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Taxi Call:

PF Ground, YNV, Diamonstar, 2 POB, IFR to YPPF, at FTA apron, PF 9 DEP, received information
Alpha, request Taxi

After RUN Up Complete, Request Clearance

Before Take off Checklist including an EFIS brief

EFIS Brief:

“This will be a visual/LNAV departure, PFD set to 360 HSI, Course Bar 200 Heading Bug 240, BRG 1
set to AD VOR, MAP Mode Track Up, MFD Range 5 nm, NAV 1 set AD VOR, Assigned Altittude 4000


200 ft, tap brakes, flaps up, landing light off.

Comply with ATC instructions



C: Compass and HSI aligned

L: Complete LOG

E: Engine T’s and P’s Green, Lean for a 9.5 GAL/hr Fuel Flow

A: Altimery and Airspace checked

R: Set up necessary radios

O: Orientation

F: Check tanks, change if necessary

F: Forced Landing Possibilities


After CLEAROFF is complete, Calculate Top of Descent in distance.

Brief any necessary approach charts:

Name of Approach and in Date

Initial Approach Altitude

Sector Entry

Relevant Tracks

Limiting Altitudes

MDA and DA

Missed Approach Procedures



Half way, Revise ETA

8nm until TOD, Complete CAAMRA Checks:

C: Compass and HSI aligned

A: Altimeters both checked

A: AIDS are tunes, Tested and Identified

M: Mixture Rich

R: Monitor CTAF, CENTRE active

A: Approach Brief Given

4nm until TOD, Request Traffic Descent from Centre:

“ YNV, approaching TOD, Request traffic descent down to 3000, Air Work Details when Ready”

“YNC, will be conducting air work at AGROS, surface to 3000, 10 mile radius, call ops normal time 45”

Beginning of Descent, Make CTAF Inbound Call:

“ARS traffic, YNV, IFR Diamond Star, 10 miles south, 4000 on descent to 3000, inbound for air work,
ETA 25”

Descent power: 14’ 24RPM

5nm to AGROS, begin to slow down Power, 21’ 24RPM

and OBS PFD to waypoint.

During Hold:

Make CTAF established call, ‘ARS traffic, YNV IFR, Diamond Star, established overhead, air work
surface to 3000, 10 miles radius for the next 30 mins.

Outbound leg of hold if conducting an approach, complete BUMFFLH checks.


Wherever you are, begin tracking to airwork waypoint, request traffic Climb from ML centre, ‘YNV,
completed airwork, request traffic climb to 5000, standby for departure.

At waypoint, resume own navigation, note time, and make departure call to both ML centre and

ML CENTRE: YNV, departed VILAD time 58, tracking 164 to BLACK, passing 3800 for 5000, estimating
BLACK at time 0634.

CTAF: ARS traffic, YNV, IFR, Diamond Star, departed VILAD time 58 tracking NE, passing 4000 to
5000, ARS.

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