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PAPER—I (Marks-100)


I. Mechanics
 Vectors: Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence, curl and applications.
Q.2. (a) Define gradient. Find the gradient of the magnitude of a position vector r. What conclusion do
you derive from your result? (4,4,2)

(b) Sketch a function V = -yxˆ + xyˆ. Find curl V. What would be its divergence? (4,4,2) (2009)

Q.2. (a) Define a Scalar field, obtain an expression for the Gradient of a Scalar field. Why the gradient of
a Scalar field is Vector? (11)

(b) Given Φ(x,y,z)=x2yz3,find grad Φ at (1,2,1). (05)

(c) For what values of 'a' ,the vector A=2i+aj+k and B=4i-2j-2k are perpendicular. (04) (2010)

Q.2. (a) Why do the unit vectors i. j. and k have no units? Are the unit vectors in the cylindrical and
spherical coordinate system constant vectors? Explain (3,3,4)

(b) Elaborate the hybrid nature of the operatorV . Write the expansion ofV .V V, where V is a vector
quantity. (5,5) (2011)

Q. 2.

a. A vector is given by R=2i + j + 3k. Find (i) the magnitude of ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ components. (ii) the
magnitude of ‘R’. (iii) the angle between ‘R’ and ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ axis.

b. Vectors ‘A’ and ‘B’ have equal magnitude of 5.0. If the sum of ‘A’ and ‘B’ is the vector 6j. Find the
angle between ‘A’ and ‘B’.

c. Find the area of the parallelogram shown with vectors ‘A’ and ‘B’. (2012)

Q.No.2. (a) The Vectors .ˆ , ˆ 2 ˆ 2 ˆ A  2i ˆ  ˆj  3k B  i  j  k   Find the magnitudes of A B A B   

 & , . and Projection of B  on A. 

(b) Prove that ). A (B C) B(A . C) C(A . B             

(c) Are the units vectors in the cylindrical and spherical coordinate system constant vectors? Explain.
(2,2,3,3) (6) (4) (2013)

Q. No. 2. (a) Define a Scalar field. Obtain an expression for the Gradient of a Scalar field. Why the
Gradient of a Scalar field is vector? (b) Given ( , , ) , 2 3  x y z  x y z Find grand  at (1, 2, 1). (c) For what
value of ‘a’ the vector A=2i+aj+k and B=4i-2j-2k are perpendicular. (11) (5) (4) (2014)
Q2 (a) How does a vector quantity differ from a scalar quantity? (b) A small airplane leaves an airport on
an overcast day and is later sighted 215 km away in a direction making an angle of 22 o east of north.
How far east and north is the airplane from the airport when sighted? (c) Explain the conservation of
linear momentum and angular momentum. (2015)

Q8 Briefly discuss any FOUR of the following terms: (05 each) (20) (a) Standing waves (b) Doppler’s
effect (c) Electromagnetic waves (d) Surface tension (e) Components of vectors 2015.

Q. No. 2. (a) State and prove Stoke’s theorem. (b) Prove that if the vector is the gradient of a scalar
function then its line integral around a closed curve is zero. (c) A particle moves along the curve x = 2t2 ,
y = t2 - 4t , z = 3t-5 where t is the time. Find the components of its velocity and acceleration at time t=1
in the direction 2i-3j+2k (2016)

Q. No. 2. (a) What is the cross product of two vectors? Why the cross product is called pseudo vector?
(b) What is divergence of vector field? What is its physical significance? (c) What is line integral? Under
what condition it is used to calculate the work done. (d) Consider three vectors: A i j k B i j k and C i j k ˆ
2ˆ 3 ˆ 1 ˆ 2ˆ 4 ˆ 2 ˆ  3ˆ  3 ˆ  2           (i) Find A (BXC)     (ii) Find AX (BXC) (2017)

Q. No. 8. Write notes on any FOUR of the following: (5 each) (a) Polarization of light and its application in
determining specific rotation of a liquid. (b) Wave equation on a string. (c) Normal and anomalous
dispersion of light. (d) Kinetic theory of gases. (e) Scalar Triple product. (2017)

Q5 a. Show that mass and energy are interconvertible.

b. A spaceship is moving away from the earth at a speed of 0.80c when it fires a missile parallel to the
direction of motion of ship. The missile moves at a speed of 0.60c relative to the ship (see figure). What
would be the speed of the missile as measured by an observer on the earth? Compare with the
prediction of Galilean kinematics.

c.If and are nonzero vectors, is it possible for and to be zero? Explain. (2018)

Q. No. 8. Explain the following: (a) Scalar triple product (b) Surface tension (c) He-Ne Gas LASER (d)
Gravitational potential energy (2018)

Q. 2. (a) Explain the Divergence of a Vector field with its physical significance? (b) A rural mail carrier
leaves the post office and drives 22.0 km in a northerly direction. He then drives in a direction 60.0°
south of east for 47.0 km. What is his displacement from the post office? (c) Vectors � 𝑪��⃗𝑎𝑛𝑑 �
𝑫���⃗ have magnitudes of 3 units and 4 units, respectively. What is the angle between the directions
of 𝑪���⃗𝑎𝑛𝑑 � 𝑫���⃗ if 𝑪���⃗. 𝑫����⃗ equals (a) zero, (b) 12 units and (c) -12 units?

Q. 2. (a) What is the curl of a vector field? Explain its physical significance. (b) What is vector triple
product? Show that A B C A C B A B C             (c) If 3 2 4 ø x y z  2 then find the div grad Ø.
 Newtonian laws of motion: calculus based approach to kinematics, forces and
dynamics, conservation law of energy; conservation of linear and angular
momentum; Dynamics of rigid body; spin and precession; gyroscope;
Gravitation; planetary motion and satellites; Kepler's laws; centripetal forces

Q8: Short note on dynamics of rigid bodies (10) (2009)

Q.3. (a) Distinguish between Linear and Angular Momentum. Explain the law of Conservation of Angular
Momentum. Prove that the Angular momentum is constant in the absence of external torque. (14)

(b) The angular momentum J of a particle is given as J=8t 4 i - 2t 2j + 12t 3k, Find the torque τ at t = 1
(06) (2010)

Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO: Centre of Mass (2010)

Q.3. (a) Can an object be increasing in speed as its acceleration decreases? If so, give an example; if not
explain why. (3,3,4)

(b) State Kepler’s Law of planetary motion. An Earth satellite, in circular orbit at an altitude h of 230 km
above the Earth’s surface, has a period T of 89 min. What mass of the Earth follows from these data?
(4,6) (2011)

Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO of the following: Gyroscope (2011)

Q. 3.

a. State Hook’s Law. A mass attached to an elastic spring is displaced from its equilibrium position and
released. Show that its motion is simple harmonic and derive the differential equation, relation for
instantaneous velocity, displacement and acceleration and plot each quantity with time for such motion.

b. A block of unknown mass is attached with an elastic spring having spring constant 6.5N/m and
undergoes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10 cm. When the block is half way between its
equilibrium position and end point, its speed is 30cm/sec. Find (i) Mass of the block (ii) Time period of
the system (iii) Maximum acceleration of the block

c. A mass spring system is in an elevator which moves upward with an acceleration “a”. What will be the
effect on measured value of spring constant compared to its value when elevator is at rest. (2012)

Q. 4.

a. What are conservative and non-conservative forces? Give two examples of each. Prove
mathematically that work done round a closed path in conservative field is zero.

b. A force acting on a particle moving in XY plane is given by F=(2yi + x2j)N, where x and y are in meters.
Particle moves from origin to a final position having coordinates x = 5.0m and y = 5.0m as shown in
figure. Calculate the work done by the force F along (i) Path OAC (ii) Path OBC (iii) Path OC (iv) Is force F
is conservative
c. Name various forces of nature (2012)

Q. 6

a.What is moment of Inertia? A rigid body of mass “M” is rotating with angular velocity ‘ω’. Derive the
relation for rotational kinetic energy of the body in terms of moment of inertia.

b.Prove that the moment of inertia of a uniform rod of length “L” and mass “M” about an axis passing
through its centre is I=ML2/12.

c.Differentiate the amount of energy of a bullet fired by a gun and a rifle with same linear velocity.

Q.No.3. (a) State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and prove (i) Law of Areas (ii) Law of periods.

(b) Use Maxwell’s equations to derive the electromagnetic wave equation. (2,4,4) (10) (2013)

Q. No. 3. (a) Distinguish between Linear and Angular momentum. Explain the laws of conservation of
Angular momentum. Prove that the angular momentum is constant in the absence of external torque.
(b) The angular momentum of a particle is given as: J=8t4 i-2t2 j+12t3k Find the torque  at t=1 (13) (7)

Q2 (a) How does a vector quantity differ from a scalar quantity? (b) A small airplane leaves an airport on
an overcast day and is later sighted 215 km away in a direction making an angle of 22 o east of north.
How far east and north is the airplane from the airport when sighted? (c) Explain the conservation of
linear momentum and angular momentum. (2015)

Q. No. 3. (a) What is moment of inertia? State and prove parallel axis theorem. (b) Calculate rotational
inertia of a hollow cylinder about cylindrical axis. (12) (8) (2016)

Q. No. 4. (a) State and prove the Kepler’s law of areas and Kepler’s law of periods of planetary motion.
(b) A satellite orbits at a height of 230km above the Earth surface. What is the period of satellite? (c) At
what altitude above the earth surface the value of ‘g’ is three quarters of its value at the surface of the
earth. (8) (6) (6) (2016)

Q. No. 3. (a) What do you mean by circular motion? What is centrifugal force? Explain your answer by
taking an example from daily life. (b) What is projectile motion? Why a cricket player lowers his hand
while catching a ball? (c) What do you mean by work done by the system and work done on the system?
Explain by taking an example of each. (d) A batsman hits a cricket ball at an angle with respect to the
horizontal. The ball would strike the ground at 60m from the batsman if it is not stopped. But a fielder at
a distance 55 m catches the ball at a height of 1.5 m. Calculate the angle of projection and the velocity of
projection. (2017)

Q. No. 2. (a) Show that the work done by a constant force is equal to the difference of initial and final
kinetic energies of the body.

(b) A 25 kg bear slides, from rest, 12 m down a pine tree, moving with a speed of 5.6 m/s just before
hitting the ground. (i) What change occurs in the gravitational potential energy of the bear- Earth system
during the slide? (ii) What is the kinetic energy of the bear just before hitting the ground?

(c) Object A is launched as projectile with initial speed v at an angle θ above the horizontal. Object B has
exactly the same initial speed at exactly the same angle as object A but object B is sliding up a
frictionless incline as shown in the figure. Object A has mass M and object B has mass 2M. During the
subsequent motion, each object will reach a maximum height above the starting location. (i) At its
maximum height, which object has the larger kinetic energy? Explain. (ii) Which object has the larger
maximum height? Explain (2018)

Q5 a. Show that mass and energy are interconvertible.

b. A spaceship is moving away from the earth at a speed of 0.80c when it fires a missile parallel to the
direction of motion of ship. The missile moves at a speed of 0.60c relative to the ship (see figure). What
would be the speed of the missile as measured by an observer on the earth? Compare with the
prediction of Galilean kinematics.

c.If and are nonzero vectors, is it possible for and to be zero? Explain. (2018)

Q 6 a. Distinguish between Linear and Angular momentum. Derive expression for the angular
momentum of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis. Explain the Law of Conservation of Angular

b. A girl of mass M stands on the rim of a frictionless merry-go-round of radius R and rotational inertia I
that is not moving. She throws a rock of mass m horizontally in a direction that is tangent to the outer
edge of the merry-goround. The speed of the rock, relative to the ground, is v. Afterward, what are (i)
the angular speed of the merry-go-round and (ii) the linear speed of the girl?

c. A planet is moving at constant speed in a circular orbit around a star. In one complete orbit, what is
the net amount of work done on the planet by the star’s gravitational force? What if the planet’s orbit is
an ellipse, so that the speed is not constant? Explain.(2018)

Q. No. 8. Explain the following: (a) Scalar triple product (b) Surface tension (c) He-Ne Gas LASER (d)
Gravitational potential energy (2018)

Q. 3. (a) Distinguish between Linear and Angular momentum. Explain the laws of conservation of
Angular momentum. (b) Estimate the net force needed to accelerate (i) a 1000kg car at ½ g; (ii) a 200g
apple at the same rate. (c) A vertical force is applied to a block of mass m that lies on a floor. What
happens to the magnitude of the normal force on the block from the floor as magnitude F is increased
from zero if force is (a) downward and (b) upward? (2019)

Q. 8. Write the short notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each) (a) Gyrocope (b) Classical Maxwell-
Boltzmann Statistics (c) Spin and Precession (2019)
Q. 3. (a) State and explain Kelper’s law of areas. (b) 6 r   8.00 1 0 A spaceship of mass m = 4.50 × 103
kg is in a circular Earth orbit of radius m and period To = 118.6 min = 7.119 × 103 s when a thruster is
fired in the forward direction to decrease the speed to 96.0% of the original speed. What is the period T
of the resulting elliptical orbit? (c) Which has greater magnitude, the angular momentum of the Earth
(relative to its Q. 4. (a) center) associated with its rotation on its axis or the angular momentum of the
Earth (relative to the center of its orbit) associated with its orbital motion around the Sun? (2020)

 Special theory of relativity: Michelson-Morley experiment and Einstein’s

postulates; Lorentz transformation; time dilation and length contraction;
equivalence of mass and energy.
Q.3. (a) What is theory of relativity? Consider two inertial frames, A and B, with axes parallel and origins
O,O’ coinciding at t = t’ = 0 and B moving with uniform velocity v along x-axis of A. Letting 1 [1 ( )], 2 2 γ =
− v c the Lorenz transformation A → B is x’ = γ(x – vt), y’ = y, z’ = z, t’= γ(t – vx/c2 ). From the principle of
equivalence of inertial frames infer the inverse Lorenz transformation B → A. (8,4)

(b) We can write one of Maxwell’s equation of B in inertial frame 1 as B. d11 = μ0 (ε0 ∂φE1/∂t1=i1).
Write it in inertial frame 2 according to Einstein’s principle of relativity. Does B1 = B2? (4,4) (2009)

Q.4. (a) Discuss in detail the relativity of mass, time and length. (05)

(b) What is time dilation? Explain with example. (11)

(c) When we say that a clock in moving frame runs slower than a clock in a stationary frame. What does
it mean? (04) (2010)

Q.4. (a) State the relativistic effect on mass, length and time. Describe the Einstein’s postulates of
relativity. (3,3,3,3)

(b) What is the total energy E of a 2.53-MeV electron? (When an energy is used as an adjective, it refers
to the kinetic energy of the particle; here K = 2.53 MeV.) (8) (2011)

Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO of the following: Michelson-Morely experiment (2011)

Q. 7. (a) Differentiate between the special and general theory of relativity. Write the basic postulates of
special theory of relativity. An event occurs at a point (x,y,z) at time “t” in a frame of reference “S”.

(b) Using Lorentz Transformation, derive the coordinate (x, y,z) and “t ” of the event observed in a
frame “S ”moving relative to “S” with a constant speed “U” in positive X-direction.

(c) Differentiate between Inertial and Non-Inertial Frames of reference. (2,4) (10) (4) (2012)
Q.No.6. (a) Describe the Postulates of relativity. Show the relativistic effect on mass, length and time. (b)
What is the total energy E of a 2.53 Mev electron? When an energy is used as an adjective, it refers to
the Kinetic energy of the particle, here K= 2.53 Mev. (3,3,3,3) (8) (2013)

Q.No.7. (a) Derive the expressions of position and time coordinates in frame S relative to S (Lorentz
Transformation). (b) Derive the Bernoulli’s equation of a steady flow. (12) (8) (2013)

Q. No. 5. (a) Describe Einstein’s postulates of special theory of Relativity. (b) Establish the Mass-Energy
relationship. (c) What is the speed of the air craft whose clock runs one second slow per hour, relative to
a clock on the earth [C=3x108m/sec] (10) (6) (4) (2014)

Q3 (a) Describe Michelson-Morley experiment and show how negative results obtained from this
experiment were interpreted? (b) What is time dilation in special relativity? Obtain an expression for
time dilation regarding time interval between two events measured from two different inertial frames.

Q.4 (a) What is length contraction in special theory of relativity? (b) What are isothermal and adiabatic
changes? Explain with volume pressure diagram. (c) Define the term Coherence. Drive an Expression for
the Coherence length of a wave train that has a frequency bandwidth ∆ν. (2015)

Q.5 (a) Distinguish between the resolving power and the magnifying power of a Telescope. (b) Discuss
the applications of First Law of Thermodynamics. (c) Describe the Galileo’s principles of relativity. (2015)

Q. 4. (a) Describe the Michelson - Morley Experiment and show how negative results obtained from this
experiment were interpreted? (b) Derive equation of Lorentz velocity transformations and show that
speed of light is independent of the relative motion between the frames of reference. (10) (10) (20)

Q. 4 Explain the equivalence of mass and energy. (b) Explain two tests of time dilation i.e microscopic
and macroscopic clocks. (c) The mean lifetime of stationary muons is measured to be 2.2000 ms. The
mean lifetime of high-speed muons in a burst of cosmic rays observed from Earth is measured to be
16.000 μs. To five significant figures, what is the speed parameter b of these cosmic-rays muons relative
to Earth? (2020)

II. Fluid Mechanics

 Surface tension; Viscosity; Elasticity; fluid motion and Bernoulli’s theorem.
Q.4. (a) State and prove Bernoulli’s Theorem. (12)

(b) If the speed of flow past the lower surface of an airplane wing is 110 m/s. What speed of flow over
the upper surface will give a pressure difference of 900 Pa between upper and lower surface? Take the
density of air to be 1.3×10-3 g/cm3 . (8) (2009)

Q.5. (a) Differentiate between Streamline and turbulent motion of a liquid. (03)
(b) What is "Coefficient of viscosity"? Explain in detail the Stoke's law applicable in determining the
coefficient of viscosity of a Viscous liquid experimentally. (14)

(c) Why do automanufacturers recommend using different viscosities of Engine oil in cold and hot
climate. (03) (2010)

Q.5. (a) State Bernoulli’s Theorem. A spherical, helium-filled balloon has a radius R of 12.0 m. The
balloon, support cables and basket have a mass m of 196 kg. What maximum load M can the balloon
carry? Take density of helium = 0.160 kg/m3 and density of air = 1.25 kg/m3 (4,6)

(b) Briefly describe the concept of surface tension? How can you evaluate the surface tension of a liquid
experimentally? (4,6) (2011)

Q. 5.

(a) Differentiate between Laminar and Turbulent flow. Derive Bernoulli’s equation for an incompressible
and non-viscous fluid flowing through a non-uniform pipe and show that the sum of pressure, Kinetic
energy per unit mass and potential energy per unit mass at one point is the same as the sum of these
quantities at another point with different cross-sectional area.

(b) A horizontal constricted pipe as shown in figure

is called a Venturi Tube and can be used to measure the flow speed of an incompressible fluid. Derive
the relation for flow speed at point (2) if pressure difference (P1-P2) is known.

C. Why the speed of water in the middle of smooth flowing stream is high than its speed on the sides.

Q.No.7. (a) Derive the expressions of position and time coordinates in frame S relative to S (Lorentz
Transformation). (b) Derive the Bernoulli’s equation of a steady flow. (12) (8) (2013)

Q. No. 6. (a) Distinguish between streamline and turbulent motion of a liquid. (b) What is “Coefficient of
Viscosity”? Explain in detail the Stoke’s law applicable in determining the coefficient of viscosity of a
viscous liquid experimentally. (c) Why do automanufacturers recommend using different viscosities of
Engine oil in cold and hot climate? (3) (14) (3) (2014)

Q.6 (a) What is a LASER? Explain with neat diagram the process of absorption of light, spontaneous
emission and stimulated emission of light. (b) Explain with the help of energy level diagram how
stimulated emission results from electron impact of He-Ne Gas LASER? (c) Explain how the viscosity of a
given liquid is determined using Stokes’s method experimentally? (2015)

Q8 Briefly discuss any FOUR of the following terms: (05 each) (20) (a) Standing waves (b) Doppler’s
effect (c) Electromagnetic waves (d) Surface tension (e) Components of vectors 2015.

Q. No. 6. (a) Derive equation of Lorentz velocity transformations and show that speed of light is
independent of the relative motion between the frames of reference. (b) The siren of a police car emits
a source tone at a frequency of 1125 Hz. Find the frequency that would you receive in your car under
the following circumstances. (i) Your car at rest, police car moving towards you at 29 m/s. (ii) Police car
at rest , your car moving towards it at 29 m/s. (iii) Your and police car are moving towards one another
at 14.5 m/s. (iv) Your car moving at 9 m/s, police car chasing behind you at 38 m/s. (2016)

Q. No. 8. Explain any FOUR of the following terms. (05 each) (a) Doppler’s Effect (b) Bernoulli’s theorem
(c) Newton’s rings (d) He-Ne Gas LASER (e) Brownian motion (2016)

Q. No. 6. (a) What is viscosity? Discuss effect of temperature on the viscosity of liquids and gases. (b)
Differentiate between streamline and turbulent flow and establish equation of continuity. (c) Explain
why the level of mercury is down in capillary when placed in container of mercury, while it is up in the
capillary in case of water? (d) A garden hose has an inside diameter of 2 cm and water flows through it is
at 3 m/s. (i) What nozzle diameter is required for the water to emerge at 10 m/s? (ii) At what rate does
the water leave the nozzle? (2017)

Q4 a. What is polarization? Discuss polarization by reflection.

b. Light of wavelength 624 nm is incident perpendicularly on a soap film (n = 1.33) suspended in air.
What are the (i) least and (ii) second least thicknesses of the film for which the reflections from the film
undergo fully constructive interference?

c. A maintenance crew is working on a section of a three lane highway, leaving only one lane open to
traffic. The result is much slower traffic flow (a traffic jam). Do cars on a highway behave like (i) the
molecules of an incompressible fluid or (ii) the molecules of a compressible fluid? Explain (2018)

Q. No. 8. Explain the following: (a) Scalar triple product (b) Surface tension (c) He-Ne Gas LASER (d)
Gravitational potential energy (2018)

Q. 5. (a) What is surface tension? How surface tension is responsible for rising of liquid in capillaries? (b)
Water circulates throughout a house in a hot-water heating system. If the water is pumped at a speed of
0.50 m/s through a 4.0cm diameter pipe in the basement under a pressure of 3.0 atm, what will be the
flow speed and pressure in a 2.6cm diameter pipe on the second floor 5.0 m above? Assume the pipes
do not divide into branches. (c) When blood pressure is measured, why must the cuff be held at the
level of the heart? (10) (5) (5) (20) (2019)

Q. 5. (a) What is viscosity? Explain in detail. What is the effect of temperature on viscosity? (b) Caster oil,
which has a density of 0.96 × 103 kg/m3 at room temperature, is forced through a pipe of circular cross
section by a pump that maintains a gauge pressure of 950 Pa. The pipe has a diameter of 2.6 cm and a
length of 65 cm. The castor oil emerging from the free end of the pipe at atmospheric pressure is
collected. After 90 s, a total of 1.23 kg has been collected. What is the coefficient of viscosity of the
castor oil at this temperature? (c) A liquid flows through a horizontal pipe whose inner radius is 2.52 cm.
The pipe bends upward through a height of 11.5 m where it widens and joins another horizontal pipe of
inner radius 6.14 cm. What must the volume flux be if the pressure in the two horizontal pipes is the
same? (2020)
III. Waves and Oscillations, Optics
 Free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom; forced and damped
oscillations and phenomenon of resonance; Simple harmonic motion; Traveling waves and
transmission of energy; Phase and Group velocity; standing waves; Basics of sound waves.

Q.5. (a) Describe waves and its types. Derive an expression for speed of wave on a stretched string by
Newton’s second law. (4,8)
(b) The equation of a transverse wave on a string is Y = (2mm) sin [(20m-1)x – (600s-1)t]. The tension in
the string is 15N. (i) What is the wave speed? (ii) Find the linear density of this string in grams/meter.
(4,4) (2009)

Q.6. (a) Differentiate between the phase velocity and the group velocity. Sound waves can be used to
measure the speed at which blood flows in artries and veins. Explain how? (4,6)

(b) Use Maxwell’s equations to derive the electromagnetic wave equation. (10) (2011)

Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO of the following: Travelling and standing waves (2011)

Q.No.3. (a) State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and prove (i) Law of Areas (ii) Law of periods. (b) Use
Maxwell’s equations to derive the electromagnetic wave equation. (2,4,4) (10) (2013)

Q.No.4. (a) What is Doppler’s effect? Derive expressions of frequency of sound heard by observer when:
(i) The observer moving towards a stationary source (ii) The source is moving towards a stationary

(b) A stationary observer detects sound of frequency 250 hertz emitted from a source at rest. He detects
sound of frequency 750 hertz when source is moving towards him with constant velocity. Determine
velocity of sound. (Velocity of sound = 341 m/Sec.) (2,6,6) (6) (2013)

Q.No.8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: Travelling and Standing Waves (2013)

Q8 Briefly discuss any FOUR of the following terms: (05 each) (20) (a) Standing waves (b) Doppler’s
effect (c) Electromagnetic waves (d) Surface tension (e) Components of vectors 2015.

Q. No. 6. (a) Derive equation of Lorentz velocity transformations and show that speed of light is
independent of the relative motion between the frames of reference. (b) The siren of a police car emits
a source tone at a frequency of 1125 Hz. Find the frequency that would you receive in your car under
the following circumstances. (i) Your car at rest, police car moving towards you at 29 m/s. (ii) Police car
at rest , your car moving towards it at 29 m/s. (iii) Your and police car are moving towards one another
at 14.5 m/s. (iv) Your car moving at 9 m/s, police car chasing behind you at 38 m/s.(2016)

Q. No. 7. (a) Define Entropy. State Second law of thermodynamics in terms of Entropy. (b) Discuss
applications of First Law of thermodynamics. (c) Discuss briefly the Lissajous patterns. (8) (6) (6) (2016)
Q. No. 8. Explain any FOUR of the following terms. (05 each) (a) Doppler’s Effect (b) Bernoulli’s theorem
(c) Newton’s rings (d) He-Ne Gas LASER (e) Brownian motion (2016)

Q. No. 4. (a) What do you mean by phase and group velocity? Derive a relation between a group and
phase velocity. (b) What is superposition of waves? Show that the standing waves are produced by the
superposition of two waves of equal amplitudes moving in opposite direction. (c) A medium is disturbed
by an oscillation described by, Y = 3.0cm sin(πx/10cm) cos (50πt) Determine the amplitude, frequency,
wavelength, speed and direction of the component waves whose superposition produces this result. (d)
If light of λ = 660nm has wave train 20λ, what is its coherence length and coherence time? (7) (7) (3) (3)
(20) (2017)

Q. No. 8. Write notes on any FOUR of the following: (5 each) (a) Polarization of light and its application in
determining specific rotation of a liquid. (b) Wave equation on a string. (c) Normal and anomalous
dispersion of light. (d) Kinetic theory of gases. (e) Scalar Triple product. (2017)

Q3 a Derive the expression for the total mechanical energy in simple harmonic motion. Draw and discuss
the graphs of Energy versus Time and Energy versus Position.

b. In the figure shown below, two strings have been tied together with a knot and then stretched
between two rigid supports. The strings have linear densities 4 1 1.4 10− µ = × kg/m and 4 2 2.8 10− µ =
× kg/m. Their lengths are 3 1L = m and 2 2 L = m, and string 1 is under a tension of 400 N.
Simultaneously, on each string a pulse is sent from the rigid support end, toward the knot. Which pulse
reaches the knot first?

c. A mass-spring system is oscillating with amplitude A. What will be the displacement at which kinetic
energy is equal to the potential energy? 2018

Q. 6. (a) What is polarization of waves? How plane polarized light can be obtained by a polarization
sheet. (b) Two flat mirrors are perpendicular to each other. An incoming beam of light makes an angle of
15° with the first mirror. What angle will the outgoing beam make with the second mirror? (c) Since the
density of air decreases with an increase in temperature, but the bulk modulus B is nearly independent
of temperature. How would you expect the speed of sound waves in air to vary with temperature?

Q. 6. (a) What is damped harmonic oscillator? Write its equation of motion and find its solution. (b) The
amplitude of a lightly damped oscillator decreases by 3.0% during each cycle. What percentage of the
mechanical energy of the oscillator is lost in each cycle? (c) An insulating vessel containing 1.8 kg of
water is placed on a hot plate, both the water and hot plate being initially at 20oC. The temperature of
the hot plate is raised very slowly to 100oC, at which point the water begins to boil. What is the entropy
change of the water during this process? (2020)

Q. 7. (a) What are travelling waves? Find the rate at which energy is transported by a wave travelling
along a string. (b) A string has linear density μ = 525 g/m and is under tension T = 45 N. We send a
sinusoidal wave with frequency f = 120 Hz and amplitude ym = 8.5 mm along the string. At what average
rate does the wave transport energy? (c) Two sinusoidal waves with the identical wavelengths and
amplitudes travel in opposite directions along a string with a speed of 10 cm/s. If the time interval
between instants when the string is flat is 0.50 s, what is the wavelength of the waves? (2020)
 Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of waves; interfero
meter and Newton’s rings; Diffraction Gratings and their resolving power; spectro meters.
Electromagnetic wave equation; normal and anamolous dispersion; coherence, lasers and
Q.6. (a) What is interference of waves? Describe all the necessary conditions for constructive and
destructive interference. Explain one interferometer. (2,6,4)

(b) Two sound waves from two coherent sources with same frequency 450 Hz are traveling in the same
direction at 330 m/s. What is the phase difference of the waves at a point that is 4.4m from one source
and 4m from the other source. (8) (2009)

Q8: Short note on Laser and its applications (10) (2009)

.6. (a) What is Polarization of light? Explain Polarization by reflection and obtain Brewster Law. Also
explain the idea of double refraction. (13)

(b) We wish to use a Quartz sheet (n=1.54) in air as polarizer. Find the polarizing angle and angle of
refraction. (05)

(c) Why can't we polarize sound waves? (02) (2010)

Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO: Diffraction Grating and Resolving Power (2010)

Q. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Interference of light and Young’s Double Slit
experiment. (2012)

Q. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Laser, production and application (2012)

Q.No.5. (a) Describe the Young’s double slit experiment and find the conditions of constructive and
destructive interference. (b) The double slit arrangement is illuminated by light of wavelength 546nm,
the slits are 0.12mm apart and the screen on which the interference pattern appears is 55cm away.
What is angular position of first maxima? What is linear distance between 3rd and 4th maxima? (10)
(4,6) (2013)

Q.No.8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: Laser production and application (2013)

Q. No. 8. (a) Explain the phenomenon of diffraction from a Single Slit and a diffraction grating. Discuss
conditions for maxima and minima in both cases. (b) Differentiate between Fresnel and Fraun hoffer’s
diffraction. (16) (4) (2014)

Q.4 (a) What is length contraction in special theory of relativity? (b) What are isothermal and adiabatic
changes? Explain with volume pressure diagram. (c) Define the term Coherence. Drive an Expression for
the Coherence length of a wave train that has a frequency bandwidth ∆ν. (2015)

Q.5 (a) Explain the formation of Newton’s rings and show that the radii of m th dark ring is proportional
to the under root of wavelength. (b) What is diffraction grating? Define grating element. Explain how a
plane transmission grating is used to determine the wavelength of light.(2015)

Q.6 (a) What is a LASER? Explain with neat diagram the process of absorption of light, spontaneous
emission and stimulated emission of light. (b) Explain with the help of energy level diagram how
stimulated emission results from electron impact of He-Ne Gas LASER? (c) Explain how the viscosity of a
given liquid is determined using Stokes’s method experimentally? (2015)

Q.5 (a) Distinguish between the resolving power and the magnifying power of a Telescope. (b) Discuss
the applications of First Law of Thermodynamics. (c) Describe the Galileo’s principles of relativity. (2015)

Q. No. 5. (a) What is diffraction grating? Explain how grating diffracts light. Derive relation for resolving
power of grating. (b) What is meant by polarization of light? How can we get a plane polarized light by a
polarizing sheet? (12) (8) (2016)

Q. No. 8. Explain any FOUR of the following terms. (05 each) (a) Doppler’s Effect (b) Bernoulli’s theorem
(c) Newton’s rings (d) He-Ne Gas LASER (e) Brownian motion (2016)

Q. No. 4. (a) What do you mean by phase and group velocity? Derive a relation between a group and
phase velocity. (b) What is superposition of waves? Show that the standing waves are produced by the
superposition of two waves of equal amplitudes moving in opposite direction. (c) A medium is disturbed
by an oscillation described by, Y = 3.0cm sin(πx/10cm) cos (50πt) Determine the amplitude, frequency,
wavelength, speed and direction of the component waves whose superposition produces this result. (d)
If light of λ = 660nm has wave train 20λ, what is its coherence length and coherence time? (7) (7) (3) (3)
(20) (2017)

Q. No. 5. (a) What is unique about light from a laser source, and why should you never look directly into
a laser beam? Explain briefly. (b) What is plasma? What do you mean by plasma frequency? Briefly
discuss. (c) How the blue laser is useful in storing large amount of data on a CD as compared to red
laser? (d) For the He-Ne laser at 2m and 4m distances from the laser, the output beam spot diameters
are 2 mm and 3 mm. Calculate the angle of divergence. (2017)

Q. No. 8. Write notes on any FOUR of the following: (5 each) (a) Polarization of light and its application in
determining specific rotation of a liquid. (b) Wave equation on a string. (c) Normal and anomalous
dispersion of light. (d) Kinetic theory of gases. (e) Scalar Triple product. (2017)

Q. No. 8. Explain the following: (a) Scalar triple product (b) Surface tension (c) He-Ne Gas LASER (d)
Gravitational potential energy (2018)

Q. 6. (a) What is polarization of waves? How plane polarized light can be obtained by a polarization
sheet. (b) Two flat mirrors are perpendicular to each other. An incoming beam of light makes an angle of
15° with the first mirror. What angle will the outgoing beam make with the second mirror? (c) Since the
density of air decreases with an increase in temperature, but the bulk modulus B is nearly independent
of temperature. How would you expect the speed of sound waves in air to vary with temperature?
IV. Heat and Thermodynamics
 Perfect gas, real gas and Van der Waals equation; Three Laws of Thermodynamics;
internal energy; temperature; entropy; Thermal properties of simple systems; kinetic
theory of gases; Maxwellian distribution of molecular velocities; Brownian motion;
Transport phenomena. Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics and its application; Bose-
Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics.
Q.7. (a) State and explain Second Law of Thermodynamics. Prove that Clausius and Kelvin-Plank
statements of it are equivalent. (6,6)

(b) A Carnot engine operates between the temperatures 850 K and 300 K. The engine performs 1200 J of
work each cycle, which takes 0.25 s. Calculate its efficiency and its average power. What are the rates of
heat input and heat exhaust per cycle? (8) (2009)

Q8: Short note on Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics (2009)

Q.7. (a) Define Internal energy. State and explain First and Third laws of thermodynamics. (14)
(b) What is a heat engine? Determine the efficiency of the engine if it takes 10,000 J of heat and delivers
2000 J of work per cycle. (06) (2010)

Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO: Production of low Temperature (2010)

Q.7. (a) Why does the boiling temperature of a liquid increase with pressure? A bubble of 5.0 mol of
helium is submerged at a certain depth in liquid water when the water undergoes a temperature
increase VT of 20°C at constant pressure. As a result the bubble expands. How much heat Q is added to
the helium during the expansion and temperature increase? (3,7)

(b) Two blocks of copper, the mass m of each being 850 g, are put into thermal contact in an insulated
box. The initial temperatures of the two blocks are 325 K and 285 K and the constant heat c of capacity
of copper is 0.386 J/g.K. What is the final equilibrium temperature T of the two blocks? (10) (2011)

Q. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Second Law of thermodynamics and
application. (2012)

Q.No.8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: Laws of Thermodynamics (2013)

Q. No. 7. (a) Define Entropy. State second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy. (b) Show that the
entropy remains constant in a reversible process but increases in an irreversible one. (c) Distinguish
between Isothermal and Adiabatic process. (13) (3) (4) (2014)

Q.4 (a) What is length contraction in special theory of relativity? (b) What are isothermal and adiabatic
changes? Explain with volume pressure diagram. (c) Define the term Coherence. Drive an Expression for
the Coherence length of a wave train that has a frequency bandwidth ∆ν. (2015)
Q.5 (a) Distinguish between the resolving power and the magnifying power of a Telescope. (b) Discuss
the applications of First Law of Thermodynamics. (c) Describe the Galileo’s principles of relativity. (2015)

Q. No. 7. (a) Define Entropy. State Second law of thermodynamics in terms of Entropy. (b) Discuss
applications of First Law of thermodynamics. (c) Discuss briefly the Lissajous patterns. (8) (6) (6) (2016)

Q. No. 8. Explain any FOUR of the following terms. (05 each) (a) Doppler’s Effect (b) Bernoulli’s theorem
(c) Newton’s rings (d) He-Ne Gas LASER (e) Brownian motion (2016)

Q. No. 7. (a) What do you understand by classical statistical mechanics and quantum statistical
mechanics? (b) Differentiate between Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein and Maxwell-Boltzman’s statistics. (c)
What is equipartition of energy? Explain. (d) A 0.5m3 vessal is filled with air at atmospheric pressure.
The air is churned by a paddel wheel attached to a shaft 0.1m in diameter, rotating at a speed of 1800
rpm. A force of 5.0N acts on the rim of the shaft. What would be the pressure in the vessel after 10 sec
of operation (2017)

Q. No. 8. Write notes on any FOUR of the following: (5 each) (a) Polarization of light and its application in
determining specific rotation of a liquid. (b) Wave equation on a string. (c) Normal and anomalous
dispersion of light. (d) Kinetic theory of gases. (e) Scalar Triple product. (2017)

Q.7 a. Differentiate between Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein and Maxwell-Boltzman statistics.

b. Show that the entropy remains constant in a reversible process but increases in an irreversible one.

C. When 20.9 J was added as heat to a particular ideal gas, the volume of the gas changed from 50 cm3
to 100 cm3 while the pressure remained at 1 atm. (i) By how much did the internal energy of the gas
change? (ii) If the quantity of gas present was 2 x 10-3 mol, find Cp.

Q. 7. (a) State and explain Equipartition Theorem. (b) Define laws of thermodynamics. Explain 3rd law of
thermodynamics in detail. (10) (10) (20)

Q. 8. Write the short notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each) (a) Gyrocope (b) Classical Maxwell-
Boltzmann Statistics (c) Spin and Precession (2019)

Q. 6. (a) What is damped harmonic oscillator? Write its equation of motion and find its solution. (b) The
amplitude of a lightly damped oscillator decreases by 3.0% during each cycle. What percentage of the
mechanical energy of the oscillator is lost in each cycle? (c) An insulating vessel containing 1.8 kg of
water is placed on a hot plate, both the water and hot plate being initially at 20oC. The temperature of
the hot plate is raised very slowly to 100oC, at which point the water begins to boil. What is the entropy
change of the water during this process? (2020)

Q. 8. (a) Explain the volume and pressure corrections in ideal gas law as suggested by van der Waals. (b)
For oxygen the van der Waals coefficients have been measured to be a = 0.138 J .m3 /mol2 and b = 3.18
× 10-5 m3 /mol. Assume that 1.00 mol of oxygen at T = 50 K is confined to a box of volume 0.0224 m3 .
What pressure does the gas exert according to (a) the ideal gas law and (b) the van der Waals equation?
(c) State and explain the zeroth law of thermodynamics. (5) (5) (10) (20) (2020)

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