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Name: Zenil Sanghvi

Enrollment No.: AU2140215

Learning 49: [Total Marks: 6]

Mention and briefly describe any one method in each of the following modalities that are used to
get the user's attention. Give examples from different products. [6]
(a) Visual [Take photo and annotate]
(b) Auditory
(c) Kinesthetic

(a) Visual:
Method: Pop-up notifications
Description: Visual method which uses pop-up notifications to create an alert, with the purpose
to allow users to focus also on them by displaying a brief message on the screen. The way of
alerts often regards the two forms: either those small windows that pop up over the content
being viewed or those messages that appear at the bottom of the screen. They are
consequently used to inform about essential information, updates, or imminent deadlines.

(b) Auditory:
Method: Notification sounds
Description: Notification ringtones are indicator sounds which separate users’ attention to
inquiries, events or tasks inside an application or hardware. These sounds are meant to be
characteristic and eye-catching, providing different coloring or rhythms based on the nature
and level of notification. Example: The computer announces the arrival of a new email by a
loud "ding" noise, to get users engaged.

(c) Kinesthetic:
Method: Haptic feedback
Description: Haptic feedback is a tactic employing the kinesthetic approach which enables the
users to experience the feeling like touching things or vibrations on their devices through skin
contact. This music is the means by which you grab a user's attention or give a response in a
situation where actions or events take place. Example: The trembling produced by the phone
when an inbound call or announcement notification arrives.

Learning 50: [Total Marks: 5]

Answer the following questions with reference to the video.
(a) What is Change Blindness? [1]
(b) How is Change Blindness relevant for UI ? [1]
(c) Mention 3 ways to reduce the Change Blindness. [3]
(a) It is a wonderful human tendency to overlook the changes in a scene when a person cannot
actually see it even though the changes are big. This phenomenon can occur either with the
person's concentration being defocused or by the changes being so slight and slowly

(b) Change blindness is one of the topics one's studying UI (user interface) construction should
be aware of, as it increases users’ chances of overlooking important changes in the interface
like error messages or updated form fields. These may cause users' errors, they might miss
something important or take longer to accomplish goals set by the system.

(c) Three ways to reduce change blindness in UI design are:(c) Three ways to reduce change
blindness in UI design are:

Shelving big changes to do one thing at a time, alternatively, in order not to break the user's
attention and into the suggested changes.
By featuring changes close to the user, hence they may see them more closely.
Apply such methods as using animation, dimming, or visual cues to illuminate the changes on
the interface, particularly if they are located far from the user's maid point.

Learning 51: [Total Marks: 8]

Answer the following questions with reference to the video.
(a) Why is the task of adding two numbers of 3 digits difficult? [1]
(b) Describe Human Working Memory and its main property.[2]
(c) How Cognitive Load is related to Working Memory? [1]
(d) Describe External Memory [1]
(e) How comparison tables in UI can be useful with reference to Working Memory and Cognitive
Load? [1]
(f) Give an example of any one comparison table from any website. Take a photo and briefly
describe it. [2]

(a) Two things make the adding of a three-digit number problematic: working memory tends to
be overloaded and it doesn't induce automaticity. This is why retaining this type of math
education is problematic. It takes a lot for working memory to cope with both exact number
numbers and intermediate products of addition that can sometimes be too much to wrap
around the mind.
(b) Working memory in man is an interface of the mind which is used to keep in mind the
essentials and what is presently being done. Its principal feature is its ability to hold only a
limited number of ingredients available, which for instance can be seen as the egg carton with
a few openings. Basically , when a job requires that more knowledge than memory can hold be
applied, it might result in loss of some information.

(c) The cognitive load, by definition, is one that exceeds the available working memory and
thus engaging in tasks with high cognitive load involves using a lot of the working memory. A
large cognitive load involves either an instant memory overload or a significantly increased load

(e) Excess load as the mechanism of all kinds of the UIs or tools that help users to open and
keep in mind the information necessary from time to time is called the external memory. It
works as an expanded memory aid where users put off the stress of remembering information
by opting for pen and paper. Digital means such as brown color note taking or comparison
tables are also available.

(e) Tables that show comparison in UI are a good memory and cognitive load management
technique which relieves the users from the burden of remembering very many options with
their features. Comparison tables soothe the understanding process of users through
presenting information in a form like rows and columns. Users would not rely on working
memory in the process of comparison of different alternatives and decision-making only.

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