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Laws of Exponents 6.

In a quadratic equation problem, one student

-B ± B2 - 4 AC made a mistake in copying the coefficient of x
1. m n
(a ) = a mn x=
2A and got a root of 3 and 4. Another student
2. am ´ an = am+n made a mistake in copying the constant term
am Roots of Quadratic Equation and got a root of –2 and 5. What is the original
= am - n quadratic equation?
a -B + B2 - 4 AC A. x2 – 3x + 12 = 0 C. x2 + 3x + 12 = 0
1 x1 =
4. a-n = n 2A B. x + 3x – 12 = 0
2 D. x2 – 3x – 12 = 0
-B - B2 - 4 AC 7. Four years ago, the sum of the ages of A and B
5. ( a ´ b)m = am ´ bm x2 = was 45. Six years from now, twice B’s age will
m 2A
æaö am be 28 years more than A’s age by then. How old
6. çb÷ = m is A now?
è ø b Properties of Roots Answer: 28 yrs old

B 8. At present, the sum of the parents’ ages is twice

Sum of the Roots: x1 + x2 = - the sum of the children’s ages. Five years ago,
Properties of Radicals A
the sum of the parents’ ages was 4 times the
1. a1/n = n a C
Product of the Roots: x1 x2 = sum of the children’s ages. Fifteen years from
( a)
m now, the sum of the parents’ ages will be equal
2. am/n = n am = n
to the sum of the children’s ages. How many
( a)
n children are there?
3. n
=a Age-related Problems Answer: 5
If x = present age of a person 9. When I am as old as my father is now, I shall be
4. a × n b = n ab x – 3 = age of the person 3 years ago five times as old as my daughter is now. By
a a x + 5 = age of the person 5 years hence then my daughter will be eight years older than
5. =n I am now. The combined ages of my father and
n b
Note: The age-difference of two persons is myself are 100 years. How old is my daughter
constant at any time. now? Ans: 13
Properties of Logarithms
10. A meeting of several transport group leaders
1. If log b x = y , then x = b y Problems: was held to decide whether they should strike
2. logb xy = logb x + logb y or not. It was arranged that during the
1. If 8x = y , then what is 2 5 x - 3 equal to in terms
counting, those in favor should remain
æxö of y?4 Answer: y5/3/8
3. log b ç ÷ = log b x - log b y standing and those against should sit down. In

log b x = y log b x
( )
2. Solve for y if y = ln e x / e x - 2 . Answer: 2 due course, the acting chairman announced
that the motion is carried by a majority equal to
3. The logarithm of the product of two numbers is exactly a quarter of the opposition. A man
5. log b b = 1 1.62324929 while the logarithm of their protested, saying some of them could not sit
6. log b 1 = 0 quotient is –0.066946789. Determine the first down because there were not enough chairs.
number. Answer: 6 So, the chairman decided that those who
Quadratic Equation: 4. If the product of the roots of the quadratic wanted to sit down but couldn’t, will raise their
equation x2 + 2a2 x + a = 0 is equal to 3a + 6, find right hand. He counted a dozen and then
Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 announced the motion is lost by a majority of 1.
the sum of its roots. Answer: -18
5. What is the value of k in the equation kx2 + 9x + How many transport leaders were in that
Quadratic Formula
meeting? 207
8 = 0 if the equation is to have only one root?
Answer: 81/32
PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE 9. A boy is 25 years younger than his father. In 10 17. Six years ago, Michael was five times as old as
1. The logarithm of the quotient of two numbers years, his father will be twice his age. Find the Jordan. In five years, Michael will be three
is –0.066946789 while the logarithm of their age of the boy. Ans: 15 times as old as Jordan. What is the present age
product is 1.62324929. Determine the first of Michael?
10. Mang Andoy has lived one-fourth of his life as
number. A. 17 C. 61
a boy, one-fifth as a youth, one-third as a man,
A. 3 C. 4 and has spent 13 years in his dotage. How old B. 16 D. 14
B. 6 D. 5 is he? Ans: 60 18. Mary is 24 years old. Mary was twice as old as
2. Given loga 2 = x, loga 5 = y, and loga 6 = z, Ana was when Mary was as old as Ana is now.
11. In the equation kx2 – 54x + 32 = 0, find the value
express loga 0.15 in terms of x, y, and z. How old is Ana now?
of k if one root is 8 times the other root. Ans: 9
A. 3z / x2y C. z − 3x − y A. 12 C. 18
B. x − 3y + z D. x2 / 3yz 12. A year ago, Lea got a crush with Rodel, where B. 16 D. 20
the product of their ages was 156. Fortunately,
3. Solve for x from the following: xy = 12; yz = 20; 19. If 1/8 and –2/3 are the roots of a quadratic
they are now both sweethearts; and they plan
zx = 15. Answer: 3 to marry 12 years after, where the product of equation, what is the equation?
4. Solve for y from the following system of their ages will be 650. Knowing that Rodel is
older than Lea, find the present age of Lea. 20. In the equation 3x2 + 4x + (2k – 5) = 0, find k if
equations: the product of the roots is 4.
x2 – yz = 3 ß Equation (1) Answer: 13
A. 6.5 C. 8
y2 – xz = 4 ß Equation (2) 13. Find two numbers such that their sum
z2 – xy = 5 ß Equation (3) B. 8.5 D. 6
multiplied by the sum of their squares is 5500,
Answer: 1/6 21. Find the quadratic equation whose roots are the
and their difference multiplied by the
x x -2 difference of their squares is 352. One of the reciprocals of the roots of the equation Ax2 + Bx
7(2 ) - 8(2 )
5. Simplify: Answer: 10/3 numbers is… Answer: 13 + C = 0. Answer: Cx2 + Bx + A = 0
x +1 x -1
2 -2
14. In 1930, the following question was proposed:
6. Solve for log y: log 2y3 + log(6/y) = 6.278
A. 2.6 C. 5.8 A man’s age at death was one twenty-ninth of
B. 397.57 D. 125.47 the year of his birth. How old was he in the year
1900? Answer: 44 yrs old
7. Solve for x from the following equations:
15. In a mixed company of Malaysians,
m n Vietnamese, Singaporeans, Thais, and
x x = 100, 000
Filipinos, the Malaysians are one less than 1/3
x mn = 1, 000, 000
of the Filipinos; and three less than half the
xm / xn = 10 Vietnamese. The Filipinos and Thais
A. 3 C. 12 outnumber the Singaporeans and Vietnamese
B. 10 D. 2 by 3. The Singaporeans and Filipinos form one
less than half the company, and the
8. Two students attempted to solve a problem Singaporeans and Vietnamese form 7/16 of the
which reduces into a quadratic equation. One, company. How many Filipinos were there?
in simplifying, made a mistake in the constant Answer: 24
term and had -2 & 6 for his roots. The other 16. Mike saves 20% of his income. If his
made a mistake in the coefficient of the first- expenditure is increased by 35%, how many
degree term and had -3 & 5 for his roots. What percent must his income be increased so that he
is the correct quadratic equation? may save 10% of it? Ans: 20%
Answer: x2 – 4x – 15 = 0

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