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Trần Kỳ Duyên - 21DH120298

Đỗ Khả Di - 21DH120237

III. Methodology
3.1 Approach Quantity
For the research to achieve high efficiency, the author has chosen the quantitative
research method as the primary research method. Besides, the author also uses another
method, the document research method.
For documentary research method: The author has read and studied domestic and
foreign documents and research articles related to International Marketing to build a
theoretical basis for the research paper. The author has also read articles and news
related to Nike's marketing activities in the international market to understand Nike's
international marketing strategy. In addition, because the author uses secondary data
in the research, the author has researched reports to collect data for analyzing the
critical contribution of international marketing to the success of Nike.
Quantitative research method: collects data and information in the form of arithmetic
and statistical data.The author uses secondary data sources in their research. So, first,
the author gave criteria to collect reliable and valuable data for the article. Next, based
on the criteria, the author finds data sources from the Internet or foreign scientific
journals to collect. The author then synthesizes the data, filters the data, and finally
uses that data for analysis.
3.2 Research Design
Designing an appropriate research method is crucial to understanding and accurately
assessing the role of international marketing strategy in Nike's success. Our study's
methodology is founded on a quantitative research framework to obtain and scrutinize
statistical information derived from secondary sources.
As mentioned, the study gathers data from online secondary sources such as Google,
publicly available research reports, Nike's published materials, and market analyses.
A particular set of standards is implemented throughout the data collection process to
ensure the dependability and authenticity of all utilized information. These criteria
comprise a range of elements, like the trustworthiness of the data origin (i.e., its
renown), its relevance to Nike's worldwide advertising plan, and its current precision
in reflecting the present status of Nike and the more extensive market. Descriptive
analysis is conducted to understand the data structure, concentration trends,
distribution patterns, and shape.
This research design aims to provide a clear and accurate depiction of the role of
international marketing strategy in Nike's success. While this design does not allow us
to gather information directly from consumers, it still offers a comprehensive and
precise view of how these marketing strategies have impacted Nike's business
outcomes on a global scale.
3.3 Research Method
As mentioned in section 3.1, the data used in this paper is secondary data. Secondary
data is already collected and available in books or scientific journals. The author
collects the data in this study from documents, reports, and case studies related to
Nike's marketing strategy worldwide. Because secondary data sometimes contains
inappropriate content, previously collected information is only partially consistent
with the current research objective. Therefore, the authors must collect data from
many different sources, synthesize and carefully select the necessary data for the
research paper, and then use the article.
We chose to study this article from secondary data because the topic chosen by the
author has also appeared widely. In addition, the primary data collection of this paper
is not feasible.
3.4 Data collection
The data collected for this study is based on quantitative methodology and comes
from various secondary sources, including publicly available research reports, Nike's
published materials, and market analyses The process of gathering data demands a
rigorous and conscientious approach aimed at guaranteeing the comprehensiveness
and dependability of the information, as well as its congruity with the inquiry's
objectives and inquiries.
During data collection, the research project identifies and applies the following criteria
to ensure the reliability and validity of the data:

Source validity: Select reliable sources of information, such as Nike's company

reports, publicly available research studies from reputable research institutions, and
market analyses from professional market research companies.

Data relevance: Collecting data directly related to Nike's international marketing

strategy. Any irrelevant or indirectly related data is excluded from the dataset.

Data currency: Having up-to-date data is crucial in a rapidly changing marketing

landscape. The research project collects the most recent and updated data to ensure
our analysis and conclusions reflect the current situation.

Data completeness and comprehensiveness: Gathering data from various sources

ensures that our data is comprehensive, providing a multidimensional view of Nike's
international marketing strategy.

By implementing these specific standards, the amassed information will possess

dependability, authenticity, and consistency with the pursued research aims.

3.5 Data Analysis

In this section, an analysis of various data tables will be conducted to evaluate Nike's
international marketing strategy. The data tables are gathered from multiple sources
such as Google, public research reports, Nike's published documents, and market
analyses. The discussion will mainly focus on the data table analysis to evaluate the
performance of the marketing strategy, the impact of the international business
environment, and the company's internal factors. Firstly, an analysis of data tables
regarding Nike's international marketing strategy for 2020, 2021, and 2022 will be
performed. This data includes critical indicators such as global revenue, market share,
marketing investments, and brand awareness. The values of these indicators over the
years will be compared to evaluate the growth and effectiveness of Nike's
international marketing strategy. An examination of the impact of the international
business environment on Nike will be carried out. Data tables about economic, social,
cultural, and political factors will be used to assess the impact of this environment on
Nike's international business operations. A comprehensive understanding of the
degree of influence and alterations in the worldwide commercial milieu on Nike can
be obtained through scrutinizing and contrasting the values of these factors, as
mentioned earlier throughout the years. An evaluation of the internal factors within
the company that influence Nike's international marketing strategy will be made. By
analyzing data tables regarding Nike's financial indicators, innovation capabilities, and
brand management, an assessment of the strength and effectiveness of these factors in
supporting Nike's international marketing strategy will be made. Analyzing these data
tables is hoped to gain a deep understanding of the company's performance,
environmental impacts, and internal factors regarding Nike's international marketing
strategy. This analysis will provide credible insights and perceptions about the success
and challenges that Nike is facing in the global business environment.
3.6 Limitation

Although this study provides an all-encompassing perspective of the significance of

international marketing strategy in Nike's accomplishments, it is essential to
acknowledge certain constraints.

First, this study relied entirely on secondary data. Despite making an earnest attempt
to choose dependable sources of information, it is still plausible that the data may
contain some degree of partiality or exclusions that cannot be entirely precluded. In
addition, reliance on secondary data limits our ability to dig deeper into specific
elements or details that secondary data may not include.

Secondly, the subject thoroughly overviews Nike's global promotional approach.

However, this field is extensive and intricate, encompassing numerous factors and
variables. Accordingly, it is remote that influential factors were not included in this

Finally, This study ultimately refrained from utilizing information gathered through
face-to-face surveys, which means that we need to have the opportunity to better
understand the views and perceptions of consumers or other stakeholders towards
Nike's marketing strategy.
Despite such limitations, this study still provides valuable and worthwhile insight into
the importance of its international marketing strategy to Nike's success. By
acknowledging these restrictions, prospects for investigation will emerge that will
enable more extensive scrutiny and comprehension of the discipline.

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