Brief For Writers - LetsDigg - by Govind

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Dear writers, please follow the guidelines given below when creating content for LetsDigg:

General guidelines

● Never directly copy text from other websites/blogs. Avoid plagiarism by using your
own words to describe the concept/topic.
● Try to use simple, crisp, and small sentences. A paragraph should have a maximum
of 3-5 sentences.
● Write in pointers wherever required and instructed.
● Do not use unnecessary and heavy jargon.
● Check your content on Try to achieve a score of at least 85.
● Provide the URL links for the websites used for research, at the end of your write-up,
whenever possible.
● You can also provide external links (using hyperlinks) to existing LetsDigg articles if it
helps in explaining the topic or if it's something relevant to the topic.
● Use reputed and credible sources for your research.
● Always use multiple sources when researching.
● Check your write-up for plagiarism using free tools available online. Plagiarised
articles and the use of AI tools would not be accepted.
● Stick to the given structure and word limit of the article at all times.

What’s required in the content?

● You are expected to provide a detailed understanding of the project to give the
prospective buyer/reader, all important information.
● The article should look personalized in tone and style and feel like the LetsDigg team
has actually surveyed and reviewed the project on the ground.
● Write the article in Third Person.

You need to mandatorily cover the following headings in your review article for

1. Topic name (Name of the Project)

2. A little bit about the project
3. About the Builders
4. About the Project
5. Highlights of the project
6. Location and its advantages
7. Amenities
8. Conclusion
9. FAQs
10. References (if applicable)
Formatting Guidelines (Google docs)

1) Font - Arial, Font size - 12 (Use the same font and font size throughout the article. Do
not change the font size for the title, headings, or subheadings)
2) Main Heading(topic) - Font size - 18 and it should be in Bold.
3) Other headings - Font size - 14 should be in Bold
4) The reference URL links should be provided at last.
5) Word limit - 2000 - 2500 words.
6) Please work in Google docs only.

Submission guidelines

● Daily work updates with respect to this project should be made by every day by 11
PM. To submit, you need to share the Google Docs link in your sheet’s designated
column. (Please share the open link with editor access to everyone)
● All designated topics need to be completed by every Saturday at 2 PM.
● Reasons for any possible delay need to be informed at least 24 hours prior to
Govind. (except for serious emergencies)
● Submissions that do not follow the above-mentioned guidelines would be sent back
for changes or rejected.
● If you plan to take a leave from work, on any particular day, please get it approved by
Govind at least 2-3 days prior (except for serious emergencies)

Let’s make each piece of content like a piece of art. A true masterpiece appreciated by
everyone who reads it.

All the best champions!

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