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Date:- 26/02/2024

Pune Institute of Aviation Technology,

Subject: Request for Demand Letter for paying 6 th Semester fees from Bank of India.

Dear Respected Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a demand letter from the
college administration for the purpose of facilitating the disbursement of my educational loan
from the Bank of India. I am currently enrolled in the AME+BSC in Aviation program, and I
am entering my 6th semester.
As per the requirements of the bank, they have requested a formal demand letter from the
educational institution confirming the details of my fee structure for the 6th semester. The
loan amount I am seeking is Rs. 55,000 INR, which will cover my tuition fees and related
educational expenses.I kindly request the college administration to provide me with a
demand letter addressing the following details: Confirmation of my enrollment in the
AME+BSC IN Aviation program. Breakdown of the fees for the 6th semester, specifying
tuition fees and any other relevant charges.
Confirmation that the mentioned fees are due for the upcoming semester. This demand
letter is crucial for the processing and approval of my educational loan, and I would
appreciate it if the letter could be provided at the earliest convenience. I understand that
there might be a formal process for such requests, and I am willing to comply with any
necessary procedures to expedite this matter. I appreciate your prompt attention to this
matter and am grateful for your assistance in facilitating the loan process. If there are any
additional forms or formalities required from my end, please do not hesitate to inform me.
Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to a favorable response.


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