs hold in revolutionizing the entire Indian
economy and the world and paints a hopeful picture of an interconnected, open, inclusive world
with infinite possibilities, empowering each and every one across the globe. The first major step
toward that end would be to support manufacturing and marketing of Electric Cars (either purebred
or hybrid) so that it replaces conventional fossil fuel dependent cars in the country. You don’t have to
look for an essay writer online, as we always assign the most suitable one to cope with your
assignment. Nevertheless, people are wise beings, and they invented such thing as legislation, the
aim. They rely on electric power stations for fuel rather than having tailpipes like gasoline-powered
cars. However, over 40 recent studies have shown that plug-in cars produce less carbon dioxide than
traditional gasoline-powered cars(Kaplan). The process of combustion in cars release large amounts
of heat and friction that results in less energy going to the wheels and more wasted in heat
production. An important criterion for deciding the size of a 3-phase PWM converter is cooling. All
the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. This
Engine Also Have Output Lost, Due to Dozen of Intermediate Parts Used to Transmit the Torque
From Engine to the Wheel. An example of one such innovative development in electricity storage is
the new application of electrochemically produced porous semiconductors and nanowire arrays
(Leisner, Cojocaru and Ossei-Wusu). While most EV’s can travel between 150 to 300 kilometres on a
single charge, Tesla dominates in terms of range, with ranges between 400 to 800 kilometres.
However, as the use of electric cars becomes more commonplace, at the expense of gasoline-powered
vehicles, it is inevitable that more and more battery swapping or charging stations are developed to
meet the increased demand for such resources along roadsides in modern countries that can support
such infrastructure. Sarlioglu Casey T. Morris Di Han Silong Li Engineering, Environmental Science
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 2017 Electric and hybrid vehicles continue to demand a
considerable share of the automotive market. These cars can even run on alternate energy sources
like wind and will demand extremely minimal maintenance. Although electric vehicles are run on
electric power derived from fossil fuels, electric vehicles are more efficient and better for the
environment in the long run because electric vehicles have a smaller environmental impact and don't
emit greenhouse gases on their own. Although this argument works against gasoline-powered cars in
that electric cars are better for the environment, this same logic seems to place electric cars lower on
the totem of ideal solutions, below technologies like hydrogen-powered cars. EV's progress around
the globe has been made and the reviewed assessed.
What if you could power your house and garage with this charge. The topic of electric cars is
currently being discussed, but many people have yet to witness their practical use in everyday life.
Please mind, that the price may also depend on the writers’ qualifications. In other words, electric
cars may ease pricing pressures on electricity wherever they (and the infrastructure to support them)
arise. It is an argument around the world about if they should be legal. An important criterion for
deciding the size of a 3-phase PWM converter is cooling. Dissertation Writing Help Is at Your
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find the energy consumption by a vehicle by virtue of different types of forces acting on vehicle
when subjected to different standard driving cycles. You can choose among such services as writing
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Read Article Transportation Electrification - Stories of electric vehicles in the news. This is
all driven by a growing demand for “electro-mobility” (Leisner, Cojocaru and Ossei-Wusu).
However, it is certain that charging an electric vehicle is significantly cheaper compared to refueling
a gasoline-powered car. By using non-conventional sources of energy like electricity in our vehicle
we can prevent the emission of harmful gases in the environment. That’s why I look for a
professional paper writer every time I need a good paper. It’s important to admit that we don’t stop
our work unless you are fully satisfied. Conclusion (Essay On Electric Cars) India is making a big
push for electric cars. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Let’s take a closer
look at the main types of papers we can assist you with. Experience Electric vehicles are more
expensive as compared to petrol or diesel vehicle. It was really easy to contact her and respond very
fast as well. ”. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. One
of the few contrasting views was that electric buses would drive the charge because the business case
would be so compelling, as the total cost of ownership would be less than traditional models by
2019. Technological; Advancements in battery technology is a fundamental step in achieving critical
mass along with the storage of energy in order to meet demand for recharging the batteries contained
in EV’s. Infrastructure to support the use of electric cars is currently in development but lags behind
gasoline infrastructure considerably, due to the commercial dominance of gasoline-powered vehicles
throughout the 20th century. It consists of numerous data about various energy storage methods in
EVs and how it is different from energy storage of IC-engine vehicles. After placing an order we
choose the best available writer directly related to the subject to deliver a paper written in
accordance with all standards and your requirements. The authors attribute this pricing ease to the
fact that, now, electricity cannot be stored in economically suitable quantities. People are different -
some need different needs, wishes, and opinions. The 10-K report from Tesla made no mention of
electric buses but that would be understandable as mass transport options, while a threat to the
passenger EV, would not be a direct competitor as the consumer of a passenger vehicle may be
seeking the freedom of having their own transport option.
In countries where renewable sources of energy are present, electric vehicles make sense. Contact us
now and we will support you throughout your writing process and make sure that your paper meets
all your expectations. Another potential issue is the impact of widespread usage of electric cars on
the electricity system. Below are certain criteria that you will find in our paper writing service. Zero
harmful emissions, better for the environment. As such, governments are having a significant
positive impact on the development of “green” transport and more specifically, the research,
development and uptake of EV’s. The misunderstanding behind this objection to electric-powered
vehicles likely results from a mistake regarding the amount of fossil fuels burned to power a gasoline
and electric power car respectively. With this design and simulation, we expect to find the energy
consumption by a vehicle by virtue of different types of forces acting on vehicle when subjected to
different standard driving cycles. For the past decades cars have become an indispensable part of
our daily life. But despite the economic and social impetus that such a switch seems to be gaining in
the public mind, there still exist almost insurmountable barriers to a fleet of automobiles on the
world’s roadways powered by electric cars. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
The worldwide increase in demand for fossil fuels for applications like transportation and the
pressing need to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions has fostered the meteoric development in
electric and hybrid vehicle (HEV) technology. Using batteries as a source of electric energy along
with an internal combustion engine (ICE) supplying the average power required by the vehicle is an
efficient way of using the vehicle. Energy can be produced from a number of sources; unfortunately
for the environment, a vast majority of these sources today burn fossil fuels and consequently put
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, the argument that using electric cars produces a net
increase in the amount of fossil fuels burned represents a significant misunderstanding of cause and
effect. Electric Cars and bikes use clean energy and do not contribute in polluting the environment.
Why exactly electric cars lost their popularity is not known for certain. In this research paper I will
answer the question Are electric cars superior and much better than fuel powered cars. As predicted,
vehicle prices have dropped—both the Nissan LEAF According to Navigant Research, “Overall,
sales in. With the increasing rate of pollution and global warming, it becomes inevitable to switch on
conventional sources of energy. Every customer is unique, and we never stop improving our services
unless you are fully content. Smooth and Noiseless Driving In petrol or diesel vehicle, dozens of
rotating parts are present inside the engine. This is largely due to electric motors being vastly more
efficient than the traditional combustion engine, driving a car much farther on the same amount of
energy. The difference clearly shows that the electric cars are way more efficient than the fuel
dependent counterparts. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word
definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. These components can be integrated in
different ways and sizes which results in variation in vehicle design. Expand 192 Save
Comprehensive drive train efficiency analysis of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles based on
motor-controller efficiency modeling S. Expand 457 Save Comprehensive Efficiency Modeling of
Electric Traction Motor Drives for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Propulsion Applications S. India is
leapfrogging from offline, informal, low productivity to a single, online, formal, high productivity
mega economy.
Based on the vehicle desired performances, the electric motor power torque and output can be
calculated. It doesn’t produce harmful emissions and contributes to clean air. Transport has become
one of the secondary basic needs in the world today. The electric cars are more efficient in power
consumption than the fuel driven automobiles. Adopting an electric vehicle will prove to be an
important and ambitious step. A combustion engine is used only to charge the battery. But a long-
term investment in electric cars, as opposed to hydrogen cars, is desirable for two reasons. Indeed,
almost all credible research evidence shows that Electric Cars have a smaller impact on the
environment than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, even in regions that depend on coal for
energy production, such as Texas and Ohio (MacKay 44). In most cases, the custom paper writing
service includes the following steps: Topic research. While there will be close to 150 competitor
models coming into the market by 2025?, many of these will come from the incumbent carmakers,
creating more choice for consumers from brands that are already established and are able to ride out
any tough times in EV sales, as much of their revenues are still generated through combustion engine
vehicle sales. Recently the department of Energy confessed that this was impossible. The automobile
industry has experienced significant changes over the recent past. Moreover, every paper passes
through proprietary anti-plagiarism algorithms to make sure you get 100% originality. Infrastructure
to support the use of electric cars is currently in development but lags behind gasoline infrastructure
considerably, due to the commercial dominance of gasoline-powered vehicles throughout the 20th
century. The good news to get you started is to compile the list of the most popular research paper
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Environmental Science 2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference 2010 Under the
requirements of reducing emissions, air pollution and achieving higher fuel economy, companies are
developing electric, hybrid electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Additional materials, such as
the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered
here. This is approximately 1.58 kilowatt per hour per mile. The paper concludes with sections on the
advantages and disadvantages of the electric vehicle By 1935, electric vehicles completely
disappeared. However the average gasoline powered automobile uses about one gallon of fuel in
every 25 miles. How DC charging is more time saving method than AC and how smart charging will
help to grid in case of peak or grid failure conditions. This discussion paper titled “The Future is
Electric” explores the rationale behind the increased use of electric vehicles in India, the overall
architectural deep dive of EVs, the players present in the ecosystem, ranging from the traditional
auto OEMs and tier 1s to tech system integrators and tech startups, and the various challenges that
everyone across the ecosystem is facing as well as recommendations to further create a more robust
ecosystem and scale up the adoption in India. To browse and the wider internet faster
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and various configurations of EV based on the power train and power source is presented here.
Thirdly, we don’t stop improving your paper unless you’re fully satisfied. Download Free PDF View
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Indexing This paper gives a general overview of Comparisons of batteries in automotive. You won't
have to worry about the effects of gasoline exporters anymore. Furthermore, as the motor does not
run when the vehicle is not moving, there are no idle noises to be heard. Such additional terms are
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Electric Cars and bikes use clean energy and do not contribute in polluting the environment. You can
forget about worries and uncertain results with our experts. Nevertheless, people are wise beings,
and they invented such thing as legislation, the aim. It is safe to make the transition to electric
vehicles early on, so in the future, most of the cars on the road will have no emissions linked to them.
In the 1900s, Some Inventors from Hungary, Netherland, and the United States were working on the
concept of Battery-powered vehicles. The topic of electric cars is currently being discussed, but
many people have yet to witness their practical use in everyday life. Using electric energy for
transportation purposes will help reduce not only the greenhouse gases but also the dependency on
conventional fuels. Thus, our paper writing service is safe and reliable as well as pretty affordable.
Since electric and hydrogen cars are on the same level, it makes sense that a hybrid technology, or an
independent use of the two technologies in vehicles, would suffice. The following report
recommends the use of the Fanuc Arc Mate robot, which is a compact, six axis, modular-built,
electric servo-driven robot which is controlled by the a R-J3. The battery is recharged by both the
gasoline engine and regenerative braking. Electric Vehicles are also known as battery electric vehicle.
More expensive than the combustion engine cars Reduce noise pollution. Moreover, it doesn’t really
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look to invest in new infrastructure projects such as light rail to reduce the load on roads and
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these reasons involve a single principle: namely, that electricity, like hydrogen, “is not an energy
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of energy, a switch to electric cars may provide one step in the direction toward the building of a so-
called “green economy”. Lacroix Eric Laboure Mickael Hilairet Engineering, Environmental Science
2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference 2010 Under the requirements of reducing
emissions, air pollution and achieving higher fuel economy, companies are developing electric, hybrid
electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
They projected that only two hundred and fifty thousand green vehicles could be in the roads by
2015. Susan When I need to write my paper, I usually turn to this service. To increase energy saving
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electric vehicles are more efficient in harnessing the energy and letting less going to waste compared
to gasoline vehicles. On the contrary, hybrid automobiles are as yet dependent on fuel and have a
weak battery contrasted with an electric car.
Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. It reduces the dependency on fossil fuel
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Generation by Energy Source: Total. 14 October 2010. 27 October 2010. But the benefits of electric
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are listed showing current battery capacities of various EVs models. The paper concludes with
sections on the advantages and disadvantages of the electric vehicle By 1935, electric vehicles
completely disappeared. The automobile industry has experienced significant changes over the
recent past. That is, the technology governing the use of gasoline fuel in powering transportation has
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powertrain system for different vehicular application. An example of one such innovative
development in electricity storage is the new application of electrochemically produced porous
semiconductors and nanowire arrays (Leisner, Cojocaru and Ossei-Wusu). Please contact us for more
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Electric vehicles are more expensive as compared to petrol or diesel vehicle. The pyroelectric effect,
by which a material generates an electric potential in response to a temperature change, was studied
by Carl Linnaeus and Franz Aepinus in the mid-18th century.. Read Article Analysis Of The Electric
Vehicle Industry Analysis of the Electric Vehicle Industry Primary Authors publications, research and
technical assistance efforts, we are striving to be on the cutting edge Introduction to Electric
Vehicles. Efficiency of cars play a substantial role in how much if affects the environment and
greenhouse gas emissions. You don’t have to be a prolific writer to create an impeccable article. The
nature of both electricity and gasoline reflect these statistics very well. CLEANTECHNEWS 5,219
views. 5:20. LIM - CONFERENCE LIM - AVERE FRANCE - Duration: 34:14. Electric
automobiles are a powered using powerful rechargable battery which is categorized as clean sources
of energy. Currently, Energy Security Australia and other developed countries import over 50% of
their oil consumption, a percentage that continues to increase.
However, over 40 recent studies have shown that plug-in cars produce less carbon dioxide than
traditional gasoline-powered cars(Kaplan). A consistent and well-structured paper that meets all
writing standards appears in the issue. However, I still do not own one because I generally find
Electric Cars to be impractical. The raw materials lithium and cobalt may see shortages as demand
significantly increases leading to supply constraints leading to slower growth in production and
ultimately sales of EV’s. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own,
that is cheating. Also you. Batteries can make up almost 50% of the cost to manufacture an EV and
is generally the heaviest component used to make up the EV. The process of combustion in cars
release large amounts of heat and friction that results in less energy going to the wheels and more
wasted in heat production. In order to run 80 plus mils, it requires a large battery ie., 18kwh to
36kwh. Comparison between Electric Cars and Combustion Cars Electric cars Combustion Engine
Energy Produced by Batteries. It is worth mentioning that this range is lower in comparison to
traditional gasoline-powered cars. Second, low energy content per volume would require storage in
vehicles to be significantly larger than it is even for today’s large batteries that power electric cars
(Brown). This ensures that the environment remains clean and free of harmful substances that would
cause air, noise and water pollution. Additionally, numerous electric vehicles used in company or
government fleet operations are assigned routes that can easily be managed by today’s electric
vehicles. Stages in the supply chain need to be prepared to handle all the specifics for the electric
automobile. The Benefits of Our Legit Paper Writing Company Support Team Convenient contact
options. Lacroix Eric Laboure Mickael Hilairet Engineering, Environmental Science 2010 IEEE
Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference 2010 Under the requirements of reducing emissions, air
pollution and achieving higher fuel economy, companies are developing electric, hybrid electric, and
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Every academic college writer assigned by our company will
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at all. The DPI model is unique, interoperable, collaborative, equitable, with the inclusive principle
that every citizen in the most inaccessible corner of the country has the same opportunity as everyone
else. Arguments against electric cars, like the arguments for them, encompass both economics and
chemistry. This report highlights the possibilities of the vast potential that DPIs hold in
revolutionizing the entire Indian economy and the world and paints a hopeful picture of an
interconnected, open, inclusive world with infinite possibilities, empowering each and every one
across the globe. Conclusion (Essay On Electric Cars) India is making a big push for electric cars.
The battery is recharged by both the gasoline engine and regenerative braking. Also, due to air
pollution, premature death rates are rising to 2 million every year in the world. You will receive a link
to create a new password via email. But from the perspective of chemistry, there seems to be an
equal amount of valid claims to be made in support of electric cars. In cities like Melbourne, they
even use electric-powered trams for public transportation. In the words of the author, These findings
demonstrate the importance of clean electricity, such as from natural gas or renewables, in
substantially reducing the negative health impacts of transportation (Anair). For the last several
decades, the number of vehicles in the major metros city of the country has been continuously
increasing, as a result, people of these cities are falling into the grip of pollution. Expand 192 Save
Comprehensive drive train efficiency analysis of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles based on
motor-controller efficiency modeling S. Put in this context, the issue of the switch from gasoline-
powered automobiles to electric automobiles takes on even greater significance. The UK prime
minister on the 11th September 2018 announced a ?106 million investment on researching and
developing battery and green vehicle technology.

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